The Cost of High-Powered Incentives: Employee Gaming in Enterprise Software Sales * Ian Larkin Harvard Business School November 20, 2007 DRAFT * I am grateful to George Baker, Max Bazerman, Constanca Esteves, Bob Gibbons, Brian Hall, Bronwyn Hall, David Mowery, David Reiley, Al Roth, Rob Seamans, Jason Snyder, Steve Tadelis, Catherine Wolfram, Oliver Williamson and participants in the Haas School of Business Innovation Seminar and Business and Public Policy Research Seminar for helpful feedback. All mistakes are my own. I thank the Ford Foundation and Harry S. Truman Foundation for graciously providing research funding for this project, and the enterprise software vendor for providing the dataset and for many useful discussions. Address for correspondence: Baker Library 463, Soldiers Field Road, Boston MA 02613 email: 1 The Cost of High-Powered Incentives: Employee Gaming in Enterprise Software Sales It is well known that employees “game” incentive systems designed to motivate effort and retain top performers, sometimes to the detriment of their own employer. However, there are very few detailed empirical studies which document the extent of this gaming, or estimate the cost of this gaming to firms. In this paper, I use a proprietary database of deals sold by a leading enterprise software vendor, together with the incentive system used to compensate salespeople, to demonstrate the scope of incentive system gaming by employees, and the revenue the vendor forgoes due to gaming. Accelerating commissions and quarterly deadlines give salespeople the incentive to concentrate deals into a single quarter, and to avoid making any sales in other quarters. Since the sales cycle is 12-24 months long, salespeople have strong control over the quarter in which sales close. Salespeople also partially control discounts, allowing them to offer lower prices to customers who go along with their preferred deal timing. After documenting some clear patterns of gaming, I use instrumental variable and matching techniques to compare deals that were “gamed” to very similar deals that appear not to have been, and estimate that gaming leads to excess discounts that cost the vendor 6-8% of revenue. This figure is remarkably similar to the 7-8% of revenue the vendor spends directly on salesperson commissions, suggesting the vendor may spend twice what it thinks it does on attracting, motivating and retaining top salespeople. 2 1 Introduction Attracting and retaining highly skilled employees is a key strategic task facing firms. To appeal to and motivate top employees, firms have increasingly turned to high-powered incentive systems, which base compensation on measures of employee output rather than input. The use of stock options to compensate senior executives is the most visible example of a high-powered incentive system, but in many industries, such as high technology and professional services, high-powered incentives determine a significant portion of compensation for nearly every employee on the payroll (Culpepper, 2006). It is well known that high-powered incentives can have perverse consequences, as employees take unforeseen actions to increase their compensation. Such behavior, commonly referred to as “gaming,” can sometimes harm the employer. Some gaming behavior, such as falsifying invoices or backdating stock option grants, is clearly illegal or unethical. However, employees often manipulate incentive systems in straightforward, ethical ways, especially when it is impossible to write a contract specifying all relevant actions or outcomes. One prominent example is the gaming of non-linear, period-based compensation systems, which give employees the incentive to alter the timing of tasks to take advantage of the non-linearity in the compensation schedule. This “timing gaming” (Oyer, 1998) can affect business outcomes by changing revenue flow, pricing, or other key variables in ways beneficial to the employee but detrimental to the firm. While the prevalence of “timing gaming” in the face of non-linear, period-based incentives is wellknown, little is known about the scope or cost of this gaming to employers. Existing empirical studies on “timing gaming” focus on macro-level company data (Oyer, 1998), illegal employee actions (Healy, 1985), or non-business settings (Asch, 1990). In this paper, I use a proprietary database of deals for a leading enterprise software vendor to investigate the extent of “timing gaming” by the vendor’s salespeople, and to measure the cost the vendor incurs due to this gaming in terms of foregone revenue. Like many business-to-business (B2B) technology companies, the vendor compensates salespeople largely on an accelerating commission scale, meaning a salesperson’s commission for the same deal can vary dramatically depending on the quarter in which the deal closes. The sales cycle in enterprise software is usually well over a year, giving 3 salespeople considerable control over the exact quarter in which a deal closes. Since salespeople partially control the level of discount granted to a customer, they have the ability to give the customer a strong incentive – a lower price – to purchase in the quarter preferred by the salesperson. The paper’s empirical results suggest that gaming is widespread and costly to the vendor. In the paper, I first demonstrate that salesperson compensation concerns appear to influence the timing of the large majority of deals in the database. I next use several statistical techniques, including an instrumental variables approach to control for omitted variable bias and matching techniques that are based on “gaming” propensity, to demonstrate that this “timing gaming” results in excess customer discounts representing 68% of vendor revenue, all else held equal. The results are stable across estimation techniques and therefore appear to be statistically robust. Salespeople receive on average 8% of booked revenue in the form of sales commissions, so this result suggests that the incentive system costs the vendor approximately twice what it may think it is spending on salesperson compensation. That the firm bears an additional “indirect” cost to motivate salespeople, above and beyond the commissions it pays them, does not prove that the incentive system is suboptimal. However, the magnitude of this indirect (and hitherto hidden) cost begs the question of why most business-to-business high technology firms use highly non-linear incentives with relatively short deadlines. At a minimum, the level of indirect cost suggested in this paper demonstrates the premium technology firms place on attracting and motivating top employees. More fundamentally, the results may suggest that it is more costly than firms realize to rely on incentive systems that have “always been used” or are common throughout the industry, a rationale commonly given by executives in industry interviews 1 . This paper makes several contributions. It is, to my knowledge, the first paper to use detailed internal sales, employee and incentive system data to estimate the extent and cost of gaming in terms of foregone revenue due to mis-pricing. In this way, it goes beyond the question of “do incentives matter?” to show the extent to which they matter, in 1 Indeed, some enterprise software firms have recently begun to move away from using quarterly deadlines in their salesperson incentives, citing the very gaming costs noted in this paper. These experiences are detailed in the last section of this paper. 4 a business setting. The estimate of the effect on pricing is also novel, in that many theoretical and empirical studies assume that higher employee wages, not excessive discounts to customers, are the primary cost of high-powered incentive systems. Many empirical studies on the perverse impact of incentives focus on illegal or clearly unethical behavior, but this study examines the negative business impact of employees doing exactly what the incentive system asks them to do: make sales. Finally, the results contain some interesting directions for further research, including the interaction between employee and executive incentive systems, the effect of employee tenure on the likelihood that salespeople manipulate the compensation system, and differences in customer participation in the gaming process. The paper is laid out as follows. In the next section, I briefly introduce incentive and sales dynamics in enterprise software and other B2B technology industries. Section three reviews the relevant theoretical and empirical literatures on the use (and misuse) of incentives in organizations. In section four, I build hypotheses on the effect of non-linear, period-based incentive systems on deal timing and pricing. In section five, I review the data, estimation strategy and empirical results. The paper concludes with a discussion of the results in light of the strategic rationale for the incentive system, and briefly examines alternative incentive systems. In the final section I also review the limitations of this study and discuss potential avenues for further research. 2 Institutional background 2.1 Salesperson incentives in enterprise software The enterprise software industry, which produces the server- and mainframe-based applications and software infrastructure that manage and report the vast information flows corporations need for strategic decision making, is an ideal setting in which to study the impact of non-linear, period-based incentive systems. Nearly every enterprise software vendor uses non-linear commissions, bonuses and other high-powered incentive schemes to compensate salespeople, product development teams, service personnel, and other employees (Gartner, 2004). Executives and industry analysts claim that the use of high-powered incentives is 5 critical in enterprise software due to two facets of industry dynamics: extremely fast innovation cycles, and cost structures that are typified by very large product development costs and very low production costs. Major product upgrades, which can cost up to $3 billion to develop, occur every four to seven years. Marginal production costs are close to zero, and vendors feel that building significant market share is critical to the sustained customer lock-in that is necessary for long-term profitability 2 . These dynamics lead to an intense battle for market share, largely focused on the sales function. Furthermore, most software vendors know little about the employee attributes that are correlated with performance, making it difficult for them to build hiring practices which attract top talent (Cusumano and Selby, 1998). Firms respond to these industry forces by offering performance-based compensation with large differences in compensation between employees who perform strongly and those who do not (Gartner, 2004). Salesperson compensation in enterprise software is based on an aggressive compensation schedule with rapidly accelerating commissions over the course of the financial quarter depending on total revenue already booked. Unlike incentives for most job functions, the compensation system is completely explicit 3 . Table 1 lays out a typical compensation scheme in enterprise software, loosely based on the compensation scheme used at the vendor which provided data for this research, and the author’s experience working in the industry 4 . The same data are presented graphically in Figure 1. As noted, a salesperson will only make a quarterly base salary of $12,000 if she makes no sales, which is considered a “starvation wage” for the industry. More importantly, the commission she receives on a sale rapidly accelerates as her total sales in a quarter rise. For example, on her first $250,000 deal in a quarter, she will make a commission of 2%, or $5,000. However, if she has already closed deals totaling $6 million in a quarter, the same $250,000 deal will result in a commission of 25%, or $62,500. Depending on how much other revenue she has booked in a quarter, her sales commission 2 The industry is therefore a classic example of an information good industry, the competitive dynamics of which are discussed at length in Shapiro and Varian (1998). 3 Employees in other functions, such as product development and professional services, tend to be partially compensated by explicit performance measures, but usually are also partly compensated based on subjective measures such as managers’ view of performance. Reasons for this difference are discussed in the final section of this paper. 4 It should be noted that all compensation calculations used in the proceeding econometrics use the vendor’s actual compensation schedule; the vendor requested that its actual compensation schedule be disguised. 