McMaster University Advanced Optimization Laboratory Title: An Algorithm for Perturbed Second-order Cone Programs Authors: Yu Xia AdvOl-Report No. 2004/17 October 2004, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada An Algorithm for Perturbed Second-order Cone Programs Yu Xia∗ October 9, 2004 Abstract The second-order cone programming problem is reformulated into several new systems of nonlinear equations. Assume the perturbation of the data is in a certain neighborhood of zero. Then starting from a solution to the old problem, the semismooth Newton’s iterates converge Q-quadratically to a solution of the perturbed problem. The algorithm is globalized. Numerical examples show that the algorithm is good for “warm starting” – for some instances, the solution of a perturbed problem is hit in two iterations. Key words. 1 1.1 Second-order cone, complementarity, semismooth, warm start, Newton’s method Introduction and Notations Motivation The aim of this paper is to develop a “warm starting” algorithms for the second-order cone programing (SOCP) problem. A large number of real-world applications are solved by SOCP; see [2, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 36, 44], etc. Also, SOCP are used as subroutines for some more general optimization problems; see [18], for instance. For many applications, “warm starting” algorithms may reduce computations (see [17, 21], etc.). For example, in [50], the Euclidean facilities location problem (abbreviated as EFL) and the Steiner minimal tree (abbreviated as SMT) problem under known topology are cast as SOCP problems. When an EFL or an SMT problem needs to be solved under environmental changes, or when a series of similar EFL or SMT problems constitute a bigger project, it is often the case that there is a small change of the cost function in the EFL problem, or a little move of the regular points in the SMT problem. Then, it is reasonable to expect that a new optimum is close to the old solution and to use the old solution to “warm start” the new problems. Although SOCP can be approximated by interior point methods (IPM) (see [1, 3, 6, 34, 35, 36, 38, 45, 48] and references therein), they are reputed to be unsuitable for re-optimization. The reason why an optimal solution of an SOCP problem usually can not “warm start” another slightly perturbed SOCP problem through IPMs is that the starting point of any IPM must be in the interior of the cone, while optima generally are achieved at the boundary. Several warm starting IPMs have been proposed for a simpler problem – the linear programming (LP), but they all have some restrictive assumptions. The approaches in [21, 33, 51] are not doable without information about the intermediate solutions of the previous problem. To use the shifted barrier function studied in [17], one needs to know a bound on the set of all dual feasible slack vectors of the perturbed problem, calculation of which needs extra work ([46]). One can also perturb the optimal solution of the old problem to get an initial interior point for the new problem, as is ∗ Computing and Software, McMaster University, 1280 Main street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1, Canada ( This research was supported in part through the U.S. National Science Foundation grant CCR-9901991. 2 advocated in [29], but the amount of perturbation is heuristic. If the perturbation is too big, the initial point may be far from optima; if the perturbation is too small, the iterations may be stuck at an infeasible vertex. Typically, a warm starting interior point method addresses either the change of the size of the problem, or the perturbation of the parameters, but not both. It is known that the simplex method is good to “warm start” the LP, but no analogous simplex method for the SOCP is known yet. In conclusion, to our knowledge, there is no efficient re-optimization method for SOCP at this moment. Another drawback of interior point methods is that when strict complementarity conditions are not satisfied at optima, the linear system becomes increasingly ill-conditioned as the iterates approaching the solution, which causes interior point methods numerically unstable (see [3]). Since Newton’s method for systems of nonlinear equations ensures variables converge Q-quadratically locally, we reformulate the SOCP model into systems of nonlinear equations and solve them by semismooth Newton’s method of [32, 41]. As this method doesn’t require each iterate in the interior of the cone, the old solution is a good starting point for a new problem slightly different in both the size and the parameters. The semismooth Newton’s method also doesn’t require strict complementarity. Reformulating the KKT system for general nonlinear programming (NLP) into equations has being studied before, see for instance [15, 37, 41] and references therein, but assumptions of their local analysis typically include second-order sufficiency conditions and linear independence of the gradients of constratints, which are not applicable to the SOCP. Furthermore, none of them are considered in the aspect of re-optimization. Our perturbation analysis can be extended to certain NLPs. Besides, our global algorithm is different from that of other nonsmooth methods. We use perturbation and reformulation, which can be generalized to some NLPs, too. We notice that [13, 19] also deal with second-order cone complementarity problems; however, our approach is different from theirs. This paper is divided into seven parts. In §2, we convert the second-order cone program into a system of equalities and inequalities. In §3, the complementarity conditions are transformed into equations; hence the system can be solved via semismooth Newton’s method which is globally convergent, locally Q-quadratic convergent. In §4, we show that after small perturbations of data, including addition or removal of constraints or variables, the algorithm finds the new solution Qquadratically from the old solution. Globalization of the algorithm is discussed in §5. Numerical examples are presented in §6. Properties of this method are summarized in §7. 1.2 Notations The following notations will be used throughout this paper. Superscripts refer to iteration numbers; subscripts signify block numbers. We use bold lower case letters for column vectors, lower case letters for entries of a vector, and capital letters for matrices. Primal and dual variables are indexed from 0; the jth entry of vector xi is denoted as (xi )j . Semicolons “;” concatenate column vectors. In this way, (x; y; z) = (xT , yT , zT )T . Let Qn+1 indicate a second-order cone (Loréntz cone, ice-cream cone, quadratic cone) in Rn+1 : v u n X u def Qn+1 = x ∈ Rn+1 : x0 ≥ t x2i . i=1 It is self dual (see [12, 36]). We write x ≥Qn+1 0 interchangeably with x ∈ Qn+1 , since it is a partial order. As convention ([1]), we partition Qn+1 into three disjointed sets: {0}, int Q, and bd Q, where bd Q is the boundary of Q excluding 0. A second-order cone programming problem is represented as the following: (1) min cT x s.t. Ax = b, x ≥Q 0. 