REPORT TO THE UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM COMMITTEE INFORMATION AND CONSENT AGENDAE FOR THE VARIOUS COLLEGES March 24, 2008 CONSENT ITEM FROM THE BOWLING GREEN COMMUNITY COLLEGE Consent Proposal to create a CC Equivalent Course. BIO 208 General Microbiology Laboratory. Phone:0-2540 INFORMATION ITEM FROM THE COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Information One-Time-Only Course Offering CFS 411: Global Merchandising Contact: Doris Sikora,, 5-3993 INFORMATION ITEM FROM THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Information One-time Course Item: WOMN 524 Feminist Pedagogies Contact: Dr. Molly Kerby Phone: 745-6952 CONSENT ITEMS FROM THE OGDEN COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Information One-time-only Course Offering SMED 101, Intro Inquiry-Based Teaching Contact: Dr. Keith Andrew 5-4357 Information One-time-only Course Offering AMS 151, Architectural Graphics Contact: Dr. Terry Leeper 5-3251 Information One-time-only Course Offering AMS 263, Architecture Documentation I Contact: 5-3251 Information One-time-only Course Offering AMS 305, Building Codes Contact: 5-3251 Information One-time-only Course Offering AMS 488, Comprehensive Design Contact: 5-3251 Consent Reactivate a Suspended Course AGRI 475, Selected Topics in Agriculture Contact: Dr. Martin Stone 5-3151 Consent Reactivate a Suspended Course AGEC 475, Special Topics in Agriculture Economics Contact: 5-3151 Consent Revise Course Number AMS 202, Architectural Drafting Contact: Dale McDaniel 5-5949 Consent Revise Course Number AMS 373, Architectural Detailing Contact: 5-5949 Consent Revise Course Catalog Listing CS 445, Operating Systems II Contact: Dr. James Gary 5-6373 INFORMATION AND CONSENT ITEMS FROM THE POTTER COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS Information Information Information Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent One-Time Only Offering (Fall 2008) PHIL 200 Philosophy and/of Popular Culture Contact: Eric Bain-Selbo x 53136 One-Time Only Offering (Fall 2008) ARBC 388 Arabic III Contact: Eric Bain-Selbo x 53136 One-Time Only Offering (Summer 2008) MUS 499 Performance Tour Contact: Mitzi Groom x 53751 Revise Prerequisites BCOM 265 Basic Broadcast News Contact: Jo-Anne Ryan x 53828 Revise Prerequisites BCOM 301 Mass Communication Law & Ethics Contact: Jo-Anne Ryan x 53828 Revise Prerequisites BCOM 350 Screenwriting Contact: Jo-Anne Ryan x 53828 Revise Prerequisites BCOM 368 News Videography & Editing Contact: Jo-Anne Ryan x 53828 Revise Prerequisites BCOM 376 Film Production for TV Contact: Jo-Anne Ryan x 53828 Revise Prerequisites BCOM 480 Advanced Post Production Contact: Jo-Anne Ryan x 53828 Revise Prerequisites BCOM 482 Television Program Production Contact: Jo-Anne Ryan x 53828 Revise Prerequisites JOUR 301 Press Law & Ethics Contact: Mac McKerral x 55882 Revise Catalog Listing JOUR 426 Advanced Reporting Contact: Mac McKerral x 55882 Revise Catalog Listing FREN 100 French Language and Culture On-Site Contact: Carol Wilkerson x 52401 Revise Catalog Listing GERM 100 German Language and Culture On-Site Contact: Carol Wilkerson x 52401 Revise Catalog Listing SPAN 100 Spanish Language and Culture On-Site Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Consent Contact: Carol Wilkerson x 52401 Suspend Course ANTH 380 American Indian/First Nations Linguistics Contact: Darlene Applegate x 55094 Suspend Course ANTH 411 American Indian/First Nations Music Contact: Darlene Applegate x 55094 Suspend Course ANTH 430 Kentucky Archaeology Contact: Darlene Applegate x 55094 Suspend Course ANTH 445 Language and Culture Contact: Darlene Applegate x 55094 Delete Course JOUR 332 Introduction to Photojournalism Technologies Contact: James Kenney x 56307 Delete Course JOUR 463 Projects in New Media Contact: James Kenney x 56307 Reactivate Course ANTH 340 Peoples and Cultures of Latin America Contact: Darlene Applegate x 55094 Proposal Date: February 28, 2008 Bowling Green Community College Division of Liberal Arts and Sciences Proposal to Create a Community College Equivalent Course (Consent Item) Contact Person: Deborah Weisberger,, 0-2540 1. Identification of course: 1.1 Current course prefix (subject area) and number: BIOL 208 1.2 Course title: General Microbiology Laboratory 1.3 Credit hours: 1 2. Identification of proposed Community College course: 2.1 Community College number: BIO 208C 2.2 Community College title: General Microbiology Laboratory 2.3 Credit hours: 1 3. Proposed term for implementation: Fall 2008 4. Dates of prior committee approvals: LAS Division Department/Division: _March 5, 2008 BGCC Curriculum