LSA Quarterly Email - March 2011

Website Updates
1. LSA Budget and Finance Website – At the recommendation of the Finance Council, the policies
and procedures section of the LSA Budget and Finance website has been redesigned to include
two different pages – one for new and updated policies, and one for all policies. Any policy that
is posted on the “new and updated” page can also be found on the “all policies” page. You can
see these changes by clicking here:
The new LSA Program Use Chart is available, and provides information on the new program
codes that the college will be using in regards to recruitment and retention. This can be found
The University’s procurement website has integrated into the same format as the Financial
Operations website. Because of this, certain “favorites” that you may have previously saved
may no longer work. If you are unable to find a website you previously saved, your financial
analyst should be able to help you.
New Financial Reports
P/G Balance/Activity Info – This report provides a beginning balance, detail transactions, and
ending balance for every P/G, and can be run by either PI name or Department ID. This report is
useful when looking at the financial health of a P/G, as you are able to see all aspects of the P/G
as of the time the report is ran. This report can be found under the Interim-unit maintained >LSA ->RTF folder in Business Objects.
Temp Payroll Analysis by PI – This report provides Temporary employees’ hours, rate, and
amount paid by Project Investigator. This could be a useful report to provide faculty who are
responsible for reviewing and approving time. It is also collated so that all the PI’s P/G’s are
grouped together to make the distribution to faculty easier. This report can be found under the
Interim-unit maintained ->LSA ->RTF folder in Business Objects.
There are a number of reports available in the Procurement section of the UM Maintained
reports in Business Objects that are helpful when reviewing Concur related transactions. Below are a
few that we have found to be especially helpful for high level oversight of your unit’s Concur activity.
1. FN06 Procurement Travel and Expense Approved Expense Reports – This report shows all
expense reports approved, who the default approver is and who actually approved the report,
for a department or department group, during a specified period of time.
2. FN06 Procurement Travel and Expense Employee Profile – This report shows all employees’
profile data, including default approvers, for a department or department group.
3. FN06 Procurement Travel and Expense Employee Roles – This produces a report of the roles
assigned to each departmental employee in the Travel & Expense system.
Reminder of Concur Business Purpose: Per the SPG 507.10-1, ““A necessary expense is one for which
there exists a clear business purpose and is within University expense policy limitations. A clear business
purpose contains all information necessary to substantiate the expenditure including a list of attendees
and their purpose for attending, business topics discussed, or how the expenditure benefited the
The overall, specific business purpose of the trip should be clearly stated on expense submissions.
Business purpose should include information such as:
People involved
University affiliation
Business topics covered
This email can also be found on the LSA Budget and Finance website under the news and events
If you have questions regarding any information in this email, feel free to contact your financial analyst.