Clackamas High School Global Science Course Syllabus 2015-2016 Instructor Contact Information Name: Sally Howe Room 403 West Campus Phone: 503-353-5800 Email: Website: Course: Global Science This course is designed to help the student develop a solid understanding of science principles. Students will better understand the relevance of science, apply scientific skills to a variety of situations, apply science concepts and processes, and have an increased awareness of science. Students will explore relevant concepts and processes and participate in activities that invite inquiry and verification of information. Standards Nature of Science: Scientific Thinking; Measurement; Scientific Investigations Chemistry: The Organization of Matter; Chemical Reactions Earth Science: The Solar System; The Structure of the Earth and the Atmosphere; Changes in the Earth and Atmosphere; Landforms Text: Spectrum Science. Each student will be responsible for in class reading. Students will not be issued a personal copy of the course text. Class sets will be used. Books are available in the media center for checkout during study hall period, overnight, or for the year. See the media center for details. Course Outline This course will contain a variety of assessments including tests, papers, labs, speeches, and projects. (See Grading Policies below) Daily assignments will be given. Attendance is critical to student success. Homework will be assigned. Google classroom and the Remind app are used for communication to students A cumulative final will be given each semester during finals week. Academic Achievement (summative): work conducted when a student has had adequate instruction and practice to be responsible for the material. It is designed to provide information to be used in making a judgment about a student’s achievement at the end of a sequence of instruction, e.g. final drafts, tests, exams, assignments, projects, performances, and labs. This type of assessment may account for 80% of the grade. Grading Scale: o A = 90-100% B = 80-89%, o C = 70-79%, D = 60-69%, F = 59% and below "I" indicates that the minimum standard has not been met. Student has two weeks to resubmit work for credit. I = 0% NO extra credit will be offered or given. Grades are not rounded. Students cannot retake tests. Classroom Policies Science is a lab-based and participation-required class. Even when absences are excused, they may have a detrimental effect on learning and being successful in this class. Missed work/activities/labs must be discussed with your teacher from any absence whether it is excused or unexcused. If a test/quiz is missed, the NEXT CLASS PERIOD the student returns to class the test will be taken during class time. You are expected to be on time to class. If tardiness becomes a problem, parents will be contacted and consequences issued. Bathroom passes will be given only on a limited basis. You are expected to be in class. Clackamas High School behavior expectations will be followed. Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe. If students choose not to not meet behavior expectations, consequences ranging in severity may be administered (e.g. speaking with student/parents to referral to Student Management) Clackamas High School and North Clackamas School District policies on plagiarism will be followed. Any work submitted for a grade, is subject to verification of authenticity. Copying lab work and homework or any other work from other students is not permitted and work will not earn credit. If a student or parent/guardian wishes to see a teacher outside of class, an appointment must be made. Students can arrange appointments at appropriate times during class; parents/guardians may call or email a teacher to make an appointment. I am difficult to find if you just drop in. Academic Support Individual help/tutoring is available to students by appointment during my office hours. More information can be viewed at: After school tutoring is also available for all subjects on Tuesday and Thursdays. ___________________________________________________________________________ PRINT STUDENT NAME_______________________________________________ I have read and understand the Global Science syllabus. ______________________________ Student signature Comments: ____________________________________ Parent/Guardian signature