
Alamo Community
Colleges - Identity
Research Summary
Agency Capabilities
Low Brand Awareness.
The name “Alamo Community Colleges” is low in
awareness among opinion leaders
Familiarity with the Alamo Community College District is
overshadowed by SAC
The district itself trails behind the individual college
identities, except Northeast Lakeview (expected)
No more than 29% of students could identify any of the
five college logos (name removed)
Low Perceived Value.
Compared to other higher education institutions in the
metro area, opinion leaders are less likely to grade the
Alamo Community Colleges as “providing a quality
education and service to the San Antonio community”
Many students think that the educational product is
substandard at the 5 colleges, and merits consideration
only as a “fallback” choice
“Community/Junior” – perceived as something of lesser
ACC Logos.
Unaided Logo Recall – Approach.
Logo Recall – HS Students
College night interviews
“Very familiar” with colleges –
HS Students
Telephone interviews
ACC Recall – Opinion Leaders
Opinion Leader Evaluation of Higher
Education Institutions.
There is no branding that exists which unifies the district as
Using multiple logos with no commonality, drives a
perception that the district and colleges are small and
creates a consumer reaction which causes confusion
Develop a coordinated look for the Alamo Community
Communicate unity throughout the district and among
each college
Embrace the power of speaking with one voice
ACC Logos.
Agency Capabilities
ACC Logos.
Historically, students don’t recognize the college or district
Historically, Bexar County taxpayers don’t recognize the
college or district logos
Historically, government and business leaders don’t
recognize the college or district logos
By having such a fractured brand, we are missing the
opportunity – which so many other two-year college
districts have taken – to build key awareness of our size,
impact and overall quality
We literally can’t afford to do that anymore – students,
taxpayers and community leadership need a clear
The Alamo Colleges will be a powerful brand – The Alamo
“Family” of Colleges, even as the separate colleges keep
their distinct identities
“The total is greater than the sum of its parts”
It’s time . . .
The new logo, name and name emphasis address the
lack of increased public awareness since first measuring
ACC’s image in 1988
The new name, Alamo Colleges, provides the opportunity
to increase the public’s awareness of the system and its
five colleges
The new name, Alamo Colleges, elevates the entire
∙ The new name, Alamo Colleges, does not
change the names of the individual colleges,
thereby preserving their identities
∙ The cost to make the change in the college
signs is approximately $100,000
∙ The new name, Alamo Colleges, will utilize
enhanced management over the logo and
names ensuring higher public recognition of the
brand and the quality of the education
Comparing Awareness of
Alamo Community Colleges – FOR GROUP
Four studies have been conducted to measure public opinion of Alamo Community
•Each study found that SAC is much more familiar than the other colleges.
•However, due to different methodologies and questionnaire language, there are
some differences in the results.
•For the three most recent surveys which were conducted by Core Research, the
client (ACCD) was masked, to avoid false positive recall.
•The 2005 survey represents residents OVER 35 years old, which accounts for a
higher recall of St. Philip’s and Palo Alto.
•The 2008 student survey combines “Very familiar” and “Somewhat familiar” to be
consisted with simple “yes/no” responses in other surveys.
2008 telephone survey of 205 high school students
2008 web survey of 125 opinion leaders
2005 telephone survey of 300 residents who were at least 35 years old
1988 telephone survey of 368 students
Introduction: “Hello, I work for the ACCD and would like to take five minutes of your
time to ask you a few questions concerning the ACCD and the colleges that
comprise the district…
Q1. “Have you heard of the Alamo Community College District?”
[IF YES] Q2. “Name the colleges you think belong to the ACCD.”
[IF NO] Q3. “Are you aware of Palo Alto College/San Antonio College/St. Philip’s
College Brand Awareness.
Comparing 4 studies (aided recall)