When Do Markets Tip? An Experimental Study Tanjim Hossain Hong Kong University of Science & Technology John Morgan Haas School of Business and Department of Economics University of California, Berkeley March 2007 Abstract We report the results of laboratory experiments examining platform competition in two-sided markets. Owing to “market size” e¤ects that favor the platform with the larger customer base, there always exist equilibria in which all participants “tip” to one platform or the other. When “market impact” e¤ects are su¢ ciently large, then there also exist interior equilibria where both platforms enjoy positive market share. We vary the degree of market size and market impact e¤ects, as well as the e¢ ciency and access price in a market where there are two competing platforms. Regardless of the underlying parameters, we …nd strong support for tipping in these markets. Moreover, tipping occurs quite rapidly, often after only a few iterations of the game. The market impact e¤ect plays no role in leading to a non-tipped market while apparent non-tipping may arise from market segmentation and slow converegence to a tipped equilibrium. Finally, we show that participants following the Pareto criterion or a cognitive hierarchies model of choice explain both tipping as well the platform that will prevail in this competition. Preliminary and incomplete. Please do not circulate without the permission of the authors. 1 Introduction Many markets share the following features— di¤erent types of agents interact with one another on a platform, which may both serve to match the agents as well as to facilitate transactions. Fixing the ratio of the number of agents of di¤erent types, the larger are the number of agents participating on a particular platform, the more gains from trade are available to those on that platform. While agents of a given type bene…t when more agents of the opposite type use that platform, they are harmed when there are more agents of their same type using that platform. Of course, the …rst feature is merely a generic description of a two-sided market (see Rochet and Tirole, 2003) and can be thought of as a “scale e¤ect.”The second feature, which may be thought of as a “market size” e¤ect, is simply a description of a particular kind of network e¤ect that often occurs in two-sided markets. The third feature, which may be thought of as a “market impact” e¤ect, is present in markets where agents of one type compete for the business of agents of the other type. This is one of the …rst papers to study subjects’choice between two competing platforms in two-sided markets with these features using laboratory experiments under a broad range of competitive conditions. In concrete terms, the online auction market is one example of a market with these features. There are agents of di¤ering types (buyers and sellers) undertaking both matching and transactions on a platform (typically eBay in the US). Sellers bene…t from the presence of more buyers and vice-versa (market size e¤ects) while sellers are disadvantaged by the competition presented when there are more sellers on the network (market impact e¤ects). Other examples of markets with these features include dating services, e-retail competition on price comparison sites, Internet search engines, credit card markets, stock exchanges and video gaming consoles. As these platforms facilitate market operations, Evans and Schmalensee (2007) sometimes refer to them as market makers or economic catalysts. The presence of market size e¤ects implies the existence of an equilibrium where all agents choose to be on single platform— a tipping equilibrium— regardless of the 1 quality of that platform relative to those with which it is competing.1 This is straightforward to see in the case of online auctions. Clearly, if all potentials buyers search for products only on eBay, there is no point in a seller posting an item to Yahoo no matter how good its auction platform is. Similarly, if all sellers are located on eBay, there is no point in any buyer browsing Yahoo auctions for non-existent listings. While tipping is always an equilibrium, Ellison and Fudenberg (2003) showed that, when market impact e¤ects are su¢ ciently strong, there also exist equilibria in which competing platforms can coexist even when the platforms are completely homogeneous.2 Of course, there are other reasons to suspect that tipping is not inevitable in platform competition. In the online dating space, there is considerable segmentation and specialization across platforms. For example, Jdate is the dominant platform for online dating among Jewish people, but is dwarfed in overall market share by less specialized o¤erings such as Yahoo personals and Match.com. Geographic segmentation can also make a di¤erence. For example, while eBay is the dominant online auction site in the US and Europe, Yahoo dominates in Asia. Segmentation in the form of the specialized niche occupied by Jdate or the geographic segmentation of eBay and Yahoo may still suggest that the “market,” if de…ned properly, has already tipped to a single platform. Indeed, in a companion paper to this one (Hossain and Morgan, 2007), we o¤er a theoretical model of platform competition in two-sided markets that shares all of the features we described above. We depart from standard theoretical models in that we assume that agent decision making is based on a cognitive hierarchies model a la Camerer, Ho and Chong (2004) rather than the usual fully rational model. In models of this type, agents best respond given their hypotheses about the choice behavior of other agents. These hypotheses are based on the cognitive level of the agent. Level 0 agents are assumed to choose strategies at random. Level 1 agents hypothesize that all other agents are level 0 1 Technically, the implication is valid only under the restriction that agents are single-homing, i.e. can choose only a single platform. 2 See also, Ellison, Fudenberg, and Mobius (2004) for an application of this idea to competing online auction platforms such as eBay and Yahoo. However, Brown and Morgan (2006) investigated the implications of this model using …eld experiments on eBay and Yahoo and did not …nd support for the implications of the theory. 2 and optimize accordingly while level k agents believe that all other agents are of level k 0 2 f0; 1; : : : ; k 1g. Our main …nding is that, when agents behave according to cognitive hierarchies (hereafter CH), equilibrium coexistence is impossible if the fraction of level-0 players in the market is close to zero.3 Moreover, the CH models o¤er precise predictions as to which platform will ultimately prevail. Interestingly, this equilibrium is also the risk dominant equilibrium. When the platforms have identical matching capabilities then the CH model predicts that the market achieves the Pareto dominant equilibrium. However, this may not be the case if platforms have di¤erent matching capabilities. As many theoretical models lead to multiple equilibria, it is di¢ cult to clearly predict what the market outcome would prevail in a long-run equilibrium. In this paper, we investigate if and when markets tip using controlled laboratory experiments. In our experimental framework, subjects, who are assigned the role of an economic agent of a particular type, must choose between two competing platforms. Platforms may di¤er in their cost to access, the magnitude of the market size e¤ect (which may be thought of as the e¢ ciency of the matching and transaction handling of the platform) and the degree to which agents of the same type participating on the same platform a¤ect each other’s payo¤s (i.e., the magnitude of the market impact e¤ect). By varying the degree of the market impact e¤ect while leaving all else …xed, we are able to “turn on and o¤” the existence of a non-tipped equilibrium. We also vary the number of agents of each type participating in the market. Players know the market size, gross payo¤ from each platform as a function of the number of players of each type in that platform and the entry fees to the platforms. They simultaneously choose which platform to enter repeatedly for a number of periods and we test whether subjects’platform choices converge to any speci…c outcome. Then they participate in a new market with a new set of gross payo¤ functions for platforms against a new set of players. Our framework is su¢ ciently ‡exible to allow us to examine cases where the competing platforms are homogeneous as well as vertically di¤erentiated, 3 Same results hold even when we assume that a level-k player believes that all other players are of level k 1 as suggested in, for example, Nagel (1995), Stahl and Wilson (1995) and Costa-Gomes and Crawford (2006). 3 to examine cases where there are a large number of agents in the market as well as a small number, and to examine how variation in the price of access for agents a¤ects tipping. This experimental format can represent both markets where an agent may repeatedly participate in transactions with agents of the opposite type and markets where she leaves the market as soon as she completes one transaction with success. Most of the theoretical models in the existing literature deal with platforms that are identical in terms of matching the agents. In the …rst eight sessions of our experiments, both platforms have identical matching technology and di¤er only in their entry fees. However, in sessions 9 to 20, the platforms vary in matching e¢ ciency in addition to varying in the entry fees. In some sense, in these sessions the platforms are di¤erentiated in two dimensions— both entry fees and matching e¢ ciency. Variations in quality level of platforms is common in the real life. The search engine Google has become a leader in bringing Internet users and advertisers to their websites in a relatively short time because of its superior search ability. The dating site eHarmony.com advertises that it uses its .