2nd Grade E Exceeding Grade Level Standards The student exceeds grade level expectations by independently applying and utilizing concepts and skills. M Meeting Grade Level Standards The student consistently meets grade level expectations for concepts and skills. P Approaching Grade Level Standards The student is progressing and demonstrates basic but inconsistent application of essential knowledge and skills. L Not Making Sufficient Progress Towards Grade Level Standards The student demonstrates limited understanding of concepts and skills. NA Indicates that standards were not addressed this grading period. Term 1 2 3 LANGUAGE ARTS Standards Reading: Literature, Foundational Skills and Informational Text RI.2.10 RF.2.4 RL.2.10 The student can read and comprehend second grade level texts. Foundational Skills RF.2.3 The student applies second grade level phonics and word analysis skills when reading. RF.2.4 The student can read second grade level texts orally with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. L.2.4 The student can use strategies (context clues and root words) to determine meaning of vocabulary words. Literature NCSD Last Revision 5.16.13 2nd Grade RL.2.2 The student can retell stories using key details and information. RL.2.1 The student can identify the main idea of a text. RL.2.3 The student can describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges. RL.2.9 The student can compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story. Informational Text RI.2.5 The student can identify text features (e.g., glossary and caption) to identify key information in a text. RI.2.9 The student can compare and contrast the most important key details from two texts on the same topic. Standards Writing: Text Types and Purposes W.2.1 W.2.2 W.2.3 The student can write about a focused topic. W.2.1 W.2.2 W.2.3 The student’s writing has an introduction, sequenced events/examples, linking words and a conclusion. W.2.1 W.2.2 W.2.3 The student can use facts, definitions, reasons and details (actions, thoughts, and feelings) to support their topic. W.2.1 W.2.2 The student can use precise language, including adjectives and verbs, to enhance meaning. NCSD Last Revision 5.16.13 2nd Grade W.2.3 Conventions and Grammar L.2.1 The student can demonstrate correct usage of irregular plural nouns (e.g., feet, children) and irregular verbs (e.g., sat, told). L.2.2 The student can correctly use capitals with proper nouns. L.2.2 The student can use an apostrophe to form contractions and frequently occurring possessives (e.g., The girl’s house.). L.2.2 The student uses resources such as a beginning dictionary or knowledge of spelling patterns to correctly spell words. Technology W.2.6 The student can use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, with support from peers and adults. Standards Speaking and Listening: Comprehension, Collaboration and Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas SL.2.1 SL.2.2 SL.2.3 The student can participate in discussions, recount ideas from information presented orally, and ask and answer questions in order to clarify comprehension. SL.2.4 SL.2.5 The student can present information with appropriate facts, adding additional media as appropriate. Standards NCSD Last Revision 5.16.13 MATH 2nd Grade Math Problem Solving 2.OA.1 Making Sense of the Task: The student understands a word problem and can identify one or more mathematical strategies that will lead to a solution. 2.OA.1 Representing and Solving the Task: The student selects and uses models, pictures, diagrams and/or symbols to represent and solve the task. 2.0A.1 Communicating Reasoning: The student can clearly communicate mathematical thinking using appropriate mathematical vocabulary. 2.0A.1 Accuracy: The student finds the correct solution and shows work that supports the answer. 2.0A.1 Reflecting and Evaluating: The student can evaluate the answer and determine if it makes sense. Operations and Algebraic Thinking 2.0A.2 The student can add and subtract fluently within 20. 2.0A.1 The student can represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 100. 2.OA.3 The student can work with equal groups of objects to prepare for multiplication. Number and Operations in Base Ten 2.NBT.1 2.NBT.2 2.NBT.3 The student can use place value (groups of ones, tens, and hundreds) to represent and compare numbers up to 1000. 2.NBT.6 2.NBT.7 The student can add and subtract within 1000 using place value strategies. NCSD Last Revision 5.16.13 2nd Grade Measurement and Data 2.MD.1 2.MD.2 2.MD.3 The student can measure and estimate lengths using units such as inches, feet, centimeters and meters. 2.MD.5 The student can relate addition and subtraction to length. 2.MD.7 The student can tell and write time to the nearest five minutes using analog and digital clocks. 2.MD.8 The student can solve word problems involving money. Geometry 2.G.2 2.G.3 The student can divide circles and rectangles into two, three or four equal parts. SCIENCE The student shows an understanding of the motion of the sun and moon and seasonal temperature patterns. The student shows an understanding of the the habits and life cycles of plants and animals. The student shows an understanding of magnetic forces. The student can explore the natural world by collecting observations and data. NCSD Last Revision 5.16.13 2nd Grade HEALTH The student shows an understanding of healthy living and prevention of disease, alcohol, tobacco and other drug use. SOCIAL SCIENCE The student shows an understanding of civics and government, economics, geography and history. ART The student participates in class discussions and activities. The student demonstrates skills taught in class. CHARACTERISTICS OF A SUCCESSFUL LEARNER Personal Management Works neatly, carefully and strives for personal best. Works independently and uses his/her time wisely. Actively listens well and follows directions. Tries to work through a difficult situation. NCSD Last Revision 5.16.13 2nd Grade Active Participation Actively participates, shows interest and asks questions. Social Responsibility Demonstrates respect for self, others, authority and property. Follows school expectations and solves problems appropriately. Works with others toward a common purpose. PE Self Management and Social Responsibility (Characteristics of a Successful Learner) The student actively participates. The student demonstrates responsible behavior and respect for differences among people during physical activities. Movement/Motor Skills (Proficiency System) The student demonstrates motor skills in a variety of physical activities. MUSIC Active Participation (Characteristics of a Successful Learner) The student actively participates. Knowledge and Skills (Proficiency System for Content Area) NCSD Last Revision 5.16.13 2nd Grade The student demonstrates musical knowledge of beat and rhythm notation and basic musical form. The student demonstrates musical skllls in vocal development, reading and performing rhythms, playing classroom instruments and movement. NCSD Last Revision 5.16.13