Functions of Political Parties Functions Nominate Candidates through primary elections More candidates-centered politics than party-centered politics. Raise and spend campaign funds---declining importance due to Super PAC’s (political action committees) Register Voters Simplify decisions for voting decision---use of “party lens” by voters; voters know republican v. democrat Functions (Cont’d) Raise and spend campaign funds---declining importance due to Super PAC’s (political action committees Register Voters Simplify decisions for voting decision---use of “party lens” by voters; voters know republican v. democrat Functions (Cont’d) Unify Diverse Interests FDR’s grand coalition (labor unions, blue collar workers, minorities, farmers, intellectuals) However, to appeal to wide variety of party members, parties must not take strong stands (“middle of the road”) Functions (Cont’d) Act as moderating influence on gov’t To win elections, parties must usually nominate moderate candidates who appeal to vast center of the American electorate. Contrasts with European multiparty systems where fringe parties and candidates are common Functions (Cont’d) Inform public through party platforms Provide “loyal opposition” (after honeymoon period) Agents of political socialization Linking mechanism between people and government