Committee __March 17, 2008___ Professional Education Council (if applicable) __________________ General Education Committee (if applicable) __________________ University Curriculum Committee ___________________ University Senate ___________________ Attachment: Course Inventory Form _ Proposal Date: 3/3/08 Ogden College of Science and Engineering Department of Agriculture Proposal to Reactivate a Suspended Course (Consent Item) Contact Person: Martin Stone,, 745-3151 1. Identification of course: 1.4 Current course prefix (subject area) and number: AGRI 475 1.5 Course title: Selected Topics in Agriculture 1.6 Credit hours: 1-3 hours 2. Rationale for the course reactivation: Special topics allow undergraduate students to explore scientific developments within the field of agriculture. 3. Effect of course reactivation on programs or other departments, if known: 4. Effective Catalog Year: 5. Dates of prior committee approvals: Fall 2008 Agriculture Department ____3/1/08________ Ogden Curriculum Committee ____3/6/08________ University Curriculum Committee ___________________ University Senate ___________________ Attachment: Course Inventory Form None Proposal Date: 3/3/08 Ogden College of Science and Engineering Department of Agriculture Proposal to Reactivate a Suspended Course (Consent Item) Contact Person: Martin Stone,, 270-745-3151 1. Identification of course: 1.1 1.2 1.3 2. Current course prefix (subject area) and number: AGEC 475 Course title: Special Topics in Agriculture Economics Credit hours: 1-3 hours Rationale for the course reactivation: Special topics allow undergraduate students to explore scientific developments within the field of agriculture. 3. Effect of course reactivation on programs or other departments, if known: None 4. Effective Catalog Year: Fall 2008 5. Dates of prior committee approvals: Agriculture Department: ____3/1/08_________ Ogden Curriculum Committee ____3/6/08__________ University Curriculum Committee ___________________ University Senate ___________________ Attachment: Course Inventory Form Proposal Date: 02-05-08 Ogden College of Science and Engineering Department of Architectural and Manufacturing Sciences Proposal to Revise Course Number (Consent Item) Contact Person: Dale McDaniel 1. 270.745.5949 Identification of course: 1.1 1.2 1.3 2. Current course prefix (subject area) and number: AMS 202 Course title: Architectural Drafting Credit hours: 3.0 Revise course number: 2.1 2.2 2.3 Current course number: AMS 202 Proposed course number: AMS 163 Rationale for revision of course number: The AMS Department is implementing a course numbering system for architectural science courses: Modeling courses will end in “51”: 151, 251, and 351. Documentation courses will end in “63” or “73”: 163, 263, 273, 363, and 463. Studio courses will end in “64”: 364 and 464. The proposed course number change will correspond to the new numbering system. Course content is unchanged. 3. Effective Catalog Year: 2008-2009 4. Dates of prior committee approvals: Architectural & Manufacturing Sciences Department: 02/21/08 Ogden College Curriculum Committee 03/6/08 University Curriculum Committee __________________ University Senate __________________ Attachment: Course Inventory Form Proposal Date: 02-05-08 Ogden College of Science and Engineering Department of Architectural and Manufacturing Sciences Proposal to Revise Course Number (Consent Item) Contact Person: Dale McDaniel 1. 270.745.5949 Identification of course: 1.1 1.2 1.3 Current course prefix (subject area) and number: AMS 373 Course title: Architectural Detailing Credit hours: 3.0 2. Proposed course number: AMS 273 3. Rationale for the revision of course number: The AMS Department is implementing a course numbering system for architectural science courses: modeling course numbers will end in “51”; documentation course numbers will end in “63” or “73”; and studio course numbers will end in “64”. The proposed course number change will correspond to the new numbering system. Course content is unchanged. 4. Effective Catalog Year: Fall 2008 5. Dates of prior committee approvals: Architectural & Manufacturing Sciences Department: 02/21/08 Ogden College Curriculum Committee 03/6/08 University Curriculum Committee __________________ University Senate __________________ Attachment: Course Inventory Form Proposal Date:2-14-08 Ogden College of Science and Technology Department of Computer Science Proposal to Revise Course Catalog Listing (Consent Item) Contact Person: James Gary,, 5-6373 1. Identification of course: 1.1 1.2 1.3 Course prefix (subject area) and number: CS 445 Course title: Operating Systems II Credit hours: 3 2. Current course catalog listing: A detailed examination of how an operating system sits on a computer architecture. Students will use the privileged instruction set of a specific architecture to write their own simple operating systems or operating system modules. The course will cover (at the hardware level) the theory of bootstrap loading, memory protection and management, timer-based scheduling, operating system services, implementation of file systems, etc. Projects will include device drivers, schedulers and other interrupt handlers. 