3 def def def def In the above model, c = (c1 ; . . . ; cn ), A = [A1 . . . An ], Q = QN1 × · · · × QNn , and x = (x1 ; . . . ; xn ), where for i = 1, . . . , n, Ni ∈ N is the dimension of variable xi , Ai ∈ Rm×Ni , ci ∈ RNi , and b ∈ Rm are data. ¯ to represent the subvector of x excluding We use x̄ to represent the subvector of x excluding x0 , x̄ ¯ T )T . x0 and x1 , i.e., x = (x0 , x̄T )T = (x0 , x1 , x̄ Given a matrix A = [a0 , a1 , . . . , an ], Ā stands for the submatrix consisting of the last n columns, def i.e., Ā = [a1 , . . . , an ]. The symbol Ā¯ is used to represent the submatrix of A excluding the first two columns: Ā = [a , Ā¯]. We use subscribe 1̄ to designate the index set without index 1. Under this 1 def def notation, A1̄ = [a0 , a2 , . . . , an ]; z1̄ = [z0 ; z2 ; . . . ; zn ]. The symbol δ(x|X) stands for the indicator function of a set X at x. We use D [f (x); ∆ x] to symbolize the directional derivative of f at x with respect to ∆ x. We let Rn+1 correspond to the (n + 1) by (n + 1) diagonal matrix: 1 −1 def Rn+1 = . .. . −1 We write en(i) to denote the vector in Rn whose ith entry is 1 and the remaining entries are 0. def def For a scalar a, [a]+ = max(a, 0), [a]− = min(a, 0). When the dimension is clear from the context, we will omit subscripts for Rn+1 , en(i) , etc. 2 The System In this section we consider a general convex program which includes (1): (2) min f (x) s.t. x ∈ H x ≥Q 0. Here, f : RN1 +···+Nn 7→ R is a proper convex function, H is a convex set. Indicating the normal cone to H at x as NH (x), the subdifferential of f at x as ∂f (x), we transform (2) into the following system: (3a) (3b) (3c) (3d) 0 ∈ ∂f (λ1 z1 ; . . . ; λn zn ) − (ω1 Rz1 ; . . . ; ωn Rzn ) + NH (λ1 z1 ; . . . ; λn zn ) (λ1 z1 ; . . . ; λn zn ) ∈ H (zi )0 = 1 (i = 1, . . . , n) ¡ ¢ 2 λi ωi (zi )0 − z̄Ti z̄i = 0 (i = 1, . . . , n) (3e) (3f) (zi )20 − z̄Ti z̄i ≥ 0 (i = 1, . . . , n) λi ≥ 0 (i = 1, . . . , n) (3g) ωi ≥ 0 (i = 1, . . . , n). An advantage of the above system to others is that it includes the case when x = 0. For briefness, def def in what follows, we designate λ = (λ1 , . . . , λn )T , ω = (ω1 , . . . , ωn )T . The next Lemma shows the equivalence of (3) and (2). Lemma 1 Assume f is a proper convex function, and the objective value of (2) is below bounded on the feasible set. Then: (i) If (ω ∗ ; λ∗ ; z∗ ) solves (3), x∗ = (λ∗1 z∗1 ; . . . ; λ∗n z∗n ) solves (2). 4 (ii) Furthermore, assume H = ∩m i=1 Hi where Hi is a polyhedral convex set for i = 1, . . . r, and ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∩ri=1 Hi ∩m i=r+1 ri Hi ∩ int Q 6= ∅. Then for any x satisfying (2), there exists (ω ; λ ; z ) solving (3), ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ and x = (λ1 z1 ; . . . ; λn zn ). To prove the lemma, we first describe the normal cone to Q. Proposition 1 For any x ∈ bd Qn+1 , x 6= 0, {0} NQn+1 (x) = {λ(−x0 , x1 , . . . , xn )T : λ ≥ 0} −Qn+1 x ∈ int Qn+1 , x ∈ bd Qn+1 , x = 0. Proof: We will omit the subscript “n + 1”, just write “Q” in the proof. By definition, NQ (x) = {z : zT (y − x) ≤ 0, ∀ y ≥Q 0}. (4) For x = 0 and x ∈ int Q, the representations are easy to verify. Next, we will give that for x ∈ bd Q through similar techniques in [1, 12]. First, we will prove NQ (x) ⊆ {λ(−x0 , x1 , . . . , xn )T : λ ≥ 0}. By convexity of Q, ∀ v ∈ Q, we have v + x ∈ Q. Setting y = v + x in (4), one sees the normal vector z satisfies: (5) ∀ v ≥Q 0, hz, vi ≤ 0. Let v = (kz̄k2 ; z̄) in (5); then one can get (6) z0 ≤ 0, n X 2 z0 ≥ zi2 . (7) i=1 Letting y in (4) be 0 and then 2x, one can see (8) z0 x0 = − n X zi xi . i=1 Since x ≥Q 0, we have x20 ≥ (9) n X x2i . i=1 For an arbitrary scalar α, add (7), 2α multiplying (8) and α2 multiplying (9) together: (10) (z0 + αx0 )2 ≥ n X (zi − αxi )2 . i=1 Let α = − xz00 in (10). Notice α ≥ 0 by (6) and x ≥Q 0. So (10) is valid iff z0 = 1, . . . , n). This shows NQ (x) ⊆ {λ(−x0 , x1 , . . . , xn )T : λ ≥ 0}. The other direction NQ (x) ⊇ {λ(−x0 , x1 , . . . , xn )T : λ ≥ 0}. is obvious since x ∈ bd Q and Q is self-dual. 5 z0 x0 x 0 , zi = − xz00 xi (i = Remark 1 By [43], NQ (x) = ∂δ(x|Q). Further more, every y ∈ ∂δ(x|Q) is the normal to a nonvertical supporting plane to the graph of δ(·|Q) at [x, δ(x|Q)]. For x ∈ bd Q, the derivative of Pn 2 2 i=1 xn − x0 are the normals to the supporting plane to the graph of δ(x|Q). Now we proceed to prove Lemma 1. Proof: By [43], a necessary and sufficient condition for x∗ to belong to the minimum set of f is that 0 ∈ ∂ [f (x∗ ) + δ (x∗ |H ∩ Q)] . (11) Note that ∂δ(x∗ |H ∩ Q) = Nx∗ {H ∩ Q}. According to [43, Theorem 23.8] and its corollary, NH∩Q ⊇ NQ + NH ; if in addition, ∩ri=1 Hi ∩m i=r+1 ri Hi ∩ int Q 6= ∅, NH∩Q = NQ + NH . Proof of (i): Assume (ω ∗ , λ∗ , z∗ ) is a solution to (3). Then with regard to (3b), (3f) and (3e), x∗ = (λ∗1 z∗1 , . . . , λ∗n z∗n ) is feasible for (2). Moreover, by (3g) and Proposition 1, −ωi∗ Rz∗i ∈ NQi (x∗i ). Hence x∗ is optimal by (11). Under the hypotheses of (ii), assume x∗ is a solution to (2). We let λ∗i = (x∗i )0 . By (11), ∃ v∗ ∈ ∂f (x∗ ), u∗ ∈ NQ (x∗ ), w∗ ∈ NH (x∗ ), such that v∗ +u∗ +w∗ = 0. When x∗i ∈ int QNi , we set ωi∗ = 0 and z∗i = λ1∗ x∗i . When x∗i ∈ bd QNi , let z∗i = λ1∗ x∗i . By lemma 1, ∃ α ≥ 0, such that u∗i = −αRx∗i . i i So we set ωi∗ = α∗ · λ∗i . When x∗i = 0. By Proposition 1, −u∗i ∈ QNi . We set ωi∗ = (u∗i )0 . If ωi∗ 6= 0, we set z∗i = − ω1∗ Ru∗i ; otherwise, we set z∗i = e0 . i p Remark 2 In a previous version, we assume f is differentiable and H is affine. Let x̄Ti x̄i −(xi )0 ≤ 0 (i = 1, . . . , n) represent xi ∈ QNi . Professor Paul Tseng pointed out that this constraint is convex and applying [43, Theorem 28.2] one can conclude the existence of Lagrangian multipliers under the same assumptions as that in Lemma 1; and using subgradients, the KKT system is equivalent to (3), which is valid even if f is not differentiable. 3 Reformulations we will transform (3) into some systems of equations, which will be solved by semismooth Newton’s method. Since linear objective and polyhedral convex domain are good enough for many applications, we assume f (x) = cT x and H = {x : Ax = b} in the following context, although all the analyses can be extended to nonlinear objectives and general convex constraints. Note that under these hypotheses, N(H) = {AT y} when A has full row rank. 3.1 Preliminary We will use some results in [40, 41, 42] about semismooth Newton-type optimization, because its assumptions are weaker than those of some other papers (see [40, 42]). For completeness, we cite them here. Let G : Rn 7→ Rm denote a Lipschitz continuous mapping, and let x be a given point in Rn . Then by Rademacher’s theorem, G is differentiable almost everywhere in the sense of Lebesgue measure in any neighborhood of x in which G is Lipschitz. Let DG be the set at which G is differentiable. Define ( ) def ∂B G(x) = lim ∇G(xi ) , xi →x xi ∈DG Then ∂G(x) = conv ∂B G(x), where ∂G(x) is the generalized Jacobian of G at x ([8]). 6 Definition 1 ([41, 32]) A function G is stated as semismooth at x if G is locally Lipschitz continuous at x and G(x + th0 ) − G(x) lim = lim {V h0 }. t h0 →h V ∈∂G(x+th0 ) t↓0 h0 →h, t↓0 Semismooth functions include convex functions and smooth functions, and are directionally differentiable (see [41]). Definition 2 ([40, 42]) Suppose G is semismooth at x. Then G is said to be strongly semismooth at x if there exists a constant L and a neighborhood N of x such that ∀ x + h ∈ N , 2 kG0 (x + h; h) − G0 (x; h)k2 ≤ L khk2 . It is also argued in [42] that a vector valued function is strongly semismooth iff each component is strongly semismooth; a function with locally Lipschitzian derivative (LC 1 function) is strongly semismooth everywhere; the sum and the min of two LC 1 functions are strongly semismooth. Definition 3 ([40]) G is said to be strongly BD-regular at x if ∀ V ∈ ∂B G(x), V is nonsingular. Theorem 1 ([40, Theorem 3.1]) Assume x∗ is a solution of G, G is strongly semismooth and strongly BD-regular at x∗ . Then the sequence (12) xk+1 = xk − V k −1 G(xk ), where V k ∈ ∂B G(xk ), is well defined and converges Q-quadratically to x∗ in a neighborhood of x∗ . Besides, if G(xk ) 6= 0 kG(xk+1 )k for all k; then limk→∞ kG(xk )k 2 = 0. 