6 on an identical deal potentially increases by an order of magnitude. As made clear by the compensation schedule, the accelerating commissions are reset on a quarterly basis, meaning that all salespeople restart at the lowest commission rate for new deals at the beginning of every financial quarter 5 . Industry executives point to the strategic importance of the most highly skilled salespeople as the primary rationale for this incentive system. Software vendors feel that there are very few good salespeople, many average ones, and even more poor ones, and that market wages for top salespeople are extremely high 6 . This leads to an interesting phenomenon in enterprise software and other high technology industries, where “the most highly compensated employee is often not the CEO, but the top salesperson” (Gartner, 2004). This rationale confirms a basic holding of the agency literature: high-powered incentives can be used to sort among employee type (Lazear, 1986; Lazear 2000a). However, according to industry executives, the importance of top salespeople goes beyond the amount of revenue they directly book. Top salespeople are held to be better at selling new products and major upgrades to existing products. Successful market penetration by these products provides the basis for long-term profitability, since minor upgrade purchases, which are much more easily sold by “average” salespeople, are a large source of revenue. Industry executives therefore believe that there is a spillover effect from sales of critical products to sales of minor upgrades and other non-critical products 7 . A basic breakdown of sales by product type for the vendor that provided data for this research, shown in Table 2, supports the notion that top salespeople are more productive in selling new products and critical upgrades. As shown in the table, the top 10% of salespeople (measured by total revenue booked) are responsible for 32% of revenue for the company. However, they are responsible for 46% of revenue for new 5 Most vendors use a combination of dedicated quotas and accelerating commissions; that is, sales commissions are equal to zero until a salesperson surpasses their quota, after which commissions accelerate. The vendor providing data for this research did not use a quota-based system, but its accelerating commission schedule was quite typical for the industry. 6 This phenomenon is not unique to software or even to high tech, although the quick innovation cycles and “experience good” nature of the product exacerbate the differences between good and bad salespeople in software and tech environments. 7 Industry executives also feel that employing top salespeople helps with recruitment, since their identities are widely known in the industry, and young or inexperienced salespeople want to “learn how to sell from the best.” Therefore, there may be a “recruiting spillover” in the hiring of top salespeople as well. 7 products, and 42% of revenue for upgrades defined as “mission critical” by the vendor; furthermore, they are responsible for only 24% of sales for non-critical, existing products 8 . If revenues from non-critical upgrades of existing products, which account for over 60% of the vendor’s total revenue, are partly dependent on previous sales success for new and critical products, the advantages for corporate performance provided by top salespeople go well beyond their direct revenue contributions Other evidence supports the view that the vendor examined in this paper uses the incentive system to effectively sort among employee type. In the past decade, the firm has changed the commission percentages three times – in 1997, 2003 and 2005. Table 3 shows a disguised example of how commissions changed during these periods. As seen in the table, the vendor substantially raised commissions in 1997; it reports that this was necessary because the emerging Internet bubble made it hard to recruit top salespeople. After the Internet bubble collapsed in the early 2000s, the vendor twice lowered commissions, reporting that it no longer had any difficulty recruiting or keeping salespeople. Interviews with other industry executives suggest that commissions have come down throughout the industry in the last few years due to the collapse of the Internet bubble, although the basic non-linear structure remains intact. The tying of the non-linear commission schedule to the financial quarter has several rationales. First, given the increasingly quick innovation cycles in the industry, executives feel that basing commissions on annual sales risks missing critical upgrade cycles. Oyer (1998) shows that salespeople in annual quota systems appear to shirk for a number of months at the start of the financial year, and vendors feel they cannot risk this type of behavior. Just as importantly, the senior executives at enterprise software vendors are compensated (and retained) largely on the basis of the company’s stock market performance, which is closely tied to the ability of their companies to hit quarterly “Wall Street” financial targets. Finally, executives report that it is “industry standard practice” to use quarterly periods to determine commissions, and are afraid that good salespeople will leave if the company deviates from this practice. 8 These results do not stem from any differences in the assignment of sales territories or products. The vendor uses an annual process of assigning sales territories whereby every salesperson has an approximately equal chance to reach a predefined “quota” representing the vendor’s average expected sales per salesperson. Furthermore, salespeople are specific to territories, and do not have any product specialization. 8 There is one other relevant aspect of the incentive system: the degree of salesperson control over price. As is common in large B2B procurement environments with intense price competition (Bhardwaj, 2001), enterprise software vendors give salespeople a great deal of flexibility to control discounts. However, as the discount negotiated with the end customer increases, the level of authority needed to authorize the discount increases as well. Table 4 shows a disguised example of the deal approval process for the vendor which provided data for this research. The key idea is that salespeople do have a great degree of control over pricing, but the likelihood of getting a high discount approved goes down as the level of discount, and therefore the level of needed approval, goes up. 2.2 Prevalence of high-powered, period-based incentives Although enterprise software may be one of the most extreme cases, the use of accelerating commissions, non-linear bonuses and other output-based pay for non-executives is the rule, not the exception, in many industry environments. Compensation specialists note that highpowered incentives are particularly prevalent in high technology and professional service industries, since effort is so hard to monitor, and outcomes so uncertain (Culpepper, 2006). In industries marked by high rates of innovation or technical change, high-powered incentives are held to be critically important to attract and retain the best employees, among the most critical components of successful innovation (Mansfield et al, 1971; Teece, 1986; Zenger, 1994; Brynjolfsson et al, 1993). In business functions as diverse as product development, research and analysis and even administrative support, performancebased pay often accounts for the majority of total compensation (Zenger, 1994; Culpepper, 2006). Firms typically spend about 7% of revenue on the sales function (Godes, 2003), demonstrating its importance to most companies. Non-linear incentives are also prevalent in salesperson compensation contracts. In a recent survey, 95% of salespeople reported their salaries were partly based on commissions and bonuses (Joseph and Kalwani, 1998). Oyer (2000) notes that well over three-quarters of salespeople were compensated by a non- 9 linear scheme, giving them incentives to time sales to maximize their own compensation 9 . Industry executives and analysts in many technology and other industries, including supercomputing, pharmaceuticals, defense equipment, telecom equipment, semiconductors, and large real estate sales, have reported to the author that salespeople in their industry are compensated using some form of accelerating commission, although none reported that the rate of acceleration was as high as that of enterprise software. 3 Existing literature on the use (and misuse) of high- powered incentives This section discusses the existing theory and empirical evidence on high-powered incentives in firms. The use of high-powered incentives and the resulting impact on firm performance are key strategic issues facing firms, and many authors have posited that firms using more incentive-heavy compensation structures for everyday employees perform better, and have found some support for this theory in certain empirical settings (Teece, 1986; Zenger, 1994; Zenger and Lazzarrini, 2004). 3.1 The rationale for high-powered incentives: agency and other theories Although output-based incentives 10 such as sales commissions have been prevalent for certain job functions for well over a century, they have attracted the attention of scholars only recently. Williamson (1975, 1985) was among the first to discuss the positive motivational effects of linking compensation to outcomes, arguing that they induced effort. The groundbreaking paper by Holmstrom (1979) on tying incentives to measurable outputs established criteria for improving performance-based contracts when first-best contracts are not available, and became the cornerstone for the subsequent agency literature. Lazear (1986) added an important element to the rationale for output-based incentives: they could 9 It is also common in sales environments to use decelerating commissions, such as a set quota, rather than accelerating commissions, such as those used by the vendor in this study. Both of these non-linear commission schedules will affect incentives to time the closing of deals. 10 This paper uses the terms “high-powered incentives” and “output-based incentives” interchangeably. It should be noted, however, that not all output-based incentives are directly tied to measurable output. Bonuses, for example, are often based on subjective performance measures. 10 effectively sort among worker types, inducing workers of sufficient skill to choose to stay at the company, and those with insufficient skills to leave. These two agency theory-based rationales – inducing effort and sorting – have become the leading explanations in the economics literature for the increasing use of output-based incentives (Lazear, 2000a) 11 . There is a vast empirical literature supporting the notion that the use of outputbased incentives for employees can have a positive effect on performance. A number of studies examine the change in a performance measure after a switch to high-powered incentives, and nearly every study finds a significant, positive effect. Examples include productivity in installing windshields (Lazear, 2000b), sales productivity for retail stores (Banker, Lee and Potter, 1996), productivity in collective agriculture concerns in China (McMillian, Whalley and Zhu, 1989), and productivity in tree planting (Paarsch and Shearer, 1999). One downside to these and similar studies is that they rarely distinguish between the effort and sorting effects of output-based incentives (Prendergast, 1999). In addition, a number of studies in the marketing literature examine the use of commissions and other output-based incentives for salesforce motivation, finding a strong agency-based rationale for these practices (e.g. Basu et al, 1985; Lal and Srinivasan, 1993; Shaw et. al, 2000). Salespeople tend to be less risk averse than the average employee (Coughlan and Narasimhan, 1992), and the high prevalence of commission-based compensation for salespeople may induce self selection of risk loving types to the sales function 12 . 3.2 The unintended consequence of incentives The use of high-powered incentives has become so prevalent exactly because they so strongly influence actions, and therefore outcomes. However, it is well-known that not all actions or outcomes induced by high-powered incentives are intended or beneficial. One clear problem for the use of high-powered incentives arises when no measurable output neatly corresponds to the principal’s goals, leading to a potential mismatch between 11 Institutional theory, which explores the role that industry norms, management fads and other behavioralbased factors play in corporate control mechanisms, is also held to explain the rise of high-powered incentives (Zucker 1987). Empirical work comparing agency and institutional theory find the two are largely complementary (Eisenhardt, 1988). 12 Camerer et al (1997) make a similar argument around employee self-selection based on compensation plans in the market for taxi drivers in New York City. 11 desired outcome and the behavior motivated by the compensation system. The basic logic and several examples of this phenomenon were given in the classic piece by Steven Kerr titled “On the Folly of Rewarding A While Hoping for B” (1975). The most commonly cited business example of detrimental gaming is Sears’ experience with its automotive mechanic arm. Sears moved from hourly compensation for mechanics to a revenuesharing arrangement, and mechanics predictably responded to this incentive scheme by ordering unneeded repairs. The negative publicity stemming from employee gaming is held to have caused long-term underperformance for this unit of Sears, due to a widespread belief among consumers that Sears’ mechanics were not trustworthy (Patterson, 1992; quoted in Baker, 2000). The literature on multitasking, inspired by Holmstrom and Milgrom (1991) and Baker (1992), recognizes that job functions are complex, and employees will opportunistically shift their effort towards those tasks that make up parts of their compensation scheme. Since these tend to be tasks with measurable outputs, too little effort may be put into tacit, but important tasks. One interesting empirical application of the multi-tasking model is Johnson, Reiley and Muñoz (2006), which shows that private bus operators in Chile, rewarded solely on the basis of their total number of passengers carried, drive at excessive speeds in the “war for fare” and cause a disproportionate number of accidents, as compared with drivers of state-run busses, who are paid an hourly wage. A related stream of research examines non-linear compensation structures, particularly related to deadlines 13 . Deadlines are usually not correlated with underlying demand for a product or service, yet employees can game the timing of a task so they maximize their compensation. In one of the earliest empirical studies on the topic of deadlines, Asch (1990) demonstrated that Navy recruiters were very susceptible to a period-based award system the Navy used to recognize and compensate outstanding recruiters. They would strategically stockpile potential recruits until eligible for and likely to achieve an award, resulting in an unsmooth recruitment rate which was not explainable by the underlying demand to enlist. 