TPS 1107 * Spring 2005 * Arts in Society: Theatre OPERA REPORT FORM 50 Points This form must be typed and submitted in a pocket folder with your ticket stub and your program (2 points will be deducted for each missing item). Include the questions below in your paper, and answer each question separately. Reminder: Grammar, spelling and mechanics COUNT. 5 or more grammatical errors will result in a 5-point deduction. NAME ___________________________________ FACTS about the production (3 points): 1. Titles of the operas (You must either underline or ITALICIZE these titles.): 2. Names of composers: 3. Name of stage director: 4. Name of conductor/music director: 5. Names of the designers AND what they designed (3 points): II. The following questions require more thought and time. Always write your answers as if you are communicating to a reader who has not seen the all of the details you are describing. Be detailed and specific. Use complete sentences. 6. Pick ONE performer (name the performer AND the character), and discuss how his/her performance was effective. Make use of each of the criteria for effective performances we discussed in class, and support your answer with specific examples ( e.g., pick a moment in the opera where you observed the skills at work, and describe that moment clearly.) Each criterion is worth 2 points. --emotional truth/believability (identify the moment, and the emotion in addition to explaining what makes it believable) --use of voice --use of body (use of body to express emotion and/or create character) --stage presence (Remember that this quality is tied into relaxation, confidence and projection of energy: apply those concepts to a specific example.) (10 points) 7. Describe TWO moments where the director (through his use of blocking) created effective stage pictures. Remember that a stage picture is a moment where the director has artfully arranged the characters into an effective “snapshot”. Explain why and how these stage pictures: a. were visually interesting; b. supported the dramatic situation. (In other words, how did they help tell the story and communicate the situation and character relationships visually?) (10 points) 8. What theme(s) were shared by the two operas? Provide an example from EACH opera to support your answer. (A specific example means that you must be able to describe moments in the operas during which characters/actions demonstrate the themes you identify. Imagine that your readers have not seen the productions.) (10 points) 9. Describe the SCENERY in detail, --How did the scenery communicate time period? --How did the scenery communicate place/locale --How did the scenery contribute to the mood of the play? Incorporate references to elements and principles of design into your answers; clearly identify the pieces of scenery you are discussing. (10 points) 10. MUSIC: Pick a moment in each opera where the music was effective in communicating emotion, character qualities and/or stage action. Describe both moments and what the music communicated to you about the emotions, the character and/or the action. (7 points)