Yale University Cell Sorter Core Facility Biosafety Questionnaire The Yale Cell Sorter Facility is a multi-user facility where many different samples from various sources that may contain known or unknown human pathogens are processed. The safety of the staff and of users of the facility is of ultimate concern. Information about the sample sources and potentially infectious agents is critical for effective biosafety measures. To track and prepare for potentially infectious samples submitted to the Cell Sorter Core this sample information form must be filled out completely. The same biosafety questionnaire will be kept on file provided none of the information it contains has changed. It is the responsibility of the Investigator to make sure that an upto-date questionnaire is on file. Failure to comply may result in a delayed or cancelled sort. Appropriate biosafety approval of experiments prior to sample submission to the core laboratory is required. BSL-3 material can only be sorted on the LEPH FACS Aria, please contact Geoff Lyon at geoffrey.lyon@yale.edu to arrange a BSL-3 Sort. Date:_______________ Principal Investigator:_____________________ Investigator:____________________________ Phone:______________E-mail:___________________________ Laboratory Location:___________________________ Summary or description of project (provide details related to samples that will be sorted and what will be done with the cells after sorting, limit to one paragraph). 1. Are you sorting human-derived, mouse-derived, or other material?(circle one) If other material, please list.________________________________________ a) If mouse-derived, has the material been exposed to any known pathogens or infectious materials? [_] Yes [_] No [_] Unknown b) If from a mouse cell line, has the cell line been transformed with any of the following viruses (EBV, herpes saimiri , adenovirus, retrovirus, lentivirus, herpesvirus, etc.) [_] Yes [_] No [_] Unknown c) If human-derived, or if mouse-derived but potentially infectious, has the material been fixed adequately to kill infectious material? [_] Yes [_] No [_] Unknown If Yes, then what fixative and if fixed. _________________________________________________________________ d) If live and infectious, what is the agent and the BSL level? _________________________________________________________________ e) If live human-derived, is it patient-derived or from volunteer donors? (circle one) f) If live human-derived, has the donor been tested for any/all of the following patogens: HIV, SIV, HepB, HepC, HepD, Herpesvirus simiae, LCMV, SARS, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium bovis or Neisseria meningitis? g) If cell-line derived: What was the method of transformation? _________________________________________________________________ Are there or could there be any infectious particles released from the cells? [_] Yes [_] No [_] Unknown _________________________________________________________________ Signature Date