13 Several studies look at the perverse impact of non-linear incentives without examining deadlines; these include Chevalier and Ellison (1997) on the mutual fund industry and Leventis (1997) on the market for cardiac surgery in New York. 12 Oyer (1998) extended this logic to the business setting, looking at revenue streams and resulting margins for companies with similar products and customers but different financial periods. In Oyer’s example industries, salespeople are compensated on a nonlinear incentive scheme based on an annual sales quota. He found that the revenue flows increased and margins decreased for such companies as the end of their financial reporting year approached. This empirical regularity, Oyer demonstrated, was consistent with “timing gaming” by salespeople, who had substantial (but incomplete) control over both deal timing and pricing. He took advantage of exogenous changes in the financial reporting period of some companies to show that demand characteristics did not explain these differences in revenue flow and pricing. Healy (1985) demonstrated that senior executives made similar decisions on revenue recognition when their compensation was non-linear and based on fiscal year firm performance. In sum, there is considerable theoretical and empirical evidence that incentives matter tremendously in organizations and may have unanticipated consequences. Researchers have made considerable progress in the development of methods to overcome incentive problems when outputs cannot be easily measured 14 . However, economists and business strategists have made “remarkably little progress” in understanding non-linear, period-based incentive schemes (Prendergast, 1999). 4 Theory development and hypotheses In building hypotheses around “timing gaming” and the effect of this gaming on business outcomes, it is most useful to consider the factors influencing the actions of two actors: salespeople and customers. While other participants are relevant, including executives, salesforce management personnel and shareholders, I will treat the actions of these actors as exogenous when building hypotheses, and empirically control for the effects of their actions when possible. 14 For example, there is a significant literature on the use of subjective performance measures, which partly looks at overcoming the problems of measurability and the link between desired outcome and induced employee action. See, for example, Baker, Gibbons and Murphy (1994). 13 Agency theory predicts that salespeople will take advantage of any aspect of their incentive system that increases their compensation. If the salesperson faces a non-linear, period-based commission system, she has two mechanisms by which to increase her compensation: influencing the timing of a deal, and influencing the price paid. Influencing timing can increase compensation, because of the non-linearity in compensation: making more deals happen in a single period will leave her better off than having a smooth flow of the same deals across periods. Salespeople can influence timing covertly, by deliberately slowing negotiations in a “bad” quarter, or openly, by promising better deals to customers if deals are closed on the salesperson’s preferred timeline. In terms of pricing, a salesperson would prefer to sell at a higher price (all else equal) because it results in a higher commission. However, she would be willing to sell at a lower price if doing so would result in higher overall compensation, due to the non-linearity in compensation. On the customer side, I assume that utility is based on two factors: price paid, and timing of purchase. I assume that there are two customer types: one cares greatly about timing, and one has weak timing preferences. Both customer types care greatly about price. Even a customer with weak timing preferences faces disutility as a deal’s timing moves away from its preferred timing 15 . The assumptions about the salesperson’s mechanisms to maximize compensation, and the elements of customer utility, suggest strongly that salespeople will strategically time the closing of deals where they are able to do so, in order to maximize their compensation. This is essentially because salespeople have a much stronger motivation to affect timing than customers. A salesperson who has already generated a large amount of revenue in a quarter will try to “pull” forward some deals which would otherwise close later. Conversely, a salesperson who has not or expects not to close many deals in a quarter will try to “push” out deals which would otherwise close in that quarter. Formally, I hypothesize: 15 I examine the assumption that some enterprise software customers have very strict timing preferences, while some do not, in the following section. 14 H1: Deals for which customers do not have strong timing preferences will close in the quarter which maximizes salesperson compensation, compared to quarters immediately around the salesperson’s preferred quarter. Again, this hypothesis recognizes that customers have some underlying time preference, and the salesperson’s ability to game therefore cannot stretch infinitely across quarters. Hypothesis 1 focuses on the timing of deals across quarters, but a natural extension posits that the incentive system also affects the timing of deals within quarters. Deals that are “pulled” from later quarters will naturally close late in a quarter, as the salesperson attempts to convince the customer to purchase earlier than the customer prefers but tries to avoid inflicting significant disutility on these customers. The converse statement also would appear to have merit: deals “pushed” from earlier quarters will naturally close early in a quarter. While it may be natural to think that a salesperson would prefer never to close a deal early to have an “option” around pushing the deal into even later quarters, it is important to remember that customers face increasing disutility by moving their purchase date away from their preferred timing. Salespeople who expect to have a big quarter will, therefore, will push a deal so that it enters their planned big quarter, but not so far as to risk losing the deal altogether. This effect will lead to a prevalence of early deals. Formally, I hypothesize: H1a: The “timing gaming” of deals will lead to a natural bunching of deals at the beginning and the end of the financial period that determines the salesperson’s commission. Again, some deals will occur away from the beginning and end of the period, for customers with strong timing preferences. Customers with weak timing preferences are only willing to change their preferred purchase date if it positively affects their utility via a lower price. Of course, all else held equal, salespeople would prefer not to lower price, since it lowers their commission. 15 However, if giving a customer a few more points off of list price helps convince the customer to purchase in a period where the salesperson has already closed many other deals, the “discount effect” on compensation is easily swamped by the “commission effect” inherent in the non-linear compensation schedule. To the extent that customers derive more utility from paying less than from having exact control over deal timing, they will hold out for a good deal in a period where the salesperson has strong incentives to close a deal before the quarter ends, believing they can use this fact to drive a bigger discount. Of course, as noted, this outome requires that the customer does not have strong preferences around exact deal timing, which is not true in all instances. From this discussion comes the paper’s second hypothesis: H2: Deals whose timing was strategically manipulated result in significantly higher discounts for customers than deals whose timing was not. The identification of a set of deals whose timing appears not to have been manipulated is critical to the empirical strategy for identifying this effect. 5 Data, estimation strategy and results 5.1 Data The data for this study were provided by a leading enterprise software vendor, representing all deals closed by 225 salespeople based in North America, selected randomly from all salespeople employed by the company for at least two quarters between 1997 and 2002. In total the dataset contains 4,020 deals closed over the course of 22 financial quarters. The database excludes two types of deals booked by salespeople: deals under $50,000, which are usually small add-on purchases sold by a telephone representative and are not the result of negotiations; and “site license” deals, which give the customer the right to use as many licenses as it wishes for a particular product. Site license contracts were not available, and 16 much of the data used later in identification is not relevant to them, since, for example, there is no notion of the level of discount granted 16 . Still, deals in the database account for nearly 90% of total direct sales revenue for the salespeople in question. The dataset was also augmented with publicly available information on customers. The final dataset contains five classes of information: 1. Deal outcomes, which includes products bought (licenses, maintenance and services), list price, and price paid. 2. Deal timing, which is the date of record for the sale (for both compensation and revenue recognition purposes). 3. Salesperson information, which includes a unique salesperson identifier, tenure, age, gender, full sales and compensation history, territory history, and mobility history across sales districts. 4. Customer information, including name, number of employees, revenues, market capitalization, some information on IT use, and previous customer purchases of the vendor’s products 17 . 5. Deal’s contribution to total quarterly compensation for the salesperson, which is the marginal commission the salesperson earned on the sale in the quarter in question 18 . I also calculate what the marginal commission on each sale would have been had it closed one quarter earlier and one quarter later. One unfortunate aspect of these data is that the commission schedule stayed constant, meaning there is not a straightforward experiment utilizing changes in incentives. List prices, however, were largely increasing during the period in question, and average discounts stayed about the same, meaning that overall salaries rose. Also, list prices on some products changed dramatically, producing an exogenous change in incentive intensity that I exploit in the econometric analysis. 16 This study therefore does not investigate the timing of site license deals. However, I do use their contribution to commission in the quarterly measure of salesperson compensation, so the incentive effect of site license deals on deals in the database is taken into account. 17 I only observe the products bought and total number of licenses for repeat customers in periods outside of the database. I do not observe pricing or discounts. 18 For this calculation, I used the actual compensation structure used by the vendor, similar to but not the same as the schedule given in Table 1. 