UNIVERSITY OF EXETER WEB REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME – TASK AND FINISH GROUP WRP/08/18 12.00-13.30, 18 July 2008 St John’s Room, Kay Building MINUTES (Draft) Attendees: Sean Fielding (SF) (Chair) Rob Mitchell (RM) Linda Peka (LP) Emma Reeve (ER) Michele Shoebridge (MS) Apologies: Neil Armstrong Peter Lacey Ann Pollard 2. Minutes – 20 June 2008 The draft minutes were accepted without amendment. 3. Matters arising from the minutes 3. Group discussed necessary policy framework, particularly for external sites hosted by the University. MS stated that we need a policy for any external sites hosted by the University. This should set some clear criteria, as this service should be offered only to those sites which have a shared interest with the University, only on a robust technical platform and with a clear charging structure. Mike Walton, incoming Head of Information and Computing Systems will need to be involved. SF stated that the University should have sign-off on any hosted site carrying our logo. The group agreed that this policy should be part of the second phase and should be agreed by the editorial group. ACTION RM 4. Web Content Management System (WCMS) Project (a) RM reported that progress was good and that the detailed site specification was on track to be submitted next week. (b) Ongoing training requirements have been identified as an important issue. It was agreed that any training for University staff should cover both how to use the Web CMS and also how to create professional standard web content. LP suggested that this was important if we want to ‘up our game’ as an institution. MS suggested that Steve Vinall could help. SF reported that Sarah Hoyle in the Press Office is running an effective writing session which could be useful. The group acknowledged that there was no current budget for this activity. RM reported that Learning and Development were able to offer support in organizing and hosting training, but not to deliver sessions. It was agreed that a training plan should be produced. ACTION RM 5. Redesign Project • • • • The minutes of the Redesign Project Board for 4 July were received. A further meeting of the Board will be held in September to finalise the content for the main gateway pages. SF requested a list of functionality within the new site, e.g. ‘print this page’, ‘google maps’ plus proposed content. ACTION RM MS discussed the new Echo360 system and the need to coordinate with the web team. Proposals for, eg an iTunesU service should be closely coordinated. (a) Feedback from consultation meetings RM reported on the feedback from consultation sessions. This was seen as positive with most consultees very supportive. a. SF stated that a design solution should be developed for SoBE. They are a strong brand and we should be able to support them to do what they want to do, and producing some sample designs would help to build their confidence in the design scheme. MBA pages could be mocked up as an example. ACTION RM b. MS stressed the importance of improving the search facility. RM reported that this would be a gradual process as it relied on improving content, but that the basic functionality would be improved. c. LP stressed that the School wanted all the pages to look excellent, and to be the best they could be. It was agreed that the web team should pursue polish and professionalism in every detail. d. SF stressed the need to assess the overall visual balance of key pages, to ensure that there were no visual clashes between colours or content, and also to ensure that the text overlaid onto photographs was carefully handled. e. MS offered to take up the issue of the inclusion of screenshots in printed AS support materials, which will become obsolete when the site changes. (b) Communication and Launch Plans • • • • • • RM explained that the Launch Plan gives an outline of the processes to be followed to launch the site successfully. The Communications Plan details the communications to be made between now and the launch of the site in October. Agreed that Alumni should be included as a key audience in the Communications Plan. ACTION RM MS suggested that a Gantt chart detailing the steps to launch would be a useful document. ACTION RM SF stated that the messages need to state the benefits of the new site more clearly. These are currently in the last paragraph, but we should be more explicit about the improvements in the website and how these reflect our move towards top 10. Stress thought leadership. LP stated that we should make it clear that the homepages are aimed at the external audience to help staff and students to understand what we are aiming for. Selected highlights from the Stamp Report might help with this. ACTION RM The group discussed additional activities which could potentially add some extra impact during the launch of the site. Suggestions included giveaways of mouse mats or memory sticks for students, the development of an online ‘trailer’ for the site. It was suggested that this could be coordinated with Student Services as they promote the Student Help service. RM confirmed that the final sign-off of the content for the launch of the site would be at the meetings in early September. Suggestions for content or features from members should be made before then. ACTION RM 7. Any other business None. 8. Date of next meeting TBA ACTION RM