Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Introduction • Have you ever felt like you did something nice and no one ever told you thank you? How would you feel? Well, our community is made up of several community helpers. What are some community helpers that you know of, and how can we say thank you? Click Here Home Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Tasks • We must now learn about some different community helpers. – Discoverer – Describer – Predictor – Explorer – Creator Home Introduction Process Evaluation Conclusion Home Introduction Task Evaluation Conclusion Process • We are going to learn about 4 different community helpers and at the end we are going to say thank you to them for all of the work that they do for us. Home Introduction Tasks Process Conclusion Evaluation • The teacher will listen to what the students are saying when they give ideas to write the letter. In order to thank someone for what they do, the students would have to know and understand the community helpers that we discussed and the jobs that they do. Rubric Evaluation Rubric Topic Ideas Given Discussed correct community helpers Discusses the jobs of the community helpers Completed (Yes/No) Home Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion • Now we should all know a few different community helpers and some things that they do around the community to help us all out. • Now, I want to find out which one of the four community helpers that we discussed you would want to be. Graph Maker • We will then write a letter to let the community helpers know how we are thankful for everything that they do. Resources • Desimini, L. (2003). Police man Lou and police woman Sue. New York: Blue Sky Press. • Greene, R. G. (2005). Fire bears: The rescue team. New York: Scholastic, Inc. • t.htm 234-8271 • • • • • html • Online images are from Google Images • Ulz, I, (2002). Fire truck. New York: Scholastic Inc. Back to Tasks Discoverer Community Helpers and The Way They Travel Table of Contents Table of Contents List of community helpers in smart art Mail carrier page Fire fighter page Bus driver page Police officer page Task page Evaluation • Are you guys ready to learn about some community helpers and what they do? Today we are going to learn about firefighters, police officers, mail carriers, and bus drivers. We will find out why they are important to have in our community. Everyone works • Just listen and follow along. together to help each other. Fire Fighters Bus Drivers Community Helpers Mail Carriers Police Officers Mail Carrier Firefighter Bus Driver > ?v=LdtxyLOdn2Y Police Officer Click Here Here is your job… • Now that we have gone through and learned about fire fighters, police officers, mail carriers, and bus drivers, you are going to draw a picture for each helper. You will draw something about them. It could be a tool they use, the vehicle they drive, or something that they wear. After you draw each picture you will label it. Back to Tasks Evaluation • • • • Checklist for Evaluation: Is their name on the page? Did they draw a neat picture to the best of their ability? Did they label the picture? Are these items appropriate for that profession? Back to Tasks Explorer How Many People Can Fit On The Bus? 1 2 3 •Getting ready to Read the book and then discussion about people on the bus •Question/Answer •Description of what they will be doing First lets read The Smushy Bus by Leslie Helakoski Everybody gather on the rug so we can read the story. Now that we have read The Smushy Bus, we are going to figure out how many children can ride on each of the buses that I have. oYou will each be given some bags with a picture of a bus on them. o Each bus will have little bears in them and will be labeled with letters. For example: Bus A oYour job is to count the number of bears in each bus and write the number on your answer sheet. oYou must fill up your sheet with the number of bears for every bus. 1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9… Back to Tasks Name of Bus Number of Bears Number word A 10 ten B 12 Twelve C 19 nineteen D 14 fourteen E 17 Seventeen F 16 sixteen G 15 fifteen H 18 eighteen I 13 thirteen J 20 twenty K 11 eleven Describer Fire Trucks Fire Trucks Fire Trucks Back to Tasks Table of Contents •Discussion of fire truck •Read Fire Truck by: Ivan Ulz •Discuss book •Explore Sparky’s Fire Truck Website •Discussion of features using toy model fire truck •Discussion of movement •Discussion of push/pull forces using toy model vehicles • Has anyone ever seen a fire truck? • Does anyone know some of the features of a fire truck? • Now we are going to read Fire Truck by: Ivan Ulz. • As we read this story, I want everyone to look at the fire trucks and notice some of the things that are on a fire truck! • Now, I want someone to raise their hand and tell me a feature they saw on a fire truck in the story…….. • To get some more