17 I focus only on license revenue in the empirical analysis. Salespeople do get a commission on service revenue generated, but their commission is a set percentage of service revenue sold, is therefore not based on any kind of financial period, and does not count as revenue generated towards the non-linear commission schedule used for licenses. Therefore, commissions earned on service revenue are irrelevant to the incentive system under investigation here. I do control for spending by customers on service when assessing pricing on licenses, since salespeople may give better deals on licenses to customers who buy more services. Table 5 shows summary statistics for the dataset, using the deal as the unit of observation, and reveals some interesting deal characteristics. First, the deals are large, with an average size of over $950,000. Second, they are heavily discounted, with an average discount over 35%, while some discounts reached 95%. Most tellingly, nearly 75% of deals closed on the last day of the financial quarter, suggesting that the presence of the quarterly deadline in the incentive system carries a dramatic effect. The average commission of $73,000 represents a gross average commission rate of about 8% 19 . The average realized commission of $73,000 is statistically significantly greater than the commission on the deal had it closed a quarter earlier ($62,900) or later ($59,800), which demonstrates that deal timing is correlated with marginal salary benefit to salespeople. Table 6 shows summary statistics on the dataset organized by salesperson-quarter, and again reveals preliminary evidence that salespeople manipulate the timing of major sales. Salespeople make no sales at all for a full third of the salesperson-quarters in the dataset which, in combination with the prevalence of deadline deals, is difficult to rationalize on the basis of demand-side characteristics alone. Over 95% of salespeople employed for at least 4 quarters in the dataset have at least one quarter in which they booked no sales. Even beyond the fact that 73% of deals close on the last day of the quarter, deal timing over the course of the quarter is not smooth. Figure 2 breaks the financial quarter into 13 weeks, and shows the total number of deals in the database which close in each 19 This figure is close to that reported by Godes (2003), who stated that sales expenses were, on average, 7% of revenues for large corporations. Of course, the vendor incurs other selling expenses beyond commissions, although commissions make up the bulk of selling cost. 18 week 20 . Except for the beginning and end of the financial quarter, there are around 40 or 50 sales in the average week. However, there is a large spike not only on the very last day in the quarter, but also in the weeks leading up to the end of the quarter. Even more strikingly, there is a spike of deals in the beginning weeks of a quarter. The line in the figure shows the average discount for deals closing in each week. For the “middle” weeks of the quarter, average discounts hover around 30%; both at the start and the end of the quarter, however, discounts rise to 35-37%. These data appear very consistent with the timing gaming hypothesis. As the end of the quarter approaches, salespeople attempt to close as many deals as possible in order to take advantage of the convexity of their commission schedule. Since, as is seen in Table 6, so many salesperson-quarters have no sales at all, it is logical to think that salespeople are likely to “pull forward” deals that would naturally close in the preceding quarter. To do this, they are willing to give a higher discount, because the “discount effect” on their salary is swamped by the “commission effect.” It is comforting that the corresponding case at the start of the quarter is evident in the data, since the incentive story is the same. Salespeople who are in the midst of a poor quarter, or who expect many deals to close the next quarter, may “push out” deals that would otherwise close a quarter earlier. Again, they are able to motivate customers to go along by giving them higher discounts. The critical insight here, which is key to the identification strategy discussed in the next section, is that the expected marginal commission across quarters influences when a deal is closed within a quarter. Middle-of-quarter deals are least likely to have been influenced by the periodicity of the incentive system, and therefore are most likely to be deals around which the customer had strong timing preferences. This reasoning depends heavily on the assumption, discussed in Section 3, that some customers have weak preferences over deal timing, while others have very strong preferences. Interviews with numerous software executives and salespeople, as well as end customer interviews, suggest that for the majority of projects, customers are willing and able to be flexible on the timing of major software purchases. In general, sales cycles range from 12 to 24 months, and it can take another two to five years to implement a 20 Week 13 represents the last week in the financial quarter, except the last day. Week 14 represents the last day of the financial quarter. All the other weeks correspond to five-business day weeks. 19 software package once purchased. Most customers, therefore, do not have preferences over deal timing down to the exact week or month, since the ongoing project schedule is not known in detail in advance. This qualitative finding from interviews is corroborated by the data, which show that the vendor’s financial deadline, which is irrelevant to most customers (except that they can use it to get a better deal), seems to drive the timing of the majority of deals 21 . However, interviews suggest that for a subset of projects, customers do have strict timing requirements. For example, exogenous budgeting or administrative deadlines may require that allocated funds be spent by a certain date. Interviews suggest customers sometimes have accounting requirements which require an invoice by a certain date, or they may have internal budgeting deadlines for certain projects which mean that unspent funds will go back to the “corporate pool” and be lost to the business unit in question. Also, sometimes senior executives artificially give a “hard” deadline to the IT department to begin implementing a package, usually due to perceived competitive threats. As noted in Table 7, which breaks down deal timing by customer type, the government and education segments, which are arguably the most likely to have “hard” budgeting deadlines, buy 18.6% of their projects in the middle of a quarter, versus 12.2% for private companies. This statistic lends credence to the hypothesis that “mid-quarter” deals represent those for which customer-side budgetary deadlines were tight. The data suggest that time-sensitive projects, as measured by the total percentage of deals happening in the middle of a financial quarter, are just as likely for current as new customers. As noted in Table 7, “middle-of-quarter deals” make up 13.4% of new projects for current customers who previously only bought around the vendor’s deadline, and 12.6% of new projects for customers that are completely new to the vendor. This is further evidence that, outside of government and education customers, “hard” deadlines are an artifact of specific projects, not of customers. 5.2 Estimation strategy and results 21 Customers’ financial reporting deadlines were introduced in several places in the empirical analysis, but never had a statistically significant effect on deal timing, discounts or other variables of interest. 20 This section details the strategy used to identify the effects of the incentive system on deal timing (H1) and outcomes (H2), and the results of estimation. To show that the incentive system affects deal timing, I demonstrate that most deals close in the quarter that maximizes salesperson salary, leading to a bunching of deals early and late in the financial quarter. To show that the incentive system affects outcomes, I compare discounts on “gamed” and “non-gamed” deals, and show that the former are larger. 5.2.1 Timing gaming by salespeople: modeling the deal timing decision (H1) The hypothesis about timing gaming (H1) holds that salespeople will influence the timing of deal closure to maximize their compensation, subject to underlying customer preferences on deal timing. The hypothesis hinges on the assumption, confirmed in industry interviews, that most customers have relatively weak preferences around the specific date a deal closes. Hypothesis 1A holds that “timing gaming” will lead to a natural bunching of deals early and late in financial quarters. Specifically, the difference in salesperson compensation across quarters when closing a potential deal will influence when a deal closes within a quarter. Deals that are “pulled forward” a quarter, because the salesperson expects a greater salary benefit, are much more likely close very near the quarter’s end. Conversely, deals that are “pushed out” a quarter are likely to close near the start of a quarter. As noted, industry interviews suggest that, for a minority of projects, customers will have strict timing preferences. The timing of such deals therefore is likely to be random; there is only a small probability that they would close at the very end or very start of the vendor’s financial quarter, since these represent only a small number of days in a financial quarter. Furthermore, I would not expect a correlation between deals closing away from the vendor’s deadline and salesperson compensation concerns. I therefore construct a variable representing when a deal was closed within a quarter – late in, early in, or in the middle of a quarter – in order to test whether compensation concerns drive the bunching of deals early and late in the quarter, but do not drive the timing of middle deals. The definition of these variables is somewhat arbitrary; a casual glance at Figure 2 suggests a natural definition of “early” would be deals closing in weeks one or two; a natural definition of “late” would deals closing in weeks 12 or 13, or 21 the very last day of the quarter; and a natural definition of “middle” would be the other weeks in the quarter. The empirical results reported in this paper are based on this definition of the timing variable. The data on deal timing are coded to the exact day, so I carry out robustness checks to ensure the results are not an artifact of the choice of timing variable. It is useful to examine whether basic statistics suggest that the grouping of deals according to when they closed within a financial quarter provides an accurate comparison. If middle deals differ substantially from the rest of deals in the database, for example because they are much smaller in size, then it may not be valid to compare this group to late- and early-closing deals. Table 8 shows the average values for key variables for early, late and middle deals as defined above. Table 8 does not suggest that there are underlying differences in deal characteristics if selection into middle deals were not randomly assigned across deals and customers. Middle deals are not significantly smaller, nor are they sold to significantly smaller customers, than deals closing early or late in a quarter. These facts, and evidence from customer and salesperson interviews, suggest that middle deals are not dramatically different than other deals, except that customers sometimes have budgetary or other constraints which make their timing preferences tight. Notably, Table 8 gives further preliminary evidence of timing gaming, since the change in marginal benefit had the deal closed a quarter earlier goes down dramatically for early deals, while the change in marginal benefit had the deal closed a quarter later goes down for late deals. Again, supporting the assumption that the pricing of “middle-of-quarter” deals is less susceptible to influence by the incentive system, the differences in marginal benefit across quarters for middle deals are not nearly as large. To test Hypotheses 1 and 1a, I therefore model the probability that deals will close early, late, or in the middle of a quarter as a function of the change in marginal salesperson benefit if the deal closed in the preceding or subsequent quarter. Formally, I model: Pr (Ci = J) = f(ΔMBi,t-1, ΔMBi,t+1, Ωi, εi) (1) J ∈ {E, L, M} where C represents the observed timing of the deal within the financial quarter, the 22 subscript i refers to the deal in question; the subscript j refers to the timing of a deal within a quarter; E, L and M refer to early, late and middle, respectively; ΔMB represents to the change in marginal salary benefit had the deal closed a period earlier or later (indicated by subscripts t-1 and t+1, respectively); Ω represents a vector of controls; and ε represents the error term. Given that I am modeling the salesperson’s choice of three discrete, non-ordinal periods in which to close a deal, the most natural estimation technique is the multinomial logit. Horowitz and Savin (2001) provide a good review of the assumptions underlying this technique. The most common problem in estimating this type of model, known as the Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives (IIA) assumption, is more of a concern for consumer choice models when there are a large number of closely corresponding goods from which to choose, and is likely not violated here. To estimate the model given in equation (1), I run a multinomial logit with the set of three deal timing dummies (close early, close late, close middle) as the dependent variable, the calculated change in marginal benefit had the deal closed a quarter earlier and a quarter later as the main explanatory variables, and a full set of controls. I would expect large changes in marginal benefit across quarters to be correlated with a deal’s closing early or late in a quarter. The controls include product, operating system, customer industry, and salesperson region dummies; the deal’s total purchase price; salesperson tenure; and whether the deal comes in the vendor’s final quarter of the fiscal year. The need for product, customer characteristic and region dummies is clear; all of these could be related to a deal’s timing, regardless of the incentive effects on salespeople. I control for purchase price in case salespeople are averse to attempting to game larger deals because of the risk of losing them. I control for salesperson tenure as there may be differences in the propensity to engage in timing gaming as salespeople become more experienced. Finally, I control for the final quarter of the vendor’s fiscal year because executive pay largely depends on fiscal year-end stock price, leading executives to make it more difficult for salespeople to “push” deals out of the fourth quarter, and motivating them to “pull” more deals into this quarter. Table 9 reports the estimation results. The estimated coefficients in the multinomial logit specification do not carry economic meaning (Horowitz and Savin, 23 2001), and only the significance of the coefficients and the overall regression are of interest. The signs on the coefficients are