Consumer decision making styles amongst young generation in Malaysia Abstract

Consumer decision making styles amongst young generation in Malaysia
Recently, the effect of external factors on consumer decision making styles (CDMS) and their importance
to consumer behavior has investigated by some of researchers. There are two main objectives of this
study. Firstly, to examine (CDMS) of young generation in Malaysia; the research used Sproles and
Kendall's (1986) consumer style inventory (CSI) on a sample of 325 Malaysian females and males.
External factors (demographic, geographic and group influence) have been applied to understand
consumer decision making styles. As a result of the factor analysis, four factors found to be the most
suitable representation of young-adults in this study: Novelty, Brand Consciousness; Perfectionist, HighQuality Consciousness; Recreational, Hedonistic Consciousness; Impulsive, Careles Consumer.
Secondly, the research demonstrated that there is a relationship between consumer decision making styles
and purchase intention (PI).