Managerial incentives to increase firm volatility provided by debt, stock, and options Joshua D. Anderson (617) 253-7974 John E. Core* (617) 715-4819 Abstract We measure a manager’s risk-taking incentives as the total sensitivity of the manager’s debt, stock, and option holdings to firm volatility. We compare this measure to the option vega and to relative measures used by the prior literature. Vega does not reflect the option value of equity, does not capture risk incentives from managers’ stock and debt holdings, and does not reflect the fact that employee options are warrants. The relative measures do not incorporate the sensitivity of options to volatility. The new measure explains risk choices better than vega and the relative measures. Our measure should be useful for future research on managers’ risk choices. This draft: February 2014 _______________ * Corresponding author. We gratefully acknowledge comments from Ana Albuquerque (discussant), Divya Anantharaman, Wayne Guay, Mitchell Petersen, Eric So, Daniel Taylor, Anand Venkateswaran, Jerry Zimmerman, and seminar participants at the American Accounting Association 2012 Annual Meeting, Columbia University, MIT Sloan School of Management, Northeastern University, Pennsylvania State University, Temple University, Tulane University, the University of Technology Sydney, and Washington University at St. Louis. We thank Ingolf Dittmann for his estimates of CEO non-firm wealth. We appreciate the financial support of the MIT Sloan School of Management. 1. Introduction A large literature uses the sensitivity of stock options to an increase in stock volatility (“vega”) to study whether managers’ equity portfolios provide incentives to increase risk. Studies on early samples show a strong positive association between vega and risk-taking (Guay, 1999; Coles et al., 2006), whereas studies on later samples show mixed results (e.g., Hayes et al., 2012). We re-examine vega and show that it has three shortcomings: (1) it does not reflect the option value of equity; (2) it does not capture potential risk incentives from managers’ stock and inside debt (unsecured pensions and deferred compensation); and (3) it does not reflect the fact that employee options are warrants. We derive and calculate an overall measure of a manager’s risk-taking incentives using the total sensitivity of the manager’s debt, stock, and option holdings to firm volatility. Limited liability implies that equity is an option on firm value with a strike price equal to the face value of debt. Consequently, an increase in firm volatility increases equity value by reducing debt value (Black and Scholes 1973; Merton, 1974). When a firm has options, this increase in equity value is shared between the stock and options. This implies that the option sensitivity to volatility is larger than vega. Because options are warrants, an increase in volatility that increases option value comes in part from a decrease in stock value. If the firm has no debt, all of the increase in option value comes from a decrease in stock value. This implies a stock sensitivity to volatility that goes from being negative to positive as leverage increases. A manager’s attitude toward risk will be affected by the sensitivities of the managers’ holdings of debt, stock, and options to firm volatility. To estimate these sensitivities, we follow Merton (1974) and value total firm equity (stock and stock options) as an option on the value of firm assets. The model gives an estimate of 1 the decrease in debt value for an increase in firm volatility. This decrease in debt value implies an equal increase in equity value. In turn, the increase in equity value is shared between the stock and stock options. We estimate the CEO’s sensitivities by applying the CEO’s ownership of debt, stock, and options to the firm’s sensitivities. We estimate these sensitivities for a sample of 5,967 Execucomp CEO-years from 2006 to 2010. The typical CEO in our sample owns roughly 2% of the debt, 2% of the stock, and 16% of the options. In terms of incentives to increase volatility, this CEO has small negative incentives from debt, small positive incentives from stock, and large positive incentives from options. A one standard deviation increase in firm volatility increases the average CEO’s wealth by $3 million, or 7% of total wealth. The total sensitivity increases as leverage increases, but vega roughly remains constant with leverage. As leverage increases, the debt sensitivity becomes more negative (making the CEO averse to risk increases), but the equity sensitivity (the sum of stock and option sensitivities) increases more rapidly. This occurs because the stock sensitivity changes from being negative to being strongly positive. Because vega does not capture these sensitivities, it can be a noisy and biased measure of risk-taking incentives. If the total sensitivity better reflects CEO incentives, we expect it to be more highly associated with CEOs’ risk-taking choices. To test this conjecture, we examine the association between the total sensitivity and vega and three proxies for future firm risk: stock volatility, research and development expense, and leverage. We specify regression models similar to those in Coles et al. (2006) and Hayes et al. (2012). Our results suggest that the total sensitivity is more highly associated with risk-taking than is vega. 2 The total sensitivity measure requires data on CEOs’ inside debt, which data became available only in 2006. To avoid this limitation, we also examine the equity sensitivity, which is equal to the sum of the stock sensitivity and the option sensitivity (or the total sensitivity minus the debt sensitivity). The equity sensitivity is very highly correlated with the total sensitivity because the debt sensitivity is small and has low variance. We compute the equity sensitivity from 1994-2005 and compare it with vega. In this sample, we also find that equity sensitivity explains risk-taking better than vega, and that the scaled equity sensitivity is superior to the scaled equity vega.1 Our new measures require only data from CRSP, Compustat, and Execucomp. The measures can be computed for virtually all of the sample for which vega can be computed.2 A program to compute the measures is available on request. A concern about regressions of incentives on risk-taking is that risk-taking incentives are endogenous. To explore the robustness of our results, we estimate two-stage least squares (2SLS) regressions. The inference from the 2SLS regressions is similar: The total sensitivity measure explains risk choices better than vega. We also follow Hayes et al. and examine changes in incentives and in risk-taking around the introduction of option expensing in 2005 as a potentially exogenous event that changed incentives. Our evidence from this analysis also suggests that the total sensitivity measure explains risk choices better than vega. Our derivation of the sensitivity of debt, stock, and options also implies that the relative risk-taking measures (the relative leverage ratio and the relative incentive ratio) used in the 1 Our finding that the equity sensitivity is superior to vega suggests that the stock sensitivity provides important incentives. Guay (1999) also examines the stock sensitivity, but finds that it does not have a large effect on incentives. Potential reasons for the difference in our findings include: (1) we value options as warrants, (2) we use a different asset volatility calculation, and (3) we use a different sample. 2 As described below, to compute the total sensitivity requires data on outstanding employee stock options. This data is missing from Compustat for about 4% of our main sample. In addition, in a small number of cases, the algorithm to compute debt values does not converge, which makes it impossible to compute our measure. 3 recent literature (e.g., Cassell et al., 2012; Sundaram and Yermack, 2007; Wei and Yermack, 2011) are noisy and can be biased. These measures do not correctly incorporate the sensitivity of option value to firm volatility. We calculate a measure that correctly weights the manager’s debt, stock, and option sensitivities. The prior measures suggest that CEOs on average are highly aligned with debt holders: the average CEO has debt incentives to reduce volatility that are over 2.3 times his equity incentives to increase volatility. By contrast, the corrected measure, which explicitly takes into account the incentives to increase firm volatility from options, is much smaller and suggests that CEOs have little alignment with debt holders: the average CEO has incentives to reduce volatility that are equal to 0.4 times his equity incentives to increase volatility. Consistent with prior literature, we find that these ratios are negatively associated with risk choices. However, our scaled total sensitivity measure can be computed for about 70% more observations and is more highly associated with risk-taking choices than the relative ratios. We contribute to the literature in several ways. We calculate a measure of risk-taking incentives that includes the sensitivity of managers’ debt and stock holdings. In addition, our measure better calculates the sensitivity of the manager’s stock options to firm volatility. We compare this measure to vega and to the relative measures used by the prior literature. We find that the new measure is more highly associated with risk choices than vega and the relative measures. Our measure should be useful for future research on managers’ risk choices. The remainder of the paper proceeds as follows. In the next section, we define the sensitivity of firm debt, stock, and options to firm volatility. We then define the corresponding measures of the sensitivity of the CEO’s portfolio to firm volatility. In the third section, we describe how we select a sample of CEOs, and compare various measures of incentives. In the 4 fourth section, we compare regressions using the measures to explain various firm outcomes and provide robustness tests. In the fifth section, we conclude. 2. Definition of incentive measures In this section we first show how firm debt, equity, and option values change with changes in firm volatility, and then we relate these changes to measures of managerial incentives. 2.1 Sensitivity of firm capital structure to firm volatility In general, firms are financed with debt, equity, and employee options: (1) Debt is the market value of the debt, Stock is the market value of stock, and Options is the market value of options. It is convenient to express stock and option values in per share amounts, and we assume the firm has n shares of stock outstanding with stock price P. The firm has qn stock options outstanding with option price W. For simplicity in our notation, we assume for the moment that all options have the same exercise price and time to maturity so that each option is worth W. To begin, suppose that there are no stock options outstanding, so that (1) becomes: (2) Black and Scholes (1973) and Merton (1973) show that equity can be valued as a call with a strike price equal to the face value of debt. Under the assumption that changes in firm volatility do not change the value of the firm: 0 (3) Therefore, any loss in debt value due to volatility increases is offset by an equal gain in equity value: 5 (4) More volatile returns increase the value of equity holders’ call option, which reduces the value of debt. The interests of debt and equity conflict. Equity prefers higher firm volatility, which raises the value of its call; debt prefers lower firm volatility, which increases the value of its short call. Now consider a firm with no debt financed with stock and employee stock options: (5) Employee stock options are warrants (W) because exercising the options results in the firm issuing new shares of stock and receiving the strike price. Analogous to (4), an increase in firm volatility has the following effect on the stock price and the option price: (6) Equation (6) shows that the price of a share of stock in a firm with only stock and employee stock options decreases when firm volatility increases (Galai and Schneller, 1978). The share price decreases because the increased volatility makes it more likely that the option will be in the money and that the current value of a share outstanding will be diluted. So long as increases in volatility do not change the value of the firm, any gains to the options are offset by losses to the stock. This result for options on stock is similar to the result when stock is an option on the value of the levered firm. Now we combine the results for debt and options. An increase in firm volatility affects debt, stock, and option value according to the following relation: (7) In firms with both debt and options, shareholders have a call option on the assets, but they have granted options on the equity to employees. They are in a position with respect to the equity 6 similar to the position of the debt holders with respect to the assets. When the firm is levered, increasing firm volatility causes shareholders to gain from the option on the asset but to lose on the options on the equity. Since the change in stockholders’ value is a combination of these two opposing effects, whether stockholders prefer more volatility depends on the number of employee options outstanding and firm leverage, as we illustrate next. 2.1.1 Estimating firm sensitivities To estimate the sensitivities described above, we calculate the value of debt