PACE GENERAL BOARD MEETING February 21, 2012 2:00 p.m. – SC 213a PACE Board Present: Jolene Nuttall, Beth Winkler, Sherry Harward, Margaret Bellon, Alexis Palmer, Marc Wiesenberg, Laura Snelson, Mark Leany, Marsha Haynes, Val Brown, Clint Moser, Kurtis Olsen, Becky Zabriskie, Kris Coles, Jared Sumsion, Ked Black, Marcy Glassford, Pam Petro, Mike Francis, Amy Baird, Karen Cushing, Bonnie Andrus, Tim Rowley, Dru Huffaker Guests: Ronnie Price, Stan Klemetson, Irene Whittier, Cara O’Sullivan, Kat Brown, Linda Makin, Jacque Demal 1. Welcome and Call to Order. Alexis Palmer, PACE President, welcomed all board members and visitors. 2. Policies. The following policies were discussed and approved with noted revisions. Policy 135 - Copyright - Policy was rewritten to include a mandatory clause. No comments. Policy 204 - No comments. Policy 523 - 5.1.5 - change phrase to students "may"; 5.3.2 remove underscore. Policy 601 - No comments. Policy 631 - Define RTP (line 85). 3. Elections. An overview of the nomination process was discussed. Nominations will be open April 23 thru May 6. An email will be sent to all employees on April 19 or 20. Becky plans to have a table at the Benefits Fair for PACE and information on nominations. She will also update the PACE website with instructions for elections and the eligibility requirements (FT Employee, need 3 nominations and a short bio). Elections will be held May 28 thru June 1. We will be extending into June due to holiday. On even years each Division is re-examined to see if a redistribution of Senators needs to occur. Becky will have this completed before nominations open up. 4. Benefits. Alexis expressed her sincere appreciation for the prompt feedback she received regarding benefits. Common themes were summarized and given to UVU leadership. Healthcare costs have continued to increase across the nation. Ron Price provided a handout that is NOT to be shared outside of PACE. Alexis Palmer also provided a handout which CAN be shared. Two health options will be provided. The biggest changes are in deductibles. An emphasis on educating employees regarding terms, benefit options, etc. was stressed. Costs will increase. Benefits Fair on May 3 will provide information to UVU employees regarding benefit changes and options. Reminder, there will continue to be NO COPAY for preventative care. A new wellness program will begin May 1. The new program will focus on preventive and personal health care, including exercise, diet, and financial health. Our goal is to reduce future premium increases by collectively participating in health-promoting initiatives. 5. Recognition Committee Update. Eight full-time and four part-time staff members were selected as the 2012 Distinguished Employee Award winners. The full-time recipients will receive $1,000 and part-time award winners will receive $500 on their March 30th paychecks. In addition, each was given balloons and a $10 gift card for the UVU bookstore. A possible lunch/reception will be planned to coincide with Summer University. There have been 45 Wolverine sightings during the first quarter of 2012. We would like to include mention of Wolverine sightings in our PACE annual report. 6. Legislative Update. President Holland sent out a legislative recap email recently. Stephanie Albach has asked us to report to her the names of any UVU employees who were voted as delegates in the caucus meetings which were held in March. President Holland is sponsoring a meeting to discuss UVU issues with the new delegates. 7. Bylaws. A distinct process exists to change bylaws. During this process, all PACE members are informed of proposed changes, provide feedback, and the executive board approves the revisions before given to PACE membership for a final vote. Many cosmetic edits may be made without a full vote of PACE members. Alexis will be emailing a link to the bylaws and has asked that each board member take time to review them and provide any feedback to Mark Leany. 8. Senator Responsibilities. The responsibilities of senators include the following: Act as voice for staff members within their stewardship Be involved in decisions/policies Contact respective VP as needed Contact division membership at least quarterly Our next PACE General Board meeting will be held on April 17th from 2:00-3:30 p.m. in SC 213a.