“Relationship Questionnaire” to create highly compatible matches based on a rigorous 29-dimension scale, thus di¤erentiating its matching technology from those of competitors. The “Di¤erentiated Platforms” setting tries to capture this idea. In all twenty sessions, we follow the variation of the market impact e¤ect in the same way. Namely, subjects participate both in markets where the market impact e¤ect is large enough so that a non-tipped equilibrium exists and in markets where the market impact e¤ect is small leading to only tipped equilibria. Thus, we can distinguish between market impact e¤ect and platform di¤erentiation e¤ect in our results. Speci…cally, if market impact e¤ect is the main driving force behind nontipping, we would see non-tipping in the non-tipped games of all twenty sessions. Under a broad range of competitive conditions, we …nd strong evidence for the prevalence of tipping. When platforms were homogeneous, both platforms o¤ered the same gross payo¤ functions. Then, the markets quickly tipped toward the platform with the lower access fee— even when market impact e¤ects are strong enough to sustain equilibrium coexistence. As the platforms varied only in one dimension, it was 4 easier to …gure out for the subjects which platform o¤ered the higher surplus net of the access fees and the subjects converged to that platform. Convergence required only a few iterations of the game in most cases. Moreover, once a group of agents converged to a single platform, it is never the case that they subsequently switched to the rival platform. These markets always converged to the Pareto dominant equilibrium, which is also consistent with the CH model’s prediction. The experimental results were more nuanced when platforms were vertically differentiated. Nevertheless, they are broadly consistent with the predictions of the CH model. In two of the three settings with di¤erentiated markets, the equilibrium predicted by the CH model is also Pareto dominant. In these settings the markets appear to favor the Pareto e¢ cient platforms. In some settings, the markets fail to converge to any particular outcome or some segments of the market tip to the Pareto dominated tipped equilibrium. Although this gave the overall market an appearance of reaching a non-tipped outcome, none of the market segments ever converged to the non-tipped equilibrium outcome even when they existed. The markets never converged to an outcome that is not an equilibrium either. In the third setting with di¤erentiated markets we designed the payo¤ matrices in a way that the market should tip to the cheaper platform if subjects follow the CH model or choose the risk-dominant equilibrium. However, the market tipping to the more expensive platform is the Pareto dominant equilibrium. In this setting, the market fails to converge quite frequently. In the markets where the subjects converged to a particular outcome, both of the tipped equilibria where more or less equally prevalent. As in settings Di¤erentiated II and III, sometimes some market segments converged to the cheaper platform while other segments converged to the more expensive platform. Nevertheless, none of the markets seemed to converge to the non-tipped equilibrium when that existed. Overall, given the divergence in equilibrium choice and lack of convergence, the overall markets get the appearance of a non-tipped one. However, the overall subjects’ choice of platforms look remarkably similar when we compare the game with a non-tipped equilibrium versus the game with only tipped equilibria. These results suggest that apparent non-tipping in the real world may result 5 from market segmentation or slow convergence to any particular outcome because of platform di¤erentiation. The market-impact e¤ect did not seem to ultimately have a large e¤ect on the platform choice in either homogenous and di¤erentiated platforms settings. The existence of non-tipped equilibrium was irrelevant in determining the market outcomes. Overall results also suggest that the market size e¤ect does not a¤ect tipping vs. non-tipping. Our results have obvious public policy implications in the regulation of two-sided markets. Because of the presence of network e¤ects, these markets are easily monopolizable with the usual adverse e¤ects on consumer welfare.4 However, it is rarely the case that the dominant platform owns a true 100% market share. For instance, even Microsoft’s Windows operating system, which has been …nd by several courts to be a de facto monopoly, shares the market with the increasingly resurgent Apple and Linux operating systems. Furthermore, geographic or taste separation may effectively obscure the true market power of the dominant platform. For instance, no single player dominates the overall US online dating market; however, there are dominant players, within subsets of the market. The results from di¤erentiated platforms settings are consistent with these observations. The remainder of the paper proceeds as follows. The next section relates the paper to the existing literature on two-sided markets and laboratory experiments on coordination problems. In Section 3, we summarize the design of the experiments. In Section 4, we describe the predictions and results of the experiments for sessions in which the competing platforms are homogeneous. Section 5 describes the predictions and results of the experiments for sessions in which the competing platforms are di¤erentiated. In section 6, we summarize the results of all experiments and draw conclusions. 4 See, for example, Baye and Morgan (2001) for an analysis of the welfare impact of a monopoly platform in a two-sided market. 6 2 Relation to the Literature The laboratory experiments in this paper complements the growing theoretical literature on platform choice in two-sided markets.5 In a pioneering paper in this literature, Caillaud and Jullien (2001, 2003) discuss competition between two matchmakers who may charge two-part tari¤s and di¤erent price schedules to the two types of agents. They show that only tipping equilibria can be supported by the market when platforms can charge two-part tari¤s and platforms make zero pro…t. In two other important papers, Rochet and Tirole (2003) and Armstrong (2006) study platform competition assuming platforms are somewhat di¤erentiated leading to differentiable demand functions for the two platforms. Thus, tipping vs. non-tipping is not an issue in those two models. The platforms’primary pricing instruments are transaction fees. Unlike the above-mentioned papers, the platforms do not compete in prices in the experiments in this paper, the prices are exogenously given. This can be interpreted as platforms choosing their marginal cost as their prices. Ellison and Fudenberg (2003) and Ellison, Fudenberg and Möbius (2004) also study agents’choice among two platforms where platforms do not compete in prices. Although the markets are identical in terms of matching e¢ ciency, platforms of di¤erent sizes can coexist in equilibrium because of the market impact e¤ect when there are …nite number of agents. Ambrus and Argenziano (2005) have a similar model, but with continuum of consumers leading to nonexistence of market impact e¤ect. Price competition among platforms leads to tipping when agents are homogenous. Nevertheless, non-tipped equilibrium with platforms of di¤erent sizes exist when agents of both types have heterogenous preferences. In Damiano and Li (2005), consumers are heterogeneous and platforms use entry fees to separate di¤erent types of consumers. They show that multiple platforms can coexist in equilibrium in a sequential game when player type distributions are su¢ ciently di¤used. However, unlike most models, consumers do not enjoy any network externality from the platforms in their model. In our experiments, agents are homogenous and the two sides of the market are symmetric. Most theoretical 5 See Armstrong (2006) for a more extensive review of the theory literature on two-sided markets. 7 models assume that platforms are symmetric in terms of matching e¢ ciency while we consider both homogenous and di¤erentiated platforms. As the access prices to platforms di¤er, agents choose between platforms that may be di¤erent in two dimensions in our experiments. Ambrus and Argenziano (2005) consider coalitionally rationalizable equilibria in their paper. In our experiments, agents cannot cooperate and form a coalition to make platform choice decision. As this may be possible in small markets where agents know each other (such as markets for rare or specialized products), that can be considered in future experiments. To the best of our knowledge, we are the …rst to study competing two-sided markets using laboratory experiments under such a general framework. Clemons and Weber (1996) ran experiments with both students and ‡oor traders from NYSE where in each period sellers and buyers decided on how to divide 10 shares to buy or sell (depending on their roles in the experiment) between two stock exchanges X and Y . The subjects did not pay any price for using the platforms. However, the di¤erence in e¢ ciency levels between these two platforms changed direction during the experiment. Initially, when platform Y was not fully developed, the subjects used both stock exchanges and the market reached interior outcomes. However, once platform Y completely developed and became more e¢ cient than platform X, traders of both types converged to trading only on platform Y . This paper is also related to the literature on coordination game experiments. In Van Huyck, Battalio and Beil (1990), subjects played a minimum action game repeatedly where each player chooses an action ei 2 f1; 2; : : : ; eg. A subject’s payo¤ depends positively on the minimum of all players’actions and may negatively depend on her action if it is above the minimum action. Any strategy pro…le where all players choose the same action is a pure strategy equilibrium. However, these equilibria can be Pareto ranked where all players choosing e Pareto dominates all other equilibria. When an action above the minimum of all players’actions strictly reduced a subject’s payo¤, at least one player chose the lowest possible action latest by period 4 in all sessions with 14-16 subjects in a group. After that, it stayed as the minimum action chosen in all future periods. However, when subjects played in 2-player groups or 8 a player’s own action did not reduce her payo¤s, quite frequently all subjects chose the highest possible action. Thus, subjects chose the worst-possible equilibrium in a strict minimum action game when the group size was large enough, but the selected equilibrium was a¤ected by the group size. In Van Huyck, Battalio and Beil (1991), subjects played a median action game which is similar to