Last Revision: Oct. 2014 LIBERTY UNIVERSITY BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY MA Internship Program GLST 699 (6 credit hours) Thesis Practicum Program GLST 698 (3 credit hours) Internship/Practicum Information and Proposal Approval Process I. Description (from syllabus) A practical field experience in intercultural global engagement under the supervision of an approved mentor. The field, mentor, and nature of service must be approved beforehand by the professor. II. When can I do the Internship/Practicum? The completion of GLST 500 or GLST 650 is required to enroll in GLST 698 or 699. The internship/practicum class assignments expect awareness of information from those classes. Completing the internship toward the end of your degree plan allows you to apply lessons learned in all of your classes. Please complete Spring semester approval before the end of Fall Semester to prevent access issues during the Christmas holidays. III. Where can I do the internship/Practicum? LU requires interns to serve in a cultural context other than your own. You may serve locally, nationally or internationally. Generally, only full time, crosscultural missionaries may receive hour credit for their current assignment/ministry. It is the student’s responsibility to set up the internship with a legitimate organization of their choosing which includes involvement in a local church. Many para-church organizations and personal ministries do not qualify. All arrangements and expenses are the student’s responsibility. Some of our existing partners include: ABWE, Drew Brandon,, 717.909.2343 Christar, Militza Lyden, , 805.414.0347 1 Last Revision: Oct. 2014 Crossworld, Paul Halsey,, 434.390.5916 GEM,, Jubilee Calhoun,, IMB, Monica Waters (GLST students), NTM, Richard Schweinsberg,, 434.942.9242 Laurie Schweinsberg,, 434.238.4636 Pioneers,, Rosemary Corbin, , 407.801.8782 Samaritan's Purse, Stephen Rhoads, SIM, Ralph Sauers, 704.587.1439,, WorldVenture, David Love, Terry Schneider, Nate Pache, 434.363.3174 Wycliffe, Andy Ott, 321.217.3954, Elizabeth Eno (overseas interns), 302.229.9695, Keith Franklin (US interns), 443.235.8387, LU Global Internships,, provides support for Liberty undergrad GLST students pursuing an internship. Graduate GLST students are welcome to take advantage of the resources offered (workshops, networking etc.). We are not able to answer specific questions about GLST 698-699 academic requirements. Contact your local associational director of missions, local denominational state convention office, or your denominational national and international missions agencies. IV. Time Requirements GLST 699 provides six credit hours internship for MA students. It requires an Internship with a minimum of 300 hours in a minimum of two months. GLST 698 provides three credit hours practicum for Thesis students. It requires a Practicum with a minimum of 150 hours in a minimum of one month. 2 Last Revision: Oct. 2014 It is possible to take two terms of GLST 699 for three hours each to complete the 300 hour requirement. You may go on a longer short-term trip and receive GLST 698 or 699 credit. However, the hours and class work will need to be completed during the semester enrolled. The mentor will confirm that the time requirement was met satisfactorily. V. A Mentor Before beginning the internship/practicum, you are required to enlist a qualified mentor. He/she will supervise you during the field experience to provide cultural training and feedback. A Mentor who is a qualified National is an advantage. Students should meet with the mentor once a week and document it in the required journal. One of the internship/practicum assignments is for the mentor to fill out an evaluation of your internship, discuss it with you, and then you submit the completed form. No one is expected to receive a perfect score in every area. The mentor will need to observe your work to accurately and completely comment on each part of the final evaluation. Failure to do so may impact your final grade. A qualified mentor should be full time and experienced in the area you are serving. He/she should have an accredited degree. Choose a mentor that has the experience and time to teach, evaluate, correct and help you grow in evangelistic cross-cultural ministry. He/she should not be supervised by you in any other relationship. VI. Nature of the Ministry There is wide flexibility for you to serve where you can pursue your areas of interest, passion, and giftedness. It is expected you will be immersed as a learner in a culture other than your own. Below are some acceptable areas of ministry (though not exhaustive). It is best to include a combination of them. The hours are for hands-on ministry interacting with nationals. Just being there is not sufficient for credit. Each Internship/practicum needs to include an intentional evangelistic ministry component appropriate to the context. • Evangelism (personal/event/servant evangelism) • Discipleship/teaching (small group/large group/one-on-one) • Preaching, • Church planting • Prayer /Prayer walks • Language learning • Leading worship • Administration • Children’s ministry • Youth ministry • University ministry • Sports ministry • Media ministry 3 Last Revision: Oct. 2014 VII. Internship/Practicum Approval Process In order to register for GLST 698 or GLST 699, please cut, paste and complete this section. You will be held accountable for the information provided. Please allow time for adjustments to the initial proposal. Any significant changes during the semester must be approved by the professor. Email to Dr. Thomas Wright ( ). NAME and STUDENT NUMBER: LU EMAIL ADDRESS: NUMBER OF CREDIT HOURS NEEDED (150 or 300)/CLASS NUMBER (698 or 699): CLASS TERM (Spring, Summer or Fall, In what year. Summer term is 14 weeks): STUDENT’S ETHNICITY (Anglo, African American, Kenyan African, Hispanic, etc): LU DEGREE (Masters or Thesis) COMPLETED GLST 500 AND GLST 650: Yes or NO NUMBER OF HOURS COMPLETED ON YOUR DEGREE: REPLIES TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: A. Where will you be doing your internship? • City, State or Country • With what organization and/or church (biblical ministry needs to involve a local church). Describe how you will involve the church in your evangelistic ministry and how you will involve your contacts in the church. • What ethnic group will you be working with B. How Long? • • • Will you be on the field (minimum of 4 weeks for 698 and 8 weeks for 699) Dates on the field How many hours will you be doing ministry per day (approximately) C. What will you be doing for your ministry? • Type of Ministry – (see part VI). • Describe how you will be intentionally evangelistic and the evangelism resources you will use that work in your context. • What specific responsibilities will you have? • What challenges do you think you will encounter and how are you preparing for them • How do you think God has prepared you for this particular ministry? D. Who will be your mentor? 4 Last Revision: Oct. 2014 • • • • • • • Name Age Ethnicity Organizational Position (pastor, director, ministry leader, etc.) Education (degree and institutions) Years in this particular field Years overall experience VIII. Registering for GLST 698 or 699 Completion of GLST 500 and GLST 650 is required to register for GLST 698 or GLST 699. The Professor will copy the proposal approval to in order to complete registration. You will receive acknowledgment you are enrolled in the course. GLST 699 is offered only through LU Online (LUO) three sessions per year (Spring, Summer, Fall) in a 14/16-week format. The summer session is 14 weeks. Though the field work for the internship may last for 4-12 weeks, you will register for the course in the 14/16-week window that corresponds closest to your internship and allows you to complete the required hours before the end of the term. You will need to satisfactorily complete all 14/16 weeks of class requirements to pass the internship/practicum. Please complete your Spring proposal before the end of the Fall Semester to allow faculty and staff to enjoy their Christmas break. IX. Assignments While doing the actual hands-on ministry experience you will 1) complete the spiritual gifts assessment 2) post journal entries each week 3) turn in your mentor’s evaluation 4) write a final paper reflecting on the entire experience 5) participate in five discussion forums with other students. See the syllabus for more details on the assignments. Questions? Thoroughly examine this document, then complete as much of Section VII as you can and contact Dr. Thomas Wright ( ). The more information you can provide will result in more definitive answers. It is best to communicate in writing to prevent any misunderstanding of approvals or expectations. 5