3. Proposed course catalog listing: Advanced study of modern operating system theory and practice. Topics include distributed system structures and coordination, distributed file systems, and protection and security. 4. Rationale for revision of the course catalog listing: The current description is very old and does not reflect current trends in Operating Systems. The course content has been evolving for several years to reflect those trends. The new description more accurately reflects current content of the course. 5. Effective Catalog Year : Fall 2008 6. Dates of prior committee approvals: Computer Science Department 2-14-08 Ogden Curriculum Committee 3-6-08 University Curriculum Committee ___________________ University Senate ___________________ Attachment: Course Inventory Form Proposal Date: 2/19/08* Potter College of Arts and Letters School of Journalism & Broadcasting Proposal to Revise Course Prerequisites/Corequisites (Consent Item) Contact Person: Jo-Anne Ryan 5-3828 1. Identification of course: 1.7 1.8 1.9 Course prefix (subject area) and number: BCOM 265 Course title: Basic Broadcast News Credit hours: 3 2. Current prerequisites: none 3. Proposed prerequisites: BCOM 185 or 201 or JOUR 201 4. Rationale for the revision of prerequisites: Students need a foundation in broadcast history, ethics and journalism values before taking a news content course. 5. Effect on completion of major/minor sequence: none 6. Effective Catalog Year: spring 2009 7. Dates of prior committee approvals: Broadcasting Curriculum Committee ______2/19/08_______ SJ&B Curriculum Committee ______2/22/08_______ School of Journalism & Broadcasting ______2/22/08_______ PCAL Curriculum Committee: ______3/6/08________ University Curriculum Committee ___________________ University Senate ___________________ Attachment: Course Inventory Form Proposal Date: 2/11/08* Potter College of Arts and Letters School of Journalism & Broadcasting Proposal to Revise Course Prerequisites/Corequisites (Consent Item) Contact Person: Jo-Anne Ryan 1. 745-3828 Identification of course: 1.1 Course prefix (subject area) and number: BCOM 301 1.2 Course title: Mass Communication Law and Ethics 1.3 Credit hours: 3 2. Current prerequisites: none 3. Proposed prerequisites: PS 110 and either BCOM 201 or JOUR 201 4. Rationale for the revision of prerequisites: To provide a foundation of knowledge of the American government judicial system and electronic media processes. These prerequisites will place BCOM 301 in the correct sequence of coursework within the major in broadcasting. The prerequisites help ensure students will be prepared for and can be successful in this class. 5. Effect on completion of major/minor sequence: not applicable 6. Effective Catalog Year: fall 2008 7. Dates of prior committee approvals: Broadcast Faculty Committee _2/12/02___________ SJ&B Curriculum Committee __2/15/08__________ School of J&B Faculty __2/15/08__________ PCAL Curriculum Committee __3/6/08___________ University Curriculum Committee ___________________ University Senate ___________________ Attachment: Course Inventory Form Proposal Date: 2/11/08 Potter College of Arts and Letters School of Journalism & Broadcasting Proposal to Revise Course Prerequisites/Corequisites (Consent Item) Contact Person: Jo-Anne Ryan 1. 745-3828 Identification of course: 1.4 Course prefix (subject area) and number: BCOM 350 1.5 Course title: Screenwriting for Film and Television 1.6 Credit hours: 3 2. Current prerequisites: BCOM 271 and BCOM 325, or instructor’s permission 3. Proposed prerequisites: BCOM 271 or BCOM 325 4. Rationale for the revision of prerequisites: The existing prerequisites are unnecessarily restrictive, both to broadcasting majors and to film studies minors. Allowing students to enroll with either BCOM 271 or 325 makes the course more accessible, while still requiring a student prerequisite commitment, and retaining a basic cinematic foundation. All necessary elements of screenwriting, including format, structure and story generation, are covered in class. 