Class Project - Software Development Plan

CS 8532: Adv. Software Eng. – Spring 2007
Dr. Hisham Haddad
Class Project – Software Development Plan
CS 8532: Advanced Software Engineering
Dr. Hisham Haddad
Please Stand By …
CS 8532: Adv. Software Eng. – Spring 2007
Dr. Hisham Haddad
Class Project
Software Development Plan
CS 8532: Adv. Software Eng. – Spring 2007
Dr. Hisham Haddad
Your Class Project
Each of you will play various roles throughout the development of
the class project.
If you project is sponsored or supervised by a client (customer),
please work with your project supervisor/client on a
development plan outlining, among other, the project scope and
project plan as per the posted Development Plan template.
Assume the role of the Analysis Team to analyze gathered
customer requirements and derive the Software Requirements
Specifications (SRS).
Assume the role of the Design Team to derive Software Design
Document (SDD).
After the class, you may assume the role of the Development Team
to implement the system.
CS 8532: Adv. Software Eng. – Spring 2007
Dr. Hisham Haddad
What is Scope Statement?
It is a relatively brief and precise description of the system to be
developed. It is derived from customer meeting documents
and/or system usage scenarios. Among others, it includes the
followings information:
Need/justification/background statement
Input and output data
Basic functionality of the system (obvious requirements)
Constraints and limitations that may be applicable to data
and functions
- Deliverables and Project Plan (Gantt chart and timetable of
milestones and deliverables)
- Others… (see posted article “Writing a Scope Statement”)
CS 8532: Adv. Software Eng. – Spring 2007
Dr. Hisham Haddad
Scope Statement and the Project Plan - 1
Examples of scope statement are posted. Some are very brief
while others are too elaborate. Your scope statement should
reasonably and adequately describe your project system.
Some key point to keep in mind:
- The problem statement describing the nature of the project
should be clearly stated in the document. The solution
requirements should be clearly stated.
- Any assumptions about the problem should be clearly stated.
Any limitations of the analysis, design, and implementation
should be clearly stated.
CS 8532: Adv. Software Eng. – Spring 2007
Dr. Hisham Haddad
Scope Statement and the Project Plan - 2
- The documentation should be reviewed carefully before
submission. Correct grammar, completeness, and precise
description are expected. Relevant references should be
included and the over all documentation should be sufficiently
complete such that the project can be continued by another
CS 8532: Adv. Software Eng. – Spring 2007
Dr. Hisham Haddad
Software Develop Plan
The Software Development Plan is our first milestone.
A revised (shortened) RUB template is posted on the Project
page. Full version is also posted if you choose to use it. Other
templates are posted on this site:
Software Development Plan is due Friday 2/2/2007, by 5:00pm
Please email your SDP to