2 In this section, we focus on the non-singularity of each element of ∂G for the sake of perturbation analysis in §4, although Theorem 1 only requires strongly BD-regular at optimum. For all the nonlinear equation reformulations, we assume the solution satisfies: (13) λi and ωi not be zero at the same time (i = 1, . . . , n); λ 6= 0. The justification of the above assumptions is that if there exists i such that λi = ωi = 0, the ith block can be ignored; Suppose λ = 0, then b must also be zero, and the Lagrangian multiplier is not unique. We partition the index set at optimum into five parts: def L1 = {i : λi > 0, ωi > 0, zi ∈ bd QNi }, def L2 = {i : λi > 0, ωi = 0, zi ∈ bd QNi }, def L3 = {i : λi > 0, ωi = 0, zi ∈ int QNi }, def L4 = {i : λi = 0, ωi > 0, zi ∈ bd QNi }, def L5 = {i : λi = 0, ωi > 0, zi ∈ int QNi }. For any z ∈ Rn+1 , z0 = 1, we define Kz (see [5]) as: when kz̄k2 6= 0 and z1 6= − kz̄k2 , 1 1 0T 2 2 ¯T z1 z1 z̄ − 2kz̄k − √2kz̄k def 2 Kz = 2kz̄k2 2 µ ¶ ; z̄¯ T ¯ ¯z̄ ¯ z̄ z̄ √1 − 2kz̄k I − kz̄k kz̄k 2kz̄k2 2 +z ( ) 2 1 2 2 7 when z1 = − kz̄k2 or kz̄k2 = 0, Kz = It is easy to verify that Kz−1 = 2KzT , and 1 + kz̄k2 (14) z = Kz 1 − kz̄k2 , 0 3.2 1 2 1 2 1 2 −1 def 2 − √12 . √1 I 2 1 − kz̄k2 Rz = Kz 1 + kz̄k2 . 0 Min Function We represent the complementarity conditions in (1) by min functions. (15a) (15b) (15c) (ω1 Rz1 ; . . . ; ωn Rzn ) − AT y − c = 0 λ1 A1 z1 + · · · + λn An zn − b = 0 (zi )0 − 1 = 0 (i = 1, . . . , n) (15d) min(λi , ωi , zTi Rzi ) = 0 (i = 1, . . . , n). For an element in the generalized Jacobian of (15), we left multiply Diag(KzTi ) to row (15a), right multiply Diag(Kzi ) to columns corresponding to z. Dropping the subscript for blocks, we write each of its block as the following. µ ω (15a) 1 2 1−kz̄k2 1+kz̄k2 0 (15b) (15c) (15d) λ ¶ µ AKz p 1+kz̄k2 1−kz̄k2 0 ω 2 ¶ zT ³0 1 10 ´ −I yT −(AKz )T λAKz ¡1 1 T ¢ 2, 2, 0 ¡ ¢ l 1 − kz̄k2 , 1 + kz̄k2 , 0T q Here, 0 ≤ α ≤ 1, and (16) p = 1, q = l = 0 q = 1, p = l = 0 l = 1, p = q = 0 p = 1 − α, l = α, q = 0 q = 1 − α, l = α, p = 0 0 = ωi < λi , zi 0 = λi < ωi , zi 0 < λi , 0 < ωi , 0 = ωi < λi , zi 0 = λi < ωi , zi ∈ int Q; ∈ int Q; zi ∈ bd Q; ∈ bd Q; ∈ bd Q. case 1: ω 6= 0, q = 0 . The conditions imply that p = 0, z ∈ bd Q, l = 1. Use l(1 + kz̄k2 ) to eliminate row (15d) and column z1 ; then use 12 (1 + kz̄k2 ) to eliminate column ω and the 2nd row of (15a); next use 21 to eliminate column z0 and row (15c). When λ 6= 0, case 1 includes solely L1 . This block is reduced to ¯T λ¡ z̄ ¢ 0 (15b) ω 2λ −I (AKz )1̄ 8 yT −(AKz )T1̄ When λ = 0, case 1 includes exclusively L4 , and this block can be reduced to the following matrix. (15b) yT −(AKz )T0 (AKz )0 case 2: ω 6= 0, l = 0 . Clearly, p = 0, λ = 0, q = 1. This case includes just L4 and L5 . We first eliminate row (15d) and column λ by q, then subtract column z0 from column z1 to eliminate row (15c) and column z0 by 21 . Next, we add the 1st row of (15a) to the 2nd row of (15a); so we can eliminate the 1st row of (15a) and column z1 by ω2 , the 2nd row of (15a) and column ω by 1, and the remaining by − ω2 I. Thus we needn’t worry about this block when analyzing the nonsingularity of (15) by assumption (13). case 3: ω 6= 0, q 6= 0, l 6= 0 . Assume l = α, q = 1 − α (0 < α < 1). The conditions imply z ∈ bd Q, λ = 0; so this case includes only L4 . We first use 12 (1+kz̄k2 ) to delete column ω and the 2nd row of (15a), then use 12 to eliminate column ω z0 and row (15c), subtract 4α multiplying (15d) from the 1st row of (15a). Hence this block can be reduced to the following matrix. yT −(AKz )T0 − (1−α)ω 8α (AKz )0 (15b) case 4: ω = 0, l = 0. Under (13), λ 6= 0; hence q = 0, p = 1. This block consists of L2 and L3 . Assume dual nondegeneracy, then (Ai Kzi ) has linearly independent columns (see [3]). Hence the column corresponding to λ is nonzero. We first eliminate column ω and row (15d) by p, then subtract the first two columns of z multiplying λ1 (1 + kz̄k2 , 1 − kz̄k2 )T from column λ. This block is reduced to the following matrix. zT (15b) yT −(AKz )T AKz case 5: ω = 0, l 6= 0. For this block, λ 6= 0, q = 0 and z ∈ bd Q. This block includes only L2 . When p = 0, l must be 1. 1+kz̄k2 We first use to eliminate column ω and the 2nd row of (15a), then use (1 + kz̄k2 ) to eliminate 2 column z1 and row (15d), use 12 to get rid of column z0 and row (15c). This block is reduced to the following matrix. ¯T λ z̄ yT −(AKz )T1̄ (AKz )1̄ (15b) When p = 1 − α, l = α (0 < α < 1). We first subtract λ2 multiplying column z0 from column λ to eliminate row (15c) and column λ, 1 multiplying row (15d) from the 2nd row of (15a). This block is reduced to the then subtract 1−α following matrix. µ (15b) zT 0 ¶ 2α − (1−α)λ AKz 9 0 yT −(AKz )T The nonsingularity result of (15) is the following. def Theorem 2 Suppose a solution w∗ = (ω ∗ , λ∗ , z∗ , y∗ ) to (15) satisfies prima-dual nondegeneracy and also assumption(13). Then each element of the generalized Jacobian of (15) is nonsingular at w∗ . Let G denote (15). Then the sequence (12) converges Q-quadratically to w∗ . Proof: As in [2, 3], we partition the primal variable xi = λi zi into three parts x = (xB ; xI ; xO ), where xB is the collection of all the boundary blocks, xI includes all the interior blocks, and xO collects all the zero blocks. Rearrange the order of the index set so that xB = (x1 , . . . , xr ). It is shown in [2, 3] that primal nondegeneracy means matrix in the following form having linearly independent rows for all α1 , . . . , αr and ν that are not all zeros. µ ¶ A1 ... Ar AI AO (17) α1 (Rx1 )T . . . αr (Rxr )T 0T ν T Since right multiplying a nonsingular matrix to a full row rank matrix doesn’t change the row rank of the latter, we right multiplying Diag(Kzi ) to (17). Notice i ∈ B means kz̄k2 = 1, λi > 0. By [3, Lemma 4] ([2, Lemma 19]), primal nondegeneracy is equivalent to: £ ¤ (A1 Kz1 )0 (A1 Kz1 )2:N1 . . . (Ar Kzr )0 (Ar Kzr )2:Nr AI KzI has linearly independent rows. Using the notation of L1 , . . . , L5 , we write the above matrix as £ ¤ ((AKz )L1 L2 )1̄ (AKz )L3 . Similarly, we partition the dual variable si = ωi Rzi into s = (sB ; sI ; sO ), with sB = (s1 ; . . . ; ss ) being the concatenation of boundary blocks of s, sI including all the interior blocks of s, and sO collecting all the zero blocks of s. And A is partitioned in the same manner: A = (ÃB , ÃI , ÃO ). By [3], dual nondegeneracy means ¡ ¢ (18) Ã1 Rs1 . . . Ãs Rss ÃO has linearly independent columns. Since Ãi Rsi = Ãi Kzi Kz−1 Rsi , by (14), we see that dual nondei generacy means ³ ´ ´ i h³ . . . Ãs Kzs ÃO KzO Ã1 Kz1 0 0 has linearly independent columns. The above matrix can be written as £ ((AKz )L1 L4 )0 ¤ (AKz )L2 L3 . Notice adding some columns to a full row rank matrix doesn’t change the row rank; and after deleting some columns from a full column rank matrix, the matrix still has full column rank. Hence, primal nondegeneracy implies ´ ³ ´ h¡ i ¢ ³ (AKz )L1 1̄ (AKz )L4(l6=0) (AKz )L2(p=0) (AKz )L2(p6=0) L3 0 has linearly independent rows. Dual nondegeneracy implies ´ h¡ ¢ ³ (AKz )L1 0 (AKz )L4(l6=0) 1̄ ³ 0 ´ (AKz )L2(p=0) has linearly independent columns. 