Acquiring customers faster with advanced services

Acquiring customers
faster with advanced
BH Telecom offers customizable cloud environments
delivered quickly and efficiently with advanced
network management capabilities.
“With our new BH Telecom Private Cloud, we’re able to meet
the diverse needs of more customers.”
- Emir Fazlinovic, Manager of Application Development, BH Telecom
With a growing number of technical centers and startups setting up shop in
Bosnia and Herzegovina, the demand for service provider–class hosting and
cloud services is strong.
• Expand services with advanced hosting
• Deliver flexible and secure cloud environments
and services
• Accelerate deployment to enable growth
The largest telecommunications provider in Bosnia and Herzegovina, BH
Telecom, is a state-run company that delivers telephone, mobile, and Internet
access to millions of individual and business users. BH Telecom wanted
to offer its customers greater value by packaging cloud hosting and other
advanced services alongside more traditional telecommunication solutions.
“Our customers were looking for services like load balancing, high security, and
reliable backups,” says Emir Fazlinovic, manager of Application Development at
BH Telecom. “We were offering virtualized platforms as a managed service. Now
we can also provide service customization to meet customers’ specific needs.”
Although BH Telecom considered open-source-provisioning software to
increase speeds, the service provider needed a solution correctly integrated with
all of its data center solutions for more flexible deployment and management.
Case Study | BH Telecom
Size: 3,500 Employees
Location: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
© 2015 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Industry: Telecommunications
BH Telecom launches a secure private
cloud and centralizes management with
Cisco® technologies.
• Deployed Cisco UCS® Director to automate
provisioning and enable self-servicing
• Consolidated data centers using Cisco Unified
Data Center solutions as the standard
Generating business from new customers
BH Telecom created the BH Telecom private cloud, extending its virtual
capacities to customers who require hosting services.
These range from developers needing a staging
or production environment to full-scale, private
data center services for enterprises to host their
own solutions. BH Telecom is onboarding 15
percent more new customers each month to its
private cloud.
Delivering complex services at reduced costs
“Cisco UCS Director simplifies platforms with automated workflows so that we
can deliver complex services quickly and consistently provision virtual, physical,
or hybrid environments,” says Amer Zec, lead engineer at BH Telecom. “We also
expect to cut our hosting-solution-licensing costs by 45 percent.”
Fast, self-service provisioning
Working with the Cisco UCS Director portal, BH Telecom’s customers can
allocate resources with just a few clicks. Virtual machines and services are
provisioned in minutes instead of days.
High efficiency and productivity
BH Telecom can provision resources to its customers in a matter of days instead
of weeks—for 20 percent less than its competitors. And since BH Telecom’s IT
teams no longer deploy resources manually, they can spend more time optimizing
network performance and developing new services.
Holistic management
With a broad view of the environment, BH Telecom uses Cisco UCS Director to
provide customers with data such as utilization heat maps and accounting data.
From a single pane, BH Telecom teams can view and manage all components of
the data center from Cisco servers and networks to EMC storage and VMware
virtual environments.
© 2015 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
• Boosted competitive edge by accelerating
• Ability to attract new customers for increased
• Enhanced customer control for better business
Shattering preconceptions
BH Telecom plans to use Cisco UCS Director for future cloud services.
“Cisco UCS Director is changing the way that our customers view us,” says
Zec. “Large telecom operators are usually slow to change, but with Cisco
UCS Director, we can be highly responsive and offer flexible services for
competitive prices.”
Products & Services
Data Center
• Cisco UCS B200, B230, and B440
blade servers
Routing and Switching
• Cisco Nexus® 5000 Series Switches
• Cisco Catalyst® 6500 Switches
with Cisco ACE Application Control
Engine Module
Network Management
• Cisco UCS Director Version
• VMware
• Zimbra 8.0.0 GA
• Oracle Communications MetaSolv
• Ericsson Multi Mediation
• Cisco ASA 5500-X Next Generation
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