Sustainability At BGSU

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• If you need any more info about anything on this slide,
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is tons more info there
• If you have any questions please just ask!
• Contact BG Sustainability:
▫ Dr. Nick Hennessey
▫ 419-372-9949
• I hope you enjoy our resources!
Sustainability and Green Initiatives at BGSU
BGSU Office of Campus Sustainability
What is Sustainability?
• Sustainability is meeting the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs
• It is when social,
environmental, and
economic factors work
together to provide
truly beneficial
The Basics of Sustainability
• Reduce your…
▫ Consumption of natural resources
▫ Production of waste
• Reuse…
▫ Items for a second life
▫ As many things as you can
• Recycle…
▫ Anything that couldn’t be reused
▫ Everything possible instead of disposing it
Sustainability at BGSU
• BGSU has an Office of Campus Sustainability that aims
to make BGSU a “greener” campus through its programs
and initiatives.
Green Game Day Recycling
When You Move Out, Don’t Throw it Out
Green Office Certification
Earth Week
And much more!
• Volunteer for them at
or scan the barcode!
Sustainability at BGSU
• President Mazey signed the Presidents’ Climate
Commitment (PCC) in Oct. 2012
• This is a promise that BGSU
will be environmentallyfriendly and strive to
eliminate its carbon footprint
• BGSU has established a plan
to become more
environmentally-friendly :
read the plan on our website!
Game Day Recycling
• Volunteers can assist with recycling at home
sporting events such as football, basketball,
hockey, and more!
• Green Game Day is our
renowned recycling effort
at home football games
(pictured right)
• Fill out the v0lunteer
form online and make a
Orange Bike Program
• Orange Bikes is a community bikeshare program
that offers emission-free transportation on
campus for BGSU students for no cost!
▫ Students obtain a key that unlocks any
of the bikes on campus
▫ Go online and
follow the easy
steps to get a key!
Green Office Certification Program
• The Office of Campus Sustainability is
encouraging BGSU Offices and Departments to
go “green”
▫ There is a checklist of
sustainable practices given to
Offices to implement
▫ Based on how many they
implement they receive
either Level One, Two, or
Three certification
BGSU Recycling
• “All-In-One” Single-Source Recycling at BGSU
• Plastics (#1-7), Paper, Cans, Bottles, Glass and
Cardboard all go into the “Recycling” container
• Non-recyclables go into the “Landfill” container
• Utilize the small brown bins in your room and
the containers in the Residence Hall
Dine Green
• Eat your next meal in one of the
environmentally-friendly dining centers
▫ Oak’s Dining Center – LEED Gold Certified
▫ Carillon Place – LEED Silver Certified
• Choose real plates and utensils instead of
disposables wherever you can
Student Green Initiatives Fund
• The Student Green Initiatives Fund is a pool of
money that is available to fund projects that
further environmental sustainability on campus.
Perry Field House LED Lighting Renovation
Water Bottle Refill Stations
Composting Pilot Program
Energy Dashboards
Human Powered Treadmills
• Make your green dream become a reality!
Oak’s Green Roof
• The Oak’s Dining Center has a live green roof
▫ Reduces the urban heat island effect
▫ Absorbs rainwater to prevent excessive runoff
▫ Saves money for heating and cooling by providing
more insulation
▫ Creates habitats for birds, butterflies, and other flying
• Entrance to the roof is
through the BGSU Dining
Office entrance (next to
Dunkin Donuts). Go up the
stairs and turn right!
Stay Connected
• Volunteer for a program today by visiting the
Office of Campus Sustainability’s website
• Follow us on Twitter/Facebook to stay up-todate with the most recent happenings on campus
• Follow the “10 Tips to being a Green Falcon” and
encourage others to do the same
Contact Us!
• If you have any questions or comments
regarding sustainability or any
programs/initiatives going on, contact them:
Phone: 419-372-9949
Sustainability Coordinator: Dr. Nick Hennessy
Office: Campus Operations Building, Office 107B
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