10 i 1̄ (AKz )L2(p6=0) L3 ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ As in [4], we choose all columns of (AKz )L1 L4(l6=0) 0 , (AKz )L2(p=0) 1̄ , and (AKz )L2(p6=0) L3 , along with some columns from ((AKz )L1 )2:n to form an m by m nonsingular matrix B1 , and collect the remaining columns of ((AKz )L1 )2:n into B2 . The nonsingularity of ∂G is reduced to the following matrix being nonsingular: I˜1 −B1T (19) I˜2 −B2T . B1 B2 Here, I˜1 is a diagonal matrix with diagonal elements · ³ ´ ³ ´ ³ ´ (1−αi )ωi 2αi ωi , − , − 0, − 2λ i∈L4 8αi (1−αi )λi i i∈L1 (li 6=0,qi 6=0) ¸ i∈L2 (li 6=0,pi 6=0) . And I˜2 = −Diag ³ ωi 2λi I ´ i∈L1 . By the second condition of (13), B1 is nonempty. We first subtract I˜1 B1−1 left multiplying the 3rd block row of (19) from the 1st block row of (19), then add I˜1 B1−1 B2 I˜2−1 multiplying the 2nd block row to the 1st block row of (19). Hence (19) is reduced to B1T + I˜1 B1−1 B2 I˜2−1 B2T = (I + I˜1 B1−1 B2 I˜2−1 B2T B1−T )B1T , which is nonsingular because it is in the form (I + N1 N2 )B1T with N1 = I˜1 and N2 symmetric negative semidefinite and B1T nonsingular. Even if B2 is empty, (19) is still nonsingular. It is easy to verify that min(ωi , λi , zTi Rzi ) is strongly semismooth. In view of the arguments following Definition 2, we conclude that (15) is strongly semismooth. By Theorem 1, we see the Q-quadratic convergence rate of the sequence (12). 3.3 [·]+ and [·]− Functions We reformulate (1) into the following system, (20a) (20b) (20c) ([ω1 ]+ Rz1 ; . . . ; [ωn ]+ Rzn ) − AT y − c = 0 [λ1 ]+ A1 z1 + · · · + [λn ]+ An zn − b = 0 (zi )0 − 1 = 0 (i = 1, . . . , n) (20d) [ωi ]− + [λi ]− + zTi Rzi = 0 (i = 1, . . . , n). Assumption 13 implies one of λi and ωi must be positive (i = 1, . . . , n). As in the previous section, we left multiply Diag(KzTi ) to block row (20a), right multiply Diag(Kzi ) to block column z, and omit the subscript for block numbers. Then each block of the generalized Jacobian is in the following form. µ ω (20a) p 2 1−kz̄k2 1+kz̄k2 0 (20b) (20c) (20d) λ ¶ µ qAKz 1−p 1+kz̄k2 1−kz̄k2 0 ¶ [ω]+ 2 zT ³0 1 10 ´ −I [λ]+ AKz ( 12 , 21 , 0T ) (1 − kz̄k2 , 1 + kz̄k2 , 0T ) 1−q Hence p and q meet the conditions below: ωi > 0 p = 1 (21) p ∈ [0, 1] ωi = 0 , p=0 ωi < 0 λi > 0 q = 1 q ∈ [0, 1] λi = 0 . q=0 λi < 0 11 yT −(AKz )T case 1 : p = 1, q = 1. In this case, z ∈ bd Q. We first eliminate row (20d) and column z1 by (1 + kz̄k2 ), then eliminate 2nd row of (20a) and column ω by p2 (1 + kz̄k2 ), eliminate row (20c) and column z0 by 21 . When λ = 0, by assumption (13), ω > 0. Therefore, case 1 is made up of L4 . This block is reduced to the following matrix. yT −(AKz )T0 λ (20a)0 (AKz )0 When λ 6= 0, case 1 consists of L1 and L2 . This block is reduced to the following matrix. ¯T λ z̄ ¡0 ¢ [ω]+ [λ]+ (20a) yT −(AKz )T1̄ −I (AKz )1̄ case 2: p = 1, q = 0. It is constituted by L4 and L5 . We first eliminate column λ and row (20d) by (1 − q). Then we subtract column z0 from column z1 , add the 1st row of (20a) to the 2nd row of (20a), so that we can eliminate column z1 and the 1st row of (20a) by ω2 , remove column ω and the 2nd row of (20a) by 12 (1 + kz̄k2 ), delete column z0 and row (20c) by 12 . Therefore, to analyze the nonsingularity of generalized Jacobian of (20), we can ignore this block by assumption (13), since this type of blocks are not the only blocks. case 3: p = 1, 0 < q < 1. By (20d) and assumption (13), this case includes just L4 . We first eliminate column ω and the 2nd row of (20a) by 12 (1 + kz̄k2 ), then eliminate column z0 and row (20c) by 12 , and subtract 1−q 2 multiplying column z1 from column ω. Hence this block is reduced to the following matrix. yT −(AKz )T0 q−1 8q ω (20a)0 (AKz )0 case 4: p = 0. This case consists and L3 . It implies q = 1. We first eliminate column ω and row (20d) by 1, ³ of L2 ´ 1+kz̄k2 1 then subtract λ 1−kz̄k multiplying first two columns of z from column λ. This block is reduced 2 to the following matrix. yT −(AKz )T (20a) AKz case 5: 0 < p < 1. Only the set L2 is included in this case. Assume dual nondegeneracy, then (Ai Kzi )0 6= 0 (see [3, 2]). We first subtract λ2 multiplying z0 from p column λ; hence we can eliminate column λ and row (20c); then subtract 1−p multiplying row (20d) from the 2nd row of (20a). This block can be reduced to the following matrix. µ (20a) 0 ¶ 2p − (1−p)λ AKz 12 0 yT −(AKz )T def Theorem 3 Assume a solution w∗ = (ω ∗ , λ∗ , z∗ , y∗ ) to (20) satisfies primal-dual nondegeneracy and also assumption(13). Then each element of the generalized Jacobian of (20) is nonsingular at w∗ . And the sequence (12) converges Q-quadratically to w∗ . ¡ ¢ Proof: Similar to the proof of Theorem 2. The nonsingular matrix B1 consists of (AKz )L1 ,L4(q6=0) 0 , ¡ ¢ (AKz )L2(p=1) 1̄ , (AKz )L2(p6=1) L3 , and some columns from ((AKz )L1 )2:n . It is easy to see that [a]+ and [a]− are strongly semismooth. 3.4 General Complementarity Functions Note that the complementarity condition of (2) is a vertical complementarity problems. By introducing more variables, it can be cast as a box-constrained variational inequality problem (see [14]). When complementarity involves three variables a, b, and c, another way to convert the complementarity into equations is first to replace one of the variables, say b by its absolute value |b|, then to apply some nonlinear complementarity functions: M (a, |b|c). One can also apply M twice, use M [a, M (b, c)]. In this part, we consider a category of nonlinear complementarity functions M (a, b) whose gradients satisfy: ( ∇M (a, b) = (p, 0)T (a = 0, b > 0) , ∇M (a, b) = (0, q)T (a > 0, b = 0) where p 6= 0, q 6= 0. This category of nonlinear complementarity functions include: 2 −βab + [min(0, a + b)] = 0 (for β ∈ (0, 2]) see [47, 11, 24] , min(a, b) = 0, p 2 φ(a, b) = a + b2 − a − b = 0 see [15] , θ(|a − b|) − θ(a) − θ(b) = 0 (see [30]), where θ(t) is a differentiable strictly increasing function from R to R such that θ0 (0) + θ0 (ζ) 6= 0 for all ζ > 0. One can reformulate (3) into a system of nonlinear equations by replacing a, b, and c with λi , ωi , and zTi Rzi for i = 1, . . . , n in M (a, |b|c) or M [a, M (b, c)]. If one uses the nonlinear complementarity functions listed above, the resulting systems are strongly semismooth according to the arguments below Definition 2. Assume strict complementarity is satisfied. Then the only nondifferentiable points of the resulting systems are at ωi = 0 for M (λi , |ωi |zTi Rzi ); moreover, it is easy to verify that the structure of the Jacobians of these systems are the same as that of (15). Hence one can conclude the following. Corollary 1 Under primal-dual nondegeneracy, strict complementarity assumptions, and (13), each element in the generalized Jacobian is nonsingular. The sequence (12) converges Q-quadratically to w∗ for all the above systems. 3.5 Jordan Algebra Formulation This formulation is from [5]. Each z ∈ Qn+1 with z0 = 1 can be decomposed into (22) z = α(1; ū) + β(1; −ū), 13 where 1 + kz̄k2 α= , 2 1 − kz̄k2 β= , 2 ( ū = ( 01 ) z̄ kz̄k2 z̄ = 0 otherwise. The decomposition is unique if α ≥ β. So one can write the primal and dual variables λz, ωRz as λz = λ1 (1; ū) + λ2 (1; −ū), ωRz = ω1 (1; ū) + ω2 (1; −ū), with λ1 ≥ 0, λ2 ≥ 0, ω1 ≥ 0, ω2 ≥ 0. Note that the primal (or dual) variable is in int Q (or bd Q) iff both (or one of) λi (or ωi ) are (is) positive. Thus (3d) is equivalent to λ1 ω1 = λ2 ω2 = 0. Below, we reformulate (1) by min function. It can be generalized to any complementarity function. (23a) (23b) (23c) (23d) (ωi )1 (1; ūi ) + (ωi )2 (1; −ūi ) − ATi y − ci = 0 (i = 1, . . . , n) A1 ((λ1 )1 (1; ū1 ) + (λ1 )2 (1; −ū1 )) + · · · + An ((λn )1 (1; ūn ) + (λn )2 (1; −ū2 )) − b = 0 min ((λi )1 , (ωi )1 ) = 0 (i = 1, . . . , n) min ((λi )2 , (ωi )2 ) = 0 (i = 1, . . . , n) ūTi ūi = 1 (i = 1, . . . , n) (23e) For any (1; ū) ∈ Rn+1 with kūk2 = 1, define an n by n orthogonal matrix Lū : Ã ! ¯T u − ū 1 u1 6= −1 ¯ ū ¯T ū ū ¯ I − 1+u def 1 ! Lū = Ã . −1 u1 = −1 I ³ ´ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ 1 Denote ĀLū 1̄ as the submatrix of ĀLū excluding the first column. We left multiply Diag LT ū i to block rows (23a) of the generalized Jacobian of (23), right multiply Diag (Lūi ) to its block columns ūT . Dropping the subscript for block numbers, we write each block as the following. (23a) (23b) (23c) (23d) (23e) ³ω11´ 