Class Project OOD Slides

CS 8532: Adv. Software Eng. – Spring 2007
Dr. Hisham Haddad
CS 8532: Advanced Software Engineering
Dr. Hisham Haddad
Please Stand By …
CS 8532: Adv. Software Eng. – Spring 2007
Dr. Hisham Haddad
OOD for Class Project
Here is what you need to
do for your class project...
CS 8532: Adv. Software Eng. – Spring 2007
Dr. Hisham Haddad
Software Design Documentation (1)
Please review the “OOD Overview” slides posted on the course
website (Project page).
Class project design will focus only on the component-level design.
That is, the detailed design of class attributes (variables) and
The SDD (our last submission) will include this information:
SRS details + component-level design
RUP templates are more appropriate for capturing and expressing
OOD details. Note section names and order may vary among
CS 8532: Adv. Software Eng. – Spring 2007
Dr. Hisham Haddad
Software Design Documentation (2)
Since there no single template for OO SDD, we’ll modify the SRS
template to capture major sections of SDD shown on the
following slide.
Section 6 (object design) is the major section. We’ll expand tables
of the SRS to include more design details about class variables
and methods.
Section 5 (system design) is relevant when the system can be
divided into smaller subsystems. A subsystem should be a major
part that stands on its own (completely functional systems). If it
doesn’t then it is not a subsystem.
Update diagrams as per changes made during the design phase,
and diagrams missing from the SRS should be included.
CS 8532: Adv. Software Eng. – Spring 2007
Dr. Hisham Haddad
RUP Major Sections of OO SDD
Other sections and subsections may be added as needed.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Definitions, acronyms, and
1.4 References
2. Glossary
3. Use Cases
4. Design Overview
4.1 Introduction
4.2 System Architecture
4.3 System Interfaces
4.4 Constraints and Assumptions
5. System Object Model (System Design)
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Subsystems
5.3 Subsystem Interfaces
6. Object Descriptions (Object Design)
6.1 Objects in Subsystem 1
(We’ll use table format as in the SRS)
6.2 Objects in Subsystem 2
(We’ll use table format as in the SRS)
6.n Sequence Diagrams
7. Object collaboration (Process View)
7.1 Objects in Subsystem 1
7.2 Objects in Subsystem 2
8. Data design
9. Dynamic Model
9.1 State Diagrams
9.1.1 State Diagram 1
9.1.2 State Diagram 2
10. Non-functional requirements
11. Supplementary Documentation
CS 8532: Adv. Software Eng. – Spring 2007
Dr. Hisham Haddad
Step 1: System Design (1)
Partitioning the Analysis Model if needed
- From your SRS description, identify potential subsystems. A
subsystem is a self-contained and highly-independent groups
of classes that define a main function of the system.
- A subsystem has:
- a well-define interface (check use-cases)
- reasonable number of essential classes
- classes that communicate with each others
- possibly some internal subsystems. (check use-cases)
Consider organizing subsystems in layers for better
management and control (such as GUI layer, computing
subsystems(s) layer, data management layer, etc…).
CS 8532: Adv. Software Eng. – Spring 2007
Dr. Hisham Haddad
Step 1: System Design (2)
Partitioning the Analysis Model if Needed
- In section 5 of the SDD (see slide #5), provide a description for
each subsystem and its interface. (separate table for each
- Provide a collaboration diagrams to illustrate interactions
among the subsystems. Consider using UML package
notation to represent subsystems.
Note that for small systems, this may not be a necessary
step. Don’t artificially create subsystems.
CS 8532: Adv. Software Eng. – Spring 2007
Dr. Hisham Haddad
Step 2: Object Design (1)
Here, focus on the detailed design of your objects (attributes and
methods) and their messages.
Apply the following activities of the design process (slide #23 of
ODD Overview slides):
1 - Data structure design
2 - Algorithm design
Make sure to adhere to “information Hiding” and “functional
independence” concepts as you design your objects.
CS 8532: Adv. Software Eng. – Spring 2007
Dr. Hisham Haddad
Step 2: Object Design (2)
- Create a specification class diagram: (see slides #14 and 15
of OOD Overview slides)
- Expand the class diagram in the SRS to include:
- other classes and relationships needed for modeling the
solution (those are classes of interest to you - the
- details of new classes (attributes and operations)
- Include the class diagram at beginning of section 6 (see slide
#5), before the class description tables.
CS 8532: Adv. Software Eng. – Spring 2007
Dr. Hisham Haddad
Step 2: Object Design (3)
Data Structure Design
For each attribute (variable) in each class, you need to provide
more information about it (add columns to top part of the class
table, section 6). Such information include, but note limited to,
the type, initial value, valid range of values (upper and lower
values), visibility (public or private), what it represent ($, age,
grade, etc…), and possible other information…
For aggregate data structures (arrays, records, lists, etc…),
define needed data structures (if any) in conjunction with
class operations.
Document your data structures and database tables in section 8
of the SDD (see slide #5).
CS 8532: Adv. Software Eng. – Spring 2007
Dr. Hisham Haddad
Step 2: Object Design (4)
Algorithm Design
For each operation of the class, provide an algorithm description
as a self-contained module. Consider dividing complex
operations into separate smaller operations, such that each
smaller operation performs a well-defined functions.
Apply stepwise refinement, such that:
- define operation interfaces (list of parameters if any)
- fill-in operation body sections
- refine body details as needed
The level of details of your algorithmic description should be
sufficient enough so that the implementer can translated it to
source code without help from the designer.
CS 8532: Adv. Software Eng. – Spring 2007
Dr. Hisham Haddad
Step 3: Object Collaboration
In section 7 of the SDD (see slide #5), provide description of
collaborations between objects of each subsystems (if
subsystems are modeled).
Provide UML collaboration diagrams to illustrate potential
collaborations between objects of each subsystem (or the
entire system).
Notice that collaboration is required when a class cannot fulfill all
of its responsibilities on its own (i.e., the class doesn’t have
method(s) to manipulate its attributes). Most common
collaborations are part-of and has-knowledge-of .
Reuse the diagram you have in the SRS and add to it newly
added control objects.
CS 8532: Adv. Software Eng. – Spring 2007
Dr. Hisham Haddad
Please Remember…
- The SDD has to be self-contained document. Thus, it should
includes all the sections outlined in slide #5.
- SDD content should be updated from that of the SRS to
include information and modeling of control objects. Those
are implemented related classes that you did not include in
the SRS (classes of interest to the developer)
- Please update use-case descriptions as you fill-in the details
of the object design (methods and attributes).
- Most design for your project effort is spent on the object
design (algorithmic and data structures details)
- Please make sure to include information and/or diagrams
that were missing from your SRS.
CS 8532: Adv. Software Eng. – Spring 2007
Dr. Hisham Haddad
SDD Submission
Please submit a complete design document. Feel free to modify
any template you choose to fit your project design description as
long as you include the sections outlined on slide #5. You may
reuse your SRS template with the section outlined on slide #5.
Please include references when appropriate.
Please review your SDD in conjunction with your SRS and check
for flow, consistency, and potential updates to the SRS (if any)
Due date: Friday April 20, 2007 by 5:00pm. This is a firm deadline
since you’ll be working on the final exam during the following week
(Monday 4/23).
The cover page should be similar to that of the SRS and to include
name(s), project title, class, semester, and submission date.
PDF format is preferred when possible.