as expected; differences between marginal commission in the quarter in which the deal closed and the quarters immediately before and after are highly correlated with whether deals closed early or late in the quarter. To estimate coefficients with economic meaning, it is necessary to calculate the marginal effects of the explanatory variable on the outcome variable at the average value of the explanatory variable. The results of these calculations are reported in Table 10 These values can usefully be interpreted as the change in probability of choice j due to a one-unit change in the value of the independent variable. These changes in probabilities are most usefully reported in comparison to a “baseline” choice, which in this case is to close the deal in the middle of a quarter. The results reported in Table 10 suggest the existence of a strong relation between changes in marginal benefit to salespeople across quarters and the probability that the deal in question closes early, late or in the middle of a quarter. The coefficient in column A on the ΔMBt-1 variable suggests that a $1,000 reduction in commission had the deal closed a quarter earlier is associated with a 0.3% greater likelihood of the deal closing early in the quarter. Similarly, as reported in column B, a $1,000 reduction in expected commission had the deal closed a period later is associated with a 0.7% greater likelihood of the deal closing late in the quarter. Both estimates are significant at standard statistical levels. At the ΔMB variables’ average values of 10.1 and 13.2, the estimated change in probability of a deal closing around a quarter’s deadline is 3.0% for deals where the marginal benefit is smaller in the preceding quarter, and 9.2% for deals where the marginal benefit is smaller in the subsequent quarter. While these differences in probability may seem relatively small, it is important to remember that there is a huge spread in the ΔMB figures 22 . It is informative to unpack the coefficients on the ΔMB variables to better frame the differences in probability, and to directly demonstrate how the acceleration in the commission curve affects the probability of gaming. To do this, I use the coefficients in Table 10 to analyze the probability of a salesperson “pushing” or “pulling” a $500,000 deal into a quarter in which she has booked 22 The vendor requested that the maximum values of the ΔMB figures not be reported so that the incentive system could not be “backed out,” but the standard deviation on the variables is several times the variables’ average values. 24 other deals, from a quarter in which she had no other sales. The results of this analysis are shown in Table 11. As noted, if the $500,000 deal closed by itself, it would earn commissions based on a relatively flat part of the compensation curve: kinks A and B. If it closed in a quarter in which a salesperson already had $500,000 in revenue, it would earn commissions based on kink C, resulting in a commission that is $17,500 greater than it would have been had the deal closed in a quarter with no other sales. This extra commission translates to a 5.5% probability of the deal being “pushed” (assuming it would naturally close a quarter earlier), and a 13.6% probability of being “pulled” (assuming it would naturally close a quarter later). As the salesperson’s total revenue in the quarter goes up, the probability of the deal being gamed increases as well. If a salesperson had $6 million in booked revenue, the commission on the incremental deal would be based on kink G of the curve, resulting in a change in commission of $107,500. The probabilities of the deal being “pushed” or “pulled” rise to 33.7% and 83.4%, respectively. Obviously, the kinks in the commission curve have a large effect on the likelihood of gaming. Of course, these results do not demonstrate a causal link between differences in salesperson compensation and the timing of deal closing. Some unobserved factor in underlying demand could produce this pattern of timing. However, it is difficult to think of factors affecting demand which would correlate so strongly with salesperson incentives. Furthermore, interviews with customers strongly suggest that the timing of demand would be random across customers absent their ability to use the vendor’s incentive system to get higher discounts, since customers have different underlying budgeting, financial and human resource constraints. Finally, Oyer (1998) used the natural experiment of exogenous merger and acquisition activities to show that a similar, macro-level revenue timing result was not an artifact of unobserved differences in customer demand. A second alternative explanation is that the deadline in the incentive system causes salespeople to work harder near the end of the quarter, leading to a prevalence of deadline deals. Of course, this result would be an interesting validation of agency theory in itself. However, more importantly, it would not explain the changes in probability of early deals as marginal benefit in the previous quarter declines 23 . Finally, it would not explain why 23 One might argue that some deadline deals “spill over” into the early part of the next quarter, because the salesperson had too much to do at the deadline. However, this would not explain why early deals appear to 25 salespeople choose not to sell at all in nearly 40% of quarters. In short, while causality cannot be definitively nailed down, it is difficult to come up with plausible alternative explanations which explain the full set of results. 5.2.2 Giving bigger discounts to gamed deals: modeling deal outcomes (H2) Having demonstrated that gaming by salespeople appears to affect the flow of deals during the course of a financial quarter, I next turn to the question of how this gaming affects outcomes. Building robust estimates of differences in outcomes will allow me to estimate the overall cost of the incentive system to the firm, in terms of foregone revenue. A key question is the variable to use as the outcome measure. One natural outcome measure would be unit price paid per software license. However, the complex price discrimination schemes used by enterprise software vendors mean that this measure, while observed in the data, cannot be used as a dependent variable. A single product often has hundreds or even thousands of price points, depending on the operating environment, the characteristics of customer servers (e.g., the number of processors), the specific hardware used by customers, and other IT-related variables. A typical enterprise software book contains tens of thousands of SKUs and is hundreds of pages long. This leads to huge variations in both list and achieved price for the same product, and entering a full set of product controls would quickly render any econometric test powerless. However, there is significant evidence this complexity in pricing drives customers to negotiate discounts, not prices. A market expert recently stated that “Discounting has long been a fixture of the enterprise software business, where list prices exist only in theory” (Riccuiti, 2004), and results of customer interviews suggest that discounts, rather than unit prices or even total price paid, is the focus of negotiations between prospective buyers and salespeople. Since the discount measure normalizes all deals and gives a direct unit of comparison, it is also useful as an outcome measure. Indeed, the vendor’s deal approval system also focuses on discounts as the key decision variable. While differences in discount propensities obviously occur, for example for new or high-priority products, be so correlated with the commission benefit to salespeople for having the deal close in the next quarter, not at the deadline of the previous quarter. 26 these can be easily controlled with broad product-level and other control variables. I therefore use total discount as the outcome measure in all the empirical tests on outcome. Do deals with large differences in ΔMB receive bigger discounts? Hypothesis 2 states that salespeople will grant bigger discounts to customers when they close deals in the quarter which maximizes their compensation. The ΔMB measure influences when (and how strongly) a salesperson prefers the deal to close, so it is a natural explanatory variable to regress against discount given. Since discounts are a continuous, linear variable, Ordinary Least Squares estimation (OLS) is the natural technique to use. Notationally, the regression equation is: Yi= β1 + ϕt-1* ΔMBi,t-1 + ϕt+1* ΔMBi,t+1+ β2*Ωi + εi (2) where the subscript i again refers to the deal observation, Y refers to the discount given, the ΔMB variables are as defined earlier, Ωi is a vector of deal controls, and εi is the error term. This regression directly compares discounts given to customers when salespeople face a large change in commission earned had the deal closed a quarter earlier or later, to discounts given when the commissions do not differ across quarters. I therefore expect the signs on both the ϕ coefficients to be positive: as the change in commission goes up, so does the discount offered to customers. The important control variables are largely the same as in the deal timing model: a full set of product, customer industry, sales region and operating environment dummies; deal size; salesperson tenure; and basic customer information such as size and revenue. I also introduce quarter controls, to control for the possibility that vendors may be more or less lenient in approving discounts in certain quarters of the fiscal year. (In an alternative specification, I control only for the vendor’s final fiscal quarter each year, since interviews suggest this is the quarter in which deal approval policies change the most dramatically.) In addition, I introduce controls on the customer’s previous purchases of the vendor’s products. This is due to the intertemporal nature of consumption and the vendor’s dependence on the sales of product upgrades to existing clients. In an effort to induce 27 customers to initially buy a package, the vendor will often grant very large discounts, in the hope of charging quasi-monopoly prices later as customers upgrade 24 . I therefore control for whether the customer is new to the vendor and/or new to the product line in question. Table 12 presents the results of the estimation, which strongly indicate that deal outcomes are correlated with salesperson salary concerns. The estimates of ϕt-1 and ϕt+1 are easily interpreted. A deal for which the salesperson would have received a commission $1,000 lower had the deal closed a period earlier is discounted 0.25 percentage points more; the discount for a deal with a $1,000 lower commission if closed a quarter later is 0.48 percentage points higher. Both coefficients are significant at the 1% level. Evaluated at the ΔMB variables’ average values of 10.1 and 13.2, respectively, the average “pushed” deal is discounted by 2.5 percentage points more than a deal where a salesperson is indifferent about the quarter in which the deal is closed, while the average “pulled” deal is discounted by 6.3 percentage points more. These results may be biased due to the omission of critical explanatory variables in the regression model. Most notably, underlying customer valuation or utility from the product is not observable, and therefore cannot be accounted for in the regression. This model may therefore suffer from the classic “Heckman problem” — it is unclear whether the differences in deal outcomes stem from the explanatory variables and controls used in the model, or instead reflect unobserved customer heterogeneity, most notably differing customer-specific valuations of the software in question. Most studies using similar econometric techniques assume that customer utility is random, and do not attempt to distinguish between “the economic, institutional and spurious statistical factors” that lead to heterogeneous deal outcomes (Greenstein, 1993). However, if unobserved customer factors are correlated with the explanatory variables, the results reported in Table 12 are biased, because the error term is not randomly distributed across observations 25 . To test for the effect of omitted variables on the reported coefficients, it is common to use instrumental variables. An ideal instrument is correlated with the explanatory 24 For a discussion of these dynamics, and an empirical investigation on the depth of product lock-in and the premiums vendors can charge, see the next chapter of this dissertation. 