Inventory and Price Forecasting: Evidence from US Containerboard Industry A Thesis Presented to The Academic Faculty by Lidia S. Marko In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science in Economics Georgia Institute of Technology May 2003 Inventory and Price Forecasting: Evidence from US containerboard Industry Approved by: ______________________________ Dr. Haizheng Li, Advisor ______________________________ Dr. Patrick McCarthy ______________________________ Dr. Jim McNutt Date Approved _______________ ii DEDICATION I would like to dedicate this work to my friends Natalia Bidos, Julia Liubchenko, and Dorottya Pap for their love, support, patience, and encouragement. Without them this paper would have never been written. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to begin by thanking my project groupmates - Jifeng Luo, Aselia Urmanbetova, and Pallavi Damani - for their help and cooperation. I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude to my advisor Dr. Haizheng Li for his exemplary guidance and constant encouragement. I have yet to see the limits of his patience, and his selfless concern for his students. I wish to offer particular thanks to Dr. Jim McNutt for his invaluable insights into the workings of the industry. I am grateful to Dr. Patrick McCarthy for his support in this work and for serving as a member on the Committee. Any mistakes in the results are my own. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv LIST OF TABLES vii LIST OF FIGURES viii LIST OF FIGURES viii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS x SUMMARY xi CHAPTER 1. The Behavior of Linerboard Price 12 1.1 Introduction 12 1.2 Factors Influencing Linerboard Price: Industry Experts Point of View 14 1.3 Literature Review 16 1.4 Data 18 1.5 Trend and Seasonality 19 CHAPTER 2. Univariate Forecasting Methods 25 2.1 Naïve Forecast 25 2.2 Exponential Smoothing 27 2.3 Forecasting Using ARIMA Models 32 CHAPTER 3. Forecasting Using Vector Autoregressive Model 39 3.1 Vector Autoregressive Framework 39 3.2 VAR Model Forecast 40 CHAPTER 4. Forecast Comparison 42 4.1 Forecasting Methods Comparison 42 v 4.2 Evaluation of the Existing Linerboard Price Forecast 44 4.3 Comparison with the Published Forecasts 50 4.4 Forecast for 2003-2005 54 CHAPTER 5. Inventory and Price Changes 56 5.1 Introduction 56 5.2 Literature Review 57 5.2 Relationship between Price, Production, and Inventory 64 5.2.1 Data 65 5.2.2 Granger Causality Testing 66 5.3 Econometric Model and Estimation Results 68 CONCLUSION 74 APPENDIX A. Variables Description 76 REFERENCES 78 vi LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Trend and Seasonality in Linerboard Price Time series 21 Table 2. Unit Root Test Results 23 Table 3. Linerboard price forecast for year 2000 26 Table 4. Parameters of Exponential Smoothing 30 Table 5. Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test for fitted ARIMA (3,1,0) 36 Table 6. Different methods MAPE and MRSE. 44 Table 7. RMSE and MAPE of containerboard price forecast. 47 Table 8. RMSE and MAPE of unbleached linerboard price forecast. 47 Table 9. RMSE and MAPE of corrugating medium price forecast 47 Table 10. RMSE and MAPE of export liner price forecast. 47 Table 11. Different Forecasting Methods Comparison (unbleached linerboard) 51 Table 12. Forecast for 2003-2005 55 Table 13. Logit Model Estimation Results (not seasonally adjusted) 69 Table 14. Logit Model Estimation Results (not seasonally adjusted) 69 Table 15. Logit Model Estimation Results (seasonally adjusted) 70 Table 16. Logit Model Estimation Results (not seasonally adjusted) 70 Table 17. Logit Model Estimation Results (seasonally adjusted) 70 Table 19. Fixed Effect Logit Model for Panel Data (NSA) 71 Table 20. Fixed Effect Logit Model Estimation Results for Panel Data (SA) 72 Table 21. Fixed Effect Logit Model Estimation Results for Panel Data (SA) 72 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Linerboard Price (1980-2002) 14 Figure 2. Linerboard Price and Mill to Box Plant Inventory Ratio 16 Figure 3. Linerboard Price Descriptive Statistics 19 Figure 4. Naïve Forecast of Linerboard Price 26 Figure 5. Nonseasonal Exponential Smoothing Forecast of Linerboard Price 31 Figure 6. Seasonal Exponential Smoothing Forecast of Linerboard Price 31 Figure 7. AC and PAC of Linerboard Price Time series 34 Figure 8. AC and PAC of Differenced Linerboard Price Time series 35 Figure 10. ARIMA Forecast of Linerboard Price 37 Figure 9. AC, PAC and Q-statistic Probabilities for Fitted ARIMA (3,1,0) 38 Figure 11. Different Methods Price Forecasts 41 Figure 12. Actual Containerboard Price and Forecasts from the "Forecaster" 45 Figure 13. Actual Linerboard Price and Forecasts from the “Forecaster” 45 Figure 14. Actual Medium Price and Forecasts from the “Forecaster” 46 Figure 15. Actual Export Liner Price and Forecasts from the “Forecaster” 46 Figure 16. Linerboard and Corrugating Medium Monthly Prices (1996-2000) 49 Figure 17. Linerboard Price and ARIMA Model Forecasts 51 Figure 18. Linerboard Price and VAR Model Forecasts. 52 Figure 19. Linerboard Price and One-step Ahead Forecasts. 52 Figure 20. Linerboard Price and Two-step Ahead Forecasts 53 Figure 21. Linerboard Price and Three-step Ahead Forecasts 53 Figure 22. Linerboard Price Forecast for 2003-2005 55 viii Figure 23. Price and Inventories at Mills and Box Plants 65 Figure 24. Production and Inventories at Mills and Box Plants 66 ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AC Autocorrelations ADF Augmented Dickey-Fuller Unit Root Test AR Autoregressive ARIMA Autoreggressive Integrated Moving Average Model MA Moving Average MAPE Mean Absolute Percentage Error NSA Not Seasonally Adjusted PAC Partial Autocorrelations PP Phillips-Perron Unit Root Test PPW Pulp and Paper Week RMSE Root Mean Squared Error SA Seasonally Adjusted VAR Vector Autoregressive Model x SUMMARY The goal of this study is to identify economic factors that have influenced price movement in containerboard industry. Various econometric techniques, simple and advanced ones, have been employed to develop linerboard price behavior models and produce forecast. The performance of each model has been evaluated according to their out-of-sample forecast performance. Both RMSE an MAPE forecast error measures point out that exponential smoothing method renders the most accurate forecast for 2000. When compared with existing industry forecasts, VAR outperforms all other techniques. The fact that different methods of forecasting turn out to be efficient (when applied to particular time intervals) could be explained by the complicated pattern of price movements in which abrupt fluctuations are followed by prolonged periods of almost no change. For further analysis, the role of inventories in price/output adjustment in short-run is investigated. To this purpose, we estimate the effect of previous month’s inventory level on the probability of price increase or decrease. According to our results, inventories render significant influence on the probability of price changes. It turns out that containerboard prices are more responsive to changes in demand than to changes in output. Such results may indicate that prices have been kept at planned levels and that containerboard companies choose to adjust output on a short run basis. Finally, prices seem to demonstrate upward stickiness, but xi not a downward one. CHAPTER 1. The Behavior of Linerboard Price 1.1 Introduction Linerboard price behavior was hardly predictable especially over the last decade. The industry-wide linerboard price could increase more than 60% over one year as in happened in 1994. Even though during the following years the amplitude of price fluctuations decreased, it still had quite a haphazard pattern. Such price behavior led to a number of serious consequences for the containerboard industry, such as excess capacity and difficulties in long-term financial planning. According to industry experts, there have been many factors that could influence linerboard prices. Among these are the build-up of inventories, decreases in exports and fiber box shipments. Despite the importance of these issues to the industry, there has been little research focused on linerboard prices, and as far as we know, there are no studies devoted to linerboard price forecasting. The goal of this study is to employ advanced time series techniques in order to analyze linerboard price movements, model its behavior, and produce efficient price forecasts. We have pursued the following approach to model building. First, the linerboard price behavior and factors influencing it are analyzed. Then univariate time series methods—naïve forecast, exponential smoothing, and BoxJenkins approach—are utilized to build the most fitting model and to produce its forecast. Further, we use Granger causality test to examine the industry expert opinion, supported by many economic studies, that inventory is one of the most 12 important factors influencing price movements. As a result, a multivariate Vector Autoregressive Model (VAR), incorporating the price – inventory relationship, is developed. The quality of each model is evaluated according to its out of sample forecast performance. Finally, to conclude our price forecasting analysis, we present the VAR model and compare it with the previously published forecasts. Consequently, to investigate the role of inventories in short-run price/output adjustments, we estimate the effect of previous month’s inventories on the probability of price increases or decreases. The results suggest possible asymmetry of price adjustments. In addition, we evaluate the response in output levels to previous inventory. By comparing the relative probability of price vs. output changes, we are able to gain some insight to the degree of price and output flexibility in response to short-run inventory fluctuations. The thesis is structured as follows. Chapter 1 reveals recent linerboard price behaviors and provides short literature review of the existing price forecasting studies as well as the description of the data used in this analysis. Chapter 2 gives a brief theoretical review of forecasting methods mentioned above and presents the results obtained utilizing these methods. Chapter 3 addresses multivariate forecasting technique of the Vector Autoregressive (VAR) mode. Chapter 4 discusses forecast evaluation and compares the forecast generated in this paper with the other published forecasts. Further, in Chapter 5 we continue with the investigation of behavioral model of linerboard price – inventory relationship presenting detailed review of methodology and existing studies in the area. Chapter 5 discusses the method of estimation and empirical 13 results. Finally in Conclusion, we summarize and indicate the directions for future research. 1.2 Factors Influencing Linerboard Price: Industry Experts Point of View US linerboard prices have historically been highly cyclical, rising during the middle and late stages of economic recovery and falling down under weakening demand. In Figure 1 we can see the 1988 and 1995 cyclical peaks in the linerboard prices that are followed by quite dramatic decreases. 600 600 500 500 400 400 300 300 200 200 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 linerboard price Figure 1. Linerboard Price (1980-2002) Presently, the US linerboard price movement is in the middle of the current cycle. Prices have reached the peak level almost a year ago and have already begun to slowly move down. Experts predict that the current cycle can be different from both 1988 and 1995. This time price landing might be softer than previously given that producers manage to master a number of challenges while sustaining current price levels and decreasing inventory by adjusting operating rates. 