Federal Law No. 126-ФЗ Dated August 5, 1995

Federal Law No. 126-ФЗ Dated August 5, 1995
‘On The Railway Troops Of The Russian Federation’
(with amendments dated December 30, 1999)
Adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on July 12, 1995.
This federal law specifies and elaborates upon the tasks, legal bases and
organisational principles of the Railway Troops.
The role of the troops is defined, along with a description of their peacetime and
wartime tasks. The principles of their activity, the description of bodies with the
power to define their structure and strength, their lines of control and direction are
also outlined.
The functions and powers of the troops are set out with a specification of their
purpose and necessary levels of preparedness. The troops’ interrelationship with
other executive authorities, the ownership of stores and materiel, the legal
conditions of recruitment, military service, labour activity and the status of military
and civilian personnel are outlined.
The present Federal Law determines predestination, main tasks, legal basis and
organizational principles, functions and powers of the Railway Troops of the
Russian Federation (hereinafter called "Railway Troops").
Section I.
General Provisions (Articles 1–8).
Section II.
Functions and Powers of the Railway Troops (Articles 9–10).
Section III. Recruitment to the Railway Troops (Articles 11–14). Military service in
the Railway Troops. Labor activities of the civil personnel of the Railway Troops.
Section IV. Financing and Maintenance of the Railway Troops (Articles 15–17).
Section V. Conclusive Provisions (Articles 18–19).
Article 1
1. The Railway Troops are predestined for technical cover, repair, and
barrage of railways with the purposes of securing combat and mobilization activities
of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations
and authorities, for construction both in peacetime and in wartime of new and
enhancing vitality and traffic capacity of working railways, for reconstruction of
railways destroyed as a result of natural calamities, as well as for fulfilment of tasks
in accordance with the international treaties of the Russian Federation.
2. Technical cover of railways is a complex of engineering, technical and
organizational measures, fulfilled in peacetime and wartime for the purposes
comprehensive preparation of objects, constructions and equipment of the
operational railway network of the Russian Federation, repairing and operational
forces and means (military formations of the Railway Troops, specialized
formations, repairing and reconstruction organizations of the Federal Executive
Authorities) for conduct of works for elimination of the consequences of destruction.
Article 2. Main Tasks of the Railway Troops
The Railway Troops should:
In peacetime—maintain permanent combat and mobilization readiness;
organize and conduct of preparatory works on technical cover and reconstruction of
the most important railway objects of the Russian Federation, entrusted to the
Railway Troops; accumulate, disposition, store and timely replace the armaments,
military and specialized technical and other means for deployment of the troops for
wartime; educate and train military and civil personnel of corresponding professions
on the objects of transport building and, in the first turn, on defense objects, as well
as fulfill other tasks, entrusted to the Railway Troops;
In wartime—maintain permanent combat readiness for fulfill entrusted tasks;
render technical cover, reconstruct and barrage the most important railway objects
on the front-line and in the heart of the country; provide mine clearing and operating
the leading sections of reconstructed railway directions; establish and operate
floating railway bridges and inventory trestle bridges; increase traffic capacity of
acting and construct new railway lines, by-passes of junctions and bridges on the
territories of strategic (task and strategic) unions and in the rear.
Article 3. Principles of the Activities of the Railway Troops
The activities of the Railway Troops are based on the principles of legality,
one-man management, centralization of control and recruitment to the troops of
military persons, serving on call and on a contract basis.
Article 4. Legal Basis of the Activities of the Railway Troops
The legal basis of the activities of the Railway Troops are the Constitution of
the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, the present Federal Law, other
federal laws, international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of the
activities of the Railway Troops, as well as the Regulation on the Federal Executive
Authority for the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation and the Regulation on
the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation adopted by the President of the
Russian Federation and other normative acts of the Russian Federation.
Article 5. General Composition, Structure, and Strength of the Staff of the Railway
1. The Railway Troops form a part of the forces attracted for defense, and
consist of the Federal Executive Authority for the Railway Troops, formations,
military units, scientific and research establishments, organizations and military
educational establishments of vocational training (hereinafter called "Military units").
2. The structure, strength of the staff and composition of the Railway Troops
up to and inclusive of the formations should be approved by the President of the
Russian Federation.