a minimum action game with the di¤erence that a subject’s payo¤ positively depends on the median, instead of the minimum, of the action taken by all players. They …nd more cooperation than in minimum action games. Following Schelling (1980), they suggest that which equilibrium subjects would coordinate to depends on saliency of attributes such as payo¤-dominance or security; in the games where payo¤-dominance is more salient then subjects choose the highest possible action while they choose a medium range action when security is a more salient feature. Signi…cant attention also has been given to how subjects learn to play coordination games. Battalio, Samuelson and Van Huyck (2001) investigate coordination failure in stag hunt games. Crawford (1995) theoretically study adaptive dynamics of subjects’ learning in coordination games and then apply the model on the data from Van Huyck, Battalio and Beil (1990, 1991) experiments. Costa-Gomes and Crawford (2006) runs experiments with 2-person guessing games and …nd that subjects’initial responses can be well explained by a cognitive hierarchical model of thinking. Platform choice in a two-sided market can be viewed as a coordination problem between the two types of agents. Similar to the coordination games literature, there exist multiple equilibria that can be Pareto ranked in our setting. This is one of …rst experiments where two di¤erent types of agents coordinate on location choice. Thus, the above-mentioned coordination games to not have a platform competition interpretation. Nevertheless, the focus of this paper is less on how learning by players propagate in coordination games and more on ultimately what kind of outcomes players coordinate to in a two-sided market model with a broad applicability in industrial organization. 9 3 Experimental Design In this section, we outline the procedures used in all experimental sessions as well as summarizing various descriptive statistics pooled over all experimental sessions. In later sections, we describe the individual payo¤ functions used in each session and analyze the results under each treatment. We designed a laboratory experiment that investigates subjects’choices of platforms in a two-sided market with two competing platforms. Platforms may di¤er from one another in their matching and transactions technology, which we represent abstractly as di¤erences in the gross payo¤ functions of a player under a given market share con…guration. The gross payo¤s for each platform are given in matrix forms for each possible con…guration of platform choices by the players of two types. The platforms in the experiment thus represent generic platforms for most two-sided markets. Platforms also di¤er in the prices that they charge each of the agents for access. Our main interest is whether and how fast competition leads to “tipping”— situations where all agents choose the same platform. While the theory models of competition in two-sided markets are mainly static, of interest to policy makers is dynamic behavior— how does market share between competing platforms evolve as agents participate on the platforms over time. Thus, we thought it was important to explore the dynamics of market share among competing platforms. To operationalize this, we organized subjects into groups of agents. All subjects who were members of a given group interacted repeatedly in a two-sided market over several iterations of the stage game. After these iterations were complete, subjects were then randomly and anonymously re-matched into new groups and play proceeded. In all treatments, the payo¤ functions were such that a subject would get a positive payo¤ in each period under all possible con…gurations of choices by her and other subjects Our other main interest was whether the possibility of a non-tipped equilibrium would lead to coexistence. To implement this, we used a within-subjects design where we varied the market impact e¤ects across iterations of a given session. In half of the iterations, an interior equilibrium existed while in the other half, tipping was the only equilibrium possibility. We also varied the presentation order of the payo¤ 10 matrices so that sometimes interior equilibria came …rst and sometimes later. Since the presence of interior equilibrium with possibly highly unequal market shares has been used by Microsoft and others as the basis for arguing the absence of monopoly power, we thought it was highly important to examine this aspect of extant theory. We now o¤er an overview of our sessions. Between May 2006 and March 2007, we ran 20 sessions with ten di¤erent treatments. In total, 352 undergraduate students of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology participated in these sessions. All subjects were recruited electronically by using a software developed by the university and each subject participated in only one session. The subjects spent slightly less than 90 minutes in the laboratory including reading the instructions and receiving payments. The average payment to subjects was almost HKD 170, considerably above the outside work options available to most subjects.6 The experiment was programmed and conducted with the software z-Tree developed by Fishbacher (1999). Sessions 1 to 6 consisted of 40 periods and sessions 7 to 20 consisted of 60 periods of the platform competition game (depending on our priors about the speed at which a given payo¤ matrix would lead to convergence). Subjects earned points for all periods and the total points earned were translated into HKD according to an exchange rate speci…ed at the beginning of the experiment. The session length, payo¤ functions and exchange rate were designed in a way that if all players choose the Pareto dominant equilibrium in every period then a player would earn HKD 180 from the session. With the exception of the two large market sessions (where 32 subjects participated), 16 subjects participated in each session. To get a feel for the ‡ow of the experiment, we describe in detail the procedures for the “baseline” sessions (sessions 1-6), all other sessions proceeded similarly save for the scaling in terms of the number of periods or numbers of subjects. At the start of a baseline session, subjects were formed randomly and anonymously into four equalsized groups or markets of four players each. Two of the subjects in a given group were assigned the identity “triangle” while the other two were assigned the identity “square.” The members of a group and their identities remained …xed for the …rst 6 On average, 1 USD = 7.79 HKD. 11 10 rounds of the game. During each period, subjects chose which of two platforms (labeled “…rm %” and “…rm #”) to access. In making this decision, subjects were informed of the costs to access and their payo¤s from accessing a given platform as a function of the choices made by the other players. The gross payo¤s from accessing any given platform was given by a payo¤ matrix. Particular payo¤ matrices used in di¤erent sessions are provided in sections 4 and 5. For homogenous platforms, the gross payo¤ function for the two platforms were identical and were given by the same payo¤ matrix in the instructions. In the di¤erentiated platforms settings, the gross payo¤s for the two platforms were given by two di¤erent matrices. The platforms can thus very easily be vertically di¤erentiated. The access or entry fees of the two platforms were announced at the beginning of a session and were kept unchanged through out the session. A sample instruction sheet supplied to the subjects during the baseline sessions is provided in the appendix. After the end of each period, each subject was told how many players of each type in her 4-player market joined which platform and her net payo¤ equalling the gross payo¤ minus the access fee. Subjects played the same game for 10 periods. At the conclusion of period 10, subjects were randomly re-matched into new groups, randomly re-assigned a type (square or triangle) and the payo¤ matrices for accessing each of the platforms changed. Following round 20, we reverted back to the original payo¤ matrices while following round 30, we reverted back to the matrices used at the start of round 11. The access fees were held constant throughout the entire session. Thus, our setup may be thought of as a fairly typical abab experimental design. Following round 40, subjects were paid in cash on the basis of the number of points earned in the game according to an exchange rate announced at the beginning of the session. To control for presentation e¤ects, each session had a pair that di¤ered from it only in the presentation order of the payo¤ matrices (i.e. a baba design). As we shall see, the presentation order of the payo¤ matrices appears to have little e¤ect on subject choice. Payo¤ matrices were changed so that the market impact e¤ect di¤ers between the a speci…cation and the b speci…cation. When there is a strong market impact e¤ect, there exists an equilibrium where the platforms can coexist, which we 12 shall refer to as a type N treatment (the N is a mnemonic for non-tipping). Where the market impact e¤ect is weak, then only tipping equilibria exist and we shall refer to these are T treatments (where T is a mnemonic for tipping). Both the labels used for a subject’s identity as well as those used for the names of the two competing platforms were designed to present as neutral a frame as possible. Even though we called the two markets % and # in all 20 sessions, we rotated which platform had the lower access fee and also the sequence of the two platforms in the choice screen. For purposes of exposition, we will refer to the two platforms as platforms A and B following the norm that platform A is the one with the higher access fee. Likewise, we will refer to square type as “male”type and triangle type as “female” type of player to give the ‡avor of a (heterosexual) online dating market. In all settings, the gross payo¤s are the same for male and female players. As the same subject participated as both types during a session, we did not expect behavior of the two types of players to vary systematically and we do not see any evidence to the contrary in our experimental results. Treatments Our treatments may be usefully divided into those where the competing platforms are homogeneous and those where the platforms are di¤erentiated. Within each of these divisions, we varied the market impact e¤ects to create N and T treatments. Half of the sessions were run with N T N T treatments and half were run with T N T N treatments. We ran six “baseline” sessions with homogeneous platforms. We also ran two “jumbo”sessions with homogeneous platforms. Jumbo sessions di¤ered from baseline in that the number of agents of each type in the market was doubled. Next, we ran 12 sessions where platforms were di¤erentiated; that is, one platform was more e¢ cient in matching agents than the other. More speci…cally, the more e¢ cient platform also charged a higher entry fee. These sessions may usefully be divided in three di¤erent settings where we ran four sessions of each setting. In Setting I, the cheaper platform also o¤ers the greater overall surplus in the event that all agents visit it. In Setting II, the more expensive platform o¤ers the higher overall surplus in the event that the market tips to it. Finally, in Setting III, the 13 more expensive platform o¤ers greater overall surplus; however the payo¤ functions are designed in such a way that CH players will opt for the cheaper platform. 