information on the features of a fire truck, we are going to look at a website. • Explore Sparky's Fire Truck! • There is a toy model of a fire truck. Raise your hand to tell me a feature of a fire truck and describe what it does. You can use the toy model of the fire truck to show the class what feature you are talking about. Movement • Since we have learned about the features of a fire truck, we are going to talk about how you can move it. Motion Push Pull Roll • Does a fire truck move? • How can you move a fire truck? • Watch me…… • What am I doing? • Everyone has a model car in front of them. A model car can do the same movements as the model fire truck that we have. I want everyone to push their model car. • Now I want everyone to pull back on their model car. • So, some one tell me the difference between a push and a pull. • If you push something, what happens to it? • If you pull something, what happens to it? Back to Tasks Conclusion • So, a fire truck has many different features that make it up. All of the features are very important to it. We also looked at the movement of a fire truck. You do not have to be driving the vehicle to move it. Like we did, you can push and pull a model vehicle to make it move just as if you were driving it! Back to Tasks Predictor Table of Contents Predicting Read Policeman Lou and Policewoman Sue Discuss predictions that were made Draw a picture of what the story was about Predicting • If we make a prediction, what are we doing? • With a prediction, we are saying what we think might happen based on what we know or see. Predicting with Reading • Before we begin to read a book, we can predict what we think might happen. • We can read the title and look at the pictures that are in the book. • Once we have done that, then we can predict what we think might happen in the story! • Read the title Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 • Look at the pictures • Predict what might happen • But first, I am going to flip through the pages of the book. As I do that, I want everyone to look at the pictures. • Raise your hand and tell me what you think might happen in the story (your prediction) based on the title and the pictures that you saw. • As the story is being read, I want everyone to follow along and pay close attention. • Now that we have read the story, were your predictions right? • Raise your hand and tell me how your prediction and the story were either the same or different. Back to Tasks Drawing • Everyone is going to draw a picture of what the story was about. Remember to include many details and color the picture. • Your picture can be anything that you remember from the story that we just read. Creator Back to Tasks Table of Contents Read Fire Bears: The Rescue Team Discuss labeling and use of letter sounds Draw a picture from the story Label the picture Color the picture • Lets read Fire Bears: The Rescue Team by: Rhonda Gowler Greene Now, we are going to draw and label a picture from the story. How do we label something? • How do we know what letters to write on the paper? • We have to use our sounds! • I want everyone to think of their favorite part of the story. • You are going to draw a picture of that. • Once you have done that, you are going to label your picture, meaning you are going to write what you have drawn. • For example, if you drew a picture of a bear, then you will write bear. • You must have at least 5 labels written down on your paper. Draw Picture Label Picture • Once you have labeled your picture, then you may color it and then you will turn it in. Back to Tasks Conclusion • So, how do we know what letters to write on our paper? • Knowing the sounds of our letters is really important. By knowing our letter sounds, then we are able to write words and eventually we will be writing sentences, Graph Maker Table of Contents • Discussion of a pictograph • Creating a pictograph • Does anyone know what a pictograph is? • Lets click here to find out…… A Maths Dictionary for Kids 2009 by Jenny Eather Lets create a class pictograph! • Since we have learned about police officers, fire fighters, mail clerks, and school bus drivers, we are going to find out what each one of you would prefer to be! Another pictograph example The Community Helpers We Discussed……. Community Helpers Police Officer Fire Fighter Mail Carrier School Bus Driver Title • What do we think the title should be? Police Officer • Raise your hand if you would want to be a police officer….. Fire Fighter • Raise your hand if you would want to be a fire fighter……. Mail Carrier • Raise your hand if you would want to be a mail clerk…….. School Bus Driver • Raise your hand if you would want to be a school bus driver…… Conclusion • Now that we have made our pictograph, we are going to count each column to verify that we have the correct number of pictures drawn. I want everyone to count with me. Back to Conclusion