Article 6. Control and Direction of the Railway Troops
1. Control of the Railway Troops is carried out by the President of the
Russian Federation.
2. The Government of the Russian Federation performs its powers related to
the Railway Troops in accordance with the federal constitutional laws, federal laws
and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation.
3. Direction of the Railway Troops is carried out by the head of the Federal
Executive Authority for the Railway Troops—the Commander of the Railway Troops
of the Russian Federation (hereinafter called "Commander of the Railway Troops")
through the Federal Executive Authority for the Railway Troops and the
Headquarters of the Railway Troops.
The Commander of the Railway Troops is appointed and dismissed by the
President of the Russian Federation.
4. The powers of the Commander of the Railway Troops as well as the
powers of the Federal Executive Authority for the Railway Troops are determined
by the Regulation on the Federal Executive Authority for the Railway Troops of the
Russian Federation.
Article 7. Interaction of the Railway Troops with Executive Authorities
1. The Federal Executive Authority for the Railway Troops fulfills tasks
entrusted to the Railway Troops through interaction with other federal executive
authorities, executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation,
institutions of local governments on the basis and in the order, specified by the
legislation of the Russian Federation and Regulation on the Federal Executive
Authority for the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation.
2. Federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the subjects of the
Russian Federation and institutions of local governments should render assistance
to the Railway Troops in their activities, aimed at fulfilment of tasks entrusted to
Article 8. Stores of the Railway Troops
1. Residential, auxiliary, technical and production buildings of the
cantonments, training objects, technical and other stores of the Railway Troops are
the federal property and belong to them on the basis of economic jurisdiction and
operating management.
2. Land, forests, waters and other natural resources, provided for disposition
and fulfilment of activities of the Railway Troops remain in the federal property.
Article 9. Functions of the Railway Troops
1. The Federal Executive Authority for the Railway Troops:
a) Participates in development of the federal program on equipment of the
territory of the Russian Federation regarding planning measures on preparation of
the railways for the purposes of defense and fulfilment of the mentioned measures;
b) Organizes development and implementation of plans on adaptation of the
Railway Troops for work under the wartime conditions, plan of accumulation of
mobilization resources;
c) Develops the program of equipment of the Railway Troops with new
specialized restoration technical equipment;
d) Organizes preparation of the subordinate headquarters and military units
for joint actions together with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and
other troops for the purposes of defense;
e) Provides for permanent combat and mobilization readiness of military
f) Issues orders, directives on those matters related to the activities of the
Railway Troops and specialized formations and restoration organizations of the
federal executive authorities, attached to them during the wartime;
g) Organizes education and training of the citizens, being in the reserve and
ascribed for deployment of the Railway Troops during the wartime;
h) Develops necessary operational and technical requirements for technical
armament means, reconstruction materials, constructions, model reconstruction
projects, as well as necessary normative, methodological, organizational and
technical documents;
i) acts as a customer of developing, manufacturing and testing specialized
equipment and military and technical stores of the Railway Troops, adopts models
of new specialized reconstruction equipment and inventory constructions;
j) Organizes production, economic and financial activities of armed units,
k) Carries out interaction with railway troops and transport authorities of the
states-members of the Community of Independent States, as well as with other
states in accordance with the international treaties of the Russian Federation.
2. The tasks and functions of military units are determined by the legal acts
of the Russian Federation and the Regulation on the Railway Troops of the
Russian Federation.
Article 10. Powers of the Railway Troops
1. The Federal Executive Authority for the Railway Troops:
a) Develops and submits for approval by the President of the Russian Federation
and federal executive authorities drafts of legal acts regarding matters related to
the activities of the Railway Troops;
b) Concludes agreements and contracts;
c) Carries out functions of a customer and developer in respect to its own
construction, organizes development of projects, expertise and preparation for
approval of the project and estimation records related to its own construction
d) within the framework of the international treaties of the Russian Federation
carries out external economic activities and scientific and technical cooperation,
including the matters related to supply of machinery, constructions and other types
of equipment to military units with the aim of increasing combat readiness of the
Railway Troops according to the legislation of the Russian Federation;
e) Organizes training and conduct together with railway troops of the countriesmembers of the Community of Independent States of joint exercises aimed at
providing for collective security according to the international treaties of the Russian
f) Establishes, reorganizes and liquidates in the order, specified by the legislation of
the Russian Federation, organizations, necessary for carrying out tasks, entrusted
to the Railway Troops, appoints and dismisses heads of these organizations;
g) Acquires and rents buildings, premises, structures and other types of immovable
property on the territory of the Russian Federation and specialized machinery
necessary for carrying out tasks, entrusted to the Railway Troops, according to the
legislation of the Russian Federation;
h) Organizes work on selecting candidates for enrollment on a contract basis and
on making contracts for the military service in the Railway Troops, according to the
legislation of the Russian Federation and the Regulation;
i) Military units are legal entities. The powers are determined by the legislation of
the Russian Federation and the Regulation on the Federal Executive Authority for
the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation.