and options using standard pricing models. We then increase firm volatility by 1%, hold firm value fixed, and recalculate the values of debt, stock, and options. We estimate the sensitivities to a one percent change in firm volatility as the difference between these values. Appendix A describes the details, and as noted above, a program to compute the measures is available on request. We first price employee options as warrants using the Black-Scholes model, as modified to account for dividend payouts by Merton (1973), and modified to reflect warrant pricing by Schulz and Trautmann (1994). Calculating option value this way gives a value for total firm equity. Second, we model firm equity as an option on the levered firm following Merton (1974) using the Black-Scholes formula. This model allows us to calculate total firm value and firm volatility following the approach of Eberhart (2005). With these values in hand, we calculate the value of the debt as a put on the firm’s assets with strike price equal to the maturity amount of the firm’s debt.3 3 Eberhart (2005) converts the firm’s debt into a single zero-coupon bond (as do Bharath and Shumway, 2008; Campbell et al., 2008; and Hillegeist et al., 2004). In following this method, we abstract away from different types of debt in the firm’s capital structure and different types of debt in the CEO’s portfolio. Although doing this involves some measurement error, it affords us a larger sample (in part because we do not require data on individual debt issues) and allows us to focus on the main effect: equity values increase more after an increase in firm volatility when the firm has more debt. 7 To calculate the sensitivities, we increase firm volatility by 1%, which implies a 1% increase in stock volatility. We use this new firm volatility to determine a new debt value. The sensitivity of the debt to a change in firm volatility is the difference between this value and the value at the lower firm volatility. From (7), equity increases by the magnitude of the decrease in the debt value. Finally, we use the higher equity value and higher stock volatility to compute a new value for stock and stock options following Schulz and Trautmann (1994). The difference between these stock and option values and those calculated in the first step is the sensitivity to firm volatility for the stock and options. 2.1.2 Example of firm sensitivities To give intuition for the foregoing relations, in Panel A of Table 1, we show the sensitivities for an example firm. We use values that are approximately the median values of our sample described below. The market value of assets is $2.5 billion and firm volatility is 35%. Options are 7% of shares outstanding, and have a price-to-strike ratio of 1.35. The options and the debt have a maturity of four years. Leverage is the face value of debt divided by the sum of the book value of debt and market value of equity. To calculate the values and sensitivities, we assume a risk-free rate of 2.25%, that the interest rate on debt is equal to the risk-free rate, and that the firm pays no dividends. The first set of rows shows the change in the value of firm debt, stock, and options for a 1% increase in the standard deviation of the assets (from 35.00% to 35.35%), at various levels of leverage. An increase in volatility reduces debt value, and this reduction is greater for greater leverage. The reduction in debt value is shared between the stock and options. Options always benefit from increases in volatility. When leverage is low, the sensitivity of debt to firm volatility is very low. Since there is little debt to transfer value from, option holders gain at the expense of 8 stockholders when volatility increases. As leverage increases, the sensitivity of debt to firm volatility decreases. As this happens, the stock sensitivity becomes positive as the stock offsets losses to options with gains against the debt. 2.2 Managers’ incentives from the sensitivity of firm capital structure to firm volatility 2.2.1 Total incentives to increase firm volatility We now use the above results to derive measures of managerial incentives. A manager’s (risk-neutral) incentives to increase volatility from a given security are equal to the security’s sensitivity to firm volatility multiplied by the fraction owned by the manager. If the manager owns α of the outstanding stock, β of the outstanding debt, and options, the manager’s total incentives to increase firm volatility are: (8) where is the manager’s average per option sensitivity to firm volatility, computed to reflect that employee options are warrants. 2.2.2 Vega incentives to increase stock volatility Prior literature uses vega, the sensitivity of managers’ option holdings to a change in stock volatility, as a proxy for incentives to increase volatility (Guay, 1999; Core and Guay, 2002; Coles et al., 2006; Hayes et al., 2012). Vega is the change in the Black-Scholes option value for a change in stock volatility: (9) (Here, we use the notation O to indicate that the option is valued using Black-Scholes, in contrast to the notation W to indicate that the option is valued as a warrant.) Comparing vega with the total sensitivity in (8), one can see that vega is a subset of total risk-taking incentives. In 9 particular, it does not reflect the option value of equity, does not include incentives from debt and stock, and does not account for the fact that employee stock options are warrants. Inspection of the difference between (8) and (9) reveals that for vega to be similar to total risk-taking incentives, the firm must have low or no leverage (so that the volatility increase causes little redistribution from debt value to equity value) and the firm must have low amounts of options (so that the volatility increase causes little re-distribution from stock value to option value). 2.2.3 Relative incentives to increase volatility Jensen and Meckling (1976) suggest a scaled measure of incentives: the ratio of risk- reducing incentives to risk-increasing incentives. The ratio of risk-reducing to risk-increasing incentives in (8) is equal to the ratio of debt incentives (multiplied by -1) to stock and option incentives: 4 (10) We term this ratio the “relative sensitivity ratio.” As in Jensen and Meckling, the ratio is informative about whether the manager has net incentives to increase or decrease firm risk. It can be useful to know whether risk-reducing incentives are greater than risk-increasing incentives (that is, whether Eq. (8) is negative or positive, or equivalently whether the ratio in Eq. (10) is greater or less than one). If the ratio in Eq. (10) is less than one, then the manager has more riskincreasing incentives than risk-reducing incentives and vice versa if the ratio is greater than one. When the manager’s portfolio of debt, stock, and options mirrors the firm’s capital structure, the ratio in (10) is one. Jensen and Meckling (1976) posit that a manager with such a portfolio 4 From Panel A of Table 1, the sensitivity of stock to volatility can be negative when the firm has options but little leverage. In this case the ratio of risk-reducing to risk-increasing incentives is: 10 . “would have no incentives whatsoever to reallocate wealth” between capital providers (p. 352) by increasing the risk of the underlying assets. If the firm has no employee options, the stock sensitivity is always positive and the relative sensitivity ratio (10) becomes:5 (11) An advantage of this ratio is that, if in fact the firm has no employee options, one does not have to estimate the sensitivity of debt to volatility to compute the ratio. Much prior literature (e.g., Cassell et al., 2012; Sundaram and Yermack, 2007) uses this measure, and terms it the “relative leverage ratio,” as it compares the manager’s leverage to the firm’s leverage. To operationalize the relative leverage ratio when firms have employee options, these researchers make an ad hoc adjustment by adding the Black-Scholes value of the options to the value of the firm’s stock and CEO’s stock. Alternatively, Wei and Yermack (2011) make a different ad hoc adjustment for options by converting the options into equivalent units of stock by multiplying the options by their Black-Scholes delta. These adjustments for options are not correct because the option sensitivity to firm volatility is different from option value or delta. Only when the firm has no employee options are the relative leverage and incentive ratios equal to the relative sensitivity ratio. More important, scaling away the levels information contained in (8) can lead to incorrect inference, even when calculated correctly. For example, imagine two CEOs who both have $1 million total wealth and both have a relative sensitivity ratio of 0.9. Although they are otherwise 5 The first expression follows from (4): , and the sensitivity of total debt value to volatility divides off. The second equality follows from the definition of β and α as the manager’s fractional holdings of debt and stock and re-arranging. 11 identical, CEO A has risk-reducing incentives of -$900 and has risk-increasing incentives of $1,000, while CEO B has risk-reducing incentives of -$90,000 and has risk-increasing incentives of $100,000. The relative measure (0.9) scales away the sensitivities and suggests that both CEOs make the same risk choices. However, CEO B is much more likely to take risks: his wealth increases by $10,000 (1% of wealth) for each 1% increase in firm volatility, while CEO A’s increases by only $100 (0.01% of wealth). 2.2.4 Empirical estimation of CEO sensitivities We calculate CEO sensitivities as weighted functions of the firm sensitivities. The CEO’s debt and stock sensitivities are the CEO’s percentage ownership of debt and stock multiplied by the firm sensitivities. We calculate the average strike price and maturity of the manager’s options following Core and Guay (2002). We calculate the value of the CEO’s options following Schulz and Trautmann (1994). Appendix A.5 provides details and notes the necessary Execucomp, Compustat, and CRSP variable names. Calculating the sensitivities requires a normalization for the partial derivatives. Throughout this paper we report results using a 1% increase in firm volatility, which is equivalent to a 1% increase in stock volatility. In other words, to calculate a sensitivity, we first calculate a value using current volatility , then increase volatility by 1% 1.01 and re- calculate the value. The sensitivity is the difference in these values. Prior literature (e.g., Guay, 1999) calculates vega using a 0.01 increase in stock volatility. The disadvantage of using a 0.01 increase in stock volatility in calculating vega is that it implies an increase in firm volatility that grows smaller than 0.01 as firm leverage increases. So that the measures are directly comparable, we therefore use a 1% increase in stock volatility to compute vega. The 1% vega is highly 12 correlated (0.91) with the 0.01 increase vega used in the prior literature, and all of our inferences below with the 1% vega are identical to those with the 0.01 increase vega.6 2.2.5 Example of CEO sensitivities In Panel B of Table 1, we illustrate how incentives to take risk vary with firm leverage for an example CEO (of the example firm introduced above). The example CEO owns 2% of the firm’s debt, 2% of the firm’s stock, and 16% of the firm’s options. These percentages are similar to the averages for our main sample described below. Columns (2) to (4) show the sensitivities of the CEO’s debt, stock, and options to a 1% change in firm volatility for various levels of leverage. As with the firm sensitivities, the example CEO’s debt sensitivity decreases monotonically with leverage, while the sensitivities of stock and options increase monotonically with leverage. Column (5) shows that the total equity sensitivity, which is the sum of the stock and option sensitivities, increases sharply as the stock sensitivity goes from being negative to positive. Column (6) shows the total sensitivity, which is the sum of the debt, stock, and option sensitivities. These total risk-taking incentives increase monotonically with leverage as the decrease in the debt sensitivity is outweighed by the increase in the equity sensitivity. Column (7) shows vega for the example CEO. In contrast to the equity sensitivity and the total sensitivity which both increase in leverage, vega first increases and then decreases with leverage in this example. Part of the reason is that vega does not capture the debt and stock sensitivities. Holding this aside, vega does not measure well the sensitivity of the option to firm volatility. It captures the fact that the option price is sensitive to stock volatility, but it misses the fact that equity value benefits from decreases in debt value. As leverage increases, the sensitivity 6 We also compute the change in the CEO’s wealth for a one sample standard deviation increase in firm volatility. The results, in terms of significance, are very similar to our main results. 