5. Effect on completion of major/minor sequence: Helps minors in film studies to complete the minor with one less outside requirement (BCOM 325) No effect on the major/minor in broadcasting. 6. Effective Catalog Year: fall 2008 7. Dates of prior committee approvals: Broadcast Faculty Committee _2/12/08_____________ SJ&B Curriculum Committee _2/15/08____________ School of J&B Faculty _2/15/08____________ PCAL Curriculum Committee _3/6/08_____________ University Curriculum Committee ___________________ University Senate ___________________ Attachment: Course Inventory Form Proposal Date: 2/11/08 rev 3/6 Potter College of Arts and Letters School of Journalism & Broadcasting Proposal to Revise Course Prerequisites/Corequisites (Consent Item) Contact Person: Jo-Anne Ryan 1. 745-3828 Identification of course: 1.1 Course prefix (subject area) and number: BCOM 368 1.2 Course title: News Videography and Editing 1.3 Credit hours: 3 2. Current prerequisites: BCOM 266 3. Proposed prerequisites: BCOM 265 and 266 for majors in Broadcasting; JOUR 261 for majors in News/Editorial Journalism and Photojournalism. 4. Rationale for the revision of prerequisites: BCOM 368 requires more than just basic production skills, It requires a basic understanding of news gathering and writing. Adding BCOM 265 Basic News provides an introduction to the theory and practice of broadcast news writing styles and includes analyzing and editing news information. JOUR 261 Intro to Multi Media provides audiovisual story structure and will serve as a prerequisite for majors in photojournalism and news/editorial journalism. 5. Effect on completion of major/minor sequence: None. The change is consistent with the suggested sequence of coursework published in the broadcasting major four-year plan. 6. Effective Catalog Year: fall 2008 7. Dates of prior committee approvals: Broadcast Faculty Committee ___2/12/08________ SJ&B Curriculum Committee ___2/15/08_______ School of Journalism & Broadcasting __2/15/08________ PCAL Curriculum Committee __3/6/08_________ University Curriculum Committee ___________________ University Senate ___________________ Attachment: Course Inventory Form Proposal Date: 2/11/08 Potter College of Arts and Letters School of Journalism & Broadcasting Proposal to Revise Course Prerequisites/Corequisites (Consent Item) Contact Person: Jo-Anne Ryan 1. 745-3828 Identification of course: 1.1 Course prefix (subject area) and number: BCOM 376 1.2 Course title: Film Production for Television 1.3 Credit hours: 3 2. Current prerequisites: BCOM 367 3. Proposed prerequisites: BCOM 264 for non-majors or BCOM 367 for Broadcast majors 4. Rationale for the revision of prerequisites: BCOM 264 provides a condensed foundation of videography and editing for non-majors. Adding BCOM 264 as an alternate pre-requisite opens access for non-broadcasting majors to film production. Specifically, allowing minors in Film Studies access to BCOM 376 without requiring three courses of pre-reqs. 5. Effect on completion of major/minor sequence: not applicable 6. Effective Catalog Year: fall 2008 7. Dates of prior committee approvals: Broadcast Faculty Committee 2/12/2008_______________ SJ&B Curriculum Committee 2/15/08_________________ School of Journalism & Broadcasting _2/15/08________________ PCAL Curriculum Committee _3/6/08_________________ University Curriculum Committee ___________________ University Senate ___________________ Attachment: Course Inventory Form Proposal Date: 2/11/08* Potter College of Arts and Letters School of Journalism & Broadcasting Proposal to Revise Course Prerequisites/Corequisites (Consent Item) Contact Person: Jo-Anne Ryan 1. 745-3828 Identification of course: 1.1 Course prefix (subject area) and number: BCOM 480 1.2 Course title: Advanced Post Production Techniques 1.3 Credit hours: 3 2. Current prerequisites: BCOM 266, 366, 367 3. Proposed prerequisites: BCOM 380 4. Rationale for the revision of prerequisites: BCOM 380 is a new intermediate course in post production that will introduce video Web production and intermediate non-linear editing skills. BCOM 380 provides a bridge between content of BCOM 366 Studio & Post Production and BCOM 480 Advanced Post Production. 5. Effect on completion of major/minor sequence: not applicable 6. Effective Catalog Year: spring 2009 7. Dates of prior committee approvals: Broadcasting Curriculum Committee _____2/12/08_________ SJ&B Curriculum Committee ______2/22/08_______ School of Journalism & Broadcasting ______2/22/08_______ PCAL Curriculum Committee ______3/6/08________ University Curriculum Committee ___________________ University Senate ___________________ Attachment: Course Inventory Form Proposal Date: 2/11/08 rev 3/6 Potter College of Arts and Letters School of Journalism & Broadcasting Proposal to Revise Course Prerequisites/Corequisites (Consent Item) Contact Person: Jo-Anne Ryan 1. 