1. A. B.

Tugas – Multiple Choice : Input Design & Prototyping
1. The process of translating the source document into a machine-readable format is called:
A. Data capture
B. Batch input
C. Data entry
D. Data input
E. none of the above
2. Which of the following is an example of automatic data collection?
A. Biometric
B. Electromagnetic
C. Magnetic
D. Optical
E. all of the above
3. ADC technology that is based on human characteristics or traits is called:
A. Optical
B. Electromagnetic
C. Magnetic
D. Biometric
E. Touch
4. Point-of-sale terminals in retail and grocery stores frequently use which ADC technology?
A. Optical
B. Magnetic
C. Biometric
D. Touch
E. Electromagnetic
5. Which of the following techniques are widely used to validate data?
A. Existence checks
B. Domain checks
C. Combination checks
D. Self-checking digits
E. all of the above
6. The validation of data technique that determines whether a known relationship between
two fields is valid is called:
A. Data type checks
B. Domain checks
C. Combination checks
D. Self-checking digits
E. Existence checks
7. The validation of data technique that determines whether the input data for each field
falls within the legitimate set or range of values defined for that field is called:
A. Data type checks
B. Domain checks
C. Combination checks
D. Self-checking digits
E. Existence checks
8. The validation of data technique that determines data entry errors on primary keys is
A. Data type checks
B. Domain checks
C. Format checks
D. Self-checking digits
E. Existence checks
9. The validation of data technique that ensures the correct type of data is input is called:
A. Data type checks
B. Domain checks
C. Format checks
D. Self-checking digits
E. Existence checks
10. The validation of data technique that determines whether all required fields on the input
have actually been entered is called:
A. Data type checks
B. Domain checks
C. Format checks
D. Combination checks
E. Existence checks
11. The validation of data technique that compares data entered against the known
formatting requirements for that data is called:
A. Data type checks
B. Domain checks
C. Format checks
D. Combination checks
E. Existence checks
12. Which control requires the user to select a data item's value from a list of possible
A. Drop-down list
B. Spin box
C. List box
D. Combination box
E. all of the above
13. A control most appropriately used where the input data values are unlimited in scope and
the analyst is unable to provide the users with a meaningful list of values from which they
can select is called a:
A. list box
B. radio button
C. text box
D. spin box
E. check box
14. When the user is expected to input data that have a limited predefined set of mutually
exclusive values, which control should be used?
A. Radio button
B. Text box
C. List box
D. Check box
E. Spin box
15. Which control should be used when the item has a large number of predefined values and
screen space availability prohibits the use of a list box?
A. Text box
B. Check box
C. Drop-down list
D. Radio button
E. none of the above
16. Which control acts as a toggle switch on an input value and consists of two parts: a square
box followed by a description of the input field for which the user is to provide the
Yes/No value?
A. Text box
B. Check box
C. Drop-down list
D. Radio button
E. none of the above
17. Scrolling capabilities make this type of control appropriate for use in those cases where
there is limited screen space available and the input data item has a large number of
predefined, mutually exclusive values from which to choose:
A. List box
B. Check box
C. Drop-down list
D. Radio button
E. none of the above
18. Which control should be used where limited screen space is available, and it is desirable
to provide the user with the option of selecting a value from a list or typing a value that
may or may not appear as an option in the list?
A. Text box
B. Check box
C. Drop-down list
D. Combination box
E. none of the above
19. Which control allows the user to enter data directly into the associated text box or to
select a value by using the mouse to scroll through a list of values using the buttons?
A. Text box
B. Check box
C. Spin box
D. Radio button
E. none of the above