13 of stock price to firm volatility increases dramatically (as shown by the increasingly negative debt sensitivity), but this effect is omitted from the vega calculations. Columns (8) to (10) illustrate the various relative incentive measures. The relative sensitivity measure in Column (8) is calculated following Eq. (10) as the negative of the sum of debt and stock sensitivities divided by the option sensitivity when the stock sensitivity is negative (as for the three lower leverage values) and as the negative of debt sensitivity divided by the sum of the stock and option sensitivity otherwise. Thus, risk-reducing incentives are $6 thousand for the low-leverage firms and $57 thousand for the high-leverage firms. The riskincreasing incentives are $46 for the low-leverage firms and $115 for the high-leverage firms. Accordingly, as leverage increases, the relative sensitivity measure increases from 0.13 (= 6/46) to 0.50 (= 57/115), indicating that the CEO is more identified with debt holders (has fewer relative risk-taking incentives). This inference that risk-taking incentives decline is the opposite of the increase in risk-taking incentives shown in Column (6) for the total sensitivity and total sensitivity as a percentage of total wealth. This example illustrates the point above that scaling away the levels information contained in Eq. (8) can lead to incorrect inference even when the relative ratio is calculated correctly. In columns (9) and (10), we illustrate the relative leverage and relative incentive ratios for our example CEO. The relative leverage ratio is computed by dividing the CEO’s percentage debt ownership (2%) by the CEO’s ownership of total stock and option value (roughly 2.4%). Because these value ratios do not change much with leverage, the relative leverage ratio stays about 0.8, suggesting that the CEO is highly identified with debt holders. The relative incentive ratio, which is similarly computed by dividing the CEO’s percentage debt ownership (2%) by the CEO’s ownership of total stock and option delta (roughly 2.8%), also shows high identification 14 with debt holders and little change with leverage. Again, this is inconsistent with the substantial increase in risk-taking incentives illustrated in Column (6) for the total sensitivity. 3. Sample and Variable Construction 3.1 Sample Selection We use two samples of Execucomp CEO data. Our main sample contains Execucomp CEOs from 2006 to 2010, and our secondary sample, described in more detail in Section 4.4 below, contains Execucomp CEOs from 1994 to 2005. The total incentive measures described above require information on CEO inside debt (pensions and deferred compensation) and on firm options outstanding. Execucomp provides information on inside debt beginning only in 2006 (when the SEC began to require detailed disclosures). Our main sample therefore begins in 2006. The sample ends in 2010 because our tests require one-year ahead data that is only available through 2011. Following Coles et al. (2006) and Hayes et al. (2012), we remove financial firms (firms with SIC codes between 6000 and 6999) and utility firms (firms with SIC codes between 4900 and 4999). We identify an executive as CEO if we can calculate CEO tenure from Execucomp data and if the CEO is in office at the end of the year. If the firm has more than one CEO during the year, we choose the individual with the higher total pay. We merge the Execucomp data with data from Compustat and CRSP. The resulting sample contains 5,967 CEO-year observations that have complete data. 3.2 Descriptive statistics – firm size, volatility, and leverage Table 2 shows descriptive statistics for volatility, the market value of firm debt, stock, and options, and leverage for the firms in our sample. We describe in Appendix A.3 how we estimate firm market values following Eberhart (2005). To mitigate the effect of outliers, we 15 winsorize all variables each year at the 1st and 99th percentiles. Because our sample consists of S&P 1500 firms, the firms are large and have moderate volatility. Most firms in the sample have low leverage. The median value of leverage is 13%, and the mean is 18%. These low amounts of leverage suggest low agency costs of asset substitution for most sample firms (Jensen and Meckling, 1976). 3.3 Descriptive statistics – CEO incentive measures Table 3, Panel A shows full sample descriptive statistics for the CEO incentive measures. We detail in Appendix A how we calculate these sensitivities. As with the firm variables described above, we winsorize all incentive variables each year at the 1st and 99th percentiles.7 The average CEO in our sample has some incentives from debt to decrease risk, but the amount of these incentives is low. This is consistent with low leverage in the typical sample firm. Nearly half of the CEOs have no debt incentives. The magnitude of the incentives from stock to increase firm risk is also small for most managers, but there is substantial variation in these incentives, with a standard deviation of approximately $47 thousand as compared to $16 thousand for debt incentives. The average sensitivity of the CEO’s options to firm volatility is much larger. The mean value of the total (debt, stock, and option) sensitivity is $65 thousand, which indicates that a 1% increase in firm volatility provides the average CEO in our sample with $65 thousand in additional wealth. Vega is smaller than the total sensitivity, and has strictly positive values as compared to the total sensitivity which has about 8% negative values.8 While the level measures of the CEO’s incentives are useful, they are difficult to interpret in cross-sectional comparisons of CEOs who have different amounts of wealth. Wealthier CEOs 7 Consequently, the averages in the table do not add, i.e., the average total sensitivity is not equal the sum of the average debt sensitivity and average equity sensitivity. 8 As discussed above, this vega is calculated for a 1% increase in stock volatility rather than the 0.01 increase used in prior literature to make it comparable to the total sensitivity. 16 will respond less to the same dollar amount of incentives if wealthier CEOs are less risk-averse.9 In this case, a direct way to generate a measure of the strength of incentives across CEOs is to scale the level of incentives by the CEO’s wealth. We estimate CEO total wealth as the sum of the value of the CEO’s debt, stock, and option portfolio and wealth outside the firm.10 We use the measure of CEO outside wealth developed by Dittmann and Maug (2007).11,12 The average scaled total sensitivity is 0.14% of wealth. The value is low because the sensitivities are calculated with respect to a 1% increase in firm volatility. If the average CEO increases firm volatility by one standard deviation (19.9%), that CEO’s wealth increases by 7%. While some CEOs have net incentives to decrease risk, these incentives are small. For the CEO at the first percentile of the distribution who has relatively large risk-reducing incentives, a one standard deviation decrease in firm volatility increases the CEO’s wealth by 2%. 3.4 Descriptive statistics – CEO relative incentive measures Panel A shows that the mean (median) relative leverage ratio is 3.09 (0.18), and the mean (median) relative incentive ratio is 2.31 (0.15). These values are similar to those in Cassell et al. (2012), who also use an Execucomp sample. These ratios are skewed, and are approximately one at the third quartile, suggesting that 25% of our sample CEOs have incentives to decrease risk. This fraction is much larger than the 8% of CEOs with net incentives to reduce risk based on the 9 It is frequently assumed in the literature (e.g., Hall and Murphy, 2002; Lewellen, 2006; Conyon et al., 2011) that CEOs have decreasing absolute risk aversion. 10 We value the options as warrants following Schulz and Trautmann (1994). This is consistent with how we calculate the sensitivities of the CEOs’ portfolios. 11 To develop the proxy, Dittmann and Maug assume that the CEO enters the Execucomp database with no wealth, and then accumulates outside wealth from cash compensation and selling shares. Dittmann and Maug assume that the CEO does not consume any of his outside wealth. The only reduction in outside wealth comes from using cash to exercise his stock options and paying U.S. federal taxes. Dittmann and Maug claim that their proxy is the best available given that managers’ preferences for saving and consumption are unobservable. We follow Dittmann and Maug (2007) and set negative estimates of outside wealth to missing. 12 The wealth proxy is missing for approximately 13% of CEOs. For those CEOs, we impute outside wealth using a model that predicts outside wealth as a function of CEO and firm characteristics. If we instead discard observations with missing wealth, our inference below is the same. 17 total sensitivity measure, and suggests a bias in the relative leverage and incentive measures. By contrast, the mean (median) relative sensitivity ratio is 0.42 (0.03), suggesting low incentives to decrease risk. 3.5 Correlations – CEO incentive measures Panel B of Table 3 shows Pearson correlations between the incentive measures. Focusing first on the levels, the total sensitivity and vega are highly correlated (0.69). The total sensitivity is almost perfectly correlated with the equity sensitivity (0.99). Since CEOs’ inside debt sensitivity to firm volatility has a low variance, including debt sensitivity does not provide much incremental information about CEOs’ incentives. The scaled total sensitivity and scaled vega are also highly correlated (0.79), and the scaled total sensitivity is almost perfectly correlated with the scaled equity sensitivity (0.98). The relative leverage and relative incentive ratios are almost perfectly correlated (0.99). Because the correlation is so high, we do not include the relative incentive ratio in our subsequent analyses. 4. Associations of incentive measures with firm risk choices 4.1 Research Design 4.1.1 Unscaled incentive measures We examine how the CEO’s incentives at time t are related to firm risk choices at time t+1 using regressions of the following form: Firm Risk Choice Risk-taking Incentives Delta ∑ Control (12) The form of the regression is similar to those in Guay (1999), Coles et al. (2006) and Hayes et al. (2012). 18 Guay (1999, p. 46) shows that manager’s incentives to increase risk are positively related to the sensitivity of wealth to volatility, but negatively related to the increase in the manager’s risk premium that occurs when firm risk increases. Prior researchers examining vega (e.g. Armstrong et al., 2013, p. 330) argue that “vega provides managers with an unambiguous incentive to adopt risky projects,” and that this relation should manifest empirically so long as the regression adequately controls for differences in the risk premiums. Delta (incentives to increase stock price) is an important determinant of the manager’s risk premium. When a manager’s wealth is more concentrated in firm stock, he is less diversified, and requires a greater risk premium when firm risk increases. We control for the delta of the CEO’s equity portfolio measured following Core and Guay (2002). To ease comparisons, we use this delta in all of our regressions.13 Finally, we also control for cash compensation and CEO tenure, which prior literature (Guay, 1999; Coles et al. 2006) uses as proxies for the CEO’s outside wealth and risk aversion. We use three proxies for firm risk choices: (1) ln(Stock Volatility) measured using daily stock volatility over year t+1, (2) R&D Expense measured as the ratio of R&D expense to total assets, and (3) Book Leverage measured as the book value of long-term debt to the book value of assets.14 Like the prior literature, we consider ln(Stock Volatility) to be a summary measure of the outcome of firm risk choices, R&D Expense to be a major input to increased risk through investment risk, and Book Leverage to be a major input to increased risk through capital structure 13 Our arguments above -- that an increase in equity value will be split between stock and option holders -- suggest that delta as calculated in the prior literature can also be noisy. We calculate a dilution-adjusted delta by estimating the increase in the value of the CEO’s stock and option portfolio when the firm’s equity value increases by 1%. If we instead use this dilution-adjusted delta in our tests, the results using this delta are very similar to those presented below. 14 We also examine the relation between our incentive measures and asset volatility and idiosyncratic volatility below. 19 risk. We measure all control variables at t and all risk choice variables at t+1. By doing this, we attempt to mitigate potential endogeneity. Other control variables in these regressions follow Coles et al. (2006) and Hayes et al. (2012). We control for firm size using ln(Sales), and for growth opportunities using Market-toBook. All our regressions include year and 2-digit SIC industry fixed effects. In the regression with ln(Stock Volatility), we also control for risk from past R&D Expense, CAPEX, and Book Leverage. In the regression with R&D Expense, we also control for ln(Sales Growth) and Surplus Cash. In the regression with Book Leverage as the dependent variable, we control for ROA, and follow Hayes et al. (2012) by controlling for PPE, the quartile rank of a modified version of the Altman (1968) Z-score, and whether the firm has a long-term issuer credit rating. Following Hayes et al. (2012), we use nominal values that are not adjusted for inflation and estimate our regressions using OLS. If we follow Coles et al. (2006) and adjust for inflation, our inference is the same. Coles et al. also present the results of instrumental variables regressions. We report our main results using ordinary least squares. In section 4.5.1 below, we examine the sensitivity of our results using two-stage least-squares (2SLS), and find similar inference. 