2015 – 2016 GRANTS ENGAGED LEARNING IN THE LIBERAL ARTS (ELLA) Adjudication Document for ELLA Grant Proposals College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS), Utah Valley University The purpose of this document is to offer, section by section, general guidelines for both the applicant submitting and the committee evaluating ELLA grant proposals during the 2015-2016 academic year. While there are no numeric values attached to any of the guidelines outlined in this document, these guidelines should help to provide some qualitative objectivity in the evaluation process and to keep the focus of the committee on those projects that truly demonstrate student and faculty engaged learning. “PROJECT” SECTION: Advances the mission of the College. Promotes Engaged Learning. Includes an application document, with emphasis on being concise, complete, and clear. Indicates how many students are involved in the project and the nature of each student’s involvement/contribution. Indicates how many parts of the process involve the students, from inception to assessment. “ABSTRACT FOR PROPOSAL” SECTION: Presents concise and clear information. Articulates directly and convincingly the purpose and importance of the project. “PROJECT ASSESSMENT AND RELEVANCE TO ENGAGED LEARNING” SECTION: SUBSECTION 1) Addresses the degree to which the project contributes to professional development and to engaged learning. SUBSECTION 2) Shows clarity of project goals and learning outcomes. Promises likelihood of project completion within time frame. Includes information on how results will be reported. “BUDGET INFORMATION” SECTION: Includes complete, pertinent details. Provides information for each participant. Presents appropriate expenses to the project. Addresses whether supplemental funding has been sought (see e.g., list at bottom of grant application). Where appropriate, addresses whether alternatives to ELLA funding have been sought (e.g., using a camera from the library as opposed to requesting to purchase one). “DEPARTMENT CHAIR ENDORSEMENT” SECTION: Indicates precision and degree of support. Articulates the value and benefits of the project beyond simply a summary or description. CONFLICT OF INTEREST In order to avoid ethical problems associated with conflict of interest, if an ELLA committee member submits an ELLA application for funding, that committee member must recuse herself from evaluating her own application; in addition, during committee discussion of that committee member’s application, the applicant must leave the room. ELLA Adjudication 2