TAKE THE ONLINE CAREER ASSESSMENTS IN 3 EASY STEPS: 1. Go online to take tests Using a web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) Enter the following Login. Enter the following Password. https://online.cpp.com UVU wolverine Leave the “User ID” blank unless you are returning to complete an assessment. Click: LOGIN From the menu, select the desired assessment: Click: BEGIN 1) MBTI® Step I (Form M) 2) Newly Revised Strong Interest Inventory®. 2. Schedule an appointment to meet with Counselor (After completing the assessments, call 863-8425 to schedule an appointment with a Career Counselor to review the results.) 3. Come prepared to pay for tests and discuss results with an Academic Counselor. Cash or Personal Check is accepted. Each assessment is $10 per student and $15 dollars for Non-UVU Students Appointment will last approximately 1 hour for both tests. If you have any questions during the selfadministration process, please contact the UVU Academic Counseling Center at (801) 863-8425. Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) A personality assessment identifying your personality type, most popular job families and occupations, and 25 least popular occupations for your type. You will also get a description of your strengths and weaknesses as they relate to occupations and interpersonal relationships. Strong Interest Inventory An interest inventory that shows where your interests lie in the six General Occupational Theme areas (Social, Enterprising, Realistic, Conventional, Investigative, and Artistic.) Compares your interests to individuals who are employed in different occupations (on a scale of dissimilar to similar) Also gives you your Personal Style in regards to work style, leadership style, approach to risk taking and your learning environment preference.