4.1.2 Scaled incentive measures Prior literature identifies CEO wealth as an important determinant of a CEO’s attitude toward risk. As noted above, the larger delta is relative to wealth, the greater the risk premium the CEO demands. Likewise, the larger risk-taking incentives are relative to wealth, the more a given risk increase will change the CEO’s wealth, and the greater the CEO’s motivation to 20 increase risk. To capture these effects more directly, we scale risk-taking incentives and delta by wealth and control for wealth in the following alternative specification Firm Risk Choice Risk-taking Incentives/Wealth Delta/Wealth + Wealth + ∑ Control (13) To enable comparison across the models, we include the same control variables in (13) as in (12) above. 4.2 Association of level and scaled incentive measures with firm risk choices In Table 4, we present our main results. Panel A contains estimation results for the unscaled incentive variables (Eq. (12)), and Panel B contains estimation results for the scaled incentive variables (Eq. (13)). Each panel contains three columns for vega (scaled vega) and three columns for total sensitivity (scaled total sensitivity). Each set of columns shows regression results for ln(Stock Volatility), R&D Expense, and Book Leverage. Vega has unexpected significant negative coefficients in the model for ln(Stock Volatility) in Column (1) of Panel A and for leverage in Column (3). These results are inconsistent with findings in Coles at al. (2006) for 1992-2001.15 This finding and findings in Hayes et al. (2012) are consistent with changes in the cross-sectional relation between vega and risk-taking over time. In column (2), however, vega has the expected positive and significant relation with R&D Expense. To ease interpretation of our variables, we standardize each dependent and independent variable (by subtracting its mean and dividing by its standard deviation) so that that the variables have a mean of zero and standard deviation of one. This transformation does not affect the t 15 In Section 4.4 below, we examine 1994-2005 data. During this time period that is more comparable to Coles et al. (2006), we find a positive association between vega and ln(Stock Volatility). 21 statistic, but helps with interpretation. For example, the 0.151 coefficient on vega in Column (2) indicates that a one standard deviation increase in vega is associated with a 0.151 standard deviation increase in R&D Expense. At the bottom of the panel, the average coefficient on vega (0.008) is not significantly greater than zero, suggesting that overall vega is not significantly associated with these three risk choices. In contrast, the total sensitivity is positive in all three specifications and significant in the models for R&D Expense and Book Leverage.16 The average coefficient on total sensitivity (0.077) is significantly greater than zero, and is significantly greater than the average coefficient on vega. This result suggests that for this sample total sensitivity better explains risk choices than vega. As noted above, scaling the level of incentives by total wealth can provide a better crosssectional measure of CEOs’ incentives. In Panel B, the scaled vega is positive in all three specifications and significant in the models for R&D Expense and Book Leverage. The sum of the three coefficients on scaled vega is significantly greater than zero. The scaled total sensitivity is both positively and significantly related to all three risk variables. The average coefficient on both scaled vega and scaled sensitivity are significantly greater than zero, suggesting that both variables explain risk choices. However, the average coefficient on scaled sensitivity (0.231) is 16 We note that the total sensitivity is a noisy measure of incentives to increase leverage. An increase in leverage does not affect asset volatility, but does increase stock volatility. The total sensitivity therefore is only correlated with a leverage increase through components sensitive to stock volatility (options and the warrant effect of options on stock), but not through components sensitive to asset volatility (debt and the debt effect on equity).Similar to Lewellen (2006), we also calculate a direct measure of the sensitivity of the manager’s portfolio to a leverage increase. To do this, we assume that leverage increases because 1% of the asset value is used to repurchase equity. The firm repurchases shares and options pro rata so that option holders and shareholders benefit equally from the repurchase. The CEO does not sell stock or options. The sensitivity of the manager’s portfolio to the increase in leverage has a 0.67 correlation with the total sensitivity. The sensitivity to increases in leverage has a significantly higher association with book leverage than the total sensitivity. However, there is not a significant difference in the association when both measures are scaled by wealth. 22 significantly greater than the average coefficient on scaled vega (0.131), suggesting that scaled sensitivity explains risk choices better. Overall, the results in Table 4, suggest that the total sensitivity explains firms’ risk choices better than vega. In Columns (1) and (2) of Table 5, we show robustness to using asset volatility as the dependent variable instead of stock volatility. For parsimony and because our main interest is risk-taking incentives, in the remainder of the paper, we tabulate only the risk-taking incentive variables. Panel A shows that vega and total sensitivity are significantly related to asset volatility. While the coefficient on total sensitivity is 19% larger than that on vega, the difference is not significant. In Panel B, both scaled incentive variables are significantly related to asset volatility. Scaled total sensitivity has a 14% larger effect on asset volatility than scaled vega, but this difference is not significant. In the remaining columns, we decompose stock volatility into its systematic and idiosyncratic components by regressing daily returns on the Fama and French (1993) factors. Columns (3) through (6) of Table 5 show the regressions using the components of stock volatility as the dependent variables. In Panel A, vega has a significantly negative relation with both systematic and idiosyncratic volatility. Total sensitivity has a positive, but insignificant relation with both components. In Panel B, scaled vega has an insignificant positive relation with both systematic and idiosyncratic volatility. In contrast, scaled total sensitivity has a significant positive relation with both systematic and idiosyncratic volatility. Scaled total sensitivity has a significantly larger association with both components of volatility than does scaled vega. 4.3 Association of relative ratios with firm risk choices 23 The preceding section compares the total sensitivity to vega. In this section and in Table 6, we compare the scaled total sensitivity to the relative leverage ratio. 17 The regression specifications are identical to Table 4. These specifications are similar to, but not identical to, those of Cassell et al. (2012).18 The relative leverage ratio has two shortcomings as a regressor. First, it is not defined for firms with no debt or for CEOs with no equity incentives, so our largest sample in Table 6 is 4,994 firm-years as opposed to 5,967 in Table 4. Second, as noted above and in Cassell et al. (2012), when the CEOs’ inside debt is large relative to firm debt, the ratio takes on very large values. As one way of addressing this problem, we trim extremely large values by winsorizing the ratio at the 90th percentile.19 We present results for the subsample where the relative leverage ratio is defined in Panel A. In Panel A, the relative leverage ratio is negatively related to all three risk choices. This expected negative relation is consistent with CEOs talking less risk when they are more identified with debt holders. The relation, however, is significant only for Book Leverage. In contrast, the scaled total sensitivity is positively and significantly related to all three risk choices in this subsample. Because the relative leverage ratio has a negative predicted sign and total sensitivity has a positive predicted sign, we take absolute values to compare the coefficient magnitudes. The average coefficient on scaled sensitivity (0.244) is significantly greater than the absolute value of the average coefficient on the relative leverage ratio (0.045), suggesting that scaled sensitivity explains risk choices better. 17 Again, because the relative incentive ratio is almost perfectly correlated with the relative leverage ratio, results with the relative incentive ratio are virtually identical, and therefore we do not tabulate those results. 18 An important difference is in the control for delta. We include delta scaled by wealth in our regressions as a proxy for risk aversion due to concentration in firm stock, and find it to be highly negatively associated with risk-taking as predicted. Cassell et al. (2012) include delta as part of a composite variable that combines delta, vega, and the CEO’s debt equity ratio, and the variable is generally not significant. 19 If instead we winsorize the relative leverage ratio at the 99th percentile, it is not significant in any specification. 24 As another way of addressing the problem of extreme values in the relative leverage ratio, Cassell et al. (2012) take the natural logarithm of the ratio; this solution (which eliminates CEOs with no inside debt) results in a further reduction in sample size to a maximum of 3,329 CEOyears. We present results for the subsample where ln(Relative Leverage) is defined in Panel B. Unlike the relative leverage ratio, the logarithm of the relative leverage ratio has the expected negative and significant relation with all three risk choices. The scaled total sensitivity is also positively and significantly related to each of the risk choices. The average coefficient on scaled sensitivity (0.209) is significantly greater than the absolute value of the average coefficient on the logarithm of the relative leverage ratio (0.155), suggesting that scaled sensitivity explains risk choices better. Overall, the results in Table 6 indicate that the scaled total sensitivity measure better explains risk-taking choices than the relative leverage ratio and its logarithm. In addition, the total sensitivity measure is defined for more CEO-years than the relative leverage ratio or its natural logarithm, and can be used to study incentives in a broader sample of firms. 4.4 Association of vega and equity sensitivity with firm risk choices – 1994-2005 On the whole, Tables 4 and 5 suggest that the total sensitivity measure better explains future firm risk choices than either vega or the relative leverage ratio. Our inference, however, is limited by the fact that we can only compute the total sensitivity measure beginning in 2006 when data on inside debt become available. In addition, our 2006-2010 sample period contains the financial crisis, a time of unusual shocks to returns and to return volatility, which may have affected both incentives and risk-taking. 25 In this section, we attempt to mitigate these concerns by creating a sample with a longer time-series from 1994 to 2005 that is more comparable to the samples in Coles et al. (2006) and Hayes et al. (2012). To create this larger sample, we drop the requirement that data be available on inside debt. Recall from Table 3 that most CEOs have very low incentives from inside debt, and that the equity sensitivity and total sensitivity are highly correlated (0.99). Consequently, we compute the equity sensitivity as the sum of the stock and option sensitivities (or equivalently as the total sensitivity minus the debt sensitivity). Although calculating the equity sensitivity does not require data on inside debt, it does require data on firm options outstanding, and this variable was not widely available on Compustat before 2004. We supplement Compustat data on firm options with data handcollected by Core and Guay (2001), Bergman and Jentner (2007), and Blouin, Core, and Guay (2010). We are able to calculate the equity sensitivity for 10,048 firms from 1994-2005. The sample is about 61% of the sample size we would obtain if we used the broader sample from 1992-2005 for which we can calculate the CEO’s vega. In Table 7, we repeat our analysis in Table 4 for this earlier period using the equity sensitivity in place of total sensitivity. Panel A compares the results using vega and equity sensitivity for our three risk choices. Vega has the expected positive relation with ln(Stock Volatility) in this earlier sample, unlike in our main sample, though the relation is insignificant. As in Table 4, vega has a significantly positive association with R&D Expense and a significantly negative association with Book Leverage.20 At the bottom of the panel, we find that the average coefficient on vega (0.018) is not significantly greater than zero, suggesting that overall vega is not significantly associated with the three risk choices. In contrast, the total 20 The book leverage regressions include controls based on Hayes et al. (2012), and the results therefore are not directly comparable to the Coles et al. (2006) findings. 