14 The relationship between price, production, and inventory levels in containerboard industry is of paramount importance. Changes in one of the variables can produce respective decreases or increases in the other two parameters. Among the three, inventories seem to be the leading indicator, which causes price and production to change in response to its own movements. Linerboard manufacturers produce their product to meet the needs of box plants. The demand for fiber boxes is strongly dependent on the general economic conditions. Changes in demand cause fluctuations in inventories, and as a result, instability in price and output levels. Therefore, unpredictable inventory movements lead to such serious concerns for the industry as excess capacity and difficulties in long-term financial planning. According to industry experts 1 , there are several other factors that can affect the inventory-price-output relationship. First, the US fiber box shipments growth has been quite low compared to the growth in the rest of the economy. At the end of 2000, box shipments have grown only 0.5% compared with the GDP growth of 5.2%. This discrepancy can be explained by the fact that in that year growth in consumer expenditures has been met by significant increases in net imports. Second, the US exports of linerboard in 2000 have been 17% and 34% below 1999 and 1998 levels respectively. The two factors have had a negative impact on linerboard demand and have lead to steadily increasing inventories in 1999-2000. Producers could not reduce containerboard inventories below the three million ton for most of year 2000. Traditionally, the linerboard 1 Torma (2001) 15 market is considered to be firm when the containerboard inventory settles near 2.5 million tons. The fact that prices have been increasing in 1999 and have remained at the same level in 2000 is explained by aggressive downtime policy and capacity closures. Decreases in capital utilization have allowed balancing decreases in demand. The other factor that has kept linerboard pricing from collapsing is a low mill to box plant inventory ratio. According to Figure 2, there is an obvious negative correlation between linerboard price level and inventory ratio. 550 0.30 500 0.25 450 0.20 400 0.15 350 0.10 300 0.05 250 200 0.00 80 82 84 linerboard price 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 mill to boxplant inventory ratio Figure 2. Linerboard Price and Mill to Box Plant Inventory Ratio A ratio less than 15% typically represents strong market condition and in 19992000 the ratio has maintained at 10-12%. 1.3 Literature Review There have been a number of studies on the process of price formation in forest industries. Most of them concentrated on econometric models of price formation. 16 Buongiorno and Gilles (1980), Buongiorno and Lu (1989), Chas-Amil and Buongiorno (1999), Buongiorno et al. (1982) attempted to explain prices as the function of input cost and technological change. With regards to the US paper industry, the results show that: (i) product price is not directly related to capacity utilization rate or level of production; (ii) capital cost has a dominant influence on price-setting; (iii) technological changes, other than labor-saving ones, do not influence pulp and paper prices significantly. Stier (1985) uses a translog function to investigate the implications of factor substitution, returns to scale, and technological progress for the cost of production in the aggregate US pulp and paper industry. The results are consistent with the cost minimizing behavior on the part of firms, and indicate that in short run increases in the price of capital, labor, or wood inputs would drive up the commodity price. Booth et al. (1991) examines the process of price formation by means of applying the market structure methodology. Targeting North-American newsprint industry, they construct a dynamic model that consists of demand, price, and regional capacity. Their results confirm existence of barometric price leadership in the industry with oligopolistic coordination. The model estimation showed that mark-ups are function of the utilization rate, and that higher concentration levels lead to reduced levels of capacity expansion. Some other studies used cointegration method for studying the relationship between the exchange rate and paper product price movements. Alavalapati et al. (1997) apply cointegration analysis to investigate the effect of Canada-US exchange rate and US pulp price on the Canadian price of pulp. 17 Naininen and Toppinen (1999) estimate log-run price effects of exchange rate changes in Finnish pulp and paper exports. Brannlund et al. (1999) is the only study, as far as we know, that focuses directly on forecasting of prices of paper products. Additionally, it introduces new forecasting technique – Maximum Autocorrelation Factors (MAF). This method is based, like the vector autoregressive model, on the idea that time series of prices and quantities from different sectors of the forest industry are mutually correlated over time. They compare the results of the MAF estimation with the results from the univariate method (ARIMA) estimation and naïve forecast. It turns out that for the Swedish forest industry it is difficult to forecast prices significantly better than naïve forecast. The MAF technique is also outperformed by the ARIMA model. Such results are consistent with another body of literature focused on examining relative merits of various forecasting approaches and measures of forecasting performance. The analysis of large sets of time series by Newbold and Granger (1974), Makridakis and Hibon (1979), Fildes et al. (1998) has led to a number of important conclusions. One such conclusion is that statistically sophisticated or complex methods do not necessary forecast better than simpler ones. 1.4 Data The data for univariate forecasting comes from “Pulp and Paper Week” edition. It includes 240 monthly observations from January 1980 to December 1999. Figure 3 contains the descriptive statistics for the linerboard price time series. 18 25 Series: PRICEL Sample 1980:01 1999:12 Observations 240 20 15 10 Mean Median Maximum Minimum Std. Dev. Skewness Kurtosis 347.4792 347.5000 530.0000 250.0000 63.08201 0.699095 3.472866 Jarque-Bera Probability 21.78535 0.000019 5 0 280 320 360 400 440 480 520 Figure 3. Linerboard Price Descriptive Statistics Appendix A presents the description of the linerboard price time series. Additionally, data covering the interval from January 2000 to December 2000 is utilized to evaluate forecast performance. 1.5 Trend and Seasonality In order to conduct forecasting utilizing such methods as VAR and ARIMA it is necessary to determine whether time series is stationary or conduct a unit root test. A time series is said to be stationary if the mean and autocovariances of the series do not depend on time. Standard estimation procedure cannot be applied to the model that contains nonstationary variables. Hence, we should check whether the data is stationary before using it in modeling. In order to perform the unit root test we need to find out whether price, inventory and production contain any trend and seasonal components. It is 19 necessary since including too many of the deterministic regressors results in lost power, whereas not including enough of them biases the test in favor of the unit root null. Since in the next chapter we also use inventory and production time series in order build a behavioral model of price movement, we determine whether all three time series contain trend and seasonality. Visual analysis shows that linear trend and quadratic trend probably exist in the given time series, but it is not clear whether there is any seasonal pattern in the data. In order to verify our visual conclusion we employ regression analysis. The following equations are estimated in order to check for trend in the data: X = β 0 + β 1 * Trend + ε (1) X = β 0 + β 1 * Trend + β 2 * Trend 2 + ε (2) To check for seasonality we add dummy variables for every month excluding January that serves as the base. The results are summarized in Table 1. X = β 0 + β 1 Trend + β 2 D2 + β 3 D3 + β 4 D4 + β 5 D5 + β 6 D6 + β 7 D7 + + β 8 D8 + β 9 D9 + β 10 D10 + + β 11 D11 + + β 12 D12 + ε (3) X = β 0 + β 1 Trend + β 2 D 2 + β 3 D3 + β 4 D 4 + β 5 D5 + β 6 D6 + β 7 D7 + (4) + β 8 D8 + β 9 D9 + β 10 D10 + + β 11 D11 + + β 12 D12 + β 13 Trend 2 + ε As it turns out price time series contains both linear and quadratic trends (see Table 1). Since autocorrelation testing indicates that there is autocorrelation in the residuals in all time series, Newey-West autocorrelation robust standard errors are calculated. Linear and quadratic trend parameter 20 estimates coefficients are significant at least at 5% significance level. Regression analysis shows that linerboard prices do not have any seasonality. This finding is surprising since industry experts often mention seasonal fluctuations in prices. Inventory and production also seem to comprise linear and quadratic trend. The p-values of the most seasonal dummy coefficients are very large and therefore insignificant except for D10 and D11 (October and November dummies), which are significant at 2% level for the inventory. February, April, September, November and December dummy variables are significant at 5% significance level for production. Based such results, we need to include intercept and trend into price, inventory, and production unit root test equations. Additionally, in the case of inventory and production, seasonality should be taken into account when performing the tests. Table 1. Trend and Seasonality in Linerboard Price Time series Variable Trend Quadratic trend Seasonality Price Inventory Production Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes (October, November) Yes (February, April, September, November, and December) 21 1.6 Unit Root Testing The formal method of testing for stationarity of a series is the unit root test. The first step in unit root testing is to select an appropriate number of lags included into regression. On one hand, too many lags decrease the number of observations. On the other hand too few lags can lead to biased results of the unit root test. One of the approaches to lag length selection is to start with a quite long lag and reduce the model using t or F-tests. Since we work with a monthly data, the maximum number of lags we should include into the unit root test is 12. The following equation for the ADF test was estimated: ΔX = γX t −1 + αt + ∑i =1 βΔX t − i +1 + ε , p (5) where Xt is the value of the tested variable and t is the time trend. If the t-statistic of the last lag has been insignificant, we have proceeded with the estimation of the regression with lag length p-1. This process has been repeated until the last lag has been significantly different from zero. Further, the LR test for the joint significance of the redundant variables has been performed to insure that jointly excluded lags do not improve the regression performance. After the lag length has been determined we have conducted diagnostic checking of the residuals by the Ljung-Box Q-statistics. If there is no strong evidence of serial correlation in the residuals and they appear to represent white noise then an appropriate lag length is chosen. In this manner, for the price time series lag length of order 6 is chosen. The lags 7-12 appear to be jointly insignificant. redundancy at any significant level. 