Favor de traducir las oraciones en inglés al español. 

Favor de traducir las oraciones en inglés al español.
Every June, my uncle travels to the Dominican Republic and he lives with some friends.
The students learn Spanish because (porque) they always study the verbs and the vocabulary.
Juan receives good grades in (the) history class because he is very intelligent, prepares the
homework and reads a lot. (good grades= buenas calificaciones)
In (the) math class, Juan and Juana divide and write the numbers because (to) they like to learn
I am very athletic because I run a lot at school and practice football everyday with my friends.
Favor de traducir las oraciones en inglés al español.
Every June, my uncle travels to the Dominican Republic and he lives with some friends.
The students learn Spanish because (porque) they always study the verbs and the vocabulary.
Juan receives good grades in (the) history class because he is very intelligent, prepares the
homework and reads a lot. (good grades= buenas calificaciones)
In (the) math class, Juan and Juana divide and write the numbers because (to) they like to learn
I am very athletic because I run a lot at school and practice football everyday with my friends.