26 sensitivity is positive and significant in all three specifications (Columns 4 to 6). The average coefficient on total sensitivity (0.095) is significantly greater than zero. Finally, the average coefficient on total sensitivity is significantly greater than the average coefficient on vega, suggesting that total sensitivity better explains risk choices than vega. In Panel B, the scaled vega has significantly positive associations with ln(Stock Volatility) and R&D Expense. However, scaled vega has an insignificant, negative association with Book Leverage. The sum of the three coefficients on scaled vega, however, is significantly greater than zero. The scaled equity sensitivity is both positively and significantly related to all three risk variables. As in Table 4, Panel B, the average coefficient on both scaled vega and scaled equity sensitivity are significantly greater than zero, suggesting that both variables explain risk choices. However, the average coefficient on scaled sensitivity (0.181) is significantly greater than the average coefficient on scaled vega (0.072), suggesting that scaled sensitivity explains risk choices better. The results in Table 7 suggest that our inferences from our later sample also hold in the earlier period 1994-2005. 4.5 Robustness tests 4.5.1 Endogeneity Our previous analysis is based on OLS regressions of risk choices at t+1 and incentives at t. These models are well-specified under the assumption that incentives are predetermined or exogenous, that is, incentives at time t are uncorrelated with the regression errors for time t+1 risk choices. To assess the sensitivity of our results to this assumption, we re-estimate our models using two-stage least squares. 27 In the first stage, we model the incentive variables (vega, delta, and total sensitivity) and the incentive variables scaled by wealth. We model each incentive variable as a linear combination of (1) second-stage control variables that explain risk choices and (2) instruments that explain incentives but not risk choices. We use the following instruments employed by Armstrong and Vashishtha (2012) and Cassell et al. (2013): cash and short-term investments as a percentage of total assets, current year return on assets, current and prior year stock returns, CEO age, and the personal income tax rate of the state in which the firm has its headquarters. In our models for R&D Expense and Book Leverage, we use current year volatility as an additional instrument (Coles et al., 2006). In addition to these instruments, we include an indicator for whether CEO’s salary exceeds $1 million. CEOs with salaries over $1 million are more likely to defer compensation to increase the tax deductibility of this compensation to the firm. Finally, in our models for the level of vega, total sensitivity, and delta, we include the CEO’s total wealth. (This variable is a control variable in our scaled models, so it cannot be used as an instrument for the scaled incentive variables.) As discussed above, we expect CEOs with higher outside wealth to have more incentives. Panel A of Table 8 shows first-stage results for a two-stage least squares model for ln(Stock Volatility) from 2006 to 2010. The number of observations in this specification (5,916) is slightly lower than for the corresponding specification in Table 4 due to missing values of the instruments. In Panel A, we show the controls first followed by the instruments. The partial Fstatistics at the bottom of the panel indicate that the instruments provide a significant amount of incremental explanatory power. In untabulated analysis, we compute Hansen’s (1982) J-statistic for overidentification for each of our models. The J-statistic provides a test of model specification by testing whether the instruments are uncorrelated with the estimated error terms. 28 None of the J-statistics are significantly different from zero, which suggests that the exclusion restrictions hold for our instruments and that our models are not mispecified. To conserve space, we do not present first-stage results for our models for R&D and leverage. The results are very similar in that the instruments add a significant amount of incremental explanatory power, and none of the J-statistics are significantly different from zero. Panel B shows 2SLS coefficients and t-statistics for the second-stage regressions using the unscaled incentive variables. These are analogous to the OLS regression results in Table 4, Panel A. In the regression for ln(Stock Volatility), vega is positive (unlike Table 4), but insignificant. As in Table 4, vega has a significant positive association with R&D Expense and a significant negative association with Book Leverage.21 In contrast to Table 4, total sensitivity has a significant positive association with ln(Stock Volatility). Total sensitivity also has significant positive associations with R&D Expense and Book Leverage. The average 2SLS coefficient on total sensitivity is significantly larger than that on vega. In Panel C, the 2SLS estimates for scaled vega produce different inference than the OLS estimates in Table 4, Panel B. Scaled vega remains positive and significant in Column (2), but changes sign in Columns (1) and (3), and becomes significantly negative in Column (3). The average 2SLS coefficient on scaled vega is still significantly positive, however. Scaled total sensitivity remains positive in all three regressions, but is only marginally significant in the models for ln(Stock Volatility) (t-statistic = 1.80) and for Book Leverage (t-statistic = 1.66). The average 2SLS coefficient on scaled total sensitivity is significantly larger than that on scaled vega. 21 As in Table 4, the variables are standardized, so that, for example, the 1.006 coefficient on vega in Column (2) indicates that a one standard deviation increase in instrumented vega is associated with a 1.006 standard deviation increase in R&D Expense. 29 A concern with 2SLS is that if instruments are weak, confidence intervals can be too small, leading to false rejections (Stock and Yogo, 2005). To ensure that our inference is robust, we also compute Anderson-Rubin (AR, 1949) 95% confidence intervals (untabulated).22 These intervals give consistent inference when the first stage is weak (Chernozhukov and Hansen, 2008). If the confidence interval contains only positive (negative) values, the coefficient is significantly greater (less) than a zero, and we indicate this in bold print in Panels B and C. In Panel B, this analysis confirms that vega has a significant positive association with R&D Expense, and that total sensitivity has a positive and significant associations with ln(Stock Volatility), R&D Expense, and Book Leverage. In Panel C, the analysis confirms that vega has a significant positive association with R&D Expense, and total sensitivity has a positive and significant association with R&D Expense. This more conservative procedure does not find a significant association between vega and Book Leverage, scaled vega and Book Leverage, and between scaled total sensitivity and ln(Stock Volatility) and Book Leverage. Unfortunately, we could not compute Anderson-Rubin confidence intervals for the average coefficients or their differences. In untabulated results, we find that the 2SLS results for the 1994-2005 sample produce similar inference to that in Table 6. Equity sensitivity explains risk choices better than vega. Overall, our results using two-stage least squares to address endogeneity are consistent with our earlier conclusions from Table 4: total sensitivity explains risk choices better than vega. We note that while the 2SLS results mitigate concerns about endogeneity, we cannot completely eliminate endogeneity as a potential confounding factor. 4.5.2 Changes in vega, changes in equity sensitivity and changes in firm risk choices 22 We compute the intervals using Stata code “weakiv” developed by Finlay, Magnusson, and Schaffer (2013). 30 A second way of addressing the concern about incentives being endogenous is to identify an exogenous change that affects incentives but not risk-taking. Hayes et al. (2012) use a change in accounting standards, which required firms to recognize compensation expense for employee stock options beginning in December 2005. Firms responded to this accounting expense by granting fewer options. Hayes et al. (2012) argue that if the convex payoffs of stock options cause risk-taking, this reduction in convexity should lead to a decrease in risk-taking. We follow Hayes et al. (2012) and estimate Eqs. (12) and (13) using changes in the mean value of the variables from 2002 to 2004 and from 2005 to 2008. (For dependent variables, we use changes in the mean value of the variables from 2003 to 2005 and 2006 to 2009.) We use all available firm-years to calculate the mean and require at least one observation per firm in both the 2002-2004 and 2005-2008 periods. Table 9 shows the results of these regressions. Similar to Hayes et al. (2012), we find that the change in vega is negatively, but not significantly, related to the change in our three risk choices (Panel A). The change in equity sensitivity is also negative and insignificant using the change in stock volatility, is positive but insignificant using R&D, and positive and significant using leverage. The average coefficient on the change in vega (-0.020) is insignificantly negative. The average coefficient on the change in equity sensitivity (0.041) is significantly positive. The difference between the average coefficients is significant. When we examine instead the scaled measures in Panel B, the change in scaled vega is again is not significantly related to any of the risk choices. In contrast, the change in scaled equity sensitivity is significantly positively related to the change in stock volatility in Column (4) and leverage in Column (6). The average coefficient on the change in scaled vega is positive (0.014), but insignificant. The average coefficient on the change in scaled equity sensitivity 31 (0.105) is an order of magnitude larger and highly significant. The difference between the average coefficients is again significant. Scaled equity sensitivity explains the change in risk choices around the introduction of option expensing under SFAS 123R better than scaled vega does. 4.5.3 Convexity in long-term incentive awards Another concern with our analysis is that firms may have responded to stock option expensing by replacing the convexity in options with the convexity in long-term incentive awards (Hayes et al., 2012). These plans are more heavily used since the change in stock option expensing in 2005, so this concern is greatest in our 2006-2010 sample period. As discussed in Hayes et al., typical long-term incentive awards (LTIAs) deliver a number of shares to the CEO that varies from a threshold number to a target number to a maximum number as a function of firm performance. When the number of shares vested in these plans is explicitly or implicitly based on stock price performance, variation in the number of shares vested as a function of the share price can create incentives to increase volatility (Bettis et al., 2013). To estimate the risk-taking incentives provided by LTIAs, we follow the procedure described in Hayes et al. (2012, p. 186) and in the related internet appendix (Hayes et al., 2011). The procedure assumes that the grant vests in three years, and that the degree of vesting is a function of stock price performance during those three years. 23 This procedure allows us to estimate the value, vega, and delta for each grant. We find that 36% of our sample CEO received LTIA grants from 2006-2010. Following the Hayes et al. procedure, we compute the convexity of these LTIA grants. We find the mean 23 Most LTIAs make vesting contingent on accounting numbers such as earnings and sales. To value the grants, procedures in Hayes et al. (2012) and Bettis et al. (2013) assume a mapping from accounting numbers into stock returns. 32 convexity to be $3.92 thousand, which is consistent with, though slightly larger than, the mean of $1.56 thousand computed by Hayes et al. for the 2002-2008 period. The portfolio values are of direct interest for our study. Under the assumption that the grants vest in three years, the portfolio of LTIA incentives is the sum of the incentives from this year’s grant and from the grants in the two previous two years. For example, for a CEO in 2006, we compute LTIA convexity as the sum of grants from 2004, 2005, and 2006. We re-compute the incentives of earlier years’ grants to reflect their shorter time to maturity and changes in prices and volatility. For the 45% of CEOs who have current or past LTIA grants, we compute portfolio convexity of $5.77 thousand.24 When averaged with CEOs without LTIAs, the average portfolio LTIA convexity, computed as the change in LTIA value for a 1% change in volatility, is $2.52 thousand, approximately 6% of the sample mean vega shown in Table 4. (We are unable to calculate the LTIA value for 18 CEO-years in our sample). Similarly, we compute portfolio LTIA sensitivity, which incorporates increases in equity value due to reductions in debt value, to be $3.35 thousand or approximately 5% of the sample mean sensitivity shown in Table 4.25 In Table 10, we show regression results for our main sample in which the incentive variables include LTIA convexity. Adding the LTIA incentives does not affect our inference. However, we caveat that our estimates are noisy because data on LTIA plans is not welldisclosed.26 24 Note that the portfolio, which may contain as many as three grants, has average convexity of $5.77 thousand, which is only about 47% greater than grant convexity of $3.92 thousand. This occurs because (1) some CEOs do not receive grants each year, and (2) as with a standard option, the convexity of an LTIA grant falls as it goes farther in the money. 