25 There may also be omitted supply-side variables which are correlated with the ΔMB calculation, such as whether a salesperson takes a vacation in the quarter before or after a deal is closed. These would bias the results as well. 28 variables of interest, but not with potential omitted variables. Since it is difficult to ensure the instrumental variable is not correlated with any omitted variables (because the latter are not observable), it is most useful to use a variable whose value is determined independently of other variables in the dataset, save the explanatory variable of interest. I use exogenous changes in products’ list prices to build an instrument: the difference in commission across quarters associated only with the exogenous list price change. As noted earlier, the vendor changed list prices on most products annually, which, all else held equal, influenced salesperson incentives by changing the commissions they could receive for selling the same product. Due to its influence on the difference in commission across quarters, an exogenous price increase over the prior year price would increase the propensity for a salesperson to game a deal, while an exogenous price decrease would decrease the propensity to game. List price changes are proposed by product marketing teams, not sales teams 26 , usually due to concerns about product development costs, observations about competitive pricing, and concerns about meeting market share goals, which are themselves exogenous. It is reasonable to assume that the change in salesperson commission solely attributable to exogenous list price change is independent from differences in customer utility for a product or other unobserved demand-side variables, the omission of which may bias the results reported in Table 12. I use 2 Stage Least Squares (2SLS) to implement the instrumental variable 27 . First, I separately regress the explanatory variables in Table 12, ΔMBi,t on the change in salesperson commission across quarters due to exogenous price changes, denoted as ΔMBΔp,t. I then construct a fitted value for each ΔMBi,t observation, using the coefficients from the first stage regression. Finally, I replace the actual ΔMBi,t observation with this fitted value, and redo the analysis in Table 12. Assuming that ΔMBΔp,t is uncorrelated with any omitted variables, which seems logical given that changes in list price are exogenous, the resulting estimates are unbiased. The instrumental variable estimates are reported in Table 13. The instrument appears valid, since it predicts the ΔMB measures very accurately; the F-test on the first 26 In fact, the vendor reports considerable tension between the product marketing teams and the sales staff about list price changes, the former group in general favoring large increases, while the latter group in general opposes price increases. 27 I describe the process here for clarity; I used the corresponding command in a common statistical regression package to ensure standard errors were computed correctly. 29 stage regression is highly significant. The estimates of the effect of changes in ΔMB on discounts, reported in the 2SLS results, go down by ~25%, and the standard errors increase, but both estimates are still significant at the 10% level. Therefore, the original results are largely replicated by using an exogenous change to the incentive system to isolate the effect on discount of salesperson incentives from other explanations. The instrumental variables specification convincingly addresses alternative explanations for the original results reported in Table 12, most notably explanations based on differences in customer valuation. Therefore, a traditional “price discrimination” scheme, where the vendor charges higher prices to customers with higher valuations, does not appear to explain the differences in discounts. Price discrimination does appear to be going on here, but it is not based on differences in underlying customer valuations. Instead, salespeople exploit customers’ differential willingness to wait to conclude a deal, which is an artifact of the deadline system. Simple economic theory holds that a price discrimination system that does not sort by customer value, as this one appears not to, is likely to be inefficient. This is because customers with high valuations are no less able than those with low valuations to take advantage of the price discrimination scheme to get a better price. The instrument convincingly demonstrates that standard price discrimination by customer valuation of the product is not driving all, or even most of, the differences in discounts accruing to “gamed” deals. There are a number of other interesting results from the regression results reported in Tables 12 and 13. First, deals closing in the vendor’s final fiscal-year quarter receive nearly an additional percentage point off of list. This supports the notion that the incentive system for executives, which is based on annual stock performance, affects deal outcomes. Deals that are discounted exactly at the highest level possible without seeking the next level of approval receive a lower discount than deals not on a band. This suggests that the deal approval system may be effective in constraining discounts to a certain extent. Finally, mirroring the results of the deal timing model, which suggested that highertenured salespeople are more likely to engage in timing gaming, salespeople with longer tenure appear to grant higher discounts, perhaps because they are better able to gain approval of such discounts from senior managers. 30 5.3.3 What is the cost of the incentive system in terms of foregone revenue? It is informative to think about the cost of this incentive system in terms of foregone vendor revenue. While this exercise cannot present a full cost-benefit analysis, it provides a useful benchmark for the scope of sorting or other benefits that this and other vendors of enterprise software believe that they gain from the incentive system. One estimate of the cost can be calculated using the estimated coefficients for ϕt-1 and ϕt+1, the effect of marginal changes in compensation across quarters on discount levels, shown in Table 12. Applying these coefficients to the average values of the ΔMB variables suggests the average “pushed” deal is discounted 2.5 percentage points more than a deal where a salesperson is indifferent about the quarter in which the deal is closed, while the average “pulled” deal is discounted by 6.3 percentage points more. As proxied by deals closing early in a quarter, 8.2% of deals in the database are “pushed,” while 78.9% of deals are “pulled,” as proxied by deals closing late. Therefore, the average gamed deal is discounted by 5.2 percentage points more than it would be had it not been “gamed.” However, this calculation is based on list prices, not realized prices; since the average deal results in revenue capture of only 64.4% of list price, the cost to the vendor in terms of foregone revenue is 5.2/.644, or 8.1% of revenue 28 . For a vendor doing over a billion dollars in revenue a year, the estimated cost is therefore substantial. It may be possible to improve on this cost estimate by directly comparing discounts on deals with very similar incentive effects where one deal was gamed and the other was not, arguably due to exogenous customer timing preferences. In effect, this approach sets up, where possible, a directly comparable counterfactual deal for the “gamed” deals in the database. Since there do not appear to be many deals where customers had exact timing preferences, it is useful as a robustness check to directly compare discounts between these deal pairs, discarding deals for which there is no directly observed counterfactual deal. The natural econometric technique to use here is matching, based on a measure of the propensity for a deal to be gamed. Specifically, I compare deals that close in the quarter favorable to the salesperson in terms of compensation with deals with a very similar gaming propensity that did not close in the salesperson’s preferred quarter. 28 Using the results from the IV estimation reported in Table 13, the corresponding estimate of foregone revenue is 6.7%. 31 Matching techniques have been used extensively in evaluations of workforce training and other policy experiments to test whether voluntary participation in programs results in better performance or simply reflects a tendency for better performers to elect to participate (for a good example of this literature and a more detailed discussion of matching techniques, see Toffel, 2006). Such studies typically compare the outcomes observed for a participant with those for the non-participant that most closely resembles it in terms of propensity to participate in the program. In this study, I am interested in comparing discounts on deals that display similar incentive effects, but where the underlying projects differ exogenously according to whether their timing could be gamed by the salesperson. The implementation of matching in this case is in theory very simple. I first sort the deals into a candidate group of “control” observations: “middle-of-quarter” deals where the incentive effect of the deadline and accelerating commissions may not have influenced timing. The two groups of candidate “treatment” observations, where the incentive system likely did affect timing for most observations, are “early” and “late” deals. Under these assumptions, early deals would naturally close the quarter before, but are “pushed” to the next quarter. Using matching, I search for deals closing in the middle of a quarter that a salesperson would have been statistically just as likely to “push” out a quarter, compared to a deal that was actually pushed. In effect, I look for middle deals where the incentive effects suggest they were closed one period earlier than the salesperson would have liked, possibly because of strong customer preferences concerning the timing of the deal. The analogous situation holds for “late” deals: I search for middle deals that show a similar statistical propensity for the salesperson to have “pulled” them forward a quarter, but where the salesperson did not do so. Again, the hypothesis is that there were exogenously determined reasons (e.g., customer timing preferences) that prevented the salesperson from manipulating the timing of these deals. Matching exploits these exogenous differences to compare deals that are otherwise very similar in incentive effects. This methodology therefore creates a “gaming propensity” score for all deals, by comparing the quarter in which a deal closed with the quarter which maximizes salesperson salary. Middle deals have two “gaming” propensity scores – a propensity to be “pulled” forward a quarter, and the propensity to be “pushed” out a quarter. To 32 operationalize this idea, I split my sample into a “push” candidate pool of early and middle deals, and a “pull” candidate pool of late and middle deals. I then run two sets of probit equations, estimating the likelihood that a deal closed in the salesperson’s preferred quarter 29 , as a function of the change in marginal benefit to the salesperson across the two quarters in question. The results of these estimates are found in Table 14; beyond the statistical significance of the coefficients, this test is useful only in creating a set of “gaming propensity” scores for each deal. To find this propensity, I use the estimated coefficients from the probit model to calculate a fitted likelihood score for each deal in the dataset. Note that middle deals are associated with two separate scores: their propensity to be “pushed,” and their propensity to be “pulled.” The function for the pool of “early” and “middle” deals is given by: Pr (Ci = K) = f(ΔMBi,t-1, Ωi, εi) (3) K ∈ {t, t-1} where the t subscript refers to the quarter in which the early deals closed and the quarter after which the middle deals closed, and the t-1 subscript refers to the quarter before the early deals closed and the quarter in which the middle deals closed. The regression for the second pool of late and middle deals uses an analogous function, where the subscript t+1 replaces the subscript t-1. The next step in the exercise is to match treatment and control observations with similar propensity scores, measured by the probability that the deal would close in period t. In so doing, I create a set of directly comparable deals: one set gamed deals, and one set of “non-gamed” deals that the salesperson would have liked to game just as much as those deals in the first set, based on the effect of the deals on compensation (and all other important observables). In carrying out the matching of observations based on propensity scores, there is a tradeoff between selecting matches with the closest propensity scores regardless of 29 For “early” and “late” deals, this is the quarter in which the deal actually closed. For “middle” deals, this is the quarter after the deal closed for “pushed” deals, and the quarter before the deal closed for “pulled” deals. 33 underlying characteristics, and imposing ex-ante restrictions on matches so that matched pairs are similar in obvious ways, even if this means ignoring potential matches with closer propensity scores 30 . Because of the wide disparity in products, customers and deal sizes in this study, I impose ex-ante restrictions on potential matches so that matched deals are visibly similar in exogenously determined characteristics. The restrictions used for the reported estimates are the following: the same customer industry, same product class, and a deal size within 20%. Within this class, I match all “treatment” deals to “control” deals within 0.15 in propensity score. More and less restrictive assumptions were tried as robustness checks, without changing the basic result 31 . Deals in both samples with no match meeting the criteria, or off the common support, were excluded. I allowed replacement for both treatment and control observations, so one deal outcome could have multiple matches if it met the criteria outlined above. For the “push” model looking at deals closing early in the financial quarter, I successfully match 114 “early” deals to 84 “middle’ deals, for an average of 1.4 “treatment” deals per control” deal. For the “pull” model, I successfully match 752 “late” deals to 168 “middle” deals, for an average of 4.5 “treatment” deals per “control” deal. I next compared the key characteristics of these deals, including deal size, salesperson tenure, and customer size, to ensure that the matching did not result in deal subsets that were substantially different. T-tests on all of these variables confirmed that the matched groups’ averages in each category were not significantly different. This supports the hypothesis that the matched sample of middle deals provides a valid counterfactual to deals closing in the shadow of the incentive system. Finally, I assess the differences in discounts on matched samples of deals that display very similar gaming propensities, but where half of the deals were gamed, and half were not. Note that all “gamed” deals appear at the beginning or end of the quarter, while all “non-gamed” deals appear in the middle of the quarter 32 . Therefore I need only 30 Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983) and others have shown that matching based on propensity score alone, without adding additional restrictions, is most efficient. However, it is common in the literature to add some restrictions, so I report results using restrictions. Matching based on propensity score alone led to somewhat larger, more precisely measured effects. 