Clackamas High School Introduction to Dance Fall Semester 2014

Clackamas High School
Introduction to Dance
Fall Semester 2014
Contact Information
Name: Carrie Jo Vincent
Room : D7 (Dance Studio) East Campus
Phone: 503-353- 5810 ext. 38122
Day 1, Periods 1&2
Course Length/1 semester
Career related learning experience offered
Course Description
Welcome to the land of dance. I look forward to knowing you all as dancer, dance
viewers, and dance makers. As a teacher, I am passionate about helping you
discover the power of creative expression through dance. Throughout our semester
together, you will sample a wide variety of dance forms. By the end of our time
together, I hope you will have discovered the life enhancing power dance.
Course Objectives
Introduction to Dance is designed to be a basic social dance literacy course. The
learning emphasis is put on experiencing dance in all its major forms and building a
basic dance vocabulary. The course is exploratory and introductory in nature.
National Arts Core Standards Assessed
Creating: Synthesize content generated from stimulus materials to choreograph dance
studies or dances using original or codified movement.
Performing: Develop and refine artistic technique and work for presentation
Performing: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation
Responding: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
Connecting: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical context
to deepen understanding.
Units of Study:
Ongoing units of study
 Dance conditioning
A. building coordination, muscle strength, flexibility, and
 Building muscle memory
 Building the mental acuity to remember detailed sequences of
 Dance etiquette
 Dance Studio Vocabulary
 Country Line Dances
 Ballroom Partner Basics
 American Tango
 Folkdance (Cultural) sampler
 Cha Cha
 Waltz
 Performance dance sampler (ballet, modern, hip hop)
 Choreography basics
 Student showcase
 Event Planning (Dance class learner’s ball)
Grading scale
Grading Policies
Grades will be determined primarily based on a student’s willingness to fully
commit to experiencing dance class. A student must commit fully to participating in
the dancing activities in class.
Academic Practice/Exploration grades (formative) are:
Daily activities: dance warm-up, dance class, dance rehearsal homework,, dancemaking activities. These assignments will constitute 80% of total grade. This will
be indicated as Dance Class on Synergy!
Academic Achievement (summative):
Major work conducted when a student has had adequate instruction and practice to
be responsible for the material. It is designed to provide information to be used in
making a judgment about a student’s achievement at the end of a sequence of
instruction, final performances/attempts and art-making projects.
Summative activities: Dance (written) tests, showcase performances (danced)
These assignments will constitute 20% of total grade. This will be indicated as
“scored pieces” in Synergy.
Grades are weighted 80% formative and Summative20%. Be in class to pass!
Graded activities
Dance showcases (Assessments)
 student performed dance pieces weighted 20%
 Dance tests (written)
In class dance activities
 5 points each class weighted 80%
Field Trips/Guest Artist Experiences /Ball rehearsal classes
 Doubled or tripled in class dance activity points and weighted 80%
Dance Performances/Events
 Students host a social dance ball at an off-site location
Semester Final-Saturday, May 30st, Dance Class Ball/Showcase at CHS
Yes, this is required, so plan for it now!
Late Work
Grade reviews occur approximately four times each semester. Following each review, a late
work deadline is established. Any missing assignments or late work preceding the make-up
date will be accepted for full credit. After the late work deadline is passed, work preceding
that date will no longer be accepted.
Make-up assignments
Please note that the largest factor determining success is attendance. As per CHS policy,
make-up assignments will be offered for excused absences only. I will accept up to 6 makeup assignments due to absence.
Field Trips
*Guest Artists
Julia Gingerich
Sharon Miller
Sheldon Hilton
Katherine Hunt
Optional Enrichment Activities
Group ticket orders/master classes
Professional Dancer, Choreographer
Dance Historian, Teacher, Choreographer
Ballroom Teaching Assistant
Dance Teacher
Please note: Please be aware that the timing of individual units of study may be changed
due to availability of facilities and guest artists’ schedules. In addition, the number of guest
artists presenting in the classroom may be expanding as I continue to contact art
organizations with educational outreach programs.
*Special Note: If you know of a dancer that might share their time and talents with us,
please let me know. I would love to expand our list of guest teaching artists.
Studio Policies
Studio use will be scheduled.
Studio footwear only. No street shoes or turf shoes!
No food in the studio. Water only.
Studio etiquette requires that you do not touch any equipment until directed to do so by your
master teacher.
No equipment should be removed from the studio.
All studio equipment should be properly stored and the floor swept after each rehearsal or studio
Studio doors should be locked after each rehearsal or studio class.
Studio Clothing
Studio clothing should allow for the free movement of the body. Studio clothing should
in no way make your fellow students or teacher uncomfortable. Simply put, I don’t want
to see your underwear. You will sweat in class so dressing like you would for P.E. or a
dance class would be the best. Finally, you don’t want to wear jewelry that could get
caught on another dancer.
Studio Shoes
I urge you to buy a pair of dance shoes; however, it is not required for class. Dancing in
full socks will not be allowed. It is too dangerous. Your cheapest option would be a
basic ballet slipper. They can be purchased at Payless for as little as $15.00. Remember,
you can purchase dance shoes online at Discount Dance.
The Leotard
2432 NE Martin Luther King BLVD
Portland, OR 97212
(503) 284-9244