25 Similar to our main sample computations above, we compute LTIA sensitivity to incorporate increases in equity value due to reductions in debt value. Because the total number of shares awarded to all employees under LTIA plans is not disclosed, however, we do not adjust for the potential dilution from these plans. 26 Like Hayes et al. (2011, 2012), we base our estimates on LTIA data from Execucomp. More detailed data on LTIAs is available from IncentiveLab, but this data set covers only about 60% of the Execucomp sample, and concentrates on larger firms. 33 4.5.4 Other robustness tests We examine incentives from CEOs’ holdings of debt, stock, and options. CEOs’ future pay can also provide risk incentives, but the direction and magnitude of these incentives are less clear. On the one hand, future CEO pay is strongly related to current stock returns (Boschen and Smith, 1995), and CEO career concerns lead to identification with shareholders. On the other hand, future pay, and in particular cash pay, arguably is like inside debt in that it is only valuable to the CEO when the firm is solvent. Therefore the expected present value of future cash pay can provide risk-reducing incentives (e.g., John and John, 1993; Cassell et al., 2012). By this argument, total risk-reducing incentives should include future cash pay as well as pensions and deferred compensation.27 To evaluate the sensitivity of our results, we estimate the present value of the CEO’s debt claim from future cash pay as current cash pay multiplied by the expected number of years before the CEO terminates. Our calculations follow those detailed in Cassell et al. (2012). We add this estimate of the CEO’s debt claim from future cash pay to inside debt, and recalculate the relative leverage ratio and the debt sensitivity. Adding future cash pay approximately doubles the risk-reducing incentives of the average manager. Because riskreducing incentives are small in comparison to risk-increasing incentives, our inferences remain unchanged. Second, our estimate of the total sensitivity to firm volatility depends on our estimate of the debt sensitivity. As Wei and Yermack discuss (2011, p. 3826-3827), estimating the debt sensitivity can be difficult in a sample where most firms are not financially distressed. To address this concern, we attempt to reduce measurement error in the estimates by using the mean estimate for a group of similar firms. To do this, we note that leverage and stock volatility are the 27 Edmans and Liu (2011) argue that the treatment of cash pay in bankruptcy is different than inside debt and therefore provides less risk-reducing incentives. 34 primary observable determinants of the debt sensitivity. We therefore sort firms each year into ten groups based on leverage, and then sort each leverage group into ten groups based on stock volatility. For each leverage-volatility-year group, we calculate the mean sensitivity as a percentage of the book value of debt. We then calculate the debt sensitivity for each firm-year as the product of the mean percentage sensitivity of the leverage-volatility-year group multiplied by the total book value of debt. We use this estimate to generate the sensitivities of the CEO’s debt, stock, and options. We then re-estimate our results in Tables 4, 6, and 7. Our inference is the same after attempting to mitigate measurement error in this way. Finally, our sensitivity estimates do not include options embedded in convertible securities. While we can identify the amount of convertibles, the number of shares issuable upon conversion is typically not available on Compustat. Because the parameters necessary to estimate the sensitivities are not available, we repeat our tests excluding firms with convertible securities. To do this, we exclude firms that report convertible debt or preferred stock. In our main (secondary) sample, 21% (26%) of all firms have convertibles. When we exclude these firms, our inferences from Tables 4, 6, and 7 are unchanged. 5. Conclusion We measure the total sensitivity of managers’ debt, stock, and option holdings to changes in firm volatility. Our measure incorporates the option value of equity, the incentives from debt and stock, and values options as warrants. We examine the relation between our measure of incentives and firm risk choices, and compare the results using our measure and those obtained with vega and the relative leverage ratio used in the prior literature. Our measure explains risk choices better than the measures used in the prior literature. We also calculate an equity 35 sensitivity that ignores debt incentives, and find that it is 99% correlated with the total sensitivity. While we can only calculate the total sensitivity beginning in 2006, when we examine the equity sensitivity over an earlier 1994-2005 period, we find consistent results. Our measure should be useful for future research on managers’ risk choices. 36 Appendix A: Measurement of firm and manager sensitivities (names in italics are Compustat variable names) A.1 Value and sensitivities of employee options We value employee options using the Black-Scholes model modified for warrant pricing by Galai and Schneller (1978). To value options as warrants W, the firm’s options are priced as a call on an identical firm with no options: ∗ ∗ ∗ We simultaneously solve for the price ∗ and volatility (A3) following Schulz and Trautmann (1994): ∗ 1 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ of the identical firm using (A2) and ∗ ∗ ∗ (A1) ∗ ∗ (A2) (A3) Where: P = stock price ∗ = share price of identical firm with no options outstanding = stock-return volatility (calculated as monthly volatility for 60 months, with a minimum of 12 months) = return volatility of identical firm with no options outstanding ∗ q = options outstanding / shares outstanding (optosey / csho) δ = natural logarithm of the dividend yield ln(1+dvpsx_f / prcc_f) = time to maturity of the option N = cumulative probability function for the normal distribution ∗ ln ∗ / ∗ / ∗ X = exercise price of the option r = natural logarithm one plus the yield of the risk-free interest rate for a four-year maturity The Galai and Schneller (1978) adjustment is an approximation that ignores situations when the option is just in-the-money and the firm is close to default (Crouhy and Galai, 1994). Since leverage ratios for our sample are low (see Table 2), bankruptcy probabilities are also low, and the approximation should be reasonable. A.2 Value of firm equity We assume the firm’s total equity value E (stock and stock options) is priced as a call on the firm’s assets: 37 ∗ ´ ´ (A4) Where: ∗ ∗ ´ (A5) V = firm value ∗ = share price of identical firm with no options outstanding (calculated above) n = shares outstanding (csho) ∗ = return volatility of identical firm with no options outstanding (calculated above) . ∗ . ∗ = time to debt maturity, , following Eberhart (2005) N = cumulative density function for the normal distribution ´ ln / / , adjusted F = the future value of the firm’s debt including interest, i.e., (dlc + dltt) following Campbell et al. (2008) for firms with no long-term debt = the natural logarithm of the interest rate on the firm’s debt, i.e. ln 1 . We winsorize the interest to have a minimum equal to the risk-free rate, r, and a maximum equal to 15%. A.3 Values of firm stock, options and debt We then estimate the value of the firm’s assets by simultaneously solving (A4) and (A5) for V and . We calculate the Black-Scholes-Merton value of debt as 1 ´ ´ (A6) The market value of stock is the stock price P (prcc_f) times shares outstanding (csho). To value total options outstanding, we multiply options outstanding (optosey) by the warrant value W estimated using (A1) above. Because we do not have data on individual option tranches, we assume that the options are a single grant with weighted-average exercise price (optprcey). We follow prior literature (Cassell et al., 2012; Wei and Yermack, 2011) and assume that the time to maturity of these options is four years. A.4 Sensitivities of firm stock, options and debt to a 1% increase in volatility 1.01. This also implies a 1% increase in firm We increase stock volatility by 1%: volatility. We then calculate a new Black-Scholes-Merton value of debt ( ´) from (A6) using V and the new firm volatility, . The sensitivity of debt is then ´ . 38 The new equity value is the old equity value plus the change in debt value ∗ ( ∗´ ´). Substituting this equity value and into (A2) and (A3), we calculate a ´ . The option sensitivity is difference between the new P and ∗ . The stock sensitivity is option prices calculated in (A1) using the two sets of equity and ∗ values: ´ . A.5.1 Sensitivities of CEO stock options, debt, and stock The CEO’s stock sensitivity is the CEO’s percentage ownership of stock multiplied by the firm’s stock sensitivity shown in Appendix A.4 above. ´ (A7) Where: is the CEO’s ownership of stock shares (shrown_excl_opts) divided by firm shares outstanding (csho). Similarly, the CEO’s debt sensitivity is ´ (A8) Where: follows Cassell et al. (2012), and is the CEO’s ownership inside debt (pension_value_tot plus defer_balance_tot) divided by firm debt (dlc plus dltt). Following Core and Guay (2002), we value the CEO’s option portfolio as one grant of exercisable options with an assumed maturity of 6 years and as one grant of unexercisable options with an assumed maturity of 9 years. The CEO’s option sensitivity is the difference between the values of the CEO’s option portfolio calculated using these parameters and the equity and ∗ values from above. ´ (A9) A.5.2 Vega and delta We follow the prior literature and compute vega and delta using the Black-Scholes-Merton formula to value options: (A10) Where: is the number of options in the CEO’s portfolio. , X, and follow the Core and Guay (2002) assumptions about option tranches and option maturities (in general that unexercisable options have a maturity of 9 years and that exercisable options have a maturity of 6 years). 39 To make our calculation of vega comparable to the total sensitivity, we calculate vega as the difference between the standard Black-Scholes-Merton value in (A10) at and . ´ (A11) Using the derivative of the Black-Scholes-Merton equation (A10), the sensitivity of an option to a change in the price is: (A12) The sensitivity of the CEO’s stock and option portfolio to a 1% increase in stock price (the “delta”) is: ∗ 0.01 ∗ ∗ ∗ 0.01 ∗ (A13) A.5.3 Relative sensitivity ratio If the sensitivity of stock price to volatility is positive, the ratio is: (A14a) If the sensitivity of stock price to volatility is negative, the ratio is: (A14b) A.5.4 Relative leverage ratio Following Sundaram and Yermack (2007) the relative leverage ratio is the ratio of the CEO’s percentage debt holdings divided by the CEO’s percentage equity holdings. (A15) Where: = sum of the value of the CEO’s stock holding and the Black-Scholes value of the CEO’s option portfolio calculated from (A10) following Core and Guay (2002) = sum of the market value of stock and the Black-Scholes value of options calculated according to (A10) above using the firm parameters from Appendix A.3. 40 A.5.5 Relative incentive ratio Following Wei and Yermack (2011), the relative incentive ratio is the ratio of the CEO’s percentage debt holdings divided by the CEO’s percentage holdings of delta. (A16) Where: = sum of the delta of the CEO’s stock holding and the Black-Scholes delta of the CEO’s option portfolio as in (A13), calculated following Core and Guay (2002) = sum of the number of shares outstanding and the delta of the options calculated according to (A13) above using the firm parameters from Appendix A.3 41 Appendix B: Measurement of Other Variables The measurement of other variables, with the exception of Total Wealth and State Income Tax Rate, is based on compensation data in Execucomp, financial statement data in Compustat, and stock market data from the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) database. Dependent Variables ln(Stock Volatility) R&D Expense Book Leverage ln(Asset Volatility) ln(Systematic Volatility) ln(Idiosyncratic Volatility) The natural logarithm of the variance of daily stock returns over fiscal year t+1 The ratio of the maximum of zero and R&D expense (xrd) to total assets (at) for fiscal year t+1 The ratio of long-term debt (dlc + dltt) to total assets (at) at fiscal year t+1 The natural logarithm of , the variance of firm value, calculated using Eq. (A5) in fiscal year t+1 The natural logarithm of the variance of systematic daily stock returns over fiscal year t+1. Systematic returns estimated using the Fama and French (1993) three factor model over the previous 36 months The natural logarithm of the variance of residual daily returns over fiscal year t+1. Systematic returns estimated using the Fama and French (1993) three factor model over the previous 36 months Control Variables CEO Tenure Cash Compensation ln(Sales) Market-to-Book CAPEX Surplus Cash ln(Sales Growth) Return ROA PPE Modified Z-Score Rating The tenure of the CEO through year t The sum of salary (salary) and bonus compensation (bonus) The natural logarithm of total revenue (revt) The ratio of total assets (at) minus common equity (ceq) plus the market value of equity (prcc_f * csho) to total assets The ratio of capital expenditures (capx) less sales of