22 We could not reject the null of With regard to the inventory and production the maximum 12th lag is appropriate. The LR test showed that it is significant at less than 1% level. For all variables a serial autocorrelation test for the chosen lags showed that the residuals are white noise. Table 2 below shows the results of the unit root testing. The t-statistics are computed for coefficients and referred to the Dickey-Fuller table. 2 If absolute computed value exceeds the critical value, the null hypothesis that time series is non-stationary is rejected. As we can see price and inventory variables turned out to be stationary. But for the production variable unit root tests 3 produce contradictory results. PhillipsPerron test rejects the null of a unit root at 1% significance level. The ADF fail to reject it even at 20% level. Table 2. Unit Root Test Results Variables Lag Test statistics P-value Price 6 -4.089371(ADF) 0.0075 Inventory 12 -5.430392 (ADF) 0.0000 Production 12 -15.11692 (ADF) 0.0000 Production 12 -2.600536 (PP) > 0.2000 Suspecting that the discrepancy in the tests might be caused by the seasonal component in the production data, we modify the ADF procedure for production and inventory to account for seasonality. Both variables are Since critical values are calculated for the model that includes intercept or intercept and trend only, we could not include quadratic trend into the equation. 2 23 regressed on the monthly dummies. The residuals from these regressions can be viewed as the deseasonalized values of the inventory and operating rate respectively. We use the residuals to estimate the test equations. Dickey, Bell, and Miller (1986) have shown that the limiting distribution for γ is not affected by the removal of the deterministic seasonal component. Therefore, the test is valid. The same procedure is performed to determine the lag length. For the inventory unit root testing t-statistic equals –5.41 when 12 legs are included. Thus we can reject the null of a unit root at 1% significance level (critical value of the Dickey empirical distribution at 1% level is –3.46). For the production data, only 7 lags are necessary. The number of lags decreases in comparison with the nonseasonal testing. rejected at 1% level (t-statistics –3.66). The unit root hypothesis is also Hence, we can conclude that both variables are seasonally and nonseasonally stationary and can be utilized in VAR modeling. We report only ADF test statistics but for price and inventory variables PhillipsPerron test results also strongly reject the null of a unit root. 3 24 CHAPTER 2. Univariate Forecasting Methods 2.1 Naïve Forecast Naïve forecasting is a quantitative tool that uses only historical data of the variable being forecasted in the analysis. It provides a convenient way to generate quick and easy forecasts for short time horizon; i.e. a month, a quarter, at most a year ahead. This method has minimal data requirements and is easy to implement since generally it requires only simple arithmetic to generate the forecast. The drawback of this technique is that its forecast will miss turning points. The naïve forecast is based only on recent actual values of the variable. Hence, the forecast will not change direction (up or down) until after the actual data has shown this change. The naïve method generally expects the data to have no trend and if a trend is present in the data it will usually treat the trend as a linear one. The forecasts for the time series containing trend are generated according to following formula: ∧ X t +1 = X t + (X t − X t −1 ) (6) The results of the one-step ahead price forecast for the next twelve months can be found in Table 3. As we have mentioned before, naïve forecast is based only on the recent price values. Since the second half of 1999, linerboard prices have been fixed at $425 per short ton, producing the forecast for the whole year equaling the same value. 25 Table 3. Linerboard price forecast for year 2000 Date Naïve Exp. smoothing nonseasonal Exp. smoothing seasonal ARIMA (3,1,0) VAR Jan-00 425,00 428,24 426,85 425,37 427,62 Feb-00 425,00 431,44 429,31 425,79 429,60 Mar-00 425,00 434,64 433,89 426,24 431,11 Apr-00 425,00 437,84 437,09 426,79 432,30 May-00 425,00 441,04 436,55 427,36 433,23 Jun-00 425,00 444,24 436,50 427,95 433,96 Jul-00 425,00 447,44 443,33 428,56 434,52 Aug-00 425,00 450,64 446,66 429,19 434,95 Sep-00 425,00 453,84 450,12 429,82 435,27 Oct-00 425,00 457,04 459,70 430,47 435,51 Nov-00 425,00 460,23 461,65 431,11 435,70 Dec-00 425,00 463,43 461,36 431,76 435,85 In Figure 4 you can see the actual price values from January 1995 and forecasted linerboard price for year 2000. 600 500 400 300 200 95:01 95:07 96:01 96:07 97:01 97:07 98:01 linerboard price Figure 4. Naïve Forecast of Linerboard Price 26 98:07 99:01 naive forecast 99:07 00:01 00:07 2.2 Exponential Smoothing Another simple and commonly used method of adaptive forecasting is the exponential smoothing technique. In this method the forecasted values are the weighted averages of past observations with heavier weights given to recent values and exponentially decreasing weights to earlier values. This technique has been successfully employed in practice to predict the future values of many types of time series, such as price, sales, or inventory data. Exponential smoothing methods under some circumstances may be more feasible, accurate, cheaper, and easier to use than more complicated forecasting techniques. At the same time, on average it produces more reliable results than the naïve forecast. Since there are several exponential smoothing method modifications in the following short theoretical review, we describe the algorithm utilized by Eviews 4.0 software, which we use for modeling and obtaining forecasts. The most basic method of exponential smoothing is the single exponential smoothing with one parameter. According to Eviews technical documentation, this method is appropriate for series that move randomly above and below a ∧ constant mean with no trend or seasonal patterns. The smoothed series Yt of Yt is computed recursively by evaluating: ∧ y = αy t + (1 − α )y t −1 , (7) 27 where 0 ≤ α ≤ 1 is the damping (or smoothing) factor. The smaller is the α, the ∧ smoother is the y t series. By repeated substitution, the recursion can be rewritten as: ∧ t −1 y t = α ∑ (1 − α )s y t − s , (8) s=0 This shows why this method is called exponential smoothing—the forecast of y is a weighted average of the past values of y t , where weights decline exponentially with time. The forecasts from single smoothing are constant for all ∧ ∧ future observations. This constant is given by: y T + k = y t for all k>0 and where t is the end of the estimation sample. ∧ To start the recursion, we need an initial value for y t and a value for α. EViews uses the mean of the initial observations of y t to start the recursion or it can also estimate α minimizing the sum of squares of one-step forecast errors. The next type of exponential smoothing is Holt-Winters non-seasonal algorithm with two parameters. This method is appropriate for series with a linear time trend and no seasonal variation. The smoothed series is given by: ∧ y T + k = a + bk (9) where a and b are the permanent component and trend. coefficients are defined by the following recursions: 28 These two a t = α y t + (1 − α )(a t −1 + b t −1 ) (10) bt = β (at − at −1 ) + 1 − βb t −1 (11) where 0<α, β, γ<1 are the damping factors. This is an exponential smoothing method with two parameters. Forecasts are computed by: ∧ y T + k = aT + bT k (12) These forecasts lie on a linear trend with intercept a(T) and slope b(T). Finally, Holt-Winters additive algorithm with three parameters is often being utilized for series with a linear time trend and additive seasonal variation. The smoothed series is given by: ∧ y t + k = a + bk + ct + k , (13) where a is a permanent component (intercept), b is a trend, and ct is additive seasonal factor. These three coefficients are defined by the following recursions: at = α(y t − ct (t − s) + (1 − α )(at −1 + bt −1 ) (14) bt = β (at − at −1 ) + 1 − βbt −1 (15) ct (t) = γ (y t − at −1 ) − γct (t − s) (16) where 0<α, β, γ<1 are the damping factors and s is the seasonal frequency. Forecasts are computed by: 29 ∧ y T + k = aT + bT k + cT + k − s , (17) where the seasonal factors are used from last s estimates and T is a total number of observations in the sample. We have already discovered that the price data contains linear and quadratic trends, hence simple exponential smoothing cannot be applied to the data. To make sure that the price data does not comprise a seasonal component we use both non-seasonal and seasonal approaches utilizing HoltWinters algorithm. The α, β, and γ parameters are determined by minimizing of sum of squared errors. They are shown in Table 4. Table 4. Parameters of Exponential Smoothing α (general) β (trend) γ (seasonal) Nonseasonal HW .99 .2 N/A Seasonal HW 0.97 0.22 0 The results of parameter estimation show that γ parameter is equal to zero. Therefore, we have one more proof that the price data do not contain seasonality. The forecasts produced from both models are very close as Figures 5 and 6 indicate. Table 3 contains numerical value of forecasts. In contrast to the Naïve forecast, exponential smoothing method manage to capture the upward movement of the price. 30 600 500 400 300 200 95:01 95:07 96:01 96:07 97:01 97:07 98:01 98:07 99:01 99:07 00:01 00:07 linerboard price nonseasonal exponential smoothing forecast Figure 5. Nonseasonal Exponential Smoothing Forecast of Linerboard Price 600 500 400 300 200 95:01 95:07 96:01 96:07 97:01 97:07 98:01 98:07 99:01 99:07 00:01 linerboard price seasonal exponential smoothing forecast Figure 6. Seasonal Exponential Smoothing Forecast of Linerboard Price 31 00:07 2.3 Forecasting Using ARIMA Models According to Makridakis (1997), autoregressive (AR) models were first introduced by Yule in 1926 and subsequently supplemented by Slutsky, who in 1937 presented moving average (MA) process. Wold in 1938 combined both AR and MA and showed that ARMA processes can be used to model a large class of stationary time series. In other words, a time series X can be modeled as a combination of past Xt values and/or past et: X t = θ 1 X t −1 + θ 2 X t − 2 + ... + θ p X t − p + et + φ1 et −1 − φ 2 et − 2 − ... − φ q et − q (18) The process of fitting a model to a real lifetime series requires four steps. First, the original time series must be transformed to become stationary around its mean and variance. Second, appropriate order of p and q must be specified. Third, the value of the parameters θ and φ must be estimated using some nonlinear optimization procedure that minimizes the sum of square errors or some other appropriate loss function. The implementation of the theoretical framework introduced by Wold became possible only in the late 1960s when the first computers, capable of performing all necessary calculations, appeared. In 1970, Box and Jenkins published a landmark book on time series analysis and forecasting and popularized the use of the ARIMA method. They introduced the guidelines for making time series stationary; suggested autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation as a tool for determining the appropriate values of p and q; proposed to check the residuals for white noise to determine whether the model 32 is adequate or not. This methodology became known as Box-Jenkins or ARIMA approach, where ‘I’ stands for ‘integrated,’ signifying that time series might need to be differenced to become stationary. The last stage of fitting ARIMA model is actually performing and evaluating the forecast from the chosen model using such error measures as the Mean Root Square Error (MRSE) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). In Box-Jenkins methodology of ARIMA modeling, it must be first established that a given time series is stationary before trying to identify the orders of AR and MA processes. There are two basic tools to be used in this procedure: unit root testing and visual analysis of the sample’s autocorrelations (AC) and partial autocorrelations (PAC). Since unit root testing is often considered to have weak power we will check its results by analyzing the sample’s AC pattern. Figure 7 shows the AC and PAC of the linerboard price. The sample autocorrelations of the undifferenced series exhibit smooth patterns at high lags, so it is likely that the price series is not stationary. Hence, differencing may be necessary. The next step is to examine the sample AC and PAC of the first differenced series. They are shown together with two standard error limits in Figure 8. The pattern of the sample AC at high lags is not at all smooth. The first three sample AC are moderately large, while the next two values are quite small, suggesting that a MA(3) model for the first-differenced series is possible. However, similar pattern is also present in the sample PAC, so that an AR(3) model might be appropriate. We can limit the choice of the model to ARIMA with difference of order one, with up to AR(3) orders of the autoregressive term and up to MA(3) orders of the moving average term. 33 Autocorrelation .|*******| .|*******| .|*******| .|*******| .|****** | .|****** | .|***** | .|***** | .|**** | .|**** | .|**** | .|*** | .|*** | .|** | .|** | .|** | .|** | .|* | .|* | .|* | .|* | .|* | .|* | .|* | Partial Correlation .|*******| *|. | *|. | **|. | .|. | .|. | .|. | .|. | .|. | .|. | .|. | .|* | .|. | *|. | .|. | .|. | .|* | .|. | .|. | .|. | .|. | .|. | .|* | |. | AC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0.974 0.941 0.903 0.855 0.803 0.748 0.690 0.630 0.574 0.517 0.461 0.412 0.369 0.324 0.285 0.249 0.218 0.194 0.171 0.152 0.139 0.128 0.123 0.121 PAC Q-Stat Prob 0.974 -0.150 -0.106 -0.206 -0.048 -0.054 -0.047 -0.039 0.054 -0.051 -0.001 0.078 0.051 -0.102 0.018 -0.009 0.073 0.036 -0.035 0.017 0.053 -0.037 0.082 0.016 230.64 446.94 646.92 826.76 986.08 1124.9 1243.5 1342.9 1425.7 1493.1 1547.0 1590.3 1625.2 1652.2 1673.1 1689.2 1701.6 1711.4 1719.0 1725.2 1730.3 1734.7 1738.7 1742.7 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Figure 7. AC and PAC of Linerboard Price Time series To facilitate the process of choosing the best model, we use Eviews macro, which we wrote specifically for automatic ARIMA modeling of a nonseasonal time series. The macro estimates all possible models up to order 4 for both MA and AR parameters using Eviews. Below we can see the result of the estimation (Table 4) sorted by the SBC criterion in the ascending order. The SBC points out that ARIMA (1,1,1), ARIMA (3,1,0), and ARIMA(0,1,3) might be adequate models for producing forecast. 34 Autocorrelation Partial Correlation .|* .|* .|** .|* .|* .|* .|. *|. .|. .|. *|. *|. .|. *|. *|. *|. *|. *|. *|. *|. *|. *|. *|. *|. .|* .|* .|** .|. .|. .|* .|. *|. .|. .|. *|. *|. .|* *|. *|. *|. *|. .|. .|. *|. .|. *|. .|. *|. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 AC PAC 0.176 0.135 0.264 0.087 0.076 0.156 0.035 -0.085 0.019 -0.018 -0.103 -0.071 0.013 -0.148 -0.119 -0.140 -0.176 -0.072 -0.103 -0.149 -0.058 -0.144 -0.097 -0.118 0.176 0.108 0.234 0.002 0.015 0.084 -0.025 -0.139 -0.010 -0.012 -0.066 -0.060 0.069 -0.093 -0.070 -0.128 -0.065 0.031 -0.045 -0.063 0.039 -0.104 -0.025 -0.112 Q-Stat 7.5161 11.975 29.006 30.878 32.296 38.274 38.577 40.366 40.456 40.539 43.237 44.500 44.544 50.173 53.799 58.867 66.941 68.307 71.077 76.934 77.811 83.309 85.813 89.527 Figure 8. AC and PAC of Differenced Linerboard Price Time series 35 Prob 0.006 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Table 4. All Estimated Models Sorted by SBC Criterion AR order I order 1 1 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 0 1 4 1 2 1 0 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 3 1 4 1 MA order 1 0 3 2 0 1 2 3 1 1 4 0 0 2 4 4 3 2 1 3 4 2 4 3 SBC 7.881782 7.884503 7.888521 7.891333 7.897337 7.897573 7.900429 7.90403 7.906532 7.90765 7.910259 7.912295 7.913093 7.916782 7.924627 7.925225 7.928647 7.930564 7.935295 7.938573 7.951653 7.95817 7.960135 7.965903 ARIMA (1,1,1) cannot be used for forecasting since the residual test does not show white noise. The next model, ARIMA (3,1,0), seems to be adequate. We could not reject the null hypothesis of white noise even at 10% significance level (see Table 5) when Breush-Pagan test for autocorrelation in residuals is used. Table 5. Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test for fitted ARIMA (3,1,0) F-statistic Obs*R-squared 0.800913 9.878386 Probability Probability 36 0.649358 0.626629 As we can see in Figure 9, this model’s autocorrelations are inside the interval limited by the dotted lines. The dotted lines in the plots are the approximate two standard error boundaries computed as ± 2 / T , where T is total number of observations in the sample. If the autocorrelations are within these bounds, they are not significantly different from zero at (approximately) 5% significance level and therefore represent white noise. The last two columns in Figure 8 are the Ljung-Box Q-statistics and their p-values. The Q-statistic at lag k is a test statistic for the null hypothesis that there is no autocorrelation up to order k. This statistic also strongly rejects autocorrelation of the residuals. Hence, we will perform forecasting using ARIMA (3,1,0) model. The produced forecast shows moderate increasing in price values for the next twelve months but this increase is smaller than the one predicted when exponential smoothing methods are utilized (see Figure 10 and Table 3). 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 1995 1996 1997 1998 linerboard price 1999 ARIMA (3,1,0) forecast Figure 10. ARIMA Forecast of Linerboard Price 37 2000 Autocorrelation Partial Correlation .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|* .|. *|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|* *|. *|. *|. *|. .|. .|. *|. .|. *|. .|. *|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|* .|. *|. .|. .|. *|. .|. .|* *|. *|. *|. *|. .|. .|. *|. .|* *|. .|. *|. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 AC PAC Q-Stat Prob 0.000 -0.004 -0.021 -0.003 0.036 0.099 0.011 -0.106 0.016 -0.017 -0.054 -0.041 0.092 -0.083 -0.063 -0.099 -0.098 0.005 -0.013 -0.079 0.023 -0.094 -0.020 -0.102 0.000 -0.004 -0.021 -0.003 0.035 0.098 0.012 -0.105 0.020 -0.017 -0.066 -0.053 0.100 -0.067 -0.070 -0.102 -0.084 -0.001 -0.044 -0.080 0.066 -0.098 -0.026 -0.123 5.E-05 0.0034 0.1129 0.1154 0.4226 2.7933 2.8228 5.5993 5.6649 5.7358 6.4559 6.8722 8.9948 10.720 11.736 14.243 16.720 16.726 16.768 18.372 18.514 20.830 20.931 23.677 0.734 0.810 0.425 0.588 0.347 0.462 0.571 0.596 0.650 0.533 0.467 0.467 0.357 0.271 0.335 0.401 0.366 0.422 0.346 0.401 0.309 Figure 9. AC, PAC and Q-statistic Probabilities for Fitted ARIMA (3,1,0) 38 CHAPTER 3. Forecasting Using Vector Autoregressive Model 3.1 Vector Autoregressive Framework Two decades ago, Christopher Sims (1980) provided a new framework that held a great promise – Vector Autoregressions (VAR). As Stock and Watson (2001) have put it, a univariate autoregression is a single-equation, singlevariable linear model, in which the current value of a variable is explained by its own lagged values. A VAR is an n-equation; n-variable linear model, in which each variable is in turn explained by its own lagged values, plus current and past values of the remaining n-1 variables. This simple framework provides a systematic way to capture rich dynamics in multiple time series. VAR models are commonly used for forecasting systems of interrelated time series and for analyzing dynamic impact of random disturbances on systems of variables. The VAR approach sidesteps the need for structural modeling by treating every endogenous variable in the system as a function of the lagged values of all of the endogenous variables in the system. The mathematical representation of a VAR model including linerboard price and inventories level is: yt = A1 yt −1 + .... + Apyt − p + Bxt + ε t where yt is a (19) vector of endogenous variables, xt is a vector of exogenous variables, A1 ..... A p and B are matrices of coefficients to be estimated, and ε t is a vector of innovations that may be contemporaneously correlated but are 39 uncorrelated with their own lagged values and uncorrelated with all of the righthand side variables. Since only lagged values of the endogenous variables appear on the right-hand side of the equations, simultaneity is not an issue and an OLS yields consistent estimates. Moreover, even though the innovations may be contemporaneously correlated, the OLS is efficient and equivalent to a GLS since all equations have identical regressors. As an example, suppose that the linerboard price (P) and total inventory (Inv) are jointly determined by a VAR process and let a constant be the only exogenous variable. Assuming that the VAR contains two lagged values of the endogenous variables, it may be written as: Pt = a11 Pt −1 + b12 Inv t −1 +b11 Pt − 2 + b12 Inv t − 2 + c1 + ε 1t (19) Inv t = a 21 Pt −1 + a 22 Inv t −1 + b 21 Pt − 2 +b 22 Inv t − 2 + c 2 + ε 2t (20) where aij ,b ij , ci are the parameters to be estimated. 3.2 VAR Model Forecast According to the industry expert opinion, one of the important factors influencing linerboard price movements in short run is a change in total inventory levels at mills and box plants. Following the principle of parsimony we include in the VAR model only two variables – linerboard price and inventory. A crucial element in a VAR specification is the determination of its lag length. The importance of the lag length has been demonstrated by Hafer and Sheemen 40 (1989). They show that forecast accuracy from VAR models varies substantially depending on alternative lag length. Ivanov and Kilian (2000) argue that the lag length determination procedure, based on the AIC criterion, performs well in most cases for monthly data. According to this criterion, the VAR model that includes linear trend two lags of both variables should be utilized in forecasting. The resultant forecast is represented in Table 3. The values of this forecast are close to those of the ARIMA model. Figure 11 shows the actual linerboard price from 1980 to 1999, and 2000 forecasts obtained from all the above-mentioned models. 480 460 440 420 400 380 360 340 320 98:01 98:07 99:01 99:07 00:01 liner boar s pr ice naive f or ecast exponent ial sm oot hing Figure 11. Different Methods Price Forecasts 41 00:07 ar im a var CHAPTER 4. Forecast Comparison Despite the fact that the linerboard price movements have been quite haphazard during the recent decades, advanced techniques can be employed to analyze such behavior and generate price forecast. In this chapter we will assess the accuracy of different forecast methods that we have utilized and compare them with the existing industry forecasts. 