Table of Contents •Meeting Farmer McDonald •Introduction to the Four Seasons Video •All Four Seasons Videos •Georgia’s Average Seasonal Temperatures Map •Average Seasonal Temperature Table •Seasons Chart and Pie Graph •Clothing Changes •Poll Your Friends! •Farmer McDonald Asks for Help •Help Farmer McDonald Measure His Pumpkin •Listen to the book Leaves! Leaves! Leaves! •Let’s Play Bingo! •Wow! Great Job! •Discovery Kids TV Station Ashley McDonald Howdy Partner! My name is Farmer McDonald. I hear you need my help with a NEW Discovery Kids T.V. Show! We are going to learn LOTS about the FOUR SEASONS! So, saddle up Table of Contents and get ready to ride! Next Slide Put on your listening ears and tune in to this exciting video about the Four Seasons! Table of Contents Next Slide Learn more about FALL. Learn more about WINTER. Learn more about SPRING. Learn more about SUMMER. Table of Contents Next Slide Georgia’s Average Season Temperature Summer Winter 85-90 degrees Map 30-40 degrees 40-50 degrees 90-95 degrees 50-60 degrees 95-100 degrees Summer Fall July October Winter May December June Table of Contents August September Timeline November Next Slide Average Seasonal Temperature in Georgia This is called a table. Table of Contents Winter 31° average low 64° average high Spring 42° average low 78° average high Summer 66° average low 87° average high Fall 64° average low 64° average high Next Slide Winter Organizational Chart Fall Seasons Spring Seasons Summer Winter Spring Summer Fall Table of Contents Pie Graph Next Slide Now that you’ve learned about the FOUR SEASONS. We can compare them and talk about the CHANGES we experience. Please print out the worksheet and draw your answer. 1. If it’s really HOT like summer time outside what do you wear? 2. If it’s really COLD like winter time outside what do you wear? Table of Contents Next Slide Poll Your Friends First, print out this questionnaire. Next, go around the class and ask your friends the questions. Be sure to keep track of what they pick by drawing a smiley face next to the food they pick. Lastly, you should make a graph of the foods people eat during the different seasons. Here is an example of a graph that I made: 12 Food of the Seasons 10 10 9 8 8 7 Icecream Hot Chocolate 6 5 5 Pumpkin Pie Eggs 4 2 2 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Table of Contents Fall Winter Spring Summer Next Slide I’m back, and I need your help. I’m trying to win a contest for the TALLEST pumpkin! It needs to be 10 unifix cubes high to win! Can you help me measure my pumpkin? Table of Contents Next Slide Ask your teacher for Farmer McDonald’s pumpkin and the unifix cubes. Print out the Pumpkin Height Worksheet. Estimate, which means guess, how many cubes tall his pumpkin is. Write down or draw your estimation on your worksheet. Then, stack the cubes next to the pumpkin. Write down the actual number of cubes it took to measure the height of the pumpkin. Next Slide Table of Contents Was your estimate close? Will Farmer McDonald win? Leaves! Leaves! Leaves! by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace Click here to listen to this book! Table of Contents Next Slide Let’s play BINGO!! Grab a partner and print out these Word Wall Bingo Cards!! The words on the Bingo cards are some of the words you heard when you listened to the book Leaves! Leaves! Leaves! by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace. Table of Contents Next Slide Wow! Great Job! You’ve learned ALL there is to know about the seasons and their changes! Now, it’s time for your audition! Please print out and review your script. Then, see your teacher for what to do next! Table of Contents Discovery Kids TV Station