745-3828 Identification of course: 1.1 Course prefix (subject area) and number: BCOM 482 1.2 Course title: Television Program Production 1.3 Credit hours: 3 2. Current prerequisites: BCOM 266, 366, 367, 466, 480 3. Proposed prerequisites: BCOM 367, 380, 466 4. Rationale for the revision of prerequisites: BCOM 380 Intermediate Post Production replaces BCOM 480 in course requirements in the TV Production Concentration. BCOM 480 Advanced Post will become an elective. BCOM 266 and 366 precede BCOM 367 in prerequisite coursework, under current catalog guidelines they do not need to be listed. 5. Effect on completion of major/minor sequence: Current students in the Broadcasting major/minor may sub BCOM 480 for BCOM 380 as their prerequisite to BCOM 482. 6. Effective Catalog Year: spring 2009 7. Dates of prior committee approvals: Broadcasting Curriculum Committee _____2/12/08_________ SJ&B Curriculum Committee _____2/22/08_________ School of Journalism & Broadcasting _____2/22/08____ ____ PCAL Curriculum Committee _____3/6/08__________ University Curriculum Committee ___________________ University Senate ___________________ Attachment: Course Inventory Form Proposal Date: Jan. 18, 2008* Potter College of Arts & Letters School of Journalism & Broadcasting Proposal to Revise Course Prerequisites (Consent Item) Contact Person: Gordon McKerral,, 745-5882 1. Identification of course: 1.1 Course prefix (subject area) and number: JOUR 301 1.2 Course title: Press Law & Ethics 1.3 Credit hours: 3 2. Current prerequisites: JOUR 201, 202 or permission of the instructor. 3. Proposed prerequisites: Junior standing or permission of the instructor 4. Rationale for the revision of prerequisites: Press Law and Ethics is an upper division, challenging course that requires critical thinking, research skills and knowledge of the news media that comes with student maturation within the post-secondary environment and the major. In many journalism majors, it is the capstone course. Under the current prerequisites, a second semester freshman could enroll in this class. The “junior standing” prerequisite helps ensure students will be prepared for and can succeed in this class. 5. Effect on completion of major/minor sequence: None 6. Effective Catalog Year: fall 2008 7. Dates of prior committee approvals: News/Editorial Committee Jan. 18, 2008 SJ&B Curriculum Committee: _2/22/08_____________ School of Journalism & Broadcasting: __2/22/08____________ PCAL Curriculum Committee: __3/6/08_____________ University Curriculum Committee: University Senate: Attachment: Course Inventory Form ___________________ ___________________ Proposal Date: Jan. 18, 2008* Potter College of Arts & Letters School of Journalism & Broadcasting Proposal to Revise Course Catalog Listing (Consent Item) Contact Person: Mac McKerral,, 745-5882 1. Identification of course: 1.1 Course prefix (subject area) and number: JOUR 426 1.2 Course title: Advanced Reporting 1.3 Credit hours: 3 2. Current course catalog listing: Prerequisite: JOUR 325 A course designed to produce for publication in-depth articles using interviewing, observation and public records research skills coupled with survey research and team and computer assisted reporting. This is the capstone course for news/editorial curriculum. 3. Proposed course catalog listing: Prerequisite: JOUR 325 Designed to produce for publication in-depth news reporting, including reporting on government affairs, using interviewing, observation and public records research skills coupled with computer assisted reporting. Capstone course for news/editorial curriculum. 4. Rationale for revision of the course catalog listing: The proposed revision deletes reference to “survey research” and “team reporting.” In the journalism field, survey research has been replaced by public records research. Investigative Reporting with teams will become a special topics class. The new description also needs to reference reporting on governmental affairs, which is tied to public record research skills. 