4 Homogeneous Platforms As a …rst step for answering the broad questions raised in this paper, we ran experiments where both platforms were equally e¢ cient in matching agents for transactions, a common assumption in the theory literature. In the experiments we can achieve that by providing the same gross payo¤ matrix for the two platforms. The platforms just di¤er in the entry fees they charge. We call these setting the homogenous platforms settings. We ran two kinds of sessions— “Baseline Sessions” and “Jumbo Sessions”under the homogenous platform settings. They di¤ered basically in the size of the entire market and were otherwise similar. Cognitive Hierarchies Using the results of Hossain and Morgan (2007), it is straightforward to show that for both the N and T matrices, the unique equilibrium under the CH model is for all players (with cognitive sophistication level of 1 or above) to go to the cheaper platform. Intuitively, a level 1 player believes that all other players are level 0 and hence, the size of the two platforms is, in expectation, equal. Therefore, it pays for such a player to simply choose the platform with the cheaper access fee. For level 2 and higher players, the cost-bene…t calculation is similar though tilted more in favor of the cheaper platform B owing to the fact that all of the level 1 and higher sophistication players will have selected this platform. Thus, platform B will, in the eyes of these players, both have a size and cost advantage which leads to the market tipping to platform B. This equilibrium is also the risk-dominant and Paretodominant equilibrium. These results are independent of the number of participants in the market, the market size e¤ect and the market impact e¤ect. That is, the cognitive hierarchy model suggests that the unique equilibrium is the Pareto-dominant and the risk-dominant equilibrium where the market tips to the cheaper platform no matter whether or not a non-tipped equilibrium exists with completely rational players in both baseline and jumbo sessions. 14 4.1 4.1.1 Baseline Sessions Description As the experimental design is already described in section 3, we begin by describing the payo¤s in the baseline sessions. Since platforms only di¤er in terms of their access fees, these sessions represent the purest possible test for the attractiveness (or lack thereof) of an equilibrium in which the platforms coexist. For each of these sessions, the access costs are pA = 4 and pB = 2. Recall that a player’s net payo¤ from using a particular platform equals her gross payo¤ minus that platform’s access fee. For the N (non-tipping) treatment of the baseline sessions, subjects were presented with the following gross payo¤ matrix. Table 1: Baseline: N Payo¤ Matrix Number of players of the player's own type (including herself) in the platform she joined Number of players of the opposite type in the platform she joined 1 2 0 5 5 1 9 6 2 12 11 Here the gross payo¤ entry in row t and column s represents the gross expected payo¤ from entering a platform with s players of the player’s own type and t 1 players of the opposite type. Notice that, with rational players, there exist three equilibria of the above game. All players going to platform A or all going to platform B are equilibria. Moreover, one male player and one female player going to platform A and the remaining two players going to platform B is also an equilibrium. Owing to the severe market impact e¤ects, none of the players can bene…t from a unilateral move to another platform. 15 For the T (tipping) treatment of the baseline sessions, subjects were presented with the gross payo¤ matrix given in Table 2. Notice that the T matrix di¤ers from the N matrix in the impact of a second player of the same type joining a given platform. In the case of the T matrix, the payo¤ consequences of having to share the platform with more players of the same type are less severe than they are under the N matrix. Table 2: Baseline T Payo¤ Matrix Number of players of the player's own type (including herself) in the platform she joined Number of players of the opposite type in the platform she joined 1 2 0 5 5 1 9 8 2 12 11 Given that pA = 4 and pB = 2, when players are rational, there exist two pure strategy Nash equilibria of the above game— all players going to platform A or all going to platform B. There is no equilibrium where some players go to platform B and some go to platform A. A subject earned a net payo¤ of the gross payo¤ received according to the population composition of the platform of her choice minus the entry fee of her chosen platform. The payo¤s and entry fees were calculated in points and subjects earned points for all 40 periods. At the end of the session, they received payment in cash receiving 1 HKD for each 2 points earned. 4.1.2 Results Recall that in each period, subjects made binary choices between the platform with the higher access fee (platform A) or the cheaper platform (platform B): Moreover, for each set of ten periods, the same set of subjects interacted with one another. 16 We examine the percentage of subjects choosing the cheaper platform for a given “period,” which we de…ne as the iteration over which a given group of subjects has interacted together. Thus, “period” x corresponds to rounds x, 10 + x, 20 + x, and 30 + x in each session. A key di¤erence across observations in the same period is in the payo¤ matrix (N or T ) subjects faced, thus we aggregate the choices across payo¤ matrices separately. Figure 1 presents the percentages of subjects that chose the cheaper platform in periods 1 to 10 for the twelve sets of non-tipped (N ) and tipped (T ) games. The results from our experiment, in percentage terms, for these two games are presented as “Actual Numbers in the Non-Tipped Game”and “Actual Numbers in the Tipped Game”respectively. Each line thus represents 192 decisions as there were in together twelve 10-period games with 16 subjects each in these six sessions. The …gure displays two benchmark lines as well. One of these, labeled “CH Prediction,”corresponds to the tipping prediction of the CH model when the proportion of level-0 types goes to zero. The other, labeled “Non-tipped Equilibrium Prediction,” corresponds to the equilibrium in which both platforms coexist that is present in the N treatments. Two features of the …gure are noteworthy. First, the presence of an equilibrium in which the two platforms can, theoretically, coexist appears to have little attractive power to subject choices. Regardless of treatment, a very high percentage of subjects choose the cheaper platform even in period 1. By period 5, nearly every subject is selecting the cheaper platform. Furthermore, there is little di¤erence in either the speed or amount of convergence to the cheaper platform between the T and N treatments. Second, theory o¤ers the possibility that some groups of subjects will converge to the “wrong”platform. That is, it is quite possible for a given group of subjects to end up coordinating on the more expensive platform A and the market would then tip to this platform. However, we never …nd a market that tipped to the platform that provided lower surplus to the consumers in our experiment. There were 96 iterations (6 sessions 4 groups per session 4 iterations of 10 periods per group) where groups participated in 10 periods of the game with the same payo¤ matrix. In none 17 of these 96 iterations did a group coordinate on the more expensive platform. In Figure 2, we also present a time series of the percentages of players going to the cheaper platform in sessions 1, 3 and 5 together and in 2, 4 and 6 together in all 40 periods to see how platform choice dynamics works throughout the game and also to see whether presenting the game with only tipped equilibria …rst or second makes any di¤erence in outcomes. Each of the lines in Figure 2 represents decisions by 48 subjects in each period. This …gure shows that once a market converges to the cheaper platform, the market stays tipped there throughout the session. Moreover, there is little evidence of a presentation e¤ect. Hence, we feel justi…ed in pooling the sessions as in Figure 1. Another point to note is that if all subjects chose the cheaper platform B, in all periods each would earn HKD 180 and the average payment to subjects in these sessions was above HKD 172. 