4.1 Forecasting Methods Comparison The accuracy of different forecasting methods is a topic of continuing interest and research. There is a number of error measurement methods, which allow comparing forecast performance across different grades and forecasting horizons. The two most commonly used error measures are—the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). For a long time the RMSE has been the preferred error measure used by practitioners and academicians. It can be calculated using the following formula: ∑ n RMSE= (Xi − Fi )2 i =1 n , (21) where Xi is the actual price value; Fi is the forecasted value; and n is the number of forecasts for a specific forecast horizon. The disadvantages of the RMSE are: (1) it is very sensitive to outliers (extreme forecast errors), and (2) it is not scale 42 free. To avoid the problem of scaling, many use the most popular and scale free error measurement, the MAPE: n MAPE = ∑ 100 * (X i =1 i n − Fi ) / X i ) , (22) The MAPE calculates the forecast error as a percentage of the actual value. The drawback of the MAPE measure is that it puts a heavier penalty on the forecasts that exceed the actual value than on those that fall behind the actual value. Given that both the RMSE and MAPE have advantages and disadvantages, they should be equally utilized in evaluating the existing containerboard price forecasts. Additionally, it is important to keep in mind that in general smaller horizon forecasts are expected to be more accurate because they face less uncertainty than longer horizon forecasts. We have calculated the MRSEs and MAPEs for twelve months horizon forecasts for naïve, nonseasonal exponential smoothing, ARIMA, and VAR methods. As Table 6 shows both forecast error measures point out that exponential smoothing method renders the most accurate forecast. This result is consistent with the previous findings by Newbold and Granger (1974), Makridakis and Hibon (1979), Fildes et al. (1998) that simple forecasting methods often render better forecasts than statistically sophisticated ones. However, the fact that exponential smoothing over-performed ARIMA and VAR methods may be explained by the fact that during the period from July to December 1999 linerboard price values have been fixed at $425 per short ton. In this case simple forecasting technique such as exponential smoothing that takes into account 43 mainly recent values of the price and linear trend element may produce better results tan those which incorporate more complex algorithms. Table 6. Different methods MAPE and MRSE. Methos MAPE MRSE Naive 9.06 45.85 Exp. Smoothing 4.78 25.28 ARIMA 8.36 42.29 VAR 7.40 37.36 4.2 Evaluation of the Existing Linerboard Price Forecast Pulp and Paper Forecaster by Miller Freeman Inc. publishes regular forecasts of prices for major grades of containerboard. Unfortunately, no explanation is given in regards to the techniques they use for their forecasts. Still the forecast performance and accuracy can be evaluated by using existing error measurement criteria. Available quarterly forecasts cover the period from January 1996 to April 2000 and include the following categories: containerboard, corrugated medium, unbleached linerboard 4 , and export liner. 5 For the export liner, the forecast data is available only up to December of 1999. The data is collected manually and then regrouped in order to obtain one-, two-, and three-step forecasts, where one-step equals to one quarter ahead forecast, etc. Further, the RMSE and PE are calculated for each grade and forecast horizon. In Figures 12-15 the graphs of the actual price and one-, two-, and three-step ahead forecasts are represented. 4 5 standard kraft linerboard (42-lb/1,000 ft2 ) kraft linerboard (175+ g/m2) 44 850 800 USD 750 700 650 600 550 500 96/1 96/3 97/1 97/3 98/1 98/3 99/1 99/3 00/1 00/3 forecaster(actual) 1-Step 2-Step 3-Step USD Figure 12. Actual Containerboard Price and Forecasts from the "Forecaster" 620 570 520 470 420 370 320 270 220 170 96/1 96/3 97/1 PPW 97/3 98/1 1-Step 98/3 99/1 2-Step 99/3 00/1 00/3 3-Step Figure 13. Actual Linerboard Price and Forecasts from the “Forecaster” 45 620 570 520 USD 470 420 370 320 270 220 170 96/1 96/3 97/1 PPW 97/3 98/1 1-Step 98/3 date 2-Step 99/1 99/3 00/1 00/3 3-Step Figure 14. Actual Medium Price and Forecasts from the “Forecaster” 670 620 570 520 USD 470 420 370 320 270 220 170 96/1 96/3 97/1 Forecaster(actual) 97/3 98/1 1-Step date 98/3 99/1 99/3 2-Step 3-Step Figure 15. Actual Export Liner Price and Forecasts from the “Forecaster” As we can see in the graphs, in general the forecast performance for all three horizons is relatively adequate. For the years 1996-1997 the forecasts are less accurate and consistently exceed the actual prices. It means that the price 46 is considerably over-forecasted. But forecasted prices in 1999-2000 are quite close to the actual price values. As expected, one-step ahead forecasts appear to be more accurate than two-, or three-step forecasts since the shorter horizon implies that the forecaster faces less uncertainty in the future. Both the RMSE and MAPE show that one-step ahead containerboard, unbleached linerboard, corrugated medium, and export liner price forecasts are the most accurate (see Tables 710). Table 7. RMSE and MAPE of containerboard price forecast. Error measurement RMSE MAPE 1 step ahead 2 step ahead 3 step ahead 38.91594 4.3702 54.43666 6.938355 65.81337 8.310461 Table 8. RMSE and MAPE of unbleached linerboard price forecast. Error measurement RMSE MAPE 1 step ahead 2 step ahead 3 step ahead 48.63147 10.65847 64.08824 13.00216 73.67204 14.4374 Table 9. RMSE and MAPE of corrugating medium price forecast Error measurement RMSE MAPE 1 step ahead 2 step ahead 3 step ahead 63.87064 16.14924 87.55552 22.22057 100.5182 25.39659 Table 10. RMSE and MAPE of export liner price forecast. Error measurement RMSE MAPE 1 step ahead 2 step ahead 3 step ahead 61.89507 12.35728 86.11547 18.49232 95.96614 19.82277 47 According to the MAPE, forecast error comprise only 4.37% of actual value for containerboard one-step ahead forecast, 10.66 %, 16.45%, and 12.35% for unbleached linerboard, corrugated medium, and export liner respectively. For the second and third forecasting horizons the accuracy of the forecasts decrease significantly. The MAPE range of the three-step ahead forecasts varies from 8.31% for the containerboard forecasts to 25.4% for the corrugated medium price predictions. In other words, the three-quarter ahead price of the corrugated medium is on average over- or under-predicted by 25 percent. Even with the nine-month horizon, the forecasting error appears to be too big. To minimize the influence of outliers, the MAPE is used in the evaluation of forecast performance between grades. Forecast assessment shows that the most accurate forecasts for all horizons are generated for containerboard prices, then for unbleached linerboard, export liner, and corrugated medium. The fact that containerboard forecast appears to look quite satisfactory is not surprising. Containerboard price has experienced less fluctuation than the prices of the other grades (see Figure 12). We expect that export liner would be the most difficult grade to forecast. Price movements depend not only on the internal but also on many external or exogenous factors such as global demand for paperboard, exchange rate, and competition on the global paperboard market. Export liner prices are affected by these factors to a greater extent than other grades. Corrugated medium prices usually follow quite closely the linerboard prices; therefore one would expect that the accuracy of the linerboard and corrugated medium forecasts would not differ a lot (see Figure 16). But in the first quarter of 1996 the price of corrugated medium is significantly 48 over-forecasted as well as in the first and second quarter of 1997. During these periods of time corrugated and linerboard prices plummet down and forecasts of both grades fail to predict such an abrupt decrease in the prices. For some reason, corrugated medium forecast is much more inaccurate – its MAPE values for these quarters exceed 45%. 520 470 USD 420 370 320 270 220 170 linerboard corrugating medium Figure 16. Linerboard and Corrugating Medium Monthly Prices (1996-2000) Overall, the performance of the published forecasts appears to be quite accurate for the containerboard and acceptable for unbleached linerboard prices. For nine months ahead forecast the MAPE did not exceed 9% and 15 % for containerboard and unbleached linerboard prices respectively. For export liner and corrugated medium forecasts cannot be accessed as reasonably reliable. 49 When percentages are converted to dollar values the MAPE of the third quarter ahead forecast on average constitutes $80 6 for the price of export liner and $90 for corrugated medium. Such deviations are too significant to rely on in long-term planning. Therefore, the goal of our forecasting project is to improve the forecast accuracy by employing advanced forecasting techniques. 4.3 Comparison with the Published Forecasts We use some common forecasting techniques to predict price movements. For the comparability of results, the forecasting analysis in this part is performed for the same time span and forecasting horizons as in the published forecasts. For the purpose of such an exercise we limit the scope of our examination to unbleached linerboard. Simple forecasting techniques - nonseasonal HoltWinter method - as well as more advanced ones, such as the univariate ARIMA approach and multivariate VAR model, are applied to the log value of the existing data. 7 Based on these models, the sequence of the out-of-sample forecasts is produced for all quarters within the period from 1996 to 2000. The results of the published and produced forecasts are represented in Table 11. MRSE and MAPE are calculated for each forecasting horizon. Often these forecast error produce contradictory results measurements Often In this case both forecast error produce contradictory results. In our case different models forecast evaluations produced by MRSE and MAPE coincide. Average export liner and corrugated medium prices over the period 1996 to 1999 are multiplied by the value of the average MAPE over the same period. 7 Price of delivered unbleached kraft linerboard (42-lb), published in Pulp and Paper Week (PPW) edition, is used as the actual price in forecasting. 6 50 Table 11. Different Forecasting Methods Comparison (unbleached linerboard) Method MRSE MAPE 1-Step 2-Step 3-Step 1-Step 2-Step 3-Step 48.63 64.09 73.67 10.66 13.00 14.44 Published forecasts Holt-Winter ARIMA VAR 32.78 27.22 30.08 69.15 48.36 49.94 115.11 62.75 58.33 7.71 6.28 5.98 15.09 10.67 10.36 23.07 13.67 12.68 The results show that simple exponential smoothing (Holt-Winter) method outperforms the published one-step ahead forecast but fails to improve the accuracy for the longer horizons. More complicated techniques render more USD accurate results in all horizons (see Charts 17-21). 670 620 570 520 470 420 370 320 270 220 170 96/1 96/3 97/1 PPW 97/3 98/1 1-Step 98/3 99/1 2-Step 99/3 00/1 3-Step Figure 17. Linerboard Price and ARIMA Model Forecasts 51 00/3 670 620 570 520 USD 470 420 370 320 270 220 170 96/1 96/3 97/1 97/3 98/1 98/3 99/1 PPW 1-Step date 2-Step 99/3 00/1 3-Step 00/3 Figure 18. Linerboard Price and VAR Model Forecasts. USD 500 400 300 200 96/1 96/3 97/1 97/3 98/1 98/3 PPW date 1-Step Holt-Winter 1-Step ARIMA 99/1 99/3 00/1 00/3 1-Step Forecaster 1-Step VAR Figure 19. Linerboard Price and One-step Ahead Forecasts. 