31 If extremely restrictive matching criteria are used, the pool of matched deals can get so small that it is impossible to get statistical significance when comparing outcomes. 32 The matching exercise removed from the sample “gamed” deals appearing in the middle of the quarter, or “non-gamed” deals appearing late or early in the quarter. 34 introduce a dummy representing whether a deal appeared at the start or end of the quarter, and is therefore a “treatment” deal, or whether it was a “control” deal occurring in the middle of the quarter. I then regress this dummy and a set of controls on discount given: Yi= β1 + δ*Ki, + β2*Ωi + εi (4) Where Ki is a dummy variable taking the value 1 if the deal is in the “treatment” pool 33 , and the controls are the same as in equation (2). Note that an observation will show up more than once in the sample if it has more than one match. Also note that I run equation (4) on two sets of matched data: the “pushed” match sample, made up of early deals matched to middle ones, and the “pulled” match sample, made up of late deals matched to middle ones. The estimation results are reported in Table 15. The coefficient on the treatment effect is positive and statistically significant for both types of treatment deals. I also report in column C the results of the same regression using the whole sample, which assumes that all early and late deals are gamed. The matching exercise results in estimates that are quite similar both to the entire sample, and to the original OLS estimates given in Tables 12 and 13. Using matching, “gamed” early deals are estimated to receive discounts bigger by 2.42 percentage points, while “gamed” late deals are estimated to receive discounts bigger by 6.04 percentage points. Using the same calculation as before, these results suggest the vendor forgoes 7.7% of revenue due to the incentive system. Table 16 compares the estimates of cost constructed using the various analyses in this section, using the full sample estimates, estimates using the instrumental variable, and estimates using matching. What is remarkable is the consistency of the estimates – in all cases, “gaming” is estimated to cost the vendor 6-8% of revenue. The matching results are arguably the most robust, because the matching technique is the only one that directly compares a set of “gamed” deals to a counterfactual set of deals with very similar incentive effects 34 . However, the consistency of the results, which diminish somewhat but do not disappear using an exogenous instrument, underpins the empirical finding that the 33 Mechanically, this means the deal closed in the beginning or end of a quarter. The tradeoff in this process, of course, is that using matching restricted the sample size, leading to somewhat less precise estimates. 34 35 incentive system carries a significant added cost beyond the commissions directly paid to salespeople. 6 Discussion Many of the papers in the literature on incentives quote the old adage, “Firms get what they pay for,” and this research demonstrates the extent to which this adage holds true. In implementing an incentive system that is designed to reward top performers by an order of magnitude more than average salespeople, and to motivate large deals to cover its huge development costs, this vendor has ensured that salespeople use any means necessary to close as many sales as possible in a single financial quarter. Unfortunately for the vendor, this means that a large amount of effort is put into manipulating deal timing to achieve this end, rather than generating new sales to new or existing customers. Finally, as demonstrated, the cost to the vendor in terms of foregone revenue appears quite significant; it spends approximately 8% of revenue on commissions, and the incentive system appears to cost it a remarkably similar amount in terms of “gamed” discounting. Of course, without a valid counterfactual to examine, it is impossible to say whether this incentive system is suboptimal. Any real-life incentive system has costs, be they wages paid to workers, effects on business outcomes, or other forms of cost. Put another way, I cannot evaluate in this study whether the foregone revenue estimate means the system could be changed to increase revenue capture. It is, however, revealing to compare the ~6-8% cost with the chief rationale for the incentive system cited by the vendor’s executives and other industry observers: the system is asserted to allow vendors to attract and retain the top salespeople, in an industry environment where talented salespeople are widely held to be few and far between. The marketing literature also has evidence that retention is a primary rationale for output-based salesperson incentives (Joseph and Kalwani, 1992), so it useful to briefly examine the retention performance for the vendor in the timeframe of the study. 36 To carry out this analysis, I ranked each salesperson employed by the company for over four quarters during the period in the dataset by total sales 35 , on a yearly basis. I then broke the salespeople into quintiles based on their rank using this criterion. Finally, I examined whether the salesperson exited the company within a set number of years after attaining that performance, not counting internal promotions to nonsales positions or other moves within the firm as a departure. The results of this analysis are shown in Table 17. The results suggest that the incentive system is very adept at ridding the company of the worst performers. But the very best salespeople also leave the vendor at a higher rate than the middle performers 36 . While alternative compensation systems may be even less effective in retaining the “cream of the (salesforce) crop,” it is evident that this system’s performance is mixed at best. The easiest way to increase retention for top salespeople – by increasing the convexity of the commission schedule – will make the incentive system even more prone to gaming. It is worth considering alternative compensation mechanisms that have the same sorting and incentive effects but are less conducive to timing gaming. For example, many management scholars might question why the vendor does not use simple linear commissions. Linearity would make the deadline irrelevant for determining compensation and eliminate the incentive to engage in timing gaming. The problem, of course, is that a linear commission schedule also greatly reduces the sorting incentives of the scheme, in that the compensation of salespeople who sell two or three times more product would only increase by two or three times. Since there is a widespread view that top salespeople are so rare and their productivity at selling critical new products so high, the system must pay much more than their marginal product, and Table 17 shows preliminary evidence that even this vendor’s aggressive acceleration may not be strong enough in sorting incentives. Another alternative incentive system frequently mentioned in the theoretical and empirical literature is the use of subjective compensation measures such as bonuses, since salespeople are so good at figuring out how to game any objective measure to their 35 Note I used total revenue generated to rank the salespeople, not total compensation; this is because the vendor cares about the former, not the latter. Of course, the correspondence between the two measures is very close. 36 When examining these results, the vendor was quick to note that the Internet bubble occurred during part of the timeframe in question, making it difficult for any technology company to retain workers, especially high-performing ones. 37 advantage. There is a substantial literature demonstrating the benefits of subjective measures (e.g. Baker, Gibbons and Murphy, 1994); relatedly, many researchers have examined the use of tournaments (e.g. Lazear and Rosen, 1981), which can be based on objective or subjective measures, to build wide variations in compensation in ways that do not motivate gaming, sabotage or other detrimental employee actions 37 . The key objection to subjective performance measures and/or formal tournaments in a sales setting is simple: salespeople do not like them. It is widely held that salespeople prefer ex-ante contracts and salary schedules based on clear, measurable performance goals (Churchill et. al, 1981). Industry executives report that most salespeople are overconfident about their ability to reach the highest commission rates on the schedule, so coming to an agreement about proper subjective compensation would be difficult. These facts about sales force preferences may explain why subjective performance measures are so uncommon in sales environments, even outside enterprise software. A final candidate for alternative compensation systems would revise the financial deadlines in the incentive system. The non-linearity in this vendor’s current compensation schedule means a deadline has to enter the incentive system at some point, but firms have a clear choice regarding the timing or structure of this deadline. As mentioned, the industry rationale for using such short-term deadlines for deals with such long sales cycles is twofold. First, vendors are afraid that long-lived deadlines will cause shirking behavior. They are afraid that losing a few months of salesperson effort will lead to problems building quick momentum after the release of a major upgrade can lead to a product’s failure, risking the forfeiture of a huge amount of sunk cost. Second, and perhaps more prominently, vendors are afraid they will lose their organizational focus on “making the quarterly numbers,” which drives the company stock price and therefore the senior executive compensation. While it is impossible to empirically assess the downside of moving to a system with longer periods, such as one based on the financial year, intuitively it would leave fewer deals open to timing gaming. This is because customers do have underlying time preferences; a three month window is simply too short to affect those preferences for the 37 There are also very large literatures on tournament theory in organizations within both the social and behavioral psychology literatures. 38 vast majority of customers. Some enterprise software vendors, such as VERITAS Software 38 , have moved their sales force compensation schemes to periods based on the fiscal year, not the fiscal quarter. An interview with a former sales executive at VERITAS suggests that “perverse incentive effects of short-term deadlines” were the reason for this change, and that it was common for newly-founded enterprise software companies to use annual rather than quarterly deadlines. Still, the use of quarterly deadlines is still much more common. This research gives vendors a useful benchmark against which to compare the costs of moving to an alternative compensation scheme, which, based on the above discussion, would likely involve lengthening the period under which the non-linear incentive system operates. It also provides a useful estimate of one cost associated with the supposed sorting benefits stemming from the non-linearity in commissions, since the study suggests that these systems incur costs that are twice as large as salesperson compensation. This more accurate cost estimate should be weighed against the system’s benefits. This study has a number of limitations. Most prominently, it looks at a single vendor in a single institutional setting over a relatively short span of time. That said, it goes further than other research in estimating the depth of incentive system gaming and the resulting effect on business outcomes. Furthermore, as demonstrated by Oyer (1998) and others, non-linear, period-based deadlines are commonplace in business settings, which extends the generalizability of these findings. Simply put, deadlines and non-linear incentives are the rule, not the exception for a wide category of employees and business situations. This vendor is widely held to be representative of the industry, and many high technology and service industries use similar high-powered compensation schemes for employees. It would, however, be useful to extend the study to other vendors and similar industries. Secondly, the study does not involve a natural experiment utilizing changes in commission schedules, instead relying on incentive effects resulting from list price changes, a more indirect approach. While the results of this exercise are promising, and while it is difficult to think of alternative explanations which explain the full set of results 38 VERITAS was acquired by Symantec, a leading security software vendor, in 2004. 