Wisconsin’s Farm Real Estate Market Is Hot: So What’s The Problem? By Bruce L. Jones Professor, UW-Madison Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics Farm Management Specialist, UW Center for Dairy Profitability September 9, 2005 Sources of Data Wisconsin Agricultural Statistics Service (www.nass.usda.gov/wi/) Land Values Cash Rents Economic Research Service- USDA (www.ers.usda.gov) Land Values Cash Rents Returns to Land Federal Reserve Bank (www.federalreserve.gov) Interest Rates Consumer Price Index Dow Jones Industrial Average Index US Census Bureau (www.census.gov) Home Values Rents Home Vacancies Bureau of Economic Analysis (www.bea.doc.gov) Population Per Capita Income Bureau of Labor Statistics (www.bls.gov) Farm Land Values 1988 - 2004 State New York Georgia Wisconsin California Growth Rate 3.4 5.88 7.79 5.1 Farm Land Values 1988 - 2004 State New York Georgia Wisconsin California Growth Rate 1988-1997 19983.11 4.29 4.29 4.61 5.82 7.73 12.35 6.47 Factors Affecting the Value of Land Land Valuation Model R V d Where: V is the value of land R is the return or rent to land d is the opportunity cost of capital Increase in land values when: Returns/rents to land increase ( Positive relationship ) Opportunity cost of capital decreases ( Negative relationship ) Rents Interest Rates Simple Correlation Coefficients For Selected Wisconsin Farm Land Variables Crop Land Returns to 10Yr Int Corn Yield Corn Price Rent Land Rate Land Value Crop Land Rent Returns to Land 10Yr Int Rate Corn Yield 0.9032 -0.4415 -0.4933 -0.4408 -0.1894 0.3128 0.4500 0.4588 -0.1182 -0.2385 -0.0835 -0.1363 0.6042 0.2289 -0.4606 Factors Potentially Affecting The Non-Farm U.S. Real Estate Market Measures Housing Values 1988 - 2004 Region Northeast Midwest Southeast Far West Growth Rate 19981988-1997 -1.64 7.88 4.26 3.08 8.96 6.83 8.76 10.49 Housing Rents 1988-2004 Region Northeast Midwest Southeast Far West Growth Rate 1988-1997 19980.69 2.64 3.53 2.31 6.56 5.42 5.71 6.09 Per Capita Income Region New England Great Lakes Southeast West Growth Rate 1988-1997 19983.77 4.36 4.35 3.33 3.75 2.78 3.39 3.10 Population Region New England Great Lakes Southeast West Growth Rate 1988-1997 19980.43 0.77 1.58 1.66 0.62 0.48 1.26 1.46 Farm business balance sheet, December 31, (1000s) Wisconsin Item Farm assets Real estate Other assets Farm debt Non-real estate Real estate Equity 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 27,885,577 18,092,265 9,793,312 32,693,567 22,624,713 10,068,854 36,597,058 26,617,309 9,979,749 39,366,081 29,279,040 10,087,041 40,780,320 30,187,532 10,592,787 5,817,010 2,955,673 2,861,337 5,930,811 2,915,272 3,015,539 6,202,714 3,091,260 3,111,454 6,499,690 3,221,032 3,278,658 6,531,705 3,263,559 3,268,146 22,068,567 26,762,756 30,394,344 32,866,391 34,248,614 Wis cons in Balance She e t Tre nds 50000000 40000000 30000000 20000000 10000000 0 1960 1970 1980 Farm Assets 1990 2000 Farm Debts 2010 De bt to As s e ts 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Owned Land as a Percent of Land in Farms Source: Census of Agriculture Year 2002 1997 1992 1987 Wisconsin