Article 11. Recruitment for the Railway Troops
1. Military and civil persons are recruited for the Railway Troops.
2. Recruitment for the Railway Troops is carried out in the order specified by the
federal laws, from military persons, mainly those who have railway, construction
and other technical professions and who have finished educational establishments
of basic, secondary and higher vocational education of the federal executive
authorities in charge of the matters of railways, industrial and civil construction on
the grounds of call of the citizens of the Russian Federation to the military service
according to the principle of exterritoriality as well as on the grounds of their
voluntary enrollment on a contract basis, and from persons, who were trained on a
contract basis in other organizations, which carry out training of civil persons in
military professions as per the order of the Federal Executive Authority for the
Railway Troops through the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
3. Civil personnel is recruited for the Railway Troops according to the federal laws.
The Government of the Russian Federation determines strength of the staff of the
civil personnel of the Railway Troops, and the list of posts held by the civil
personnel—by the Commander of the Railway Troops.
Article 12. Military Service in the Railway Troops
Military service in the Railway Troops, order of service, conferment of military ranks
and honorary titles, awarding state awards, dismissal from the military service and
pension maintenance are determined by the federal laws and other legal acts of the
Russian Federation, regulating military service.
Article 13. Status of military personnel of the Railway Troops and their family
Military personnel of the Railway Troops and their family members are under the
protection of the State and enjoy all the rights and privileges, specified for them by
the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Article 14. Legal Status of the Civil Personnel of the Railway Troops
1. Labor relations of the civil personnel of the Railway Troops are guided by the
legislation of the Russian Federation on labor and the legislation of the Russian
Federation on the civil service, as well as by legal acts, issued by the Federal
Executive Authority for the Railway Troops.
2. The civil personnel of the Railway Troops enjoys all the rights, privileges and
undertakes duties, specified for the civil personnel of the Armed Forces of the
Russian Federation.
3. The laws of the Russian Federation regarding the matters of labor, salaries and
pension maintenance, social and legal security of the citizens cover the civil
personnel of the Railway Troops regardless of announcement of their enforcement
by the military direction authorities.
Article 15. Financing of the Railway Troops
Financing of the Railway Troops (maintenance, purchase of armaments and
military equipment, scientific, research and construction works) is done at the
expense of the federal budget.
Article 16. Provision of the Railway Troops
1. Provision of the Railway Troops with armaments and military equipment,
technical means of educational work, as well as technical, rear, medical, financial
and pension maintenance is carried out according to the norms, specified for the
Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and in the order determined by the
federal laws and the Regulation on the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation.
2. Purchase and supply of the main types of material and technical resources of
general industrial usage for maintaining activities of the Railway Troops is carried
out on conditions and in the order specified by the legislation of the Russian
Federation and legal acts adopted in conformity with the present Federal Law.
Article 17. Provision of the Military Personnel of the Railway Troops with the
Specified Types of Allowances
The military personnel of the Railway Troops are provided with money and other
types of allowances according to the norms specified for the military personnel of
the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Article 18. On Enforcement of the Present Federal Law
The present Federal Law comes into force from the day of its official publication.
Article 19. On Bringing Legal Acts into Conformity with the Present Federal Law
To propose the President of the Russian Federation and to instruct the Government
of the Russian Federation to bring its own legal acts into conformity with the
present Federal Law.
President of the Russian Federation
Moscow, The Kremlin
August 5, 1995
No. 126-ФЗ
B. Yeltsin