Southwest Power Pool

Southwest Power Pool
Violation Relaxation Limits used in SPP’s Security Constrained Economic Dispatch
Effective March 1, 2014
Constraint Type
(1) Resource Capacity
(2) Global Power Balance
(3) Resource Ramp
(4) Operating Constraint
(5) Spinning Reserve Constraint
VRL [$/MW]
The minimum and maximum MW dispatchable
output of a resource as indicated in a Resource
Energy needed to balance resources and load.
The ramp capability of a resource as indicated in
the resource plan.
A MW limit that can be imposed on SPP related to
MW flow across a market node, a manuallyidentified transmission constraint, a Watch List
transmission constraint, a flowgate constraint, or a
transmission constraint identified by SPP’s realtime contingency analysis.
A MW value representing the Spinning Reserve
$500 when the loading is greater than 100% and less
than or equal to 101% at each network constraint at
each Operating Constraint.
$750 when the loading is greater than 101% and less
than or equal to 102% at each network constraint
$1,000 when the loading is greater than 102% and
less than or equal to 103% at each network constraint
$1,250 when the loading is greater than 103% and
less than or equal to 104% at each network constraint
$1,500 when the loading is greater than 104% at each
network constraint