Time Grid Report Form College of Arts & Sciences Unit Prepared by Schedule Guidelines Term/Year Yes/No Details* Explanations* List Catalog # and Faculty 1. Tenured/tenure track faculty in gateway courses? (A gateway course is an entry-level course to a discipline - a first course in the major.) 2. Senior faculty in freshman courses? 3. Course scheduled within time grid? List each non-complying course with explanation. [General classroom space] 4. Classroom allotment adhered to? List each non-complying course with explanation. [General classroom space] List Catalog # and Faculty List exceptions: List non-complying courses: Time grid compliance: [count sections that use general classroom space] 5a. Total number of sections offered: Number of sections 5b. Number/percent of sections scheduled on MWF: 5c. Number/percent of sections scheduled on Weekend/Online: 6a. 6b. 6c. 6d. Number/percent of sections starting before 9:30 am: Number/percent of sections starting at 9:30 am - 3:00 pm: Number/percent of sections starting at 3:00 pm - 5:59 pm: Number/percent of sections starting at 6:00 pm or later: 7. Have you ensured that TR offerings are spread across all course levels (1000 & 2000 as well as 4000 and graduate Percent of total (cell to left/5a) * 100‡ 55% or greater 5% or greater 10% or greater 50% or less 15% or greater 15% or greater Yes *classes offered off grid are counted in all pertinent statistics. MWR is both MWF and TR. **GENERAL CLASSROOM SPACE IS NOT DEPARTMENT-OWNED ROOMS AND LABS. ‡translation: (number of sections in this row divided by line 5a) multiplied by 100 Please email to CASResources@bgsu.edu REV 1/2016 No