52 600 USD 500 400 300 200 96/1 96/3 97/1 97/3 PPW 2-Step Holt-Winter 2-Step ARIMA 98/1 98/3 99/1 99/3 00/1 00/3 2-Step Forecaster 2-Step VAR date USD Figure 20. Linerboard Price and Two-step Ahead Forecasts 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 96/1 96/3 97/1 97/3 PPW 3-Step Holt-Winter 3-Step ARIMA 98/1 98/3 date 99/1 99/3 00/1 00/3 3-Step Forecaster 3-Step VAR Figure 21. Linerboard Price and Three-step Ahead Forecasts The difference between the ARIMA and VAR forecasts is insignificant. On average, the MAPE is lower by 4.5, 2.5, and 1.25 percentage points for the one-, two-, and three-step ahead forecasts respectively than for the published forecasts. When the MAPE error percentages are converted into dollar values, 53 they constitute as much as $22 per short ton improvement of the one stepahead forecast in the fourth quarter of 2000. All three methods can be employed in order to predict price movements. If there is a need to produce simple and cheap short-term forecast, especially in case when prices have not been changing significantly during several months prior to the starting point of the forecast, exponential smoothing method can be used. The VAR and ARIMA approaches require specialized computer software and knowledge of the methodology, and as a result they tend to produce more accurate forecasts in most cases. 4.4 Forecast for 2003-2005 Our previous investigation of forecast models performance points out that both exponential smoothing and VAR models are likely to produce reliable price forecasts. Unfortunately, monthly data on inventory is available only up to December 1999. Hence, in order to produce forecast for next up to year 2005 we can not the VAR model. Instead of VAR, we will use the ARIMA technique. Figure 22 presents the ARIMA and exponential smoothing forecasts from April 2003 to December 2005. Interestingly, the two models predict quite different directions or price behavior (see Table 12). Exponential smoothing nonseasonal Holt-Winters incorporates recent downward trend and points out at a gradual decrease in price during next two years. In contrast, the ARIMA takes into account historical price behavior and points at possible increases in linerboard prices. 54 575 525 USD 475 425 375 325 275 1995 1996 1997 1998 linerboard price 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 exp. smoothing forecast ARIMA forecast Figure 22. Linerboard Price Forecast for 2003-2005 Table 12. Forecast for 2003-2005 Exp. smoothing ARIMA 2003:02 422,55 422,64 2003:03 418,88 422,63 2003:04 415,20 423,65 2004:01 411,53 425,07 2004:02 407,86 426,63 2004:03 404,18 428,24 2004:04 400,51 429,87 2005:01 396,83 431,50 2005:02 393,16 433,13 2005:03 389,49 434,77 2005:04 385,81 436,40 55 CHAPTER 5. Inventory and Price Changes 5.1 Introduction Despite the amount of attention devoted to the study of short-run price and output adjustments in response to demand and cost shocks, the role of inventory in this process is not well understood. Understanding the effect of inventories on price and production movements can help both producers and consumers to predict price changes, and facilitate production planning and inventory management. Theory implies that the smaller is industry inventory stock the higher is the aggregate price/output level and vice versa. A number of short-run economic models assert that short-term quantitative output adjustments are more apparent than short-term price adjustments. However, empirical studies have produced mixed results with regard to inventory-price/output relationship. The purpose of this research is to study the role of inventory in price/output adjustment in short-run, based on the discrete choice methodology, time series, and panel data on the US containerboard industry. In particular, we estimate the effect of previous month’s inventories on the probability of price increase or decrease. The results will provide information on the possible asymmetry of price adjustment. In addition, we also estimate response in output to previous inventory level. By comparing the relative probability of price change vs. output change, we will be able to gain some insight on the relative flexibility of prices and output in response to inventory changes in short-run. 56 The Chapter is organized as follows. In Section 5.2 we provide a detailed review of methodology and existing studies in this area. In Section 5.3, we describe the data and define direction of Granger causality. Further, we discuss empirical results. And finally, we summarize and indicate the directions for future research. 5.2 Literature Review Prices versus output flexibility argument originated from the fact that neither Marshalian (assuming fixed quantities in a short run) nor Keynesian (fixed prices in the short run) did not seem to be realistic. A number of short-run economic models have been developed in the 1970’s assuming that short-term quantitative adjustments are much more apparent than short-term price adjustments (Barro and Grossman (1971), Malinvaud (1977)). Most of the discussion on the role of inventory in the price and output adjustment process has been focused around the model of the monopolistic competitive firm holding inventory of finished goods and facing convex production and inventory carrying costs. Significant amount of research addresses the price-inventories relation ships at aggregate level. Ekstein and Fromm (1968) suggest one of the first insights on the role of inventories in price formation. The derived price equation for an oligopolistic industry incorporates both cost and demand variables, such as unit labor cost, material input prices, operating rate and inventory disequilibrium variable. Utilizing the US data aggregated at industry level they discover that price and output levels change in response to changes in cost and demand factors. 57 Lagged inventory disequilibrium variable is significant and has an expected sign in most of the equations. Tests for asymmetries in pricing show some evidence in support of the proposition that prices have a greater tendency to increase than decrease. Hay (1970) takes different approach and makes an attempt to present “integrated” model of firm behavior, in which decisions on all relevant variables – price, inventory, and production- are assumed to result from a single optimization process 8 . The major assumption is that decisions on these variables should be treated as simultaneous and interdependent. The system of linear equations for price, inventory, and production variables is derived and estimated using data for the US lumber and paper industries. In both price and output equations the lagged inventory variable has the expected negative sign and appears to be highly significant except for the output equation for the lumber industry 9 . Hay’s study also addresses price and output reaction to the impact of unit increase in demand. His finding is that for both industries price change plays a small role in absorbing a temporary increase in demand in comparison to output. Following Hay (1970), Venieris (1973) investigates concurrent changes in price and inventory behavior. He points out that most of the models that have been utilized in previous studies have not allowed for a feedback process between prices and quantities in case of the demand change. Venieris (1973) estimates three equations system depicting demand, supply, and price adjustment relations for durable and non-durable industries. Contrary to Hay To our knowledge Baudin (2001) is the only study that follows and further develops Hay’s (1970) framework using VAR technique. 9 In this equation inventory coefficient is significant at 15% level. 8 58 (1970), he estimates all equations simultaneously using the 2SLS procedure. The results show that if the desirable level of inventories is larger than the actual level, it leads to positive increases in price and output levels and vise versa. The results also clearly indicate that the sensitivity of prices in the case of positive excess demand is larger than in the case of negative excess demand for both industries. McFetridge (1973) utilizes a simple industry mark-up model incorporating cost and demand variables to study the determinants of pricing behavior of the Canadian textile industry. Excessive demand variable in case of the industry producing purely to stock is introduced as the difference between actual and desired inventories. The coefficient of this variable has an expected negative sign and is significant at 1% level. Testing of an asymmetric price response to changes in demand factors results in rejection of the asymmetry of pricing behavior hypothesis. It means that the rate of price change is proportionate to the rates of changes that lead to excess or deficient demand. Contrary to the above-mentioned studies, which do not suggest any treatment of possible aggregation bias, Maccini (1976) addresses aggregation issue directly. He comes up with a theoretical model that can be used to analyze the short-run dynamics of an average price level and total output and interpret the aggregate behavior of prices and output. Solving firm’s optimization problem and further constructing an aggregate model Maccini (1976) shows that the optimal aggregate behavioral relationships for price and output can be expressed as a function of aggregate stock of inventories, estimated or expected average price level, expected level of aggregate demand (sales), and expected money wage rate. The model implies that the 59 smaller is the industry inventory stock, the higher is the aggregate price level. In addition, an increase in the expected level of aggregate sales will induce price rises. The same is applicable to the aggregate output level. Maccini (1976) mentions that previous empirical studies on price behavior have been dominated by the use of the markup models, which essentially assert that prices are set as some markups over unit labor costs, where the markup is affected by a variety of demand-pressure factors. The drawback of the markup approach is that it fails to explain how demand factors should affect prices. The advantage of the model developed in this paper is that it not only tracks the influence of cost-push factors on prices but also incorporates the demand factors that stem from a sound theoretical framework. In effect such demand factors are indicative of how optimizing firms respond to changes in inventory levels and growth in anticipated sales. In his two consecutive papers on price behavior published in 1977 and 1978 Maccini further develops the theory introduced in 1976 and introduces separate models for elastic and inelastic prices. The models are fitted to the data from the manufacturing sector of the US economy. The empirical testing shows that inventories appear to have some influence on prices. The estimates of these parameters generally have the right sign but unlike sale variable coefficients they achieve statistical significance only in few cases. All above-mentioned studies have used the data aggregated at least to the industry level. These studies have produced mixed results with regard to the inventory influence on price formation, price-output flexibility, and price asymmetry testing. Some authors tend to explain these controversial findings by 60 the fact that the data aggregated at an industry level could lead