University Council

Higher Learning Commission:
Reaccreditation under Pathways
Regional Accreditation
• North Central-Higher Learning Commission
• 10 years
• Self-study
– 2 years to produce
– 300 pages
– Resource Room
• New methodology – Open Pathway
Open Pathway
• Two components
– Quality Initiative
• We propose a project
• Significant impact
– Assurance Document
• Present arguments to support criteria
• Online
• Compliance with Federal regulations
Quality Initiative
• Original proposal identified two areas
• Consultants visited Mar. 2010
• Expand the student populations for BGSU
enrollment and implement programs to
recruit them and retain them to successful
degree completion.
Quality Initiative
• Report Team in place
– Albert Colom
– Joe Frizado
– Marc Nelson
– Michelle Simmons
• Report is due Aug. 31, 2012
• Maximum 6,000 words
• Review occurs during fall
Assurance Document
• Replaces the self study
• Moved to an online process
• Requires answering a series of prompts to
address five major criteria
• Mission
• Integrity: Ethical & Responsible Conduct
• Teaching & Learning: Quality, Resources, and
• Teaching & Learning: Evaluation and
• Resources, Planning, and Institutional
Campus Labs
Assurance Document
35,000 words total
Only 15 user accounts (3 system)
Only PDF may be uploaded
Only PDF directly referenced will be kept
Only 6 URL
Course Catalog
Faculty Handbook
Student Handbook
Staff Handbook
Class Schedules
Faculty roster
• Mission – Joe Frizado
• Integrity
• Teaching & Learning: Quality, Resources, and
• Teaching & Learning: Evaluation and
• Resources, Planning, and Institutional
Effectiveness – Mel Hudson-Nowak
General Timeline
Writing Teams staffed before May 1
Writing Teams complete first draft by Sept. 15
Technical editing begins
BGSU General Review begins Oct. 15
Second round of editing/updates
Final version is submitted by Mar. 15, 2013
Federal Compliance
Credits, program length and tuition*
Student complaint process
Transfer policies
Verify student identities (distance)*
Title IV information*
Institutional Disclosures on Advertising/Recruitment
• Relationships with other Accrediting Agencies*
• Public Notice of Evaluation Visit
Title IV Information
General programs findings
Financial Responsibilities requirements
Student loan default rates
Campus Crime information
Student Right to Know
Satisfactory Progress/Attendance Policies
Contractual relationships
Consortial relationships
Quality Initiative – Aug. 31, 2012
Assurance File – Mar. 15, 2013
Compliance Document – Mar. 15, 2013
HLC Campus Visit – April 15, 2013