Dealing with climate change on the railway Tomorrow’s Railway and Climate Change Adaptation (TRaCCA) is a research programme which explores how to increase the resilience of the GB railway in response to anticipated changes in key climate variables. This will produce a knowledge base, assessing the likely impact of climate change and increased frequency of extreme weather events on the UK railway. + The system-wide approach will inform investment priorities from CP6, forming the foundation for a 20 year investment strategy. Phase 1 has provided a comprehensive knowledge review and knowledge gap analysis. Phase 2 is investigating knowledge of climate change vulnerabilities and support tools to increase resilience of the GB railway. Benefits OUTPUT: COST Measurable improvement to railway resilience PROJECTED IMPLEMENTATION CARBON Guidance available, tools and techniques ready by end 2016 CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE BENEFICIARIES: IM, TOCs, FOCs, DfT CAPACITY KEYCHALLENGES: SAFETY 1 FR Solutions Catalogue October 8, 2015 Contiguous development SC03-TRA