4.2 Jumbo Sessions 4.2.1 Description In the baseline sessions, there were four players in a market. These players quickly coordinated to reach the most e¢ cient equilibrium (for the players) regardless of the treatment or the presentation order. One limitation of these results is that the coordination problem may be too simple since there are only a small number of agents operating in each two-sided market. Perhaps in markets with more agents, tipping to the less ine¢ cient platform and equilibrium coexistence are more plausible as coordination becomes more di¢ cult. To investigate this possibility, we doubled the number of agents participating in markets with homogeneous platforms. Speci…cally, for sessions 7 and 8 we designed a market with four male and four female players. We also increase the number of rounds from 40 to 60 to allow us to observe shifting market dynamics in this more complicated setting. Thus, each of N or T treatment was played continually for 15 rounds. Payo¤s The access fees for the two platforms were pA = 6 and pB = 2. Table 3 presents 18 the gross payo¤ matrix for the N treatment where equilibrium coexistence is possible. The usual equilibria in which all players coordinate on either platform A or platform B are present. Of more interest is the equilibrium where the platforms coexist— here this occurs when 2 female and 2 male players go to one platform while the remaining players go to the platform. Table 3: Jumbo: N Payo¤ Matrix Number of players of the player's own type (including herself) in the platform she joined Number of players of the opposite type in the platform she joined 1 2 3 4 0 7 7 7 7 1 11 10 7 7 2 13 12 7 7 3 15 14 13 10 4 17 16 15 14 Table 4 presents the gross payo¤ matrix for the T treatment. As in the Baseline sessions, the matrix di¤ers from the N treatment payo¤ matrix in that the market impact e¤ects are less severe thus allowing the market size e¤ects to dominate and tipping to result. 19 Table 4: Jumbo: T Payo¤ Matrix Number of players of the player's own type (including herself) in the platform she joined Number of players of the opposite type in the platform she joined 1 2 3 4 0 7 7 7 7 1 11 10 9 8 2 13 12 11 10 3 15 14 13 12 4 17 16 15 14 For reasons identical to those in the Baseline sessions, the model with CH agents predicts that all agents of level 1 and higher will coordinate on the cheaper platform. Sessions 7 and 8 were mirror images of each other. In session 7, the gross payo¤ matrix were given by table 4 in periods 1 to 15 and 31 to 45 and were given by table 5 in periods 16 to 30 and 46 to 60. In session 8, the gross payo¤ matrix were given by table 5 in periods 1 to 15 and 31 to 45 and were given by table 4 in periods 16 to 30 and 46 to 60. The exchange rate in these sessions was HKD 1 for 4 points implying that if all subjects choose the cheaper market in all sessions then they would earn HKD 180 each from the sessions. 4.2.2 Results Figure 3 reproduces the analysis of Figure 1 for the Jumbo sessions. Notice that, despite the apparent increase in the di¢ culty of coordination associated with doubling the size of the market, subjects quickly learn to coordinate on using the cheaper platform and remain there once this coordination is achieved. As with the Baseline sessions, the presence or absence of a non-tipped equilibrium appears to have little in‡uence on subject choices. Also, much as in the Baseline sessions, any Pareto 20 dominated equilibrium never arose. Figure 4 presents a time series of the percentages of subjects going to the cheaper platform in all sixty periods of the two Jumbo sessions. The …gure shows that in both treatments, the market converges to the cheaper platform very quickly. The results are very similar to those in the benchmark setting. In fact, doubling the number of players do not seem to a¤ect the coordination problem at all. The market converges as fast as it did in the benchmark setting, if not faster. 4.3 Discussion In the homogenous platform settings, the presence of a non-tipped equilibrium does not a¤ect subjects’ platform choices. Using Wilcoxon signed-rank test, we fail to reject the null hypothesis that subjects played the games N and T for both baseline and Jumbo sessions.7 Theory models also o¤er the possibility that some groups of subjects will converge to the “wrong”platform in a two-sided market and then getting stuck with this outcome. Indeed, there are many widely discussed examples in the real world of this type of convergence including the Dvorak versus QWERTY keyboard, Betamax versus VHS, and Mac OS versus Windows. We do not see any examples of QWERTY-like convergence at all in either of the homogenous platform settings. Although QWERTY keyboards were introduced long before Dvorak keyboards and thus that may be the reason behind the ine¢ cient tipping, VHS and Betamax video systems were launched more or less at the same time and still the market tipped to the, arguably, inferior system VHS. In our experiments, in both baseline and jumbo sessions markets converged equally quickly to the more e¢ cient platform as evidenced in …gures 1 to 4 and Table 17. The market size did not a¤ect the …nal outcome or even the speed of convergence. In the minimum action games in Van Huyck, Battalio and Beil (1990), the size of the market a¤ected whether subjects could coordinate to the most e¢ cient equilibrium. Subjects converged to taking the lowest possible action as the minimum action in all sessions with 14-16 subjects in a group. However, when subjects played in 2-player 7 We ignore the …rst few periods of a session in these tests. 21 groups, quite frequently all subjects chose the highest possible action. The games our subjects play are not minimum action games and this game seems to be una¤ected by the market size. Interestingly, the CH model suggests that the equilibrium predictions are independent of the market size in our model but are dependent on the market size in a minimum action game a la Van Huyck, Battalio and Beil (1990). 5 Vertically Di¤erentiated Platforms The results from sessions 1 to 8 suggest that when platforms are homogeneous, subjects quickly learn to coordinate on the cheaper platform regardless of the size of the market or the presentation order of the payo¤ matrices. Perhaps surprisingly, this result also holds regardless of the severity of the market impact e¤ect. In other words, even when equilibrium coexistence is a possibility, it seems to play no role in subject choices. On the other hand, the results coincide with the predictions of the CH model. Of course, there are a number of other heuristics and equilibrium re…nements that yield the same prediction as the CH model. For instance, if subjects follow the simple heuristic strategy of choosing the cheaper of the two platforms, one obtains the same prediction. Perhaps a more sophisticated path to the same prediction is to use the Pareto criterion to re…ne the set of Nash equilibrium. Since the cheaper platform is also the more e¢ cient platform under homogeneous platforms, this leads to the same conclusion. However, the overall results of Van Huyck, Battalio and Beil (1990, 1991) should give one pause in using the Pareto criterion as an obvious basis for predicting subject behavior in coordination games.8 To disentangle these competing predictions requires that we enrich the modeling framework by allowing the platforms to di¤er in ways other than the access fees they charge. Moreover, such di¤erences across platforms are obviously present (and important) in the real world and hence of considerable interest in their own right. In the next set of experiments, we look at a market where the two competing platforms 8 Predicition from the CH model coincide with the risk-dominant equilibrium in all the settings in this paper. 22 have di¤erent e¢ ciency levels as well as di¤erent access fees. Thus, the di¤erence between the platforms are two-dimensional instead of one-dimensional. The two platforms have di¤erent e¢ ciency levels in matching the players who join that market and they may be di¤erentiated in other quality aspects too. As a result, the gross payo¤ matrices for the two platforms will typically di¤er. In our experimental design, it is very simple to create platforms that di¤er in the level of e¢ ciency in matching the agents of two types. As the gross payo¤ matrix denotes matching e¢ ciency, we just provide the subjects with di¤erent gross payo¤ matrices for the two platforms in these settings. The platforms also vary in the entry fee and we look at cases where the more expensive …rm is generally more e¢ cient in matching agents. That is it o¤ers higher gross payo¤s for most outcomes. With vertically di¤erentiated platforms, the market tipping to the cheaper platform is not always the CH model’s prediction and also is not always the Paretodominant equilibrium. In sessions 9 to 20, we run four sessions each under three di¤erent settings with di¤erentiated platforms. In the …rst case, both the CH model and Pareto criterion suggest tipping to the cheaper platform. Next we look at the case where both models predict that the market will tip to the more expensive platforms. In the last setting, the CH model predicts that the market tips to the cheaper platform while the market tipping to the more expensive platform is the Pareto dominant equilibrium. 5.1 5.1.1 Di¤erentiated I Sessions Description In these sessions, platform A is more e¢ cient in matching males and females than is platform B; however, the access fee for platform A is set su¢ ciently high so that, net of access fees, surplus is still higher in the cheaper platform. Speci…cally, in sessions 9 to 12, we gave the subjects two di¤erent gross payo¤ matrices for the two platforms. For the N treatment, the gross payo¤ matrices for platforms A and B are presented in Tables 5 and 6 respectively. The access fees are pA = 5 and pB = 2. With these payo¤s there are the usual tipping equilibria as well as an equilibrium 23 in which both platforms can coexist where one pair of male and female players goes to platform B and the other pair goes to platform A. Table 5: Di¤erentiated I: N Payo¤ Matrix for Platform A Number of players of the player's own type (including herself) in platform A Number of players of the opposite type in platform A 1 2 0 6 6 1 10 7 2 13 12 Table 6: Di¤erentiated I: N Payo¤ Matrix for Platform B Number of players of the player's own type (including herself) in platform B Number of players of the opposite type in platform B 1 2 0 3 3 1 9 6 2 12 11 However, in the CH model, there is a unique equilibrium where all players of level 1 and higher go to platform B: A rough intuition is as follows: a level 1 player expects an average of one player of the other type an each platform. The other player of her own type goes to either of the platform with equal probability leading to expected payo¤ of 10 and 7 with equal probability. In contrast, accessing platform B yields a lottery of 9 and 6. However, accessing A costs an additional 3 points compared to B; hence, it is optimal for these types to choose platform B: For higher level players, the prospect of level 1 types, all of whom choose platform B; strengthens the bene…ts of 24 choosing B versus A owing to the size e¤ect. The market tipping to platform B is also the Pareto dominant equilibrium. T Treatments Next, we turn to the T treatment where there is no non-tipped equilibrium. The gross payo¤ matrices for platforms A and B under this treatment are presented in tables 7 and 8 respectively. Again, players get higher net payo¤s in the B platform tipped equilibrium than in the other tipped equilibrium and all level-k players for k 1 go to market B in the unique equilibrium according to the CH model. Table 7: Di¤erentiated I: T Payo¤ Matrix for Platform A Number of players of the player's own type (including herself) in platform A Number of players of the opposite type in platform A 1 2 0 6 6 1 10 9 2 13 12 Table 8: Di¤erentiated I: T Payo¤ Matrix for Platform B Number of players of the player's own type (including herself) in platform B Number of players of the opposite type in platform B 1 2 0 3 3 1 9 8 2 12 11 The Di¤erentiated I sessions consisted of 60 rounds but were otherwise the same as the Baseline sessions. Sessions 9 and 11 were N T N T while sessions 10 and 12 used 25 the opposite presentation order. 