ABSTRACT: There are various factors causing ...

There are various factors causing land supply constraints. Among others are government role in the
form of planning (Popetan in Hui, 2004), complex regulations (Dowall, 2003), the quality of titling
registration and tenure security (Dowall, 2003), passive land owner (Adams, 1994), multiple ownership
of urban land (Adams et al., 2000a), macro economic variables as well as physical condition of the lands
(Knaap and Terry Moore, 2000). Therefore, land supply constraint is a complex phenomenon whereby
the flow of land into the market is restricted and hence, limits agents interactions in the market, As a
result, the price of land tends to increase due to higher demand compared to the level of land available
in the market. As such, to understand the nature of land supply constraint, the analysis should address
the knowledge about the characteristics of the land market process including the behavior of the agents
involved in it (Keogh and D Arcy, 1998).