For Education And Learning Theme

International Journal of Education, Learning and Training (Online), Volume XXX, Issue XXX (month , year)
Research Paper/Review Paper/Case-study (please delete appropriately)
Author 1
Address of affiliation
Author 2
Address of affiliation
Not more than 300 words. Should be written in Italic.
Key Terms: 5-6 key words
Should write rational of the study/problem statement. Research objectives should be
written. Organization of the papers should be written. Please try to keep single line spacing with
Cambria 12 font size. (prefer 1 and half pages)
Literature Review
Past research findings that are relevant to your research. Please do not write more than
three pages.
Research Design and Methodology (important for research papers)
Please discuss your research design approach, methodology. Materials and methods
should be clearly presented to allow the reproduction of the experiments
Results and Discussion (Important for research paper)
Results and discussion maybe combined into a single section. Results and discussion
may also be presented separately if necessary
A summary of the whole paper or concluding statement of the research (should not
exceed more than half pages.
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International Journal of Education, Learning and Training (Online), Volume XXX, Issue XXX (month , year)
Harvard Referencing considered to be appropriate in this journal. Some consistent referencing
which are similar to Havard referencing is illustrated below as a sample. In text referencing
should be made clearly literature review and Methodology or in analysis part. These references
should be listed in the reference list in alphabetic order.
Flick, U. (2006). An introduction to quantitative research (3rd ed.). London: SAGE
Hofstede, G. (1991), Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. New York:
McGraw-Hill Publication
Hassan, Z and Diallo, M(2013). Cross cultural adjustments and expatriate job
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Hofstede, Geert (1980) Culture’s consequences: International Differences in Workrelated Values. Beverly Hills, CA.: Sage Publications
Hofstede, Geert. (2001).Culture's Consequences, Comparing Values, Behaviors,
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Hofstede Geert. (2007). Culturally questionable? - article by M. L. Jones, 2007 Oxford
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Hofstede, G. (1993). ‘Cultural Constraints in Management Theories’, Academy of
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Economic Growth’, Organizational Dynamics, 16(4): 4-21
Holland, R. and Shortall, T. 1997. Classroom Research and Research Methods.
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Hofstede, G., Hofstede G.J., and Minkov, M (2010). Cultures and Organizations:
Intercultural Cooperation and its Importance for Survival. 3rd Edition. USA: McGraw-Hill
Hofstede, G., and Minkov, M., (2011). The evolution of Hofstede‟s doctrine. Cross
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MacCallum, R.C., Widaman, K.F., Zhang, S and Hong, S (1999). Sample Size in Factor
Analyis. Psychological Methods, 4(1), pp.84-99.
Pedersen, P(2007). Ethics, competence, and professional issues in Cross-cultural
counseling. Chapter 1. Basic Issues in cross-cultural counseling, pp.5-20. Retrieved from
Pheng, LS. and Yuquan, S. (2002) “An exploratory study of Hofstede’s cross –cultural
dimensions in construction projects” Management Decision Journal Vol.40(1), pp. 7-16
Ponterotto, J.G. (2005). Qualitative Research in Counseling Psychology: A Primer on
Research Paradigms and Philosophy of Science. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52
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Ponterotto, J.G. (2002). Qualitative Research Methods: The fifth force in psychology. The
Counselling Pyschologist, 30 (3), 394-406
Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A., (2009). Research Methods for Business
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International Journal of Education, Learning and Training (Online), Volume XXX, Issue XXX (month , year)
Triandis, H. C. (1992), Cross-cultural industrial and organizational psychology. In M. D.
Dunnette, L. Hough (Eds.), Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 4,
Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologist Press
Trompenaars, F., (1993). Riding the waves of culture: understanding cultural diversity
in business. London: The Economist Books
Triandis, H. C. (2001). Individualism and collectivism: Past, present and future. In D.
Matsumoto (Ed.), The handbook of culture and psychology (pp. 35–50). NewYork:
Oxford University Press
Triandis,H.C., and Trafimow,D.(2001).Cross-national prevalence of collectivism. InC.
Sedikides & M.B.Brewer (Eds.), Individual self, relational self, collective self (pp. 259–
276). Philadelphia, PA: Psychology Press.
Trompenaars, F and Hampden-Turner, C (1997),Riding the Waves of Culture:
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Tanveer Ahmed, 2009. High Power Distance and High-Context Culture. [Online]
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Tina Kim-Jo Verónica Benet-Martínez Daniel J. Ozer, (2008). University of California.
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Sept 2013].
Trompenaars, F., (1985). The organization of meaning and the meaning of organization
.Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
Tina Kim-Jo Verónica Benet-Martínez Daniel J. Ozer, (2008.) University of California.
[Online] Available:
[Accessed on 27, Sept 2013].
Yin, R. K. (2003). Case study research: Design and methods (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks:
CA: Sage.
IJELT is a FTMS Publishing Journal
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