5.1.2 Results Figure 5 presents a time series of the percentages of subjects going to the cheaper platform in all sixty periods for the Di¤erentiated I sessions. The …gure shows that in the T N T N presentation ordering (Sessions 9 and 11), the market converges to the cheaper platform fairly quickly and remains that way. In contrast, when the N treatment is presented …rst (Sessions 10 and 12), the market “almost” converges to the cheaper platform in the …rst 15 periods but never gets 100% subjects choosing the cheaper market. Ultimately, in that set, around 94% of the subjects choose platform B. This occurs because one of the 4-player groups in session 11 fails to converge to any speci…c outcome in the …rst 15 periods. After the reshu- e of groups and type allocation, all 4 groups converge to platform B very quickly and the entire market remained that way for the rest of the session. Interestingly, the aforementioned group did not converge to the A platform tipped or non-tipped Nash equilibrium. It simply failed to converge to anything. Figure 6 combines all the four sessions in this setting and presents the percentages of subjects that chose the cheaper platform in periods 1 to 15 for the eight sets of 15-period non-tipped (N ) and tipped (T ) games. As was the case with homogeneous platforms, the subjects quickly converged to the platform o¤ering the higher net payo¤ and remained there throughout the session. The presence of an equilibrium where coexistence was possible appeared to have no attractive e¤ect to subjects nor were there any groups that managed to converge to a QWERTY outcome of coordinating on the platform yielding lower net payo¤s. As with homogeneous markets, the behavior is consistent with the CH model as well as with the cheaper platform heuristic and the Pareto criterion. In the next two sections, we examine treatments with the power to distinguish among these three possibilities. 26 5.2 5.2.1 Di¤erentiated II Sessions Description In sessions 13 to 16, unlike the Di¤erentiated I sessions, we reduced the access fee for platform A such that it also o¤ered the higher net surplus among tipped equilibria while still having a higher access fee. Thus, under cheaper platform heuristic, subjects should coordinate on platform B while under the Pareto criterion, they should coordinate on platform A: For all treatments, the access fees were pA = 3 and pB = 2. The gross payo¤ matrices for platforms A and B under the N treatment are presented in tables 9 and 10 respectively. The more expensive platform A gives subjects higher gross payo¤s. When players exhibit cognitive sophistication according to the CH model, then there is a unique Nash equilibrium where all level-k players for k 1 go to platform A. Although platform B is cheaper, it is not cheap enough given that platform A provides a signi…cantly higher level of gross payo¤s. Only in sessions 13 to 16 the market should tip to the more expensive platform according to the CH model. Table 9: Di¤erentiated II: N Payo¤ Matrix for Platform A Number of players of the player's own type (including herself) in platform A Number of players of the opposite type in platform A 1 2 0 4 4 1 11 8 2 13 12 27 Table 10: Di¤erentiated II: N Payo¤ Matrix for Platform B Number of players of the player's own type (including herself) in platform B Number of players of the opposite type in platform B 1 2 0 4 4 1 8 6 2 11 10 As before, there are three Nash equilibria with rational players with the above payo¤ matrices. Players get higher net payo¤s on the A platform tipped equilibrium than on the B platform tipped equilibrium. In the non-tipped equilibrium, players who go to platform A get higher net payo¤s but the market impact e¤ects are enough to preclude a pro…table deviation. The gross payo¤ matrices for platforms A and B under the T treatment are presented in tables 11 and 12 respectively. Players get higher net payo¤s in the A platform tipped equilibrium than in the B platform tipped equilibrium. All levelk players for k 1 go to the more expensive market A in the unique equilibrium according to the CH model. Table 11: Di¤erentiated II: T Payo¤ Matrix for Platform A Number of players of the player's own type (including herself) in platform A Number of players of the opposite type in platform A 1 2 0 4 4 1 11 10 2 13 12 28 Table 12: Di¤erentiated II: T Payo¤ Matrix for Platform B Number of players of the player's own type (including herself) in platform B Number of players of the opposite type in platform B 5.2.2 1 2 0 4 4 1 8 6 2 11 10 Results Figure 7 presents a time series of the percentages of subjects going to the more expensive platform in all sixty periods for the Di¤erentiated II sessions. Looking at treatment N T N T (sessions 13 and 15) and treatment T N T N (sessions 14 and 16) separately in Figure 7, we see that the market tips to the more expensive platform in treatment T N T N fairly early in the …rst 15 periods. However, in the treatment N T N T , the market seems to converge to an outcome where around 75% of the subjects (24 out of 32 in sessions 13 and 15 combined) go to the more expensive platform A and the remaining 25% of the subjects go to the cheaper platform B in the …rst 15 periods. In the remaining 45 periods, in all four sessions of the two treatments, the market converges to the more expensive platform quickly. This is also evident in Figure 8, which presents the percentages of subjects that chose the more expensive platform in periods 1 to 15 for the eight sets of non-tipped (N ) and tipped (T ) games. Figure 7 suggests that the two treatments fare di¤erently only in the …rst set of 15 periods. In fact, we fail to reject the hypothesis that the subjects behaved di¤erently when a non-tipped equilibrium existed using a Wilcoxon signed-rank test when we look at the last 30 periods for all four sessions. In all cases, the simple “choose the cheapest platform” heuristic receives little support. Instead, the results are more closely approximated by the CH model or the Pareto re…nement. It is, 29 however, instructive to look more closely at the …rst rounds of the N T N T sessions. In these periods, the market does not tip to the more expensive platform and even seems to reach a non-tipped outcome. Looking individually at each of the eight 4player groups that formed a market in sessions 13 and 15 in those periods, we see that the aggregation here is misleading. Each of these small markets actually tipped— to the more e¢ cient platform three quarters of the time and to the ine¢ cient platform one-quarter of the time. Here at last is some evidence that, with su¢ cient platform di¤erentiation, local interactions can lead to tipping with QWERTY outcomes. However, once we reshu- ed the groups after the end of period 15, all eight new markets converged quickly to the e¢ cient equilibrium. There is, moreover, still no behavioral evidence in favor of equilibrium coexistence. Even in this relatively complicated setting, we cannot experimentally reach a non-tipped equilibrium. Nevertheless, super…cially, the overall market looks rather non-tipped— at least at the early stages of each session. This presents an interesting idea, if players in a market are su¢ ciently segregated that populations of both types can be segmented into partitions in a way that members of partition i of one type are only interested in members of partition j of the other type and vice versa, the market may look non-tipped even though at a deeper level the smaller markets are tipped. This may be a useful description of US online dating markets which, at an aggregate level, appear to o¤er support for platform coexistence, but might, at a more local level, re‡ect mainly locally tipped markets. 5.3 5.3.1 Di¤erentiated III Sessions Description In both of the previous di¤erentiated platforms settings, the unique equilibrium suggested by the cognitive hierarchy model is also the Pareto dominant equilibrium. One possible explanation for our results can be subjects intuitively converge to the Pareto dominant equilibrium. To examine this possibility, we modify the gross payo¤ matrices so that the Pareto dominant equilibrium is di¤erent from the equilibrium predicted by the CH model. 