Completion of SEVIS I-20 Form

Completion of SEVIS I-20 Form
for F-1 International Students
General Information
F-1 international students must maintain full-time enrollment each fall and spring semesters for
the duration of their I-20. If a student will be graduating before the completion of their I-20,
they must notify their Foreign Student Advisor so that their I-20 may be completed
Please carefully read the information below and check the box that applies to you:
□ I certify that I have graduated from my degree program at Liberty University and will not apply
for post-completion Optional Practical Training (OPT), nor will I attend a new level of study at
LU or another institution in the U.S. I will be returning to my home country. Therefore I
authorize OISS to complete my program in SEVIS. Please keep all of your I-20s for your
official record of your F-1 Status while in the U.S. Please submit your I-94 (white
card/stamp stapled in your pass port) at the border as you are leaving the U.S. (You will
have a 60 day grace period from the day of your last class to leave the U.S.)
□ I certify that I have applied for OPT and received my EAD card, but will not be using the card
to work in the U.S. I will be returning to my home country. Therefore I authorize OISS to
complete my program in SEVIS. Please keep all of your I-20s for your official record of
your F-1 Status while in the U.S. Please submit your I-94 (white card/stamp stapled in
your passport) at the border as you are leaving the U.S.
□ I will apply/have applied for a different status in the U.S. (other than F1). Please send or fax a
copy of your changed visa documents!
Student’s name:
Student ID #:
Alternate Email:
Phone Number:
Foreign Address:
Graduation Date: ______________________
Student’s Signature:
Office of International Student Services♦Liberty University♦1971 University Blvd, Lynchburg, VA 24515
Phone (434) 592-4118♦Fax (434) 582-2969♦♦
Updated 6/11/15