1 0 ³ ω12 ´ −1 0 p1 λ1 a0 + (ĀLū )1 q1 λ2 a0 − (ĀLū )1 p2 q2 ūT ¡ T ¢ (ω1 − ω2 ) 0I (λ1 − λ2 ) ĀLū yT −aT 0 −(ĀLū )T 2(1, 0T ) Here, for (j = 1, 2), 0 = (λi )j < (ωi )j ; pj = 0, qj = 1 pj = 1, qj = 0 0 = (ωi )j < (λi )j ; pj = 1 − α, qj = α (0 ≤ α ≤ 1) 0 = (λi )j = (ωi )j . We assume (24) (25) λ1 ≥ λ2 , ω1 ≤ ω2 ; (ω1 − ω2 ) and (λ1 − λ2 ) not be zero at the same time. case 1: p1 = p2 = 0. Hence q1 = q2 = 1. This case is constituted by L4 and L5 . After adding column ω1 to column ω2 , 14 we find that to analyze regularity of the generalized Jacobian of (23), we can forget about this case by assumption (13). case 2: q1 = q2 = 0 . Thus p1 = p2 = 1. This case consists of L2 and L3 only. We first add column λ2 to column λ1 , then subtract 21 multiplying column λ1 from column λ2 . To analyze regularity of the generalized Jacobian, this block can be transformed to the following matrix: (23b) h ¡ ¢ ³ 1 1 ´i 1 −1 A 1 Lū yT h ¡ ¢ ³ 1 1 ´iT 1 −1 − A 1 Lū I I case 3: p1 6= 0, q2 6= 0, q1 = p2 = 0. Hence ω1 = λ2 = 0. We first eliminate column ω1 and row (23c) by p1 , column λ2 and row (23d) by q2 , column u1 and row (23e) by 2. Then we add the first row of (23a) to the second row of (23a) to eliminate column ω2 and the 1st row of (23a). When λ1 6= 0, ω2 = 0, this case includes solely L2 . When λ1 6= 0, ω2 6= 0, this case includes just L1 . This block can be reduced to the following matrix. ¯T yT ³λ1 ū ´ T 0 −a0 −(ĀLū )T 1 ω (23b) − λ2 I −(ĀL )T 1 ū 1̄ a0 +(ĀLū )1 (ĀLū )1̄ When λ1 = 0, hence ω2 6= 0. Case 2 includes only L4 . This block can be reduced to the following matrix. λ1 yT T (23b)0 −a0 − (ĀLū )T1 a0 + (ĀLū )1 case 4: p1 6= 0, q1 6= 0. Hence, q2 = 1, p2 = 0. This case includes merely L4 . Assume p1 = 1 − α, q1 = α (0 < α < 1). We first remove column λ2 and row (23d) by q2 , column u1 and row (23e) by 2, then add the first row of (23a) to the second row of (23a) to get rid of column ω2 and the first row of (15a) by 1. Then we α subtract 1−α multiplying column ω1 from column λ1 . This block can be reduced to the following matrix. yT 2α T (23b)0 − 1−α −a0 − (ĀLū )T1 a0 + (ĀLū )1 case 5: p2 6= 0, q2 6= 0 . Hence, q1 = 0, p1 = 1. This case consists of L2 . Assume p2 = 1 − α, q2 = α (0 < α < 1). We first eliminate column ω1 and row (23c) by 1, column u1 and row (23e) by 2, then add the 1st row of α (23a) to the 2nd row of (23a). Next, we subtract 1−α multiplying column ω2 from column λ2 to 1 eliminate column ω2 and row (23d). Then subtract 2 multiplying the 2nd row of (23a) from the 1st row of (23a). Hence, this block is reduced to the following matrix. µ (23b) 0 ¶ 2α − 1−α h ¡ ¢ ³ 1 0 1 ´i 1 −1 A 1 Lū I 15 y ³ 1 1 ´iT h ¡ ¢ 1 −1 − A 1 Lū I def Theorem 4 Suppose a solution w∗ = (ω ∗ , λ∗ , u∗ , y∗ ) to (23) satisfies prima-dual nondegeneracy and also assumptions (24) and (25). Then every element in the generalized Jacobian of (23) is nonsingular at w∗ . Therefore, the sequence (12) converges Q-quadratically to w∗ . h³ ´ ³ 1 1 ´i h³ ´ ³ 1 1 ´i def 1 −1 1 −1 Proof: We right multiply Diag 1 Lūi to (17). Denote B = ADiag 1 Lūi . I I After adding some columns to (17) and deleting some columns from (18), one finds that primal nondegeneracy implies ((BL1 L2(p2 =0) )1̄ BL2(p2 6=0) L3 (BL4 (p1 6=0) )0 ) having linearly independent rows. Dual nondegeneracy implies ((BL1 L4(p1 6=0) )0 (BL2 (p2 =0) )1̄ BL2(p2 6=0) L3 ) having linearly independent columns. ³ ´ i )2 The proof of Theorem 2 can be carried over here with I˜2 = Diag − (ω I and diagonal elements (λi )1 of I˜1 being L1 µ ¶ µ0 2αi 2α − 1−αi , 0, − i 1 − αi ³ p1L6=40, ´ q1 6=0 4 ¶ 0 ³ L2 ´ p2 6=0, q2 6=0 µ , − (ωi )2 I (λi )1 ¶ . L1 Perturbation The main results of this section is the following. Theorem 5 Let Gold denote any of the systems (15), (20), (23), or the systems in § 3.4. Let wold be a solution to Gold . Suppose every element in ∂Gold (wold ) is nonsingular. Then there exist positive scalars ν and υ, such that if the perturbations (∆ A, ∆ b, ∆ c) satisfy °¡ ¢° k∆ Ak2 ≤ ν, ° ∆ c + ∆ AT yold ; ∆ b − ∆ Axold °∞ < υ, then the perturbed problem is solvable, and starting from wold , the iterates (12) converge Q-quadratically to a solution of the new problem wnew . The perturbation of A also includes addition or deletion of variables or constraints, because one only needs to view the added variables as 0 and the deleted variables as constants at the original problem. To prove the theorem, we first give a lemma. Lemma 2 In a neighborhood N (wold ) of wold , there exists a constant ρ ≥ 0 independent of w ∈ N (wold ), such that for any w + ∆ w ∈ N (wold ), V ∈ ∂G(w + ∆ w), we have 2 (26) kV ∆ w − G0 (w; ∆ w)k2 ≤ ρ k∆ wk2 , 2 kG(w + ∆ w) − G(w) − G0 (w; ∆ w)k2 ≤ ρ k∆ wk2 . Proof: We only need to show that every component of G satisfies the lemma, and the intersection of these neighborhoods is nonempty. 1. min(a, b, c) Represent (λi , ωi , zTi Rzi ) as (a, b, c) in any order. Assume when a < b ≤ c, then a + ∆ a < b + ∆ b and a + ∆ a < c + ∆ c; when a = b < c, then b + ∆ b < c and a + ∆ a < c; when a = b = c, then def (∆ a, ∆ b, ∆ c) can be arbitrary. Let w = (a, b, c)T . Then the left-hand-sides of (26) are zero; so ρ = 0. When a is replaced by zT Rz, ρ = 1. 2. [·]+ and [·]− Assume if a < 0, then a + ∆ a < 0; if a > 0, then a + ∆ a > 0; there is no restriction on ∆ a when a = 0. Then the left-hand-sides of (26) are zero; so ρ = 0. 16 3. The Fischer-Burmeister function φ(a, b) q p 2 2 When λ2i + ωi2 > 0, we require each element in N (wold ) satisfy λ2i + ωi2 ≥ 12 λi old + ωi old . It is easily verified that ρ = √ old 24 old 2 . No restriction on N if λi old = ωi old = 0. a +b ³ ³ T ´´ z Rz For φ ωi , , we require each element in N (wold ) \ {wold } be differentiable, and satisfy 2 s r ωi2 + ³ ρ=1+ zT i Rzi 2 r ´2 µ ωi old 2 + ≥ T zold Rzold i i 2 2 ¶2 . We also assume k(a; z)k2 ≤ 2, k(∆ a; ∆ z)k2 ≤ 2. Hence 40 ³ ´ . old T Rzold 2 aold 2 + z 2 4. Others All the other maps employed by G is either linear or in the form λAx, where λ is a scalar, x is a vector and A is a matrix. So the neighborhood for any map other than the above employed by (3) satisfying lemma 2 is the whole space and ρ = 21 kAk2 . Now we proceed to prove the theorem. Proof: We will first consider perturbations of b and c. Denote the perturbed system as G = Gold −(∆ c; ∆ b; 0). Obviously, for any w, ∂G(w) = ∂Gold (w). Hence G is Lipschitzian near wold , and each element in ∂G(wold ) is nonsingular. Let B indicate the open Euclidean unit ball, and B̄ its closure. By [8, Lemma 1, Lemma ° 2 °in Chapter 7], there exist positive δ and r, such that for any w ∈ wold + rB and V ∈ ∂G(w), °V −1 °2 ≤ 1δ . And if w1 and w2 lie in wold + rB̄, kG(w1 ) − G(w2 )k2 ≥ δ kw1 − w2 k2 . Replacing r by lr with 0 ≤ l ≤ 1 in the proof of [8, Lemma 3 in Chapter 7.1], one can verify that G(wold + lrB) contains G(wold ) + ( 21 lrδ)B. δ We can always find 0 < l∗ ≤ 1/2, such that wold + 2l∗ rB ⊆ N (wold ) and l∗ ≤ min( 2ρr , 1r ), where 1 ∗ old N (w ) and ρ are defined in the previous lemma. Suppose k(∆ c; ∆ b)k2 < 2 l rδ. Then the new problem has a solution, designated as wnew , contained in wold + l∗ rB. We will use induction to prove the Q-quadratic of the sequence w°new from wold . ° old convergence ° ° k(12) to new ° ∗ new ° ° ° Apparently, w − w < l r. Assume w − w < l∗ r. Then 2 2 ° k ° ° ° ° ° °w − wold ° ≤ °wk − wnew ° + °wk − wold ° < 2l∗ r. 2 2 2 Thus, wk ∈ N (wold ). Similar to the proof of Theorem 3.2 in [41], we see ° ° ° k+1 ° −1 ° ° °w − wnew °2 = °wk − wnew − V k G(wk )° 2 ° −1 £ ¤° ° k ° k new ≤ °V G(w ) − G(w ) − G0 (wnew ; wk − wnew ) ° 2 ° −1 £ ¤° ° k k k new 0 new k new ° + °V V (w − w ) − G (w ; w − w ) ° 2 ° ° ρ° k new °2 . ≤2 w −w 2 δ The last inequality is due to lemma 2. By induction, ° k+1 ° °2 ρ° ρ °w − wnew °2 ≤ 2 °wk − wnew °2 < 2 (l∗ r)2 ≤ l∗ r. δ δ Now we add perturbation of A. Since Ax = (A + ∆ A)x − ∆ Ax, ¡ ¢ G(wold ) − Gold (wold ) = − ∆ c − ∆ AT yold ; ∆ Axold − ∆ b; 0 . Note that perturbations may only modify ρ in lemma 2, not N (wold ). Also observe that only ∆ A may change ρ, and ρ depends linearly on A by 4 of the proof of lemma 2. So there exists ν1 > 0, such that when k∆ Ak2 ≤ ν1 , we have ρnew ≤ 2ρold . 