30 In sessions 17 to 20, the access fees were set to pA = 3 and pB = 2. The gross payo¤ matrices for platforms A and B under the N treatment are presented in tables 13 and 14 respectively. The equilibrium where all players go to the more expensive platform A Pareto dominates all other equilibria. On the other hand, the unique equilibrium in the CH model is for all level-k players for k 1 to use platform B. Intuitively, a level 1 CH player ascribes signi…cant probability to the outcome where both players of the other type use platform B while no player of her own type uses that platform. This yields an extremely attractive payo¤ of 22. Once the level 1 players select platform B; then, owing to the market size e¤ect, it is optimal for all more sophisticated types to follow suit and also select platform B. Table 13: Di¤erentiated III: N Payo¤ Matrix for Platform A Number of players of the player's own type (including herself) in platform A Number of players of the opposite type in platform A 1 2 0 4 4 1 11 8 2 13 12 Table 14: Di¤erentiated III: N Payo¤ Matrix for Platform B Number of players of the player's own type (including herself) in platform B Number of players of the opposite type in platform B 1 2 0 4 4 1 8 6 2 22 10 31 The gross payo¤ matrices for platforms A and B under the T treatment are presented in tables 15 and 16 respectively. Again, coordination on platform A is Pareto dominant while the CH model and risk-dominance predicts coordination on platform B. Table 15: Di¤erentiated III: T Payo¤ Matrix for Platform A Number of players of the player's own type (including herself) in platform A Number of players of the opposite type in platform A 1 2 0 4 4 1 11 10 2 13 12 Table 16: Di¤erentiated III: T Payo¤ Matrix for Platform B Number of players of the player's own type (including herself) in platform B Number of players of the opposite type in platform B 5.3.2 1 2 0 4 4 1 8 6 2 22 10 Results Figure 9 presents a time series of the percentages of subjects going to the cheaper platform in all sixty periods for the four Di¤erentiated III sessions separately. It is readily apparent from the …gure that subject choices di¤ered substantially across sessions. In session 17 (the N T N T ordering), subjects rapidly coordinated on the less e¢ cient platform B— consistent with the predictions of the CH model and contrary 32 to the Pareto re…nement. In session 18 (the T N T N ordering), there is no evidence of convergence at the aggregate level. In sessions 19 and 20 there are some convergence at the aggregate level only towards the end of the session. However, over the four sessions, N and T treatments do not look so di¤erent and we cannot reject the null hypothesis that subjects behave similarly under these two treatments using a Wilcoxon signed-rank test even when we consider all periods. Figure 10 presents the percentages of subjects that chose the cheaper platform in periods 1 to 15 for the eight sets of non-tipped (N ) and tipped (T ) games and shows that although we do not see any converging trends in 15-period games under either treatments when look at all four sessions together, there is no clear distinction in the two treatments with di¤erent market-impact e¤ects. Overall, results from Di¤erentiated III sessions are very nuanced. This may have resulted from the fact that to create di¤ering predictions from the CH model and Pareto criterion, we had to make the payo¤ function from platform B extremely lop-sided. The payo¤ from going to this platform when both players of the other type goes to platform B but the competing player of the own type goes to plat form A is 22, much higher than the second highest possible payo¤ of 10. This may have led to the divergent results from these sessions. Very few markets succeeded in converging within a 15-period set and there does not seem to be any clear pattern in the di¤erences between sessions. Nevertheless, none of 4-player markets ever chose the non-tipped equilibrium outcome for more than three periods in a row even when this was an equilibrium. Interestingly, all markets in session 17 converged to the Pareto ine¢ cient equilibrium predicted by the CH model by the 20th period and stayed that way while session 19 converged to the Pareto dominant (but not predicted by the CH model) equilibrium toward the end of the session. On the other hand, two 2-player markets went for the cheaper platform as predicted by the CH model and the remaining two markets tipped to the Pareto e¢ cient more expensive platform. Many of the 4-player markets never converged to any particular equilibrium (or non-equilibrium) outcome in the 15-period games. If they did converge, the markets tipped to either of the platforms. As a result, although the overall market looks non- 33 tipped as in Di¤erentiated II sessions, individual markets within the session actually never reached a non-tipped equilibrium. But it is hard to say that the tipping was more prevalent towards the cheaper or more expensive market. Thus, neither CH model or Pareto criterion does overwhelmingly better than the other. 5.4 Discussion The di¤erentiated platforms setting, in addition to being more realistic, also leads to some interesting results. First, we …nd that the markets take much longer to converge to some outcome. Especially, they frequently failed to converge within the 15 periods in the third di¤erentiated platform setting. Given that one of the platforms have a very lopsided gross payo¤ function in these sessions, we may ignore that setting. Still, we do …nd that when platforms vary in two dimensions— matching e¢ ciency and entry fees, as is common in the real world, convergence to a particular outcome becomes more di¢ cult. Second, disconnected market segments within the larger market may tip to di¤erent platforms. This market segmentation is di¤erent from those suggested by The …rst two observations suggests that even when a large market seems nontipped from a distance, when we look at it closely, we may …nd that it is because di¤erent disconnected segments of the market have tipped to di¤erent platforms or some market segments have not yet reached a steady state. This is di¤erent from the segmentation inside a connected market suggested by Damiano and Li (2005) where lower-quality agents go to one market and higher quality agents go to the other. Our result resembles more the observation that online dating markets and online auction markets are somewhat geographically segmented. Third, we …nd tipping to the platform o¤ering lower net payo¤s, a QWERTY-like outcome, can occur in the di¤erentiated platforms setting. Finally, even though slow convergence and market segmentation may lead to apparent non-tipping in markets, market impact e¤ect as suggested by Ellison and Fudenberg (2003) and Ellison, Fudenberg and Möbius (2004) seems to be ine¤ective even in the di¤erentiated markets setting. The results also lead to an empirically testable implication— a market with homogenous platforms is more likely tip than market where platforms are more di¤erentiated. 34 6 Conclusions Success stories in platform competition— Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, eBay— have created spectacular amounts of wealth for shareholders. In all of these situations, size e¤ects, combined with various other advantages, worked to produce markets where the market shares of the “winners”versus the “losers”among platforms are vastly unequal. Existing theory models dating as far back as Schelling (1972) can account for the possibility of tipping, but have little to say about how to tell the winners from the losers before the fact. More recent theoretical work has suggested that compensating market impact e¤ects— the competitive e¤ect of the introduction of another player onto an existing platform— can lead to coexistence between platforms in equilibrium, even if market shares are vastly unequal. Testing such models using …eld data is inherently di¢ cult. It is easy to perceive after the fact that the computer operating system market has tipped to Windows or that online auctions in the US have tipped to eBay, but a much more di¢ cult proposition to identify what factors, if any, might have led to a di¤erent outcome. Retrospective evaluations of the evolutions of these markets have the ‡avor of “just so”stories— that is, theory can be made to …t the facts, but the data are insu¢ cient to examine the counterfactual implications of these same theories. For this reason, we think that laboratory experiments have an essential role to play in adding to understanding of when markets tip. Moreover, laboratory experiments o¤er a useful middle ground between the theory models, many of which are static, and the real-world markets for online dating, online auctions, and so on, which are inherently dynamic. Our experimental setup bridges this gap by choosing payo¤s such that a static analysis is possible while studying dynamic interactions by a set of participants in platform competition. Thus, we see our approach as somewhat in the spirit of the pioneering experimental work done by Smith, Plott and many others in connecting real world market institutions with the abstraction of competitive markets o¤ered by theory. The title of our paper asks the question when do markets tip. A useful starting point is the contrary statement— when don’t markets tip? One possible answer to 35 this question o¤ered by the extant theory literature is that markets do not tip when there exists an equilibrium where both platforms can coexist. This usually happens when the market impact e¤ect is large enough. We …nd no evidence to support this. Another answer is that markets don’t tip when platforms are su¢ ciently di¤erentiated that individual groups of agents interacting with one another can end up coordinating on either platform. We …nd some evidence of this, but overwhelmingly, disparate groups of subjects seem to coordinate on the same platform. Only when matching e¢ ciency of a platform is lopsidedly distributed we …nd that markets take a long time to converge; but, they still do not converge to a non-tipped outcome. Taken together, the evidence from the experiments suggests that in the overwhelming majority of situations where size e¤ects are present and the e¢ ciency di¤erences between two platforms are somewhat monotonic, the market will tip. That being the case, the next logical question is to which platform will the market tip? How can one determine the winners from the losers before the fact that tipping has taken place? The standard solution concept, Nash equilibrium, o¤ers no answer to this question. Indeed, a matter of some considerable interest to social scientists is the possibility that such markets will tip to the “wrong” platform and then get stuck there, what we term in the paper the QWERTY e¤ect. While we occasionally observe the QWERTY e¤ect in our experiments, it appears to be very much the exception. Indeed, subjects seem remarkably good at coordinating on the more e¢ cient equilibrium. This would seem to suggest using the Pareto re…nement to select among equilibria. While this is indeed quite useful in characterizing outcomes with homogeneous platforms, it is known to be a poor predictor in a wide variety of other coordination games. Therefore, we o¤er an alternative solution concept— cognitive hierarchies. Modeling agents as having heterogeneous cognitive levels and then best responding given their beliefs yields a unique equilibrium that