Sojourner School Directory Contact Information

Sojourner School
Directory Contact Information
The Sojourner Directory is a complimentary service provided by the
PTA. The purpose of the directory is to build a sense of community.
The directory makes it easier for families to reach out to one another
for such things as birthday parties, play dates, advice and
committees. Your information stays within our own community and
PTA and will not be used for solicitation.
____ YES, please include my information in the SOJO School Directory
____ Please use the same information as last year
____ I have new or updated information – See below
____ NO, I do not want my contact information shared
Please complete the information below. Please Print.
STUDENT NAME (S): ___________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________________
Parent / Guardian Names: ________________________________
Please return this form to school by September 12th. You can
bring it to Back to School Night on September 10 th!
Questions please contact
Please note this form needs to be completed in order for information
to be printed in the directory. If we do not receive this form back and
you were in the directory last year, by default, we will reuse your
contact information from last year.