17 Because ∂G is uppersemicontinuous (see [8]), according to perturbation lemma, there exists a positive number ν2 , so that when k∆ Ak2 ≤ ν2 , for any w ∈ wold + 2r B, and any V ∈ ∂G(w), we ° −1 ° 2 ° ° have V ≤ δ. 2 Therefore, G(wold + 12 lrB) contains G(wold ) + 18 lrδB. ³ ´ δ 1 1 , Let ν = min(ν1 , ν2 ). Assume k∆ Ak2 ≤ ν. Then as the proof above, let l∗ ≤ min 4ρold , , r r 2 and υ = 18 l∗ rδ, we can get Q-quadratic convergence for the sequence (12) to wnew , too. 5 Globalization def Let G indicate one of the nonlinear equation reformulations of (1) given before. Denote w = def (ω; λ; z; y). Set Ψ(w) = 12 G(w)T G(w); then a root of G is the same thing as a global minimum of Ψ. Therefore, one may want to apply any gradient-type method for systems of nonlinear equations (see [10]) to globalize the algorithm. For our system, however, a difficulty involved in this strategy is that Ψ may not be differentiable everywhere. It is known that φ2 (see [20]) and θ(t) = t|t| (see [30]) are differentiable, but not are the squares of other nonlinear complementarity functions. At a nondifferentiable point of Ψ, there’re more than one element in ∂(Ψ), which may result in ambiguity in line-search rules and stopping criteria. To overcome this problem, we propose two approaches: perturbation and reformulation. 5.1 Perturbation This part is devoted to the globalized algorithm with perturbed Armijo-type stepsize rule. The nondifferentiable points are isolated. Therefore, if the intended starting point is nondifferentiable, one can always find an initial differentiable point that is arbitrarily close to it. Choose constants s > 0, σ > 0, β ∈ (0, 1), γ ∈ (β, 1). For each k ≥ 0, Ψ(wk ) is differentiable. 1. Set αk,0 = s, i = 0. 2. Find the largest nonnegative integer l for which ¡ ¢ Ψ(wk ) − Ψ wk + β l αk,i ∆ wk ≥ −σβ l αk,i ∇Ψ(wk )T ∆ wk . ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ 3. If Ψ wk + β l αk,i ∆ wk is nondifferentiable, find t ∈ [γ, 1) so that Ψ wk + tβ l αk,i ∆ wk is differentiable, set αk,i+1 = tβ l αk,i , i + 1 → i, go to step 2. Otherwise, set αk = β l αk,i , wk+1 = wk + αk ∆ w, k + 1 → k. It is not difficult to find t in step 3. Since Ψ(wk ) is differentiable, the stepsizes only should not be the following. Pn • i=1 |λi |Ai zi − b Nondifferentiable at λi = 0 for i = 1, . . . , n. Therefore, one only needs to circumvent stepsizes −λki / ∆ λki when ∆ λki 6= 0. • min(λi , ωi , zTi Rzi ) for i = 1, . . . , n Nondifferentiable at λi = ωi , λi = zTi Rzi , ωi = zTi Rzi . So, stepsizes shouldn’t be ∆ ωik ; T k k ∆ λk i −2zi R ∆ zi ± q 2 (2zki T R ∆ zki −∆ λki ) q T k ∆ ωik −2zk ( i R ∆ zi ± T k kT k k −4(∆ zk i R ∆ zi )(zi Rzi −λi ) T k 2 ∆ zk i R ∆ zi 2 T k k k 2zi R ∆ zi −∆ ωi −4 T k 2 ∆ zk i R ∆ zi ) , (∆ zik T R ∆ zki )(zki T Rzki −ωik ) T if they’re real and ∆ zki R ∆ zki 6= 0. 18 , k λk i −ωi ∆ ωik −∆ λk i for ∆ λki 6= • [·]+ and [·]− For i = 1, . . . , n, nondifferentiable at λi = 0 and ωi = 0. −λki / ∆ λki , −ωik / ∆ ωik . So not to choose stepsizes All the other nondifferentiable functions are modifications of the above functions; Therefore, the number of nondifferentiable points on the line segment (wk , wk + p ∆ wk ], where p ∈ (0, 1], is finite. To get around them, one can calculate these stepsizes; alternatively, one may just randomly choose a point t0 ∈ [γ, 1). Since the set of nondifferentiable points has measure zero, the probability of wk + t0 β l αk,i ∆ wk being differentiable is 1. If wk + t0 β l αk,i ∆ wk is differentiable, let t = t0 . Otherwise, keep on selecting points t0 in [γ, 1] \ T , where T ⊂ [γ, 1) is the set of already tried points, until wk + t0 β l αk,i ∆ wk is differentiable. Next, we modify the convergence analysis of gradient method with Armijo rule (see [7, p. 38, Prop. 1.2.1]), give the following results. k ∞ k ∞ Proposition 2 Suppose the sequences {wk }∞ k=1 and {∆ w }k=1 are bounded. Then {w }k=1 has ki ∞ limit points. Furthermore, assume for each sub-sequence {w }i=1 converging to a nonstationary point of Ψ, lim sup ∇Ψ(wki )T ∆ wki < 0. (27) i→∞ Then each limit point of {wk }∞ k=1 is a stationary point of Ψ. k Proof: Since {wk }∞ k=1 is bounded, it has limit points. Let w̃ be a limit point of {w }. If w̃ is not a ki ∞ stationary point, let {w }i=1 be a subsequence converging to w̃. Because Ψ is continuous, Ψ(wki ) converges to Ψ(w̃). From the definition of Armijo rule, Ψ(wk ) − Ψ(wk+1 ) ≥ −σαk ∇Ψ(wk )T ∆ wk , for k = 1, 2, . . . Therefore, αki ∇Ψ(wki )T ∆ wki → 0. (28) From (27) and (28), we have αki → 0. That means ∃ p > 0, ∀ i ≥ p, the stepsize is reduced at least once. By the definition of perturbed 1 Armijo rule, ∀ i ≥ p, for some %ki ∈ [ β1 , γβ ): ¡ ¢ Ψ(wki ) − Ψ wki + αki %ki ∆ wki < −σαki %ki ∇Ψ(wki )T ∆ wki , ¡ ¢ and Ψ wki + αki %ki ∆ wki is differentiable. From (27), without loss of generality, we assume ∆ wki 6= 0. Denote (29) def dki = ∆ w ki , k∆ wki k2 ° ° def ᾱki = αki %ki °∆ wki °2 . ° ° Since °∆ wki °2 is bounded, ᾱki → 0. Therefore, (29) can be written as: ∀i ≥ p: ¡ ¢ Ψ(wki ) − Ψ wki + ᾱki dki (30) < −σ∇Ψ(wki )T dki . ᾱki By chain rule, similar to the proof of Lemma 2, one can verify that ∃ h > 0, ρ > 0, so that ∀ kw0 − w̃k2 ≤ h and kw00 − w̃k2 ≤ h: 2 kΨ(w00 ) − Ψ(w0 ) − Ψ0 [w0 ; (w00 − w0 )]k2 ≤ ρ kw00 − w0 k2 . 19 ° ° Since wki → w̃, ᾱki → 0, °dki °2 = 1, we have: ∃ q ≥ p, so that ∀ i > q: ° k ° °w i − w̃° ≤ h , 2 2 Hence ᾱki ≤ h . 2 ° k ° °w i + ᾱki dki − w̃° ≤ h. 2 Therefore, ¡ ¢ ° ° Ψ(wki ) − Ψ wki + ᾱki dki ki ki ki ° ki °2 ≥ −∇Ψ(w )d − ᾱ ρ d 2 ᾱki (31) Combine (30) and (31), we have ° °2 ° ° ᾱki ρ °dki °2 °∆ wki °2 − < ∇Ψ(wki )T ∆ wki . 1−σ (32) ° ° Since °dki °2 = 1, ∆ wki is bounded, and ᾱki → 0, we have the left hand side of (32) converges to zeor, which contradicts to (27). Corollary 2 If the Jacobian of G is nonsingular for each k, let ∆ wk = −∇G−1 (wk )G(wk ). Otherwise, let ³ ´−1 T T ∆ wk = − ∇G(wk ) ∇G(wk ) + ck I ∇G(wk ) G(wk ). k ∞ k k ∞ Assume {wk }∞ i=1 and {∆ w }i=1 are bounded. Suppose c → 0. Then the sequence {w }i=1 generated by the gradient method with perturbed Armijo rule has limit points which are stationary points of Ψ. Remark 3 The perturbation scheme can be extended to some other Armijo-type line search techniques, such as the nonmonotone line search rule ([23]). 5.2 Reformulation In some algorithms for directional differentiable nonsmooth equations, such as [37, 40], the kth search direction ∆ wk is a solution to the equation: (33) G(wk ) + G0 (wk ; ∆ wk ) = 0. The Armijo-type stepsize rule is then changed to: For given constants s > 0, σ > 0, β ∈ (0, 1), find the largest nonnegative integer l for which ¡ ¢ Ψ(wk ) − Ψ wk + β l s ∆ wk ≥ −σβ l sΨ0 (wk ; ∆ wk ). The equation (33) is not easy to solve in general. In this part, we will show how to solve it for (3). Since the set of nondifferentiable points of all our systems has measure zero, the probability of hitting these points is zero; consequently, the probability of applying the reformulations below during the iteration is zero. Therefore, the expected total computation doesn’t include that below. For simplicity, we drop off the iteration number k in this part. 20 5.2.1 Min Function We reformulate (33) with respect to (15) in this part. Divide the index set L = {1, 2, . . . , n} into the following five subsets. def L0 = {i : min(λi , ωi , zTi Rzi ) is differentiable}, def def Lλω = {i : λi = ωi < zTi Rzi }, Lλz = {i : λi = zTi Rzi < ωi }, def def Lωz = {i : ωi = zTi Rzi < λi }, Lλωz = {i : λi = ωi = zTi Rzi }. It is easy to see that the directional derivatives are min (∆ λi , ∆ ωi ) ∆ λi min ¡∆ λ , 2zT R ∆ z ¢ i i i ¡ ¢ D min(λi , ωi , zTi Rzi ); ∆ ωi = T min ∆ ω , 2z R ∆ z i i i ∆ zi ¡ ¢ min ∆ λi , ∆ ωi , 2zTi R ∆ zi i ∈ Lλω , i ∈ Lλz , i ∈ Lωz , i ∈ Lλωz . Let pj , qj , lj be determined by (16). We transform (33) into: y + cj − ωj Rzj Rzj ∆ ωj + ωj R ∆ zj − ATj ∆ y = ATjP P (∆ λ A z + λ A ∆ z ) = b − i i i i i i i∈L λi Ai zi i∈L ∆(zj )0 = 1 − (zj )0 ¢ ¡ pj ∆ ωi + qj ∆ λj + 2lj zTj R ∆ zj = − min λj , ωj , zTj Rzj uj = ∆ λj + min(λj , ωj , zTj Rzj ) vj = ∆ ωj + min(λj , ωj , zTj Rzj ) uj ≥ 0, vj ≥ 0, uj vj = 0 T uj = ∆ λj + min(λj , ωj , zj Rzj ) T wj = 2zj R ∆ zj + min(λj , ωj , zTj Rzj ) uj ≥ 0, wj ≥ 0, uj wj = 0 T vj = ∆ ωj + min(λj , ωj , zj Rzj ) wj = 2zTj R ∆ zj + min(λj , ωj , zTj Rzj ) v ≥ 0, wj ≥ 0, vj wj = 0 j uj = ∆ λj + min(λj , ωj , zTj Rzj ) v = ∆ ω + min(λ , ω , zT Rz ) j j j j j j T T w = 2z R ∆ z + min(λ , ω , j j j j zj Rzj ) j uj ≥ 0, vj ≥ 0, wj ≥ 0, uj vj wj = 0 5.2.2 (j ∈ L) (j ∈ L) (j ∈ L0 ) (j ∈ Lλω ) (j ∈ Lλz ) (j ∈ Lωz ) (j ∈ Lλωz ) [·]+ and [·]− Functions Define the index sets: def def Lλ = {i ∈ L : λi = 0} , Lω = {i ∈ L : ωi = 0} . D ([0]+ ; ∆ a) = [∆ a]+ , D ([0]− ; ∆ a) = [∆ a]− . Note that Let Then usj = [∆ s]+ , vjs = −[∆ s]− ∆ λj = uλj − vjλ (j ∈ Lλ ), (j ∈ Ls , s ∈ {λ, ω}) . ω ∆ ωj = uω j − vj (j ∈ Lω ). 21 And ω uω j vj = 0 uω j ≥0 vjω ≥ 0 (j ∈ Lω ), uλj vjλ uλj vjλ (j ∈ Lλ ). =0 ≥0 ≥0 Let pj and qj (j ∈ L) be as defined in (21). Then (33) with respect to (20) can be reformulated as the following. T T uω j Rzj − Aj ∆ y = cj + Aj y ATj (j ∈ Lω ) ATj y ∆ ωj pj Rzj + [ωj ]+ R ∆ zj − ∆ y = cj + − [ωj ]+ Rzj (j ∈ L \ Lω ) X X X uλi Ai zi + (∆ λi qi Ai zi + [λi ]+ Ai ∆ zi ) = b − [λi ]+ Ai zi i∈Lλ i∈L i∈L\Lλ ∆(zj )0 = 1 − (zj )0 (1 − pj ) ∆ ωj + (1 − qj ) ∆ λj + 2zTj R ∆ zj (j ∈ L) = −zTj Rzj − [ωj ]− − [λj ]− (j ∈ L \ (Lλ ∪ Lω )) vjλ (1 − pj ) ∆ ωj − + 2zTj R ∆ zj = −zTj Rzj − [ωj ]− − [λj ]− (j ∈ Lλ \ Lω ) −vjω + (1 − qj ) ∆ λj + 2zTj R ∆ zj = −zTj Rzj − [ωj ]− − [λj ]− (j ∈ Lω \ Lλ ) (j ∈ Lω ∩ Lλ ) −vjω − vjλ + 2zTj R ∆ zj = −zTj Rzj − [ωj ]− − [λj ]− ω ω ω ω uj vj = 0 uj ≥ 0 vj ≥ 0 (j ∈ Lω ) λ λ λ λ uj vj = 0 uj ≥ 0 vj ≥ 0 (j ∈ Lλ ) 5.2.3 General Complementarity Functions and Jordan Algebra Reformulations When λj = 0, D [|λj |; ∆ λj ] = | ∆ λj |. If ∆ λj only appears in (3b) of (33), we assume ∆ λj ≥ 0 when λj = 0, and the result will not be affected. Therefore, we replace D [|λj |; ∆ λj ] by ∆ λj , and add ∆ λj ≥ 0. Complementarity functions composed by absolute value, min, [·]+ and [·]− in (33) at nondifferentiable points can be treated like (15), (20). For Fischer-Burmeister function, p D [φ(0, 0); (∆ a, ∆ b)] = ∆ a2 + ∆ b2 − ∆ a − ∆ b. 6 Numerical Examples We have implemented (3) with perturbed Armijo line search, and the perturbed nonmonotone line search in MATLAB. Our preliminary computational results show that generally the numbers of function evaluation and iteration are fewer for nonmonotone line search if the initial point is far from the optimum, but the numbers are almost the same for the two line search strategies when starting close to the optimum. We present some test results with perturbed nonmonotone line search below. Given positive numbers ², steptol, itlimit, conlimit, the algorithm terminates when it finds an ²-solution of G, or when the stepsize is less than steptol, or when the iteration number exceeds itlimit. ° ° Do while kGk∞ ≥ ², °wk+1 − wk °∞ ≥ steptol, and k ≤ itlimit. 1. Calculate ∇G(wk ), and estimate it’s condition number. 22 2. If the estimated condition number of G(wk ) is smaller than conlimit, ∆w = −∇G(wk )−1 G(wk ); otherwise, ¡ ¢−1 ∇G(wk )T G(wk ). ∆w = − ∇G(wk )T ∇G(wk ) + ck I 3. Do line search to determine the step size α. 4. wk+1 = wk + α∆w; k + 1 → k. We use the suggested values in [10] to terminate our program. On the PC running the program, the machine accuracy is τ = 2.220446e − 016; so we set ² = τ 1/3 = 6.055454e − 006, steptol = τ 2/3 = 3.666853e − 011, itlimit = 100. 6.1 Example 1 Our first computational example is the SMT problem from [50, example 1]. Our initial points were calculated from the approximated values below. We’ve used the min, []− and []+ , and Jordan algebra reformulations. Initial coordinates of the 8 Steiner points in example 1.0 x-coordinate y-coordinate index x-coordinate y-coordinate 0.6 6.5 5 7.2 1.8 0.8 3.5 6 5.2 2.1 1.7 1.2 7 2.5 7.5 4.1 0.8 8 3.9 7.0 index 1 2 3 4 Example 1.0 Example 1.1 12 10 min []−, []+ 10 8 min []−, []+ 8 Jordan 7 −log10(||G||∞) −log10(||G||∞) 9 Jordan 6 4 6 5 4 3 2 2 0 1 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 14 Iteration 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Iteration 2.5 3 3.5 4 The output is summarized in figure ‘Example 1.0’. x-axis is the iteration numbers, y-axis is − log10 of kGk∞ . It shows local Q-quadratic convergence. Our initial network-cost is larger than that of iteration 7 in [50], but each of our network-cost at the 7th iteration of (15), the 5th of (20), and the 13th of (23) is better than that of the 23th–the last iteration in [50]. To test reoptimization, we perturbed each coordinate of the regular points by a scalar in (−0.5, 0.5). The resulting coordiates are in the table below. Starting from the solutions to example 1.0, the Newton’s method for each of our formula found an optimum in 4 iterations; see figure ‘Example 1.1’. index 9 10 11 12 13 The coordinates of the 10 regular points in example 1.1 x y index x y 2.06225265 9.06259293 14 7.55387796 0.97892289 0.82034497 6.63177002 15 8.92332597 3.05143468 1.24810704 3.85186112 16 5.04443039 3.90964814 1.65588987 1.36153760 17 3.42613689 6.64003516 3.66904285 0.86330140 18 7.43136476 7.22161716 23 In the next example, we set point 9 to (2.5, 9.0). We get the solution in 2 iterations for each of the formula from the old solution. 6.2 Example 2 Our example 2 are randomly generated second-order cone programs. The results are summarized in the table below. tp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 syst (15) (20) (23) (15) (20) (23) (15) (20) (23) (15) (20) (23) (15) (20) (23) (15) (20) (23) (15) (20) (23) (15) (20) (23) (15) (20) (23) succ 100 100 100 100 100 100 97 98 98 100 100 100 100 100 100 99 100 100 56 56 56 22 8 28 99 99 99 Output initial gap 0.708798 0.708798 0.708798 -0.468689 -0.468689 -0.468689 -0.719331 -0.719363 -0.719363 -1.675727 -1.676413 -1.676288 -0.443995 -0.443996 -0.443996 0.040911 0.045377 0.045377 -0.647448 -0.647448 -0.647448 0.272251 0.341327 0.299279 0.255684 0.253370 0.254746 of example 2 final gap -14.091132 -14.023286 -14.114863 -7.392421 -8.334704 -7.735485 -7.772418 -7.578901 -7.638747 -7.835776 -7.879695 -7.314917 -7.691475 -7.316729 -7.401255 -7.873853 -7.943580 -7.659177 -7.792780 -7.858531 -7.774833 -7.448693 -13.353607 -7.369137 -7.401473 -7.834493 -7.694833 iteration 1.060000 1.000000 1.000000 3.600000 4.070000 6.750000 8.412371 10.316327 15.438776 3.660000 4.110000 7.770000 6.110000 7.160000 11.040000 4.494949 4.530000 6.700000 8.964286 10.535714 15.267857 17.272727 40.750000 31.750000 7.454545 7.272727 9.616162 fun eval 2.060000 2.000000 2.000000 4.630000 5.150000 16.160000 20.917526 33.663265 77.887755 6.300000 8.280000 26.850000 10.610000 17.410000 45.700000 9.191919 6.230000 15.610000 22.303571 33.517857 76.232143 82.863636 853.000000 449.678571 20.313131 12.424242 25.111111 We first generated the solutions, each of