suggests not only that tipping is inevitable but also to which platform the market will tip. With homogeneous platforms, the CH model does well to predict subject behavior, but su¤ers from the weakness that its predictions are identical to the Pareto re…nement and a simple heuristic strategy— 36 choose the platform with the cheaper access fee. With di¤erentiated platforms, we constructed payo¤ parameters to distinguish the competing theories and …nd, overall, the predictions of either models are far from perfect. Certainly, subjects to not instantly coordinate in a game, coordination seems to take time and some shared history. However, once subjects achieve coordination, they remain coordinated on that platform. Moreover, in the sternest test of the CH model, settings where the CH model di¤ers from the Pareto re…nement, we sometimes observed subject behavior that was chaotic and not well predicted by any existing theory of which we are aware. Although we do not have strong support to reject either the CH model or Pareto criterion, we can easily reject the hypothesis that equilibrium coexistence occurs from the market impact e¤ect. One of the lessons about the industrial organization of two-sided markets we learn from this experiment is that these markets are naturally prone to tipping— even when markets divide itself into di¤erent disconnected segments, the segments seem to tip, perhaps to di¤erent platforms. Moreover, markets usually tip to the more e¢ cient platform when the net di¤erences between platforms are clear. However, when platforms di¤er in multiple dimensions, tipping to the less e¢ cient platform becomes more likely to happen. Unlike many coordination game experiments, we …nd that subjects succeed in coordinating to the best outcome in many sessions and the group size does not seem to a¤ect the coordination problem. Both cognitive hierarchy model of analytical sophistication and the Pareto criterion succeed in explaining the overall results although neither clearly does a better job than the other in that respect. While we have explored a number of avenues of platform competition and tipping, there remains vast area to be explored. First, we treated the access price for each platform as exogenous. In reality, platform pricing is a key component of competitive strategy by platforms. (Witness the price competition in online auctions in the late 1990s with the entry of Amazon and Yahoo into this space.) One interesting avenue is to make the platform provider itself a strategic player along the lines of Caillaud and Jullien (2003). The agents of any given type were homogenous in our experiments. Markets where agents have heterogeneous preferences might be more likely to reach 37 a non-tipped outcome. A third avenue is multi-homing. In most theory models and in our experiments, subjects were required to single-home— choose to access only a single platform. Yet, in many markets multi-homing is possible and in some (like credit cards) it is the norm; thus, this would seem a fruitful area to investigate. Fourth, for many of these markets, there is both a history of past market shares as well as a continuing in‡ux of new agents coming into the market. Indeed, many of the QWERTY-type arguments are based on the idea that an early player can gain an advantage and, owing to its substantial share of existing agents, it can easily attract new agents even in the face of superior competing platforms. On the other hand, Google has taken over the mantle most prominent search engine despite entering after yahoo and AltaVista had established their search engines solidly. A natural question is how much more e¢ cient a newly entrant platform has to be to tip a tipped market towards itself. 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There are sixteen people in this room who are participating in this session. They have all been recruited in the same way as you and are reading the same instructions as you are for the first time. It is important that you do not talk to any of the other participants in the room until the session is over. The session will consist of 40 periods, in each of which you can earn points. At the end of the experiment you will be paid based on your total point earnings from all 40 periods. Each point is worth 50 cents. Thus, if you earn y points from the experiment then your total income will be HKD y/2. Notice that the more points you earn, the more cash you will receive. Description of a Period At the start of period 1, you will be randomly matched with exactly three other subjects in the room and will be designated as either a square or a triangle player. You and these three others form a “market” consisting of exactly two triangle players and two square players. During periods 1 through 10 you will be playing with the same three other people and retain the same type (square or triangle). At the start of period 11, you will be randomly matched with three other people in the room and randomly designated the types square or triangle and will play in a new market. The same thing will happen at the start of periods 21 and 31. Thus, the people with whom you are participating will change every ten periods and your type may also change. In each period, you will decide between joining either one of two competing firms (labeled “firm %” and “firm #”). If you join firm #, you pay a subscription fee of 4 points and if you join the firm %, you pay a subscription fee of 2 points. The three other players in your market will also individually decide on which firm to join at the same time as you. On your screen, click on the firm (% or #) that you want to join. After you click “OK,” a new box will pop up to confirm that you are certain about your choice. If you want to stay with your choice, please click “yes” and click “no” otherwise. If you click “no,” you will go back to the initial box that allows you to choose one of the firms. When all the players in the market have made their decisions, you will learn your payoffs. 42 At the end of the period, for each firm, you will learn the number of players of each type that joined that firm in that period. Your net payoff depends on the numbers of players of each type in the firm that you join as well as that firm’s subscription fee. Once you join a firm, before paying the subscription fee, in rounds 1-10, you will earn a gross payoff according to Table 1. The two columns present your gross payoffs when the number of players of your type (including yourself) in the firm you choose is 1 and 2 respectively. The three rows present your gross payoffs when the number of players of your opposite type in the firm you choose is 0, 1 or 2 respectively. You will be able to see the table on your screen during these periods. Table 1. Gross payoffs before paying the subscription fee in periods 1-10 and 21-30 Number of players of your own type (including yourself) in the firm you joined 1 2 Number of players of 0 5 5 the opposite type in 1 9 6 the firm you joined 2 12 11 The subscription fee is 2 for firm % and 4 for firm #. At the end of the period, you will see your net payoff (your gross payoff minus your firm’s subscription fee) in points from that period. At the end of every 10 periods, you will see your net payoffs from all previous periods. Differences between periods At the start of period 11, your payoffs will change. Specifically, in rounds 11-20, you will earn gross payoffs (before paying the subscription fee) according to the following table: Table 2. Gross payoffs before paying the subscription fee in periods 11-20 and 31-40 Number of players of your own type (including yourself) in the firm you joined 1 2 Number of players of 0 5 5 the opposite type in 1 9 8 the firm you joined 2 12 11 Once again, you will be able to see the table on your screen during these periods. Also, remember that the subscription fee is 2 for firm % and 4 for firm #. The payoffs in periods 21-30 are calculated in the same way as in periods 1-10 using Table 1. The payoffs in periods 31-40 are calculated in the same way as in periods 11-20 using Table 2. Ending the session At the end of period 40, you will see a screen displaying your total earnings for the experiment. Recall that, if you earn y points in total from the experiment, your total income from the experiment would be HKD y/2. You will be paid this amount in cash. 43 Table 17: Subjects' Platform Choices at Different Stages of the Sessions in The Homogenous Platform setting Percentages of Players in the Cheaper Platform Baseline Sessions Jumbo Sessions Last 5 Periods of the First Set 96.9% 99.7% Last 5 Periods of the Second Set 99.6% 100.0% Last 5 Periods of the Third Set 99.8% 100.0% Last 5 Periods of the Fourth Set 99.8% 100.0% The Entire Session 96.7% 98.2% 44 Percentages of Subjects in the Cheaper Firm Figure 1: Time Series of Market Choice for the NonTipped and Tipped Games in the Benchmark Setting Actual Numbers in the Non-Tipped Game Actual Numbers in the Tipped Game CH Prediction 100% 80% 60% Non-tipped Equilibrium Prediction 40% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Period Percentages of Subjects in the Cheaper Firm Figure 2: Time Series of Market Choice Throughout the Sessions and the Presentation Effect 110% 100% 90% Sessions 1, 3 and 5 Sessions 2, 4 and 6 80% 70% 60% 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 Period 45 Percentage of Subjects in the Cheaper Firm Figure 3: Time Series of Market Choice in the 8-Player Setting 110% 100% 90% Session 7 Session 8 CH Prediction 80% 70% 60% 50% 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 Period Percentages of Subjects in the Cheaper Firm Figure 4: Time Series of Market Choice for the NonTipped and Tipped Games in the 8-Player Setting Actual Numbers in the Non-Tipped Game Actual Numbers in the Tipped Game CH Prediction 100% 80% 60% Non-tipped Equilibrium Prediction 40% 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 Period 46 15 Percentage of Subjects in the Cheaper Firm Figure 5: Time Series of Market Choice in the Differentiated Firms Setting I 110% 100% 90% Sessions 9 and 11 Sessions 10 and 12 CH Prediction 80% 70% 60% 50% 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 Period Figure 6: Time Series of Market Choice for the NonTipped and Tipped Games in Differentiated Firms Setting I Actual Numbers in the Non-Tipped Game Actual Numbers in the Tipped Game CH Prediