Fundamentals of the Nervous System and Nervous Tissue Chapter11

Fundamentals of the Nervous System and Nervous Tissue
Lecture Curriculum
A. Describe what comprises the central nervous system.
B. Describe what comprises the peripheral nervous system.
1. Differentiate between afferent and efferent divisions.
2. Differentiate between somatic and autonomic nervous
C. Identify and describe the functional roles for the various types of
neuroglia cells. (p.388)
1. Which are found in the central nervous system?
2. Which are found in the peripheral nervous system?
D. Describe the structure of a typical neuron. (fig. 11.4)
1. Differentiate between axons and dendrites.
2. Differentiate between axoplasmic, retrograde, and
anterograde flow,
3. What are collateral nerves?
4. What are telodendria? Synapic knobs?
E. Differentiate between a synapse and a neuroeffector junction.
F. Describe the structural and functional classification of neurons.
G. Describe the transmembrane potential (resting membrane
1. Which ions are found in the extracellular fluids?
2. Which ions are found in the intra cellular fluids?
3. What would happen if the membrane was freely permeable to
all ions? Why don’t the ions reach equilibrium?
4. What mv value is normally established for a resting
5. Describe in detail the sodium-potassium ATPase pump.
H. Describe the action potential. Describe what is meant by a
threshold value. What is a typical threshold value? (pages 399406)
1. Explain the all or none principle?
2. Describe the refractory period
3. Describe continuous propagation along unmyelinated
4. Explain salutatory conduction along myelinated neurons.
5. Differentiate between type A, B, and C fibers Emphasize
axon diameter, myelin concentration, and wave propagation
6. What factors influence conduction velocities along neurons?
I. Describe chemical and electrical synapse. P.406
1. Electrical synapse
2. Chemical synapse p (Figure 11.17)
a. Cholinergic synapse.
b. Synaptic delay
c. Synaptic fatigue
J. Become familiar with the different classes of neurotransmitters
illustrated in Table 11.3 Be able to recognize the members of
each class.
K. Describe neuron regeneration. Explain Wallerian degeneration.