Zimm Plot Gathered on Phoenix Instrument Convert your scattering data obtained on polystyrene sulfonate into a Zimm plot, following the general method in the “HowTo” guide. You can do it in Excel, although the HowTo is wrapped around a program called GuiDe (also known as NonZimm). You can use the dn/dc value you obtained earlier. You may have to make an assumption or two to get your concentrations in the required units (g/cm3). Other stuff you need: we used an Argon-Krypton mixed gas laser operating at o = 514.5 nm. The optics were set so that m=1 in the equation regarding how volume should compare from Rayleigh standard (toluene) to the solutions (also toluene). The refractive index of toluene is about 1.495 and that of your solutions about 1.33. Other things can be found on the website (http://macro.lsu.edu/HowTo/guide/guide.doc ) especially the appendix and, within that, the section entitled Mechanics of Gathering Data. Once you have Excel make the plot, you may very well find it easiest to just draw the rest graphically. a) Specify what concentrations you prepared (by weight). b) Specify your concentrations as g/mL and list any approximations required to make the conversion. c) Specify how you got your dn/dc value (in most cases, using the CN Wood differential refractometer). d) Specify the value you obtained, being sure to include a ± uncertainty term. e) Specify what angles you measured. f) Show the I·sin() / I(=90°) vs. plot for solvent. g) Show your Zimm plot as just bare points. h) Draw the c = 0 and = 0 extrapolation lines. i) Determine Mw, A2 and Rg, if possible. Each one needs a ± estimate. Grading Rubric: 50 points total 27 points: 3 points for each of the items above) 10 points: evidence for critical thought and reflection about what went wrong or right during measurements, integrated with the information above). 13 points: quality of the results (full credit for publication-quality work)