Frequently Asked Questions
North Clackamas School District
1. What is a School Based Health Center?
A School Based Health Center (SBHC) is a full service doctor’s office located in a school or
on school premises. SBHCs are a national model designed to improve access to health care
by reducing the barriers that prevent youth from seeking health services, such as
inconvenience, cost, transportation, and apprehension about discussing personal health
problems. SBHCs provide care – primary health, mental health, dental health, counseling,
family outreach, and chronic illness management – without concern for the student’s ability to
pay and in a location that meets students where they are, at school.
2. Are there other School Based Health Centers in the area?
Milwaukie High School has had a SBHC operating since 2012. It is one of four SBHCs in
Clackamas County. Portland Public Schools have had SBHCs for over 20 years. Several
high schools in Washington County have SBHCs with additional ones opening in the future.
3. What is Outside In?
Outside In, founded in 1968, is a Federally Qualified Health Center with a strong reputation
for excellence in health care, counseling, and health education for teens. Outside In has
been providing daily (except weekends) medical services including a full-time behavioral
health counselor at Milwaukie High School since 2012. Outside In has developed
partnerships that provide dental care and extended counseling services.
4. Why do we need another SBHC in the North Clackamas School District?
Research is clear that healthy students learn better and have better attendance. Students
can’t learn if they are not in class. Many students do not have health insurance and
subsequently do not receive adequate health care. Even for those who do have health
insurance, access can be a big issue. It can be difficult for parents to get time off work to
take their student to medical appointments that are often far way.
It is the goal of the North Clackamas School District to assist in providing access to quality
health care for all students in the district so they can stay healthy and in school. This means
working toward access to a SBHC for students at Clackamas, Rex Putnam, and New Urban
high schools.
5. Who will pay for the School Based Health Center?
Outside In and the school district will seek grants and donations specifically for the
construction, equipment, and long term staffing for a School Based Health Center. Funds
were successfully raised in this way for the School Based Health Center at Milwaukie HS.
Funders included federal, state and local governments as well as many generous private
September, 2015
6. Who will be able to use the SBHC?
The SBHC will be available to all high school students. The vision includes opening up to the
feeder schools as soon as there is capacity. Services will be available to students regardless
of their ability to pay.
7. Who will treat my student in the SBHC?
The SBHC will be staffed by a Nurse Practitioner, a Medical Assistant, a Behavioral Health
Specialist, a Clinic Coordinator, and the Medical Director employed by Outside In. The
medical director at Outside In clinics is Wayne Sells, MD, MPH. He is certified both in
pediatric and adolescent medicine and is the Director of the Division of Adolescent Health at
OHSU. He currently provides services at the Milwaukie HS SBHC.
8. How much will it cost me for visits or medications if my student uses the SBHC?
The services and medications provided to your student will be free of cost. For students with
medical insurance, Outside In will bill for services rendered, but at no point will a parent be
billed for health services. If the student needs to be referred to a specialist and there will be
a fee, staff will work with parents to navigate options such as financial assistance.
9. Can I, as a parent, talk to the medical provider?
Yes. The medical provider will be available to speak with you and will discuss as much
information with you as they are able.
10. What if my student or I have questions between visits?
You will be able to reach SBHC staff during clinic hours. Once your student has become a
patient, they will be given a 24 hour nurse line to call with any medical concerns.
11. Will my student be given medications/prescriptions?
Staff at the SBHC will prescribe and dispense free medication to patients. The clinic stocks
over-the-counter and prescription drugs, such as antibiotics. It does NOT carry or dispense
controlled substances, such as pain killers, morphine, or ADHD medications.
12. Will I be notified if my student uses the SBHC?
It is a priority of Outside In to involve parents in the care of their student. Although Oregon
law states that youth 15 and older can consent to their own healthcare, clinic staff make an
effort to include parents in their student’s healthcare and will also encourage students to
communicate their health needs and concerns to their parents.
13. What if my student already has a doctor or PCP?
If the student has a primary care physician, staff will encourage her/him to see their doctor for
long term care. The student can still be seen at the SBHC for acute and immediate care
September, 2015