5. Effective Catalog Year: fall 2008 6. Dates of prior committee approvals: News/Ed Curriculum Committee Jan. 18, 2008 SJ&B Curriculum Committee: 2/22/08____________ School of Journalism & Broadcasting: 2/22/08____________ PCAL Curriculum Committee: 3/6/08_____________ University Curriculum Committee: University Senate: Attachment: Course Inventory Form ___________________ ___________________ Proposal Date: January 30, 2008 Potter College of Arts and Letters Department of Modern Languages Proposal to Revise Course Catalog Listing (Consent Item) Contact Person: Dr. Carol Wilkerson,, 745-2401 1. Identification of course: 1.1 Course prefix (subject area) and number: FREN 100 1.2 Course title: French Language and Culture On Site 1.3 Credit hours: 1-3 2. Current course catalog listing: Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. An introduction to French and French-speaking culture in conjunction with study abroad for students with little or no previous language study. Does not fulfill the general education foreign language requirement. 3. Proposed course catalog listing: Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. An introduction to French and French-speaking culture in conjunction with study abroad for students with little or no previous language study. Does not fulfill the general education foreign language requirement. May be repeated for a total of 3 credits. 4. Rationale for revision of the course catalog listing: For student’s initial study abroad course work. Geared for student with limited language skills. 5. Effective Catalog Year : Fall semester 2008 6. Dates of prior committee approvals: Department of Modern Languages: Potter College Curriculum Committee 1/29/08 3/7/08 University Curriculum Committee ___________________ University Senate ___________________ Attachment: Course Inventory Form Proposal Date: January 30, 2008 Potter College of Arts and Letters Department of Modern Languages Proposal to Revise Course Catalog Listing (Consent Item) Contact Person: Dr. Carol Wilkerson,, 745-2401 1. Identification of course: 1.1 1.2 1.3 Course prefix (subject area) and number: GERM 100 Course title: German Language and Culture On Site Credit hours: 1-3 2. Current course catalog listing: Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. An introduction to German and German-speaking culture in conjunction with study abroad for students with little or no previous language study. Does not fulfill the general education foreign language requirement. 3. Proposed course catalog listing: Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. An introduction to German and German-speaking culture in conjunction with study abroad for students with little or no previous language study. Does not fulfill the general education foreign language requirement. May be repeated for a total of 3 credits. 4. Rationale for revision of the course catalog listing: For student’s initial study abroad course work. Geared for student with limited language skills. 5. Effective Catalog Year : Fall semester 2008 6. Dates of prior committee approvals: Department of Modern Languages: Potter College Curriculum Committee 1/29/08 3/7/08 University Curriculum Committee ___________________ University Senate ___________________ Attachment: Course Inventory Form Proposal Date: January 30, 2008 Potter College of Arts and Letters Department of Modern Languages Proposal to Revise Course Catalog Listing (Consent Item) Contact Person: Dr. Carol Wilkerson,, 745-2401 1. Identification of course: 1.1 Course prefix (subject area) and number: SPAN 100 1.2 Course title: Spanish Language and Culture On Site 1.3 Credit hours: 1-3 2. Current course catalog listing: Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. An introduction to Spanish and Spanish-speaking culture in conjunction with study abroad for students with little or no previous language study. Does not fulfill the general education foreign language requirement. 3. Proposed course catalog listing: Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. An introduction to Spanish and Spanish-speaking culture in conjunction with study abroad for students with little or no previous language study. Does not fulfill the general education foreign language requirement. May be repeated for a total of 3 credits. 4. Rationale for revision of the course catalog listing: For student’s initial study abroad course work. Geared for student with limited language skills. 5. Effective Catalog Year : Fall semester 2008 6. Dates of prior committee approvals: Department of Modern Languages: Potter College Curriculum Committee 1/29/08 3/7/08 University Curriculum Committee ___________________ University Senate ___________________ Attachment: Course Inventory Form Proposal Date: 18 Feb 2008 Potter College of Arts and Letters Department of Folk Studies and Anthropology Proposal to Suspend a Course (Consent Item) Contact Person: Darlene Applegate,, 745-5094 1. Identification of course: 1.1 Current course prefix (subject area) and number: Anth 380 1.2 Course title: American Indian/First Nations Linguistics 1.3 Credit hours: 3 2. Rationale for the course suspension: Current anthropology faculty are unable to fit this course into their rotations. 