Major Projects - PES FAR Processes for Wholesale.doc Updated:2013-08-23 08:27 CS

Facilities Adequate Review – Transmission Planning Process for Wholesale
The purpose of this document is to communicate the Transmission Planning process for
reviewing Facilities Adequate Review requests of wholesale customers with a delivery
voltage of 44 kV and up. The intent of defining this process is to facilitate consistency in
applying the voltage guidelines.
When a Facilities Adequate Review request is received in Transmission Planning, both
Voltage & Load and Regional Planning perform a review. Voltage & Load focuses more
on the customer delivery, while Regional Planning focuses more on the impact to the
transmission facilities. When a review (by either Voltage & Load or Regional Planning)
indicates voltages are outside of our voltage guidelines, both Voltage & Load and
Regional Planning should review the facilities jointly. Studies should be performed
using the existing power factor and the compliance power factor. Jointly, Voltage &
Load and Regional Planning will determine if a solution is necessary, and what the
solution will be to meet the voltage guidelines.
A Facilities Adequate Review Form is received by both Voltage & Load and Regional
Duke ET Facility Connection Requirements Document
The first person to identify a violation of the voltage guidelines will notify the appropriate
counterpart. For example, if Voltage & Load identifies a voltage violation of a wholesale
customer, then they will notify the appropriate Regional Planner, and vice versa.
Once notified, Voltage & Load and Regional Planning will determine the existing power
factor to be used in their studies. Both will conduct studies using the existing power
factor and using the compliance power factor.
Voltage & Load and Regional Planning will determine if a solution is needed and what
the solution will be to meet the voltage guidelines.
Communication of Results:
Both Voltage & Load and Regional Planning will complete their parts of the Facilities
Adequate Review form with the appropriate response.