39 in the paper, more work should be done on incorporating exogenous changes to truly nail down the effects. Finally, the results of the study suggest some avenues for further research. First, as noted, there are clear experience or tenure effects at play; the longer a salesperson works at the company, the more adept she appears to become at gaming. Understanding the causal factors for this result and better estimating its strength would broaden our understanding of internal labor markets. 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In reality, both the incremental sales bands and the commissions changed. However, the above example is broadly representative of the actual changes put in place by the vendor. Source: Disguised example from company providing data for this research 46 Table 4: Deal approval system at enterprise software application vendor Discount requested Up to 20% Up to 30% Up to 40% Up to 60% Above 60% Approval level needed Individual salesperson’s discretion District manager Regional manager Country head of sales CEO Approximate approval rate 100% 90% 75% 40% 20% Source: Disguised example from company providing data for this research 47 Table 5: Deal dataset; Summary statistics for key variables, N=4,020 Variable Basic deal characteristics Total list price Total price paid Total discount given Discount exactly on approval band (20%, 30%, 40%, 60%) Includes new product (<2 years old) Service spend as % of deal size Deal timing characteristics Deal closed on last day of quarter Deal closed in last four weeks of quarter (but not day quarter ended) Deal closed in middle five weeks of quarter Deal closed in first four weeks of quarter Deal closed before last week of quarter Fourth quarter deal Deal signed in quarter directly after quarter where salesperson had no sales Salesperson characteristics Tenure at time of deal closing Multi-salesperson deal Customer characteristics New to vendor New to product Bought multiple products on PO Direct switch from competitor Annual revenue of customer Five-year cash flow change of customer Compensation characteristics Marginal commission on deal Marginal commission had the deal closed a quarter earlier Marginal commission had the deal closed a quarter later Unit Mean Std. Dev Minimum Maximum $1,000 $1,000 % 1=yes 1,478 951 35.6 0.71 1,782 771 14.1 0.47 62 50 5 0 19,725 7,890 95 1 1=yes % 0.11 0.27 0.32 0.09 0 0 1 0.54 1=yes 1=yes 0.73 0.10 0.44 0.29 0 0 1 1 1=yes 0.07 0.25 0 1 1=yes 0.10 0.28 0 1 1=yes 1=yes 1=yes 0.23 0.30 0.41 0.41 0.46 0.49 0 0 0 1 1 1 # of quarters % 12.8 8.5 1 ** 0.04 0.20 0 1 1=yes 1=yes 1=yes 1=yes $ bn % 0.24 0.66 0.11 0.10 19.1 10.1 0.44 0.47 0.32 0.31 20.8 7.1 0 0 0 0 ** ** 1 1 1 1 ** ** $1,000 $1,000 73.0 62.9 114.7 109.1 1 1 ** ** $1,000 59.8 106.7 1 ** Note: ** represents that the data is not reported per agreement with the provider of the dataset (to protect its identity or identity of customers). 48 Table 6: Salesperson-quarter panel dataset; Summary statistics for key variables, N=225 salespeople, 2,765 total salesperson/quarters Variable # of employed quarters Employed quarter w/$0 sales Employee employed for full dataset? Average quarterly sales Average quarterly sales conditional on making at least one sale in quarter Average quarterly commission (does not include the $12K base) Average quarterly commission conditional on making at least one sale in quarter Unit quarter 1=yes % $1,000 $1,000 Mean 12.34 0.26 0.33 990.9 1,335.9 Std. Dev 5.16 0.44 0.48 758 842 Minimum 2 0 0 0 64 Maximum 22 1 1 ** ** $1,000 $71.1 118.3 0 ** $1,000 $132.5 178.1 1.3 ** Note: ** represents that the data is not reported per agreement with the provider of the dataset (to protect its identity or identity of customers). 49 Figure 2: Observed pattern of deal timing and average discount over the course of the financial quarter; N=4,020 deals 160 40.00% 140 35.00% 120 30.00% 100 25.00% 80 20.00% 60 15.00% 40 10.00% 20 5.00% 0 0.00% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Week * Week 13 refers to the last week of the financial quarter EXCEPT for the last day in the financial quarter. Week 14 refers to the last day of the financial quarter. There were 2,940 deals closed the last day of the quarter (~73% of total deals) 50 Average discount (line) Number of deals closed (bar) Number of deals closed and average discount by week Table 7: Early, middle and late deals by customer type Note: Early deals = weeks 1 and 2; late deals = weeks 12 and 13 and last day of quarter; middle deals = weeks 3-11. Customer type % of deals closing early (CE) % of deals closing in the middle (CM) % of deals closing late (CL) All customers 8.2 12.9 78.9 Private sector customers 9.3 12.2 78.5 Government and education customers 6.1 18.6 75.3 Customers with previous purchases early or late in the financial quarter 7.0 13.4 79.6 Customers with no previous purchases from the vendor 8.8 12.6 78.6 Table 8: Average values for key variables by timing of deal closing Variable Unit Early deal average (CE) Middle deal average (CM) Total price paid Total discount given Salesperson tenure Annual revenue of customer Marginal salesperson commission Marginal salesperson commission had the deal closed a quarter earlier Marginal salesperson commission had the deal closed a quarter later Late deal average (CL) $1,000 % # of quarters $bn $1,000 $1,000 831 33.4 12.4 818 29.2 11.3 857 37.3 12.7 18.9 71.4 58.7 19.2 68.9 66.0 19.2 71.8 65.4 $1,000 69.1 63.8 60.3 51 Table 9: Deal timing model, results after multinomial logit estimating probability of timing of deal close Dependent variable = timing of deal close (CE, CL ,or CM); N=4,020; robust standard errors clustered by product in parentheses (note, CM is the base outcome). (A) (B) Pr (CE) Pr (CL) ΔMBt-1 .009 (.002)*** .004 (-.002)* ΔMBt+1 -.001 (-.001) .074 (.029)*** .167 (.139) -.076 (-.070) .091 (.039)** .111 (.045)** .145 (.098) .315 (.141)** Log deal size Salesperson tenure Quarter 4 deal Controls not reported Product, operating system, industry, sales region ***, **, * represent statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively Table 10: Deal timing model, marginal effects after multinomial logit Dependent variable = timing of deal close (CE, CL,or CM); N=4,020; robust standard errors clustered by product in parentheses Columns (A) and (B) report the difference in marginal effects after multinomial logit, compared to Pr (CM); standard error of comparison in parentheses (A) (B) (C) Pr (CE) - Pr (CM) Pr(CL) – Pr (CM) X (average variable value) ΔMBt-1 .003 (.001)** .009 (.005)* 10.1 ΔMBt+1 -.006 (-.008) .007 (.002)*** 13.2 .081 (.079) -.045 (-.050) 6.75 .012 (.005)** .028 (.014)** 12.5 .035 (.026) .101 (.041)** 0.30 Log deal size Salesperson tenure Quarter 4 deal Controls not reported Product, operating system, industry, sales region ***, **, * represent statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively 52 Table 11: Effect of “kinks” in incentive system on deal timing $2,000,000 $1,800,000 $1,600,000 Total commissions earned $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $$- $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 Total sales in quarter Kink level Incremental Commission % A 2 B 5 C D E 8 12 15 F G 20 25 Probability of incremental $500,000 deal being pulled or pushed from surrounding quarter, as total salesperson revenue in quarter rises Total amount of revenue booked in quarter (does not include $500K deal) $0 $500,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 Part of curve determining commission of $500,000 deal Change in MB vs. closing deal by itself in earlier/later quarter ($,000) Probability of deal being “pushed” if salesperson had no sales in previous quarter Probability of deal being “pulled” if salesperson had no sales in subsequent quarter A,B C D E F G 0 17.5 42.5 57.5 82.5 107.5 0% 5.5% 13.3% 18.0% 25.9% 33.7% 0% 13.6% 33.0% 44.6% 64.0% 83.4% 53 Table 12: Deal outcomes model, OLS results Dependent variable = discount received; N=4,020; robust standard errors clustered by product in parentheses Variable (A) (B) (C) Constant 8.06 (3.05)*** 7.55 (3.41)** ΔMBt-1 0.25 (0.07)*** 0.22 (0.10)** ΔMBt+1 0.48 (0.13)*** 0.44 (0.15)*** Closes early in quarter (CE) 1.90 (0.71)** -0.67 (0.80) Closes late in quarter (CL) 3.78 (1.70)*** -1.01 (1.03) Log deal size 2.16 (0.82)*** 1.81 (0.70)*** 2.01 (0.77)*** Log tenure 2.03 (0.89)** 1.74 (0.89)** 1.88 (0.74)*** New to vendor -0.61 (0.46) -0.31 (0.25) -0.51 (0.45) New to product 4.18 (1.81)** 3.06 (1.49)** 2.02 (0.99)* Log # of employees 0.39 (0.23)* 0.48 (0.32) 0.42 (0.22)* Log total 2002 revenue 0.34 (0.33) 0.25 (0.20) 0.45 (0.40) Product fixed effects Y Y Y Quarter fixed effects Y Y Y Customer industry fixed effects Y Y Y Sales region fixed effects Y Y Y Operating system fixed effects Y Y Y 0.287 0.248 0.266 R-squared ***, **, * represent statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively 54 Table 13: Deal outcomes model, 2SLS results using instrumental variable Dependent variable = discount received; N=4,020; robust standard errors clustered by product in parentheses Dependent variable Constant Stage 1 2SLS using instrument ΔMBi Yi,t 2.67 (1.04)** 7.55 (3.41)** Old OLS Effect of exogenous list price change on ΔMB ΔMBΔp,t-1 0.11 (0.02)*** ΔMBΔp,t+1 0.15 (0.03)*** Fitted values of ΔMB from Stage 1 regression ΔMBt-1 0.19 (0.10)* 0.25 (0.07)*** ΔMBt+1 0.40 (0.22)* 0.48 (0.13)*** 0.81 (0.25)*** 2.21 (0.99)** 2.16 (0.82)*** 0.11 (0.05)* 1.55 (0.69)*** New to vendor -0.04 (0.07) -0.35 (0.31) New to product 1.38 (0.70)* 2.41 (1.19)* Log # of employees 0.08 (0.06) 0.44 (0.24)* Log total 2002 revenue 1.11 (1.09) 0.98 (0.79) Product fixed effects Y Y Quarter fixed effects Y Y Customer industry fixed effects Y Y Sales region fixed effects Y Y Operating system fixed effects Y Y N 2340 2340 F-statistic 21.5 R-squared 0.589 Basic deal characteristics Log deal size Salesperson characteristics Log tenure Customer characteristics 0.231 ***, **, * represent statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively 55 Table 14: First-stage matching results: probit to estimate the likelihood of gaming Dependent variable = timing of deal close (CE, CL ,or CM); N=4,020; robust standard errors clustered by product in parentheses Note: both models contain all “control” deals, which are the deals which closed in the middle of a quarter ΔMBt-1 (1) (2) Early treatment sample Late treatment sample Likelihood of deal closing in period t (being “pushed” from previous quarter) Likelihood of deal closing in period t (being “pulled” from subsequent quarter) .042 (.020)** .098 (.032)*** ΔMBt+1 Log deal size .113 (.096) .346 (.298) Salesperson tenure .022 (.009)* .037 (.020)* Quarter 4 deal .006 (.005) .067 (.035)* Controls not reported N= Wald test Pseudo R-squared Product, operating system, industry, sales region, customer characteristics Product, operating system, industry, sales region, customer characteristics 678 2980 567.8*** 885.1*** .09 .13 ***, **, * represent statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively 56 Table 15: Deal outcomes model using matched sample, OLS results Dependent variable = discount received; robust standard errors clustered by product in parentheses Variable Constant (A) “Pushed” deal matched sample (B) “Pulled” deal matched sample 6.78 (3.21)** 7.12 (3.05)** 2.42 (1.16)** 6.04 (2.67)** (C) Full sample Sample characteristics Treatment dummy Deal timing characteristics Early deal 1.90 (0.69)*** Late deal 3.78 (1.61)*** Basic deal characteristics Log deal size 3.02 (1.41)** 2.15 (1.05)** 1.99 (0.75)*** Discount exactly on band -2.45 (-1.91) -2.03 (-1.18)* -1.88 (-1.02)* 0.75 (0.50) 1.40 (0.78)* 1.04 (0.58)* 1.67 (0.85)* 2.14 (0.78)*** 1.79 (0.68)*** New to product 4.14 (2.31)* 2.55 (1.03)** 3.94 (1.79)** Log # of employees 0.28 (0.15)* 0.38 (0.18)** 0.33 (0.17)* Product fixed effects Y Y Y Quarter fixed effects Y Y Y Customer industry fixed effects Y Y Y Sales region fixed effects Y Y Y Operating system fixed effects Y Y Y R-squared 0.13 0.19 0.264 N 394 2145 4020 % services spend Salesperson characteristics Log tenure Customer characteristics ***, **, * represent statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively 57 Table 16: Estimates of cost of incentive system in terms of foregone revenue Sample Estimate of discount difference for “pushed” deals* Estimate of discount difference for “pulled” deals* Estimate of cost of incentive system in terms of foregone revenue** OLS using ΔMB as explanatory variable 2SLS using ΔMB due to exogenous list price changes as instrument OLS using deal timing as proxy for deal being gamed OLS using matched samples only All observations All observations with list price in previous year (excludes new products) All observations Matched observations only 2.52 1.88 1.90 2.42 6.28 5.28 3.78 6.04 8.09% 6.71% 6.26% 7.68% * Unit is percentage point off of list price ** Unit is percent of revenue achieved (multiplies the percentage point difference in discount for early and late deals by their frequency in the data, and normalizes by average discount given) 58 Table 17: Average attrition rates by performance quartile (all salespeople employed by the company for at least one year in North America; N not reported for confidentiality reasons) Quartile 1 (top 20% in total revenue generated) 2 3 4 5 (bottom 20% in total revenue generated) One year attrition rate 28% 24% 19% 29% 43% Two-year attrition rate 39% 33% 31% 38% 67% 59