which has 10 10-dimensional blocks. Type of primal solution is [b, o, i, b, b, i, o, o, b, b]; type of dual solution is [b, i, o, b, b, o, i, b, b, b]; where ‘b’ means the block is in bd Q, ‘o’ means the block is zero, ‘i’ means the block is in int Q. Number of linear constraints m = 33. According to [10], the line search Newton direction is independent of the scaling of the dependent or the independent variables. So we set each element of A and y in our randomly generated problem in (−1, 1), the first element of each nonzero block of primal and dual solution 1, the remaining elements random numbers. We randomly generated 100 instances of the problem, and solved them by (15), (20), (23). Because strict complementarity is not satisfied at the 8th block, iterates of interior point method will not converge to this solution. For starting point y = 0, x and s the optimal solution, the output is summarized at block row ‘type 1’. All the instances converge to the optimal solutions. The block rows ‘type 2-10’ show the summaries of various perturbed problems as below. The starting point is the solution to the old problem. Since some blocks are in the boundary of the second-order cone, interior point method can not start from it. 24 ³ ´ kbk kbk Type 2: each element of ∆ b is in − m 2 , m 2 . ³ ´ Pn kck kck Type 3: each element of ∆ c is in − N 2 , N 2 , where N = i=1 Ni . ³ ´ kAk kAk Type 4: each element of ∆ A is in − mNF , mNF . ³ ´ ³ ´ kAk kAk kbk kbk Type 5: Each element of ∆ A is in 0.8 − mNF , mNF , each element of ∆ b is in − m 2 , m 2 , each ³ ´ kck kck element of ∆ c is in 0.5 − N 2 , N 2 . Type 6: we add a constraint. Type 7: we delete the last constraint. Type 8: a 3-dimensional block is added. Type 9: we delete the last block. The second column shows the output in that row is obtained from which reformulation of the systems of equations. The column ‘succ’ shows the number out of the 100 instances whose kGk∞ was reduced under τ 1/3 . The 4th and 5th columns list the average value of initial and final log10 kGk∞ of a solved instance. The column ‘iteration’ shows the average number of iterations per solved instance. The column ‘fun eval’ shows the average number of function evaluations of a solved instance. Confirms to the analysis in § 5, of all the line searches for all the instances of the problems, perturbation is only used six times. 7 Properties We summarize the properties of the algorithm below. The total number of variables and equations of (3) is about half of that of other systems, which means that our method requires less memory. Without regularization, the Jacobian of each iteration has the same sparsity pattern; so one can use some techniques, such as that in [22], to solve large scale sparse problems. Besides, due to the special structure of nonlinear complementarity reformulation, only a reduced system of (3) needs to be solved (see [9]). To further lessen the work of each iteration but keep the desired convergence rate, one may use some modified Newton’s methods, like periodical Newton, quasi-Newton. The primal-dual variables of each iterate of an interior point method must be in the interior of the second-order cone; while those of sequence (12) can be neither in the second-order cone, nor feasible. Therefore, the optimal solution to an old problem can be used as an initial point for a new one via Newton-type methods. This means a Newton-type method gives a better starting point for the new problem than an IPM does, since optimum is usually achieved in the boundary. Furthermore, one can use the decomposition of the Jacobian for the old solution, if it is available, to solve the linear system with Newton-type methods. Most asymptotic convergence results about IPMs are the Q-suplinear or Q-quadratic convergence rate of duality gap, which don’t imply the same fast convergence rate of iteration sequences. The logbarrier IPM employs some barrier functions p(w; µ), where µ is the barrier parameter, to transform constrained optimization problems into unconstrained ones. As µ → 0, the minimizer of p(w; µ), denoted as µ(w), goes to a minimizer of the original constrained optimization problem w∗ . By the results in [49], for each fixed µ, the iterates of the pure Newton’s method on p(w; µ) converge Q-quadratically to µ(w) within an O(µσ ) neighborhood, for some σ ∈ (1, 2], of µ(w), but not to w∗ . And the size of Euclidean ball within which the quadratic convergence rate can be achieved decreases to zero as µ → 0. In [39], it is shown that the iterates of a certain class of primal-dual IPMs with at least two backsolves per iteration converge Q-superlinearly. In summary, the local convergence rate of the iterates of an IPM to w∗ can not be faster than that of a Newton-type method due to the parameter µ. For local convergence analysis, strict complementarity is not needed for (3). Under primal-dual nondegeneracy and some other conditions, its Jacobian is regular at optimum; hence the solution is 25 numerically stable and accurate. Because Newton-type methods don’t employ penalty or barrier functions, they have the advantages of penalty free algorithms described in [16]. Newton-type methods are better for perturbed problem, but starting from a point far from optimum, their iteration sequences may be trapped at a local minimum or saddle point of the merit function; while IPMs are not good for re-optimization, in practice, they can converge to an optimum even far from it. So to “cold start” a problem, we suggest using a hybrid algorithm: start with an IPM until the primal, dual infeasibility and duality gap are small, then switch to a Newtontype method. Another approach to “cold start” a problem may be to use some parameterized complementarity functions such as φµ , the Chen-Mangasarian family of complementarity functions. We have extended the above results about the normal cone, perturbation analysis, etc. to semidefinite programming, symmetric cone programming, and P-cone programming. Preliminary numerical results show that as for SOCP, Newton-type methods are good for “warm starting” these models. Acknowledgements I would like to express my gratitude to my Ph.D. advisor Professor Farid Alizadeh. This work is supported in part through his grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation. Discussions with him motivated the paper and encouraged me to improve its quality. I also want to thank Professor Paul Tseng. Especially, he gave a short proof of the Lagrangian multipliers. His comments and suggestions about the ambiguousness of my previous line search led to § 5, and helped improved the appearance of the paper. He also brought up reference [20] to my attention. As well, I want to thank Professor Jonathan Eckstein for pointing out the ambiguousness of my perturbed line search scheme in the previous draft. References [1] I. Adler and F. Alizadeh. Primal-dual interior point algorithms for convex quadratically constrained and semidefinite optimization problems. Technical Report RRR 46-95, RUTCOR, Rutgers University, 1995. [2] F. Alizadeh and D. Goldfarb. Second-order cone programming. Math. Program., 95(1, Ser. B):3–51, 2003. [3] F. Alizadeh and S. H. Schmieta. Optimization with semidefinite, quadratic and linear constraints. Technical Report RRR 23-97, RUTCOR, Rutgers Univeristy, 1997. [4] Farid Alizadeh, Jean-Pierre A. Haeberly, and Michael L. Overton. Primal-dual interior-point methods for semidefinite programming: convergence rates, stability and numerical results. SIAM J. Optim., 8(3):746–768 (electronic), 1998. [5] Farid Alizadeh and Yu Xia. The Q method for second-order cone programming. 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