PGE NITS on OASIS Intro Updated:2015-03-03 15:31 CS

Transmission Customer Meeting
March 3 2015
Sponsor Supervisors
o John Walker
o Amy Light
o Matt Richard
o Johnny Useldinger
o Jonnette Hemry
FERC Compliance & Legal–
o Ryan Millard
o Don Light
Noble (SES)
Shell (CORP)
Each Network Transmission Customer is asked to
identify from their organization a NITS Customer
Lead who will work with the PGE NITS Team to be
involved in building your company’s or
organization’s NITs on OASIS environment here
at PGE.
Good opportunity to get into the nuts and bolts
Please send Name, Email and Phone Number to
Matt Richard.
7/25/2015 - TP deadline to post on OASIS the plan and procedures for
transitioning existing NLS & NITS Customers’ service arrangements to
the new NITS on OASIS templates.
10/25/2015 - TP deadline to provide to the existing NLS & NITS
Transmission Customers the specific information that they intend to
post on the NITS on OASIS Templates representing the current NLS &
NITS arrangements. PGE will be available to engage in informal
communications to resolve any issues with this information.
1/25/2016 - Deadline for TP and its Transmission Customers to have
resolved any issues with the information intended to be posted by PGE
for the NITS on OASIS implementation.
4/25/2016 - Compliance Date. TP shall implement and support all
Eligible Customer’s and Transmission Customer’s use of NITS on OASIS
Identify Customer NITs Leads
Determine Transmission Component
Develop Transition Process
All customers on Demo OASIS
Develop new NITs Business Practice
All Customers on Prod OASIS Version 1
All Customers on Prod OASIS Version 2