to biased results since individual firms’ price changes might cancel each other. The literature we review in the next part of the paper deals with the micro-level data obtained from different business surveys. The following studies analyze firms’ price and quantity decisions using qualitative data. Kawasaki et al (1982) examine two main hypotheses. The first one is that in short run, quantities are more flexible than prices; the second hypothesis is that prices are more sticky downwards than upwards. The short run responsiveness of firm prices and outputs to inventories changes is estimated by utilizing monthly German industry data, which includes firms’ own appraisal of prices, production, and lagged inventory levels. All variables are qualitative. Conditional multivariate logit model is employed to explain the effect of the independent variable on the probability of the price/production change. Even though it is possible to estimate separate models for price and output the authors suggest utilizing a joint model. They argue that this approach allows them to take into account the correlation between price and output due to some omitted variables. As a result of two-stage estimation procedure gamma coefficients are calculated which summarize the ceteris paribus bivariate interaction between independent variable and each dependent variable. The results show that firms react to inventory disequilibrium within one month with both price and output changes. Each firm seems to change its output whenever there is inventory disequilibrium, but changes its price only when disequilibrium persists long enough that changes in demand or cost seem to be permanent. Therefore, we can conclude that persistence in price levels is not necessarily caused by 61 collusion between producers. With regard to the asymmetric price adjustment hypothesis, no evidence is found that prices are more flexible downwards than upwards. Kawasaki et al (1983) further investigate price versus output flexibility issue without utilizing inventory variable. A testable corollary of the Kirman-Sobel theorem 10 for industries producing differentiated products is developed and applied to the German industry survey data. The data contains qualitative information on price, production, and expected sales levels as well as the information on the expected changes in the business conditions that ends up being used as a proxy for changes in long-run demand. This paper also provides empirical evidence supporting the proposition that firms tend to change both price and output in response to permanent changes in demand, but only output in response to a transitory change in the demand. Carlson and Dunkelberg (1989) utilize the data on US Quarterly Economic Survey of Small Businesses and estimate the ordered probit model for the probability of the price and employment change depending on inventory, cost, and sales variables. They determine that no systematic relationship emerge between price changes and inventory investment. The demand and inventory investment variables are more consistently positive and significant in the employment regressions than in the price regressions. Therefore, the authors This theorem basically implies the following testable hypothesis: 1) A firm will change the price it charges in response to a demand change only if it perceives the demand change to be permanent; and 2). A firm will change its output to any change in demand. 10 62 state that this result is supportive of the Keynesian notion that output and employment respond more quickly to demand change than do prices. Carlson and Dunkelberg (1989) also discover that price changes are positively and significantly correlated with the previous period price changes. They consider this finding as supportive of the notion of sticky prices in the sense that initial price responses to new demand and cost information are slow and once set in one period, the price motions tend to linger through the next one. McIntosh et al (1993) is, to our knowledge, the most recent study investigating the role of inventories in price/output changes. Similar to Carlson and Dunkelberg (1989) they include cost and demand variable as well as lagged inventory variable in the model. The authors utilize qualitative information on changes in production, prices, inventories, and on changes in expected and actual demand and cost contained in six business surveys collected by the Confederation of the British Industry. Theoretically the model describes monopolistically competitive firm that holds inventory of its finished goods and is subject to cost and demand shocks. Two different methods are employed for estimation: bivariate probit model for prices and output and semiparametric regression method. McIntosh et al (1993) point out that the reason for doing this is to make sure that the obtained results are robust and are not an artifact of the specific estimation method chosen. The results of both regression approaches indicate that the past level of inventories is not an important determinant of production and price changes. This finding is consistent with Maccini’s (1977, 1978) and Kawasaki’s (1982) results. The authors also suggest that anticipated demand shocks constitute the driving variable for output 63 changes, while both cost and demand shocks affect pricing decisions. The general results show that firm’s appraisals of the adequacy of inventories appear to be significant determinants of output plans and less often of price plans. Our study differs from the above-mentioned studies in several important ways. First, the discrete variables that we use in our estimation are based on real values of price and output levels that have been observed on the market, whereas in previous papers they reflected firms’ qualitative appraisals of their future price and output plans. Second, our independent variables are not categorical. Therefore, we avoid a bias that may exist in the estimation of the models where both dependent and independent variables are qualitative (see Ronning and Kukuk (1996)). And finally, we utilize standard logit procedure as well as fixed effect logit for panel data. The latter method has not been used in previous studies and it allows us to deal with possible heterogeneity and autocorrelation problems and therefore correct for possible bias in the estimation procedure. 5.2 Relationship between Price, Production, and Inventory The main goal of our study is to model the relationship between price, production, and inventory using discrete choice model approach. One of the requirements for the estimation to be valid is the stationarity of the data. Hence, before conducting the estimation, we need to check if the data are stationary. If the data appear to be stationary we can further conduct the Granger causality test which shows the direction of Granger causality between variables 64 of interest and determines whether the past values of one variable help explain the current value of another. 5.2.1 Data Monthly data cover the period from January 1980 to December 1999 (total 240 observations). For the analysis we use monthly data on price, production, and inventory for linerboard, corrugating medium, and recycled containerboard (see Appendix A for the full list of the variables). Figures 23-24 allow us to visually examine the relationship between the variables of interest. According to the charts, there is a negative correlation between inventories and price (production) variables. Increase in inventories stock is likely to cause the decrease in price and production rate. Price and production adjustments do not take place instantly. There is a time lag between these two variables and inventories changes. The lag length varies depending on the point of the time interval. 550 2400 500 2200 450 2000 400 1800 350 1600 300 1400 250 200 80 1200 82 84 86 88 90 k iner boar d pr ice 92 94 96 98 t ot al inv ent or y Figure 23. Price and Inventories at Mills and Box Plants 65 40 2400 2200 35 2000 30 1800 25 1600 20 15 80 1400 1200 82 84 86 88 90 lin e r b o a r d p r o d u c tio n 92 94 96 98 to ta l in v e n to r ie s Figure 24. Production and Inventories at Mills and Box Plants 5.2.2 Granger Causality Testing According to Granger (1969), the question of whether one time series causes another can be answered as follows - X1 is said to be Granger caused by X2, if the past values of X2 help in the prediction of X1, or equivalently, if the coefficients on the lagged values of X2 are statistically significant. Using this definition, an econometric implementation of the Granger-causality test can be conducted in the following way. First, we estimate: X1t = α 0 + α 1 X1t −1 + α 2 X1t − 2 + ... + α p X t − p + β 1 X 2t −1 + β 2 X 2t − 2 + ... + β p X 2t − p + ε (23) by OLS. Then, we conduct an F-test of the null hypothesis H0: β0=β1=β2….=βp. If the null is rejected, X2 does not Granger cause X1. A few issues should be noted in carrying out the Granger causality test. First, it is a bivariate test and thus must be used between two time series. Second, the test is normally interpreted as a test whether one variable helps forecast another, rather than a test of whether 66 one variable causes another. Therefore, Granger causality measures precedence and information content but does not itself indicate causality. Also, bidirectional or two-way causality case is quite frequent. Finally, since the results of the causality tests can be sensitive to the choice of the lag length (p) we need to determine statistically and practically sensible number of lags included in the model. The number might be different from the number of lags used in the unit root testing since in this case not one but two variables are included in the test equation. To identify the number of the lags included in the model usually a number of different criteria can be used - likelihood ratio statistics, finite prediction error, Akaike, Schwartz, and Hannan-Quinn criterion. The problem is that these criteria often point out at different lag length and consequently lead to contradictory results. We choose to utilize the SIC criterion since it tends to point out the most parsimonious models. In our case, the SIC criterion indicates that one lag should be included in price/inventory Granger and product/inventory test equation should contain two lags. The results of Granger test for the level data neither reject nor strongly support the hypothesis that inventory causes changes in other variables levels. It turns out that there is a bi-directional causality between lagged inventory/price and lagged inventory/production variables 11 . But when we utilize price and lagged inventory change (growth) variable, instead of the level values, lagged inventories are found to significantly help explain changes in current price and production level fluctuations. 11 Contrary to that, neither price, nor production Results are the same for not-seasonally adjusted and deseasonalized data. 67 growth variables Granger cause inventory movements. The results of the tests are consistent with Toppinen et al (1996) results. Their study focused on the relationship between Finnish pulp export prices and international pulp inventories. They found that Granger causality existed from inventory to price but not vice versa. 