3. Effect of course suspension on programs or other departments, if known: The course is required for the linguistic anthropology concentration in the anthropology major (Ref. 608), but Anthropology Program faculty are proposing to delete this concentration from the major. The course is one of over two dozen elective options for anthropology minors (Ref. 311). 4. Effective Catalog Year: Fall 2008 5. Dates of prior committee approvals: Anthropology Program 18 Feb 2008 Dept. of Folk Studies and Anthropology 25 Feb 2008 Potter College Curriculum Committee 6 March 2008 University Curriculum Committee University Senate Attachment: Course Inventory Form Proposal Date: 18 Feb 2008 Potter College of Arts and Letters Department of Folk Studies and Anthropology Proposal to Suspend a Course (Consent Item) Contact Person: Darlene Applegate,, 745-5094 1. Identification of course: 1.1 Current course prefix (subject area) and number: Anth 411 1.2 Course title: American Indian/First Nations Music 1.3 Credit hours: 3 2. Rationale for the course suspension: Current anthropology faculty are unable to fit this course into their rotations. 3. Effect of course suspension on programs or other departments, if known: The course is one of eight restricted elective topics courses in the cultural anthropology concentration of the anthropology major (Ref. 608). The course is one of over two dozen elective options for anthropology minors (Ref. 311). 4. Effective Catalog Year: Fall 2008 5. Dates of prior committee approvals: Anthropology Program 18 Feb 2008 Dept. of Folk Studies and Anthropology 25 Feb 2008 Potter College Curriculum Committee 6 March 2008 University Curriculum Committee University Senate Attachment: Course Inventory Form Proposal Date: 18 Feb 2008 Potter College of Arts and Letters Department of Folk Studies and Anthropology Proposal to Suspend a Course (Consent Item) Contact Person: Darlene Applegate,, 745-5094 1. Identification of course: 1.1 Current course prefix (subject area) and number: Anth 430 1.2 Course title: Kentucky Archaeology 1.3 Credit hours: 3 2. Rationale for the course suspension: The course was under-enrolled (fewer than 10 undergraduate students) the last two semesters it was offered (Fall 2004, Fall 2002). Due to other teaching and administrative responsibilities, the faculty member can no longer fit the course into her rotation. 3. Effect of course suspension on programs or other departments, if known: Anthropology majors (Ref. 608) in the archaeology concentration must take one area studies course, but the proposed suspension will leave two options (Anth 335 Old World Prehistory, Anth 336 New World Prehistory). The course is one of over two dozen elective options for anthropology minors (Ref. 311). The course is one of seven core course options in the Certificate in Kentucky Studies (Ref. 169). 4. Effective Catalog Year: Fall 2008 5. Dates of prior committee approvals: Anthropology Program 18 Feb 2008 Dept. of Folk Studies and Anthropology 25 Feb 2008 Potter College Curriculum Committee 6 Mar 2008 University Curriculum Committee University Senate Attachment: Course Inventory Form Proposal Date: 18 Feb 2008 Potter College of Arts and Letters Department of Folk Studies and Anthropology Proposal to Suspend a Course (Consent Item) Contact Person: Darlene Applegate,, 745-5094 1. Identification of course: 1.1 Current course prefix (subject area) and number: Anth 445 1.2 Course title: Language and Culture 1.3 Credit hours: 3 2. Rationale for the course suspension: Current anthropology faculty are unable to fit this course into their rotations. 3. Effect of course suspension on programs or other departments, if known: The course is required for the linguistic anthropology concentration in the anthropology major (Ref. 608), but Anthropology Program faculty are proposing to delete this concentration from the major. The course is one of over two dozen elective options for anthropology minors (Ref. 311). 