property, plant, and equipment (sppe) to total assets (at) The ratio of net cash flow from operations (oancf) less depreciation (dpc) plus R&D expense (xrd) to total assets (at). If depreciation expense is missing (dpc), and if PPE is less than 1% of total assets, we set depreciation expense to zero. The natural logarithm of the quantity total revenue in year t (revtt) divided by sales in year t-1 (revtt-1) The stock return over the fiscal year The ratio of operating income before depreciation (oibdp) to total assets (at) The ratio of net property, plant, and equipment (ppent) to total assets (at) The quartile rank by year of the modified Altman (1968) Z-Score: 3.3 * oiadp / at + 1.2 * (act – lct) / at + sale / at + 1.4 * re / at An indicator variable set to one when the firm has a long-term issuer credit rating from S&P 42 Total Wealth The sum of non-firm wealth calculated according to Dittman and Maug (2007) (non_firm_wealth available from and set to missing when negative), stock holdings (shrown_excl_opts * prcc_f), and CEO options valued as warrants following Eq. (A9) in A.5.1 above, and inside debt (pension_value_tot plus defer_balance_tot) beginning in 2006 Instruments Cash Ratio State Income Tax Rate CEO Age High Salary ln(Monthly Stock Volatility) The ratio of cash and short-term investments (che) to total assets (at) The maximum state tax rate on individual income calculated using the TAXSIM model (Feenberg and Coutts, 1993) and obtained from Set to zero for firms outside the United States. The age of the CEO in year t An indicator variable set to one when salary is greater than $1 million The natural logarithm of the variance of monthly stock returns over the previous 60 months, requiring at least 12 observations 43 References Altman, E., 1968. Financial ratios, discriminant analysis and the prediction of corporate bankruptcy. Journal of Finance 23, 589-609. Anderson, T.W., Rubin, H., 1949. Estimation of the Parameters of a Single Equation in a Complete System of Stochastic Equations. Annals of Mathematical Statistics 20, 46-63. 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Leverage is the face value of debt divided by the market value of assets. All values and sensitivities are calculated using Black-Scholes formulas assuming an interest rate of 2.25% and no dividends. Options are valued as warrants following Schulz and Trautmann (1994). The debt, stock, and option sensitivity is the dollar change in value for a 1% increase in firm volatility. The equity sensitivity is the total stock and option sensitivity. Leverage (1) 0.01% 4% 14% 25% 50% Debt Sensitivity (2) $ 0 $ 0 ($ 49) ($ 471) ($2,856) Stock Sensitivity (3) ($ 287) ($ 290) ($ 247) $ 154 $ 2,441 Option Sensitivity (4) $ 287 $ 290 $ 296 $ 317 $ 415 Equity Sensitivity (5) $ 0 $ 0 $ 49 $ 471 $ 2,856 Leverage (1) 0.01% 4% 14% 25% 50% Debt Sens. / Debt Value (2) 0.00% 0.00% -0.01% -0.08% -0.25% Stock Sens. / Stock Value (3) -0.01% -0.01% -0.01% 0.01% 0.19% Option Sens. / Option Value (4) 0.40% 0.42% 0.45% 0.52% 0.84% Equity Sens. / Equity Value (5) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.21% 47 Panel B: CEO The example CEO owns 2% of the firm’s debt, 2% of the firm’s stock, and 16% of the firm’s options. The CEO’s debt and stock sensitivity is the CEO’s percentage holding times the firm sensitivity from Panel A. Vega is the sensitivity of the CEO’s option portfolio to a 1% increase in stock volatility. The relative leverage ratio is the CEO’s percentage debt holdings divided by divided by the CEO’s percentage holdings of equity value. The relative incentive ratio is the ratio of the CEO’s percentage debt holdings divided by the CEO’s percentage holdings of delta. The relative sensitivity ratio is the ratio the manager’s riskreducing incentives to his risk-taking incentives. The relative leverage ratio is the CEO’s percentage debt holdings divided by divided by the CEO’s percentage holdings of equity value. The relative incentive ratio is the ratio of the CEO’s percentage debt holdings divided by the CEO’s percentage holdings of delta. See Appendix A for detailed definitions of the incentive variables. Leverage Debt Sensitivity Stock Sensitivity Option Sensitivity Equity Sensitivity Total Sensitivity Vega (1) 0.01% 4% 14% 25% 50% (2) $ 0 $ 0 ($ 1) ($ 9) ($57) (3) ($ 6) ($ 6) ($ 5) $ 3 $ 49 (4) $ 46 $ 46 $ 47 $ 51 $ 66 (5) $ 40 $ 41 $ 42 $ 54 $ 115 (6) $ 40 $ 41 $ 41 $ 44 $ 58 (7) $ 49 $ 49 $ 50 $ 50 $ 44 48 Relative Sensitivity Ratio (8) 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.18 0.50 Relative Leverage Ratio (9) 0.83 0.83 0.82 0.82 0.80 Relative Incentive Ratio (10) 0.72 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.72 Table 2 Sample descriptive statistics This table provides descriptive statistics on the primary sample of 5,967 firm-year observations from 2006 to 2010, representing 1,574 unique firms. Dollar amounts are in millions of dollars. We estimate the volatility of asset returns following Eberhart (2005). The market value of debt is calculated as the BlackScholes-Merton option value of the debt. Employee options are valued as warrants following Schulz and Trautmann (1994) using the end-of-year number of stock options outstanding and weighted average strike price and an assumed maturity of 4 years. The market value of assets is the sum of market value of stock, the market value of debt, and the warrant value of employee options. All variables are winsorized by year at the 1% tails. Variable Volatility of Stock Returns Volatility of Asset Returns Market Value of Stock Market Value of Debt Market Value of Employee Options Market Value of Assets Leverage (Book Value of Debt/Market Value of Assets) $ $ $ $ Mean 0.482 0.395 6,944 1,501 119 8,879 0.179 49 Std. Dev. 0.235 0.199 $ 18,108 $ 3,491 $ 287 $ 22,102 0.186 P1 0.163 0.116 $ 50 $ 0 $ 0 $ 72 0.000 Q1 0.318 0.252 $ 568 $ 18 $ 9 $ 738 0.017 Median 0.426 0.355 $ 1,488 $ 259 $ 30 $ 2,000 0.133 Q3 0.583 0.485 $ 4,599 $ 1,155 $ 95 $ 6,378 0.273 P99 1.330 1.077 $ 117,613 $ 20,703 $ 1,682 $ 145,591 0.807 Table 3 Descriptive statistics for incentive variables ($ Thousands) The debt, stock, and option sensitivity is the dollar change in value of the CEOs’ holdings for a 1% increase in firm volatility. The equity sensitivity is the sum of the stock and option sensitivities. The total sensitivity is the sum of the debt, stock, and option sensitivities. Vega is the sensitivity of the CEOs’ option portfolios to a 1% increase in stock volatility. Total wealth is the sum of the CEOs’ debt, stock, and option holdings and outside wealth from Dittmann and Maug (2007). The relative sensitivity ratio is the ratio the manager’s risk-reducing incentives to his risk-taking incentives. The relative leverage ratio is the CEO’s percentage debt holdings divided by divided by the CEO’s percentage holdings of equity value. The relative incentive ratio is the ratio of the CEO’s percentage debt holdings divided by the CEO’s percentage holdings of delta. See Appendix A for detailed definitions of the incentive variables. All variables are winsorized by year at the 1% tails. All dollar values are in thousands of dollars. Panel A: Full sample This panel presents descriptive statistics on the sensitivity and incentive measures for the full sample. Variable Mean Debt Sensitivity ($ 5.20) Stock Sensitivity $ 10.45 Option Sensitivity $ 57.77 Equity Sensitivity $ 71.98 Total Sensitivity $ 65.40 Vega $ 49.15 Total Wealth $ 102,027 Equity Sensitivity / Total Wealth 0.15% Total Sensitivity / Total Wealth 0.14% Vega / Total Wealth 0.11% Relative Sensitivity Ratio 0.42 Relative Leverage Ratio 3.09 Relative Incentive Ratio 2.31 Std. Dev. $ 15.50 $ 46.57 $ 83.02 $ 125.42 $ 115.62 $ 71.01 $ 256,672 0.15% 0.14% 0.10% 1.00 15.73 11.19 P1 Q1 Median Q3 P99 ($ 93.78) ($ 2.00) ($ 0.00) $ 0.00 $ 0.00 ($ 40.70) ($ 0.49) $ 0.00 $ 4.55 $ 290.60 $ 0.00 $ 8.75 $ 27.42 $ 68.74 $ 399.07 ($ 11.99) $ 10.65 $ 31.84 $ 80.59 $ 758.17 ($ 32.96) $ 8.78 $ 28.19 $ 74.57 $ 675.63 $ 0.00 $ 7.30 $ 22.92 $ 59.39 $ 344.45 $ 1,294 $ 13,967 $ 32,806 $ 80,671 $ 1,729,458 0.00% 0.04% 0.12% 0.22% 0.64% -0.03% 0.03% 0.10% 0.21% 0.63% 0.00% 0.03% 0.08% 0.17% 0.43% 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.19 4.44 0.00 0.00 0.18 1.18 67.99 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.91 48.44 50 Panel B: Correlation between Incentive Variables This table shows Pearson correlation coefficients for the incentive measures. See Appendix A for detailed definitions of the incentive variables. Coefficients greater than 0.03 in magnitude are significant at the 0.05 level. Total Sens. Total Sensitivity to Firm Volatility Vega Equity Sensitivity to Firm Volatility Total Wealth Total Sensitivity / Total Wealth Vega / Total Wealth Equity Sensitivity / Total Wealth Relative Leverage Ratio Relative Incentive Ratio Relative Sensitivity Ratio 1.00 0.69 0.99 0.38 0.24 0.10 0.23 -0.04 -0.05 -0.16 Vega 1.00 0.68 0.28 0.15 0.24 0.15 0.00 -0.01 -0.23 Equity Sens. Tot. Wealth Tot. Sens. / Tot. Wealth Vega / Tot. Wealth Eq. Sens. / Tot. Wealth Rel. Lev. Rel. Incent. Rel. Sens. 1.00 0.38 0.22 0.09 0.23 -0.04 -0.05 -0.13 1.00 -0.21 -0.24 -0.23 -0.02 -0.02 0.14 1.00 0.79 0.98 -0.10 -0.11 -0.32 1.00 0.77 -0.04 -0.05 -0.37 1.00 -0.10 -0.11 -0.29 1.00 0.99 0.01 1.00 0.03 1.00 51 Table 4 Comparison of the association between vega and total sensitivity and future volatility, R&D, and leverage This table presents OLS regression results using unscaled (Panel A) and scaled (Panel B) incentive variables. Incentive variables and controls are measured in year t. The dependent variables are measured in year t+1. The incentive variables are described in detail in Appendix A. Control and dependent variables are described in Appendix B. All regressions include year and 2-digit SIC industry fixed effects The t-statistics reported in parentheses are based on robust standard errors clustered by both firm and year. ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1, 5, and 10% levels, respectively. Panel A: Unscaled Incentive Variables CEO Tenure Cash Compensation ln(Sales) Market-to-Book Book Leverage R&D Expense CAPEX ln(Stock Volatility) (1) R&D Expense (2) Book Leverage (3) ln(Stock Volatility) (4) R&D Expense (5) Book Leverage (6) -0.029** (-2.27) -0.016 (-1.24) -0.339*** (-10.00) -0.130*** (-2.70) 0.112*** (5.82) 0.056*** (2.86) 0.034 (1.55) -0.057*** (-3.93) 0.035 (1.63) -0.354*** (-8.13) 0.028 (0.84) 0.038 (1.30) 0.020 (1.08) 0.007 (0.35) -0.002 (-0.08) 0.112 (1.19) -0.036*** (-2.78) -0.029*** (-2.69) -0.371*** (-11.87) -0.134*** (-2.65) 0.111*** (4.77) 0.042** (2.06) 0.035 (1.56) -0.054*** (-3.82) 0.045** (2.07) -0.313*** (-7.64) 0.041 (1.25) 0.017 (0.57) -0.002 (-0.14) -0.022 (-1.08) -0.067*** (-2.58) 0.104 (1.12) Surplus Cash -0.084*** (-2.81) 0.266*** (8.20) 0.007 (0.27) 0.000 (0.00) ln(Sales Growth) Return ROA PPE Mod. Z-Score Rating Delta Vega 0.004 (0.23) -0.061** (-2.04) 0.020 (1.45) 0.151*** (5.95) 0.276*** (8.67) 0.004 (0.13) -0.006 (-0.13) 0.047 (0.48) 0.055 (1.52) -0.297*** (-10.81) 0.305*** (12.09) -0.058** (-2.53) -0.067*** (-3.51) -0.007 (-0.36) 0.017 (1.37) 0.014 (0.60) 5,967 0.462 0.097*** (4.63) 5,585 0.396 0.077*** 8.38 Total Sensitivity Observations Adj. R-squared Avg. coefficient t-statistic Diff. in avg. coef. t-statistic 5,967 0.464 -0.106*** (-3.49) 5,585 0.404 0.008 0.82 5,538 0.274 0.069*** 8.40 52 0.046 (0.46) 0.059 (1.63) -0.270*** (-10.06) 0.298*** (12.42) -0.093*** (-2.85) 0.121*** (4.96) 5,538 0.281 Panel B: Scaled Incentive Variables CEO Tenure Cash Compensation ln(Sales) Market-to-Book Book Leverage R&D Expense CAPEX ln(Stock Volatility) (1) R&D Expense (2) Book Leverage (3) ln(Stock Volatility) (4) R&D Expense (5) Book Leverage (6) -0.047** (-2.37) -0.029*** (-2.65) -0.359*** (-12.46) -0.096** (-2.03) 0.108*** (5.71) 0.038 (1.54) 0.041* (1.94) 0.012 (0.88) 0.054*** (2.72) -0.274*** (-7.18) 0.082*** (2.59) 0.022 (0.78) 0.029 (1.57) -0.005 (-0.28) -0.039 (-1.49) 0.121 (1.25) -0.032 (-1.61) -0.027*** (-2.68) -0.347*** (-11.76) -0.064 (-1.44) 0.049* (1.93) 0.024 (1.00) 0.043** (2.05) -0.015 (-0.97) 0.063*** (2.96) -0.272*** (-7.03) 0.075** (2.27) -0.031 (-0.95) 0.057*** (3.61) 0.004 (0.22) -0.024 (-1.04) 0.173* (1.89) Surplus Cash -0.116*** (-3.46) 0.262*** (9.24) 0.019 (0.70) 0.022 (0.69) ln(Sales Growth) Return ROA PPE Modified Z-Score Rating Delta / Total Wealth Total Wealth Vega / Total Wealth -0.184*** (-8.07) 0.024 (1.23) 0.049 (1.59) -0.118*** (-4.95) 0.078*** (4.16) 0.254*** (7.52) 0.278*** (9.23) 0.009 (0.31) 0.005 (0.15) 0.051 (0.52) 0.065* (1.73) -0.284*** (-10.20) 0.306*** (12.61) -0.062** (-2.36) -0.041** (-2.19) 0.092** (2.52) Tot. Sensitivity / Tot. Wealth Observations Adjusted R-squared Average coefficient t-statistic Difference in avg. coef. t-statistic 5,967 0.484 5,585 0.424 0.131*** 5.95 5,538 0.275 -0.234*** (-12.02) 0.039* (1.85) -0.063*** (-2.99) 0.061*** (3.76) 0.061 (0.68) 0.046 (1.33) -0.226*** (-8.80) 0.264*** (12.72) -0.173*** (-4.99) 0.003 (0.17) 0.165*** (4.92) 0.177*** (4.70) 0.351*** (7.15) 5,967 0.497 5,585 0.406 0.231*** 7.55 5,538 0.343 0.010*** 7.37 53 -0.125*** (-3.95) Table 5 Comparison of the association between vega and total sensitivity and alternative volatility measures This table presents OLS regression results using unscaled (Panel A) and scaled (Panel B) incentive variables. Incentive variables and controls are measured in year t. The dependent variables are measured in year t+1. The incentive variables are described in detail in Appendix A. Control and dependent variables are described in Appendix B. All regressions include year and 2-digit SIC industry fixed effects The t-statistics reported in parentheses are based on robust standard errors clustered by both firm and year. ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1, 5, and 10% levels, respectively. Panel A: Unscaled Incentive Variables ln(Asset Volatility) (1) (2) Vega 0.078** (2.42) Total Sensitivity Observations Adjusted R-squared Difference in coefficients t-statistic ln(Systematic Volatility) (3) (4) -0.066* (-1.81) 0.093*** (3.57) 5,967 0.534 5,967 0.536 0.015 1.02 ln(Idiosyncratic Volatility) (5) (6) -0.065** (-2.48) 0.002 (0.06) 0.013 (0.67) 5,967 5,967 0.448 0.446 0.068*** 3.14 5,967 5,967 0.498 0.495 0.078*** 6.49 Panel B: Scaled Incentive Variables ln(Asset Volatility) (1) (2) Vega / Tot. Wealth 0.138*** (2.96) Total Sens. / Tot. Wealth Observations Adjusted R-squared Difference in coefficients t-statistic ln(Systematic Volatility) (3) (4) ln(Idiosyncratic Volatility) (5) (6) 0.021 (0.68) 0.048 (1.45) 0.157*** (3.01) 5,967 0.546 5,967 0.549 0.119*** (3.66) 5,967 0.453 0.018 0.79 54 5,967 0.460 0.098*** 5.63 0.173*** (4.83) 5,967 0.516 5,967 0.531 0.124*** 10.08 Table 6 Comparison of the association between relative leverage and total sensitivity and future volatility, R&D, and leverage This table presents OLS regression results using unscaled (Panel A) and scaled (Panel B) incentive variables. Incentive variables and controls (untabulated) are measured in year t. The dependent variables are measured in year t+1. The incentive variables are described in detail in Appendix A. Control and dependent variables are described in Appendix B. All regressions include year and 2-digit SIC industry fixed effects. The t-statistics reported in parentheses are based on robust standard errors clustered by both firm and year. ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1, 5, and 10% levels, respectively. Panel A: Relative Incentive Variables Relative Leverage Ratio ln(Stock Volatility) (1) R&D Expense (2) Book Leverage (3) -0.010 (-1.23) -0.011 (-1.23) -0.114*** (-3.05) Tot. Sens. / Tot. Wealth Observations Adjusted R-squared Average coefficient t-statistic Diff. in absolute value of avg. coef. t-statistic 4,994 0.496 4,703 0.363 -0.045*** 3.44 ln(Stock Volatility) (4) R&D Expense (5) Book Leverage (6) 0.200*** (5.02) 0.170*** (4.33) 0.360*** (6.85) 4,994 0.517 4,703 0.383 0.244*** 7.17 4,647 0.315 4,647 0.245 0.199*** 5.56 Panel B: Log of Relative Incentive Variables ln(Rel. Lev. Ratio) ln(Stock Volatility) (1) -0.141*** (-5.08) R&D Expense (2) -0.033** (-2.22) Book Leverage (3) -0.290*** (-9.29) Tot. Sens. / Tot. Wealth Observations Adjusted R-squared Average coefficient t-statistic Diff. in absolute value of avg. coef.. t-statistic 3,329 0.532 3,180 0.403 -0.155*** 9.53 ln(Stock Volatility) (4) R&D Expense (5) Book Leverage (6) 0.220*** (5.38) 0.091*** (3.52) 0.318*** (9.03) 3,329 0.543 3,180 0.413 0.209*** 8.50 3,120 0.400 3,120 0.408 0.055* 1.85 55 Table 7 Comparison of the association between vega and equity sensitivity and future volatility, R&D, and leverage from 1994-2005 This table presents OLS regression results using unscaled (Panel A) and scaled (Panel B) incentive variables. Incentive variables and controls (untabulated) are measured in year t. The dependent variables are measured in year t+1. The incentive variables are described in detail in Appendix A. Control and dependent variables are described in Appendix B. All regressions include year and 2-digit SIC industry fixed effects. The t-statistics reported in parentheses are based on robust standard errors clustered by both firm and year. ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1, 5, and 10% levels, respectively. Panel A: Unscaled Incentive Variables Vega ln(Stock Volatility) (1) R&D Expense (2) Book Leverage (3) 0.035 (1.27) 0.089*** (4.85) -0.070*** (-3.70) Equity Sensitivity Observations Adjusted R-squared Average coefficient t-statistic Difference in avg. coef. t-statistic 10,048 0.550 9,548 0.343 0.018 1.44 ln(Stock Volatility) (4) R&D Expense (5) Book Leverage (6) 0.058*** (2.69) 0.072*** (6.05) 0.156*** (5.17) 10,048 0.552 9,548 0.342 0.095*** 6.63 9,351 0.330 ln(Stock Volatility) (4) R&D Expense (5) Book Leverage (6) 0.196*** (13.47) 0.058*** (3.25) 0.288*** (11.04) 10,048 0.594 9,548 0.340 0.181*** 14.21 9,351 0.363 9,351 0.317 0.077*** 5.39 Panel B: Scaled Incentive Variables Vega / Tot. Wealth ln(Stock Volatility) (1) R&D Expense (2) Book Leverage (3) 0.103*** (5.51) 0.131*** (6.13) -0.017 (-0.74) Equity Sens. / Tot. Wealth Observations Adjusted R-squared Average coefficient t-statistic Difference in avg. coef. t-statistic 10,048 0.579 9,548 0.347 0.072*** 5.84 9,351 0.315 0.108*** 10.56 56 Table 8 Comparison of two-stage least squares estimates of the relation between vega and total sensitivity and future volatility, R&D, and leverage for 2006 to 2010 This table presents two-stage least squares estimates. First-stage results for the model for ln(Stock Volatility) are shown in Panel A. Second-stage estimates using unscaled incentive variables are shown in Panel B and scaled incentive variables in Panel C. Incentive variables, instruments, and controls (untabulated in Panels B and C) are measured in year t. The risk choices are measured in year t+1. The incentive variables are described in detail in Appendix A. Other variables are described in Appendix B. All regressions include year and 2-digit SIC industry fixed effects. The t-statistics reported in parentheses are based on robust standard errors clustered by both firm and year. ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1, 5, and 10% levels, respectively. Panel A: First-stage estimates of incentive variables Control Variables CEO Tenure Cash Compensation ln(Sales) Market-to-Book Book Leverage R&D Expense CAPEX Vega / Tot. Wealth (4) Delta / Tot. Wealth (5) Tot. Sens. / Tot. Wealth (6) 0.095*** (4.88) 0.151*** (2.84) 0.208*** (5.60) -0.018 (-0.81) 0.193*** (7.41) 0.096*** (4.85) 0.028 (1.35) -0.248*** (-14.85) 0.010 (0.71) 0.048 (1.61) -0.111*** (-4.00) 0.053*** (2.59) 0.238*** (7.28) -0.008 (-0.40) -0.141*** (-5.87) -0.050** (-2.36) 0.003 (0.20) 0.099*** (3.57) 0.134*** (3.55) -0.020 (-1.02) 0.079*** (3.07) 0.010 (0.41) 0.062** (2.01) -0.172*** (-10.55) -0.005 (-0.44) 0.002 (0.09) -0.145*** (-6.31) 0.374*** (11.15) 0.141*** (4.28) 0.002 (0.11) -0.121*** (-5.86) -0.010 (-1.06) 0.017* (1.86) 0.006 (1.57) -0.016*** (-2.79) 0.007 (0.86) -0.025*** (-4.22) -0.009 (-0.39) 0.904*** (9.36) 0.045** (2.50) 0.023 (1.32) 0.024 (1.34) -0.048** (-2.07) 0.006 (0.38) -0.023 (-1.53) 0.229*** (3.32) 0.253** (2.44) 0.070*** (3.19) -0.063* (-1.88) -0.066*** (-2.84) -0.018 (-0.75) 0.029 (1.46) -0.070*** (-3.97) 0.107*** (2.58) -0.036 (-1.58) 0.104 (1.64) 0.030 (1.22) 0.039** (2.18) 0.004 (0.24) -0.154*** (-8.63) -0.086* (-1.78) 0.053*** (2.98) -0.025 (-0.68) -0.034 (-1.15) -0.056*** (-2.95) 0.007 (0.41) -0.078*** (-4.63) -0.003 (-0.07) 5,916 0.866 0.604 24.05 0.004 5,916 0.371 0.0569 4.52 0.081 5,916 0.271 0.0138 11.86 0.015 5,916 0.197 0.0289 11.15 0.017 5,916 0.311 0.00953 11.27 0.017 Vega (1) Delta (2) Tot. Sens. (3) 0.098*** (3.66) 0.135*** (3.44) 0.422*** (8.55) 0.099*** (4.59) -0.020 (-1.20) 0.164*** (5.59) -0.013 (-0.53) 0.005 (0.30) 0.013 (1.24) 0.046** (2.49) 0.057*** (4.47) -0.007 (-0.72) 0.006 (0.59) 0.023** (2.18) 0.040* (1.91) -0.028 (-1.10) -0.023 (-1.44) -0.030 (-1.32) 0.055*** (3.14) -0.017 (-1.03) 0.360*** (5.16) 0.095** (2.20) 5,916 0.386 0.0247 12.16 0.014 Total Wealth Instruments Cash Ratio Returnt Returnt-1 ROA State Income Tax Rate CEO Age High Salary Total Wealth Observations Adjusted R-squared Partial R-squared Partial F-statistic p-value 57 Table 8, continued Second-stage estimates Second-stage estimates using unscaled incentive variables are shown in Panel B and scaled incentive variables in Panel C. Incentive variables, instruments, and controls (untabulated in Panels B and C) are measured in year t. The risk choices are measured in year t+1. The incentive variables are described in detail in Appendix A. Control and dependent variables are described in Appendix B. All regressions include year and 2-digit SIC industry fixed effects. The t-statistics reported in parentheses are based on robust standard errors clustered by both firm and year. ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1, 5, and 10% levels, respectively. In Panels B and C, we report coefficient estimates in bold face if they are significant based on Anderson-Rubin (1949) robust 95% confidence intervals. Panel B: Second-stage estimates using unscaled incentive variables Vega ln(Stock Volatility) (1) R&D Expense (2) Book ln(Stock Leverage Volatility) (3) (4) 0.021 (0.23) 1.007*** (6.27) -0.196** (-2.54) Total Sensitivity Observations Adjusted R-squared Average coefficient t-statistic Difference in avg. coef. t-statistic 5,916 0.462 5,555 0.488 0.277*** 4.32 R&D Expense (5) Book Leverage (6) 0.419*** (4.05) 1.019*** (4.75) 0.241** (2.13) 5,916 0.466 5,555 0.465 0.560*** 5.14 5,511 0.274 R&D Expense (5) Book Leverage (6) 0.280* (1.80) 0.833*** (5.81) 0.152* (1.66) 5,916 0.464 5,555 0.472 0.423*** 4.75 5,511 0.279 5,511 0.273 0.283*** 4.24 Panel C: Second-stage estimates using scaled incentive variables ln(Stock Volatility) (1) Vega / Total Wealth -0.087 (-0.64) R&D Expense (2) Book ln(Stock Leverage Volatility) (3) (4) 0.876*** -0.346*** (6.16) (-2.59) Tot. Sensitivity / Tot. Wealth Observations Adjusted R-squared Average coefficient t-statistic Difference in avg. coef. t-statistic 5,916 0.462 5,555 0.506 0.147** 2.26 5,511 0.283 0.274*** 3.90 58 Table 9 Comparison of the association between changes in vega and changes in equity sensitivity and changes in volatility, R&D, and leverage around the introduction of SFAS 123R This table presents OLS regression results using the change in unscaled (Panel A) and scaled (Panel B) incentive variables. Incentive variables and controls (untabulated) are the difference between the mean from 2005 to 2008 and the mean from 2002 to 2004, following Hayes et al. (2012). The dependent variables are the difference between the mean from 2006 to 2009 and the mean from 2003 to 2005. The incentive variables are described in detail in Appendix A. Control and dependent variables are described in Appendix B. The t-statistics reported in parentheses are based on robust standard errors clustered by both firm and year. ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1, 5, and 10% levels, respectively. Panel A: Change in unscaled incentive variables Δ Vega Δ ln(Stock Volatility) (1) Δ R&D Expense (2) Δ Book Leverage (3) -0.038 (-1.27) -0.004 (-0.14) -0.017 (-0.58) Δ Equity Sensitivity Observations Adjusted R-squared Average coefficient t-statistic Difference in avg. coef. t-statistic 1,168 0.0587 1,131 0.0351 -0.020 -1.19 1,106 0.109 Δ ln(Stock Volatility) (4) Δ R&D Expense (5) Δ Book Leverage (6) -0.036 (-1.13) 0.014 (0.65) 0.145*** (4.95) 1,168 0.0587 1,131 0.0353 0.041** 2.40 1,106 0.128 0.061*** 3.95 Panel B: Change in scaled incentive variables Δ Vega / Total Wealth Δ ln(Stock Volatility) (1) 0.035 (0.96) Δ R&D Expense (2) 0.012 (0.31) Δ Book Leverage (3) -0.005 (-0.11) Δ Equity Sens. / Total Wealth Observations Adjusted R-squared Average coefficient t-statistic Difference in avg. coef. t-statistic 1,168 0.138 1,131 0.0312 0.014 0.66 1,106 0.109 Δ ln(Stock Volatility) (4) Δ R&D Expense (5) Δ Book Leverage (6) 0.074* (1.91) -0.005 (-0.13) 0.247*** (6.61) 1,168 0.140 1,131 0.0312 0.105*** 5.05 1,106 0.147 0.091*** 5.73 59 Table 10 Comparison of the association between vega and equity sensitivity adjusted for long-term incentive award convexity and future volatility, R&D, and leverage This table presents OLS regression results using unscaled (Panel A) and scaled (Panel B) incentive variables adjusted to include the estimated convexity from long-term incentive awards. Incentive variables and controls (untabulated) are measured in year t. The dependent variables are measured in year t+1. The incentive variables are described in detail in Appendix A and adjusted for the convexity of long-term incentive awards. Control and dependent variables are described in Appendix B. Total wealth is also adjusted by the value of long-term incentive awards. All regressions include year and 2-digit SIC industry fixed effects. The t-statistics reported in parentheses are based on robust standard errors clustered by both firm and year. ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1, 5, and 10% levels, respectively. Panel A: Unscaled Incentive Variables ln(Stock Volatility) (1) R&D Expense (2) Book Leverage (3) -0.066** (-2.05) 0.157*** (6.07) -0.071*** (-3.74) Adjusted Vega Adjusted Total Sensitivity Observations Adjusted R-squared Average coefficient t-statistic Difference in avg. coef. t-statistic ln(Stock R&D Book Volatility) Expense Leverage (4) (5) (6) 0.014 0.101*** 0.124*** (0.58) (4.73) (5.07) 5,940 0.464 5,560 0.405 0.007 0.71 5,513 0.274 5,940 0.462 5,560 5,513 0.396 0.281 0.080*** 9.08 0.073*** 8.82 Panel B: Scaled Incentive Variables Adj. Vega / Adj. Tot. Wealth ln(Stock Volatility) (1) R&D Expense (2) Book Leverage (3) 0.057** (2.16) 0.249*** (7.72) 0.090** (2.55) Adj. Tot. Sens. / Adj. Tot. Wealth Observations Adjusted R-squared Average coefficient t-statistic Difference in avg. coef. t-statistic ln(Stock R&D Book Volatility) Expense Leverage (4) (5) (6) 0.165*** 0.175*** 0.344*** (5.47) (4.69) (7.22) 5,940 0.491 5,560 0.423 0.132*** 6.68 5,513 0.275 0.099*** 7.60 60 5,940 0.504 5,560 5,513 0.406 0.343 0.228*** 8.30