5.3 Econometric Model and Estimation Results Since dependent variable in this analysis is dichotomous, the use of the OLS regression in order to analyze the probability of price/output change would be inappropriate as it may predict values outside the [0;1] interval. Hence, first we utilize logit model for this purpose. We start with the examination of linerboard. The dependent variables, “price change” and “production change,” are dichotomous having value “1” when the current price, or production level, increases from the previous month and “0” it decreases 12 . For both dependent variables two models are estimated. The first model contains only previous month’s inventory level as the independent variable. The subsequent models also include demand and cost variables – previous month’s sales level and pulp producer price index. Since we discovered seasonality in inventories and production time series, the data are deseasonalized by using the X12 method. The logit model is estimated for both seasonally adjusted and non-adjusted data. In the latter case seasonal dummy variables are added in the model. The results are reported in Tables 13-17 13 . The discrete price and production variables were created using level data on linerboard price and production. 13 The results so far are presented only for the first panel. 12 68 The linerboard data proves that inventory plays an important role in short run price adjustment. As expected, in almost all of the estimated models signs of the coefficients show that there is negative correlation between price level and inventories. prices. Increases in lagged sales, on the contrary, leads to increases in The sales’ coefficients are also statistically significant at least at 5% significance level. Finally, no evidence is found that linerboard prices are more flexible downwards than upwards. The magnitude and statistical significance of the inventory and sales variables are similar for the probability of both price increase and decrease. Table 13. Logit Model Estimation Results (not seasonally adjusted) Variable Lagged inventories Price increase -0.0007521 Price increase -0.0016824 Price increase -0.0011877 -3.4775461 -3.7667111 0.0012112 2.4031684 -2.5049803 0.0017722 3.2607252 Lagged sales Table 14. Logit Model Estimation Results (not seasonally adjusted) Variable Lagged inventories Price decrease 8.771E-05 0.5953584 Lagged sales 69 Price decrease 0.0010606 2.9648202 -0.0013562 -3.0182089 Price decrease 0.0010720 2.9107580 -0.0013332 -2.7606404 Table 15. Logit Model Estimation Results (seasonally adjusted) Variable Lagged inventories Price increase 5.94E-05 1.391756 Lagged sales Price increase -0.00053 -1.9473 0.00082 2.19598 Price increase -0.0003406 -1.1719061 0.0010832 2.7230387 Table 16. Logit Model Estimation Results (not seasonally adjusted) Variable Lagged inventories Prod. increase 0.000534 3.004954 Lagged sales Prod. increase 0.000313 0.824612 0.000301 0.656354 Prod. increase 0.0004088 1.0178723 0.0004264 0.8710973 Table 17. Logit Model Estimation Results (seasonally adjusted) Variable Lagged inventories Prod. increase 4.94E-05 1.156287 Lagged sales Prod. increase -0.0003 -1.09733 0.000477 1.305304 Prod. increase -0.0002576 -0.8996579 0.0005226 1.3599457 However, these results seem to be only partly satisfactory. Not one of the models estimated with production change as the dependent variable renders statistically significant results. It might indicate that inventory, demand, and cost factors play less important role in production level adjustments than in price adjustments. Yet, this would contradict the well-known hypothesis that in short run quantities are more flexible than prices. In order to assure that the results are robust and not biased we further proceed with the estimation of fixed effect logit model utilizing the panel data methodology, which allows correction for unobserved heterogeneity and lack of independence across observations. 70 Appendix A shows that the panel data utilized in the estimation comprise two main containerboard grades – linerboard and corrugating medium. As we can see from the estimation results (see Tables 18-21) inventory coefficients in all models have an expected negative sign and are statistically significant at 5% level. The sign of the coefficient also proves that an increase in previous month’s inventory level diminishes the probability of an increase in price and output levels and vice versa. The demand variable, previous month’s sales level, is also significant in all models. The magnitude of the coefficients is consistently smaller than of the inventory variable. It may indicate that changes in inventory levels play a more important role in price changes than increases or decreases in sales. Table 18. Fixed Effect Logit Model Estimation Results for Panel Data (NSA) Variable (seas. dd.) Price increase Price increase Lagged inventories -.0023913 -2.65 -0039899 -3.80 .0026902 3.25 Lagged sales Price increase -.003982 -3.79 .0027462 3.29 Table 19. Fixed Effect Logit Model for Panel Data (NSA) Variable Price decrease Lagged inventories .0080552 7.11 Lagged sales 71 Price decrease .0089036 7.07 -.001413 -1.83 Price decrease .0088793 7.06 -.0014425 -1.86 Table 20. Fixed Effect Logit Model Estimation Results for Panel Data (SA) Variable Lagged inventories Price increase -.0050559 -6.37 Lagged sales Price increase -.0058152 -6.53 .0011952 2.06 Price increase -.0055102 -6.04 .0016912 2.80 Price increase -.0044197 -4.76 .0014415 2.36 Table 21. Fixed Effect Logit Model Estimation Results for Panel Data (SA) Variable Lagged inventories Prod. increase -.0012764 -2.24 Prod. increase -.0017456 -2.63 .0007315 1.37 Lagged sales Prod. increase -.0016462 -2.47 .0008398 1.54 Prod. increase -.0019714 -2.78 .0009534 1.73 Estimation of non-adjusted data with monthly dummy variables added in the model allows for testing the asymmetric price adjustment hypothesis. As we can see from the estimation results, the inventories’ coefficients are significant in the models estimating probability of both price increases and decreases. Yet the magnitude of the inventory parameter is consistently smaller in the models estimating the probability of upward price movements. These findings show that in containerboard industry we might have reverse case of the price asymmetry when price is more flexible downward than upward. Finally, we test the hypothesis that short-term quantitative adjustments are more apparent than short-term price adjustments. Interestingly, we find that linerboard and corrugating medium price level changes play a greater role in absorbing temporary increases in demand. The coefficients of inventory and 72 sales variables are much larger in the models estimating the probability of price changes than those in the models of probability of output changes. 73 CONCLUSION This study is an attempt to examine simple and advanced forecasting methods performance while modeling linerboard price behavior. The comparison of out of sample forecast performance for 2000 shows that Holt-Winters exponential smoothing renders adequate performance in short term forecast. In long term forecasting, the VAR model not only does better than all other techniques, but also outperforms published forecasts by demonstrating a significantly improved accuracy. The ARIMA model forecasts are also quite close to those of Holt- Winters method and VAR. Inconclusive results of the study could be explained by the haphazard pattern of linerboard price behavior. Due to the complicated nature of price movement, or when abrupt price changes are followed by prolonged periods of no change, it is not feasible to agree on one best model. Under these circumstances forecast performance strongly depend on particular time periods, for which forecasts are produced as well as on forecasting horizon. Hence, mixed forecasts, combining different techniques, are likely to render better results in price forecasting in containerboard industry. Further, the influence of inventory on probability of price/output changes, price vs. output flexibility, and price asymmetry is investigated. According to our results, inventories render significant influence on the probability of price changes. The inventory coefficients are highly significant and have consistently expected signs. Also, quite unexpectedly we discover that in containerboard 74 industry prices are more responsive to changes in demand than output. It means that the industry tends to keep prices at planned levels and adjust output in short run. Finally, prices demonstrate upward, and not downward, stickiness. In future research we would like to further examine containerboard industry price movements by analyzing corrugating medium and recycled linerboard price behavior. Standard univariate and multivariate techniques as well as mixed forecast will be utilized for this purpose. Aggregation bias is one of the issues that we are going to address with regard to the second part of the paper. Finally, further data collection is necessary to add new grades for panel data estimation that allows for better checks of data robustness. 75 APPENDIX A. Variables Description Panel 1. Delivered price Production Inventory Export Sales Description Linerboard Unbleached kraft linerboard #42 Total linerboard domestic and export production Total linerboard inventory at mills and box plants Total linerboard export Pulp PPI Total linerboard sales calculated as: production – export – Δ in total inventories. Softwood pulp PPI (base – December 1982) Delivered price Corrugating medium Corrugating medium #26 Production Inventory Export Sales Pulp PPI Total corrugating medium domestic and export production Total corrugating medium inventory at mills and box plants Total corrugating medium export Total corrugating medium sales calculated as: production – export – Δ in total inventories. Hardwood pulp PPI (base – December 1982) Unit USD/short ton 1000 short ton 1000 short ton 1000 short ton 1000 short ton USD/short ton 1000 short ton 1000 short ton 1000 short ton 1000 short ton Panel 2. Linerboard. PPI Production Mill inventory Linerboard Total linerboard domestic and export production Linerboard inventory at mills Export Total linerboard export Sales Total linerboard sales calculated as: production – export – Δ in mill inventories index 1000 short ton 1000 short ton 1000 short ton 1000 short ton Corrugating medium. Corrugating medium Total corrugating medium domestic and index 1000 short PPI Production 76 Mill inventory export production Corrugating medium inventory at mills Export Total corrugating medium export Sales Total corrugating medium sales calculated as: production – export – Δ in mill inventories. PPI Production Mill inventory Sales Recycled containerboard Recycled containerboard Recycled containerboard domestic production Recycled containerboard inventory at mills Recycled containerboard sales calculated as: domestic production – Δ in mill inventories. 77 ton 1000 short ton 1000 short ton 1000 short ton index 1000 short ton 1000 short ton 1000 short ton REFERENCES Alavalapati, J., Admowicz W., and M. Luckert (1997). “A Cointegration Analysis of Canadian Wood Pulp Prices”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 79, pp. 975-986. Akaike, H. (1969). “Fitting autoregressive models for prediction”, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 21, pp. 243-247. Arstrong, J.S., and F. Collopy (1992). “Error measures for generalizing about forecasting methods: Empirical comparisons”, International Journal of Forecasting 8, pp. 69-80. Barro, R. and H. Crossman (1971). “A General Disequilibrium Model of Income and Employment”, American Economic Review, 62, pp. 82-93. 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