4. Effective Catalog Year: Fall 2008 5. Dates of prior committee approvals: Anthropology Program 18 Feb 2008 Dept. of Folk Studies and Anthropology 25 Feb 2008 Potter College Curriculum Committee 6 March 2008 University Curriculum Committee University Senate Attachment: Course Inventory Form Proposal Date: 1/10/08* Potter College of Arts and Letters School of Journalism and Broadcasting Proposal to Delete a Course (Consent Item) Contact Person: James H. Kenney;; 270.745.6307 1. Identification of course: 1.1 Current course prefix (subject area) and number: 332 1.2 Course title: Photojournalism Technologies 1.3 Credit hours: 3 2. Rationale for the course deletion: With the integration of the New Media Publishing track into the Photojournalism track, the total hours for the major rose from 39 to 42. To avoid going beyond 42, the decision was made to delete JOUR 332 Photojournalism Technologies. The software taught in this course will be introduced in JOUR 231 Introduction to Photojournalism, since this course is moving from the traditional darkroom to the digital lab to process images (similar process, just different tools). The practical photography experience obtained in JOUR 332 will be shared among the other classes, including the two multimedia courses being integrated into the Photojournalism track. 3. Effect of course deletion on programs or other departments, if known: Students in the current Photojournalism program who might be affected by the deletion of JOUR 332 are those taking JOUR 231 in spring 2008. These students will be accommodated by offering a JOUR 332 section in fall 2008. Students taking JOUR 231 in fall 2008 will be advised into the new program, so they will no longer need JOUR 332. 4. Effective Catalog Year: spring 2009 5. Dates of prior committee approvals: Photojournalism Curriculum Committee: 01/10/08 SJ&B Curriculum Committee: 2/22/08___________ School of Journalism & Broadcasting: 2/22/08____________ PCAL Curriculum Committee: 3/6/08_____________ University Curriculum Committee: University Senate: Attachment: Course Inventory Form ___________________ ___________________ Proposal Date: 1/10/08* Potter College of Arts and Letters School of Journalism and Broadcasting Proposal to Delete a Course (Consent Item) Contact Person: James H. Kenney;; 270.745.6307 1. Identification of course: 1.1 Current course prefix (subject area) and number: JOUR 463 1.2 Course title: Projects in New Media 1.3 Credit hours: 3 2. Rationale for the course deletion: Since the New Media Publishing track within the Photojournalism major is being integrated into the Photojournalism track to form one track, only one capstone course will be necessary. JOUR 436 (Advanced Photojournalism, proposed to be renamed Photojournalism projects) will be the capstone course for the major. It will incorporate the multimedia tools used in JOUR 463, and combine this with the long-term project content that both capstone courses currently share. 3. Effect of course deletion on programs or other departments, if known: Since this is a capstone course for majors in the Photojournalism new media concentration only, this will not affect other programs or departments. 4. Effective Catalog Year: spring 2009 Students currently enrolled in the Photojournalism new media concentration will be allowed to substitute JOUR 436, Advanced Photojournalism as their capstone course. 8. Dates of prior committee approvals: Photojournalism Curriculum Committee: 01/10/08 SJ&B Curriculum Committee: _2/22/08__________ School of Journalism & Broadcasting: _2/22/08__________ PCAL Curriculum Committee: _3/6/08____________ University Curriculum Committee: University Senate: Attachment: Course Inventory Form ___________________ ___________________ Proposal Date: 25 Feb 2008 Potter College of Arts and Letters Department of Folk Studies and Anthropology Proposal to Reactivate a Course (Consent Item) Contact Person: Darlene Applegate,, 745-5094 1. Identification of course: 1.1 Current course prefix and number: Anth 340 1.2 Course title: Peoples and Cultures of Latin America 1.3 Credit hours: 3 2. Rationale for the course reactivation: The course was suspended in 2002 because at that time anthropology faculty lacked expertise in Latin American peoples and cultures. A current anthropology faculty member has expertise in this area and is interested in teaching the course, and the course will add to our current offerings in regional ethnography classes. 3. Effect of course reactivation on programs or other departments, if known: The course previously was a restricted elective in the cultural anthropology concentration of the anthropology major (Ref. 608); anthropology faculty members are proposing to revise the major to include the course as a restricted elective in the cultural anthropology concentration. The course previously was an elective in the Latin American Studies minor (Ref. 408) and could potentially be added to that program. 4. Effective Catalog Year: Fall 2008 5. Dates of prior committee approvals: Anthropology Program 25 Feb 2008 Dept. of Folk Studies and Anthropology 25 Feb 2008 Potter College Curriculum Committee 6 March 2008 University Curriculum Committee University Senate Attachment: Course Inventory Form