Illinois 72.20 42.36 72.71 39.56 72.69 38.36 73.73 40.30 Michigan Minnesota 61.84 60.37 61.32 59.36 62.44 57.94 65.47 60.13 Harvested Cropland as a Percent of Land in Farms Source: Census of Agriculture Year 2002 1997 1992 1987 Wisconsin Illinois 56.72 82.62 57.89 81.88 57.19 80.25 56.21 70.47 Michigan Minnesota 67.32 70.51 68.11 72.97 65.27 70.91 59.83 62.60 Value of Illinois Farm Re al Es tate 3000 2500 $ per Acre 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 Year Illinois Actual 1990 2000 Illinois Trend -- 5.12 % Growth 2010 Value of Wis cons in Farm Re al Es tate 3000 2500 $ per Acre 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 Wisconsin Actual Year 1990 2000 Wisconsin Trend -- 5.98 % Growth 2010 Annual Change in Land Value = ValueN ValueN 1 Farm Land Value Statistics: 1951-2004 Sorted by Average Annual Change in Value Arizona Florida Georgia Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Connecticut Alabama Delaware Vermont AVG 1.1032 1.0791 1.0787 1.0769 1.0746 1.0745 1.0721 1.0716 1.0714 1.0711 STD 0.2150 0.0708 0.0628 0.0456 0.0623 0.0662 0.0435 0.0639 0.0633 0.0515 CV 0.1949 0.0657 0.0582 0.0423 0.0580 0.0617 0.0406 0.0597 0.0591 0.0481 Farm Land Value Statistics: 1951-2004 Sorted by Coefficient of Variation Arizona Iowa Minnesota Utah Illinois Nevada Nebraska Indiana North Dakota New Mexico AVG 1.1032 1.0552 1.0632 1.0667 1.0554 1.0664 1.0544 1.0611 1.0557 1.0578 STD 0.2150 0.1069 0.0987 0.0947 0.0917 0.0927 0.0914 0.0900 0.0863 0.0834 CV 0.1949 0.1013 0.0928 0.0888 0.0869 0.0869 0.0866 0.0849 0.0817 0.0788 Farm Land Value Statistics: 1971-2004 Sorted by Average Annual Change in Value Arizona Massachusetts Rhode Island Utah New Hampshire West Virginia Wisconsin Maine Connecticut Nevada AVG 1.1159 1.0889 1.0830 1.0828 1.0820 1.0771 1.0763 1.0759 1.0743 1.0732 STD 0.2664 0.0482 0.0773 0.1134 0.0698 0.0932 0.0898 0.0550 0.0472 0.1042 CV 0.2387 0.0442 0.0714 0.1048 0.0645 0.0866 0.0835 0.0511 0.0440 0.0971 Farm Land Value Statistics: 1971-2004 Sorted by Coefficient of Variation Arizona Iowa Minnesota Utah Illinois Nebraska Indiana North Dakota Nevada New Mexico AVG 1.1159 1.0602 1.0699 1.0828 1.0562 1.0564 1.0634 1.0524 1.0732 1.0600 STD 0.2664 0.1294 0.1186 0.1134 0.1100 0.1096 0.1055 0.1041 0.1042 0.0972 CV 0.2387 0.1220 0.1109 0.1048 0.1041 0.1037 0.0992 0.0989 0.0971 0.0917 Farm Land Value Statistics: 1991-2004 Sorted by Average Annual Change in Value Arizona Massachusetts Rhode Island Utah New Hampshire West Virginia Wisconsin Maine Connecticut Nevada AVG 1.1159 1.0889 1.0830 1.0828 1.0820 1.0771 1.0763 1.0759 1.0743 1.0732 STD 0.2664 0.0482 0.0773 0.1134 0.0698 0.0932 0.0898 0.0550 0.0472 0.1042 CV 0.2387 0.0442 0.0714 0.1048 0.0645 0.0866 0.0835 0.0511 0.0440 0.0971 Farm Land Value Statistics: 1991-2004 Sorted by Coefficient of Variation Arizona Iowa Minnesota Utah Illinois Nebraska Indiana North Dakota Nevada New Mexico AVG 1.1159 1.0602 1.0699 1.0828 1.0562 1.0564 1.0634 1.0524 1.0732 1.0600 STD 0.2664 0.1294 0.1186 0.1134 0.1100 0.1096 0.1055 0.1041 0.1042 0.0972 CV 0.2387 0.1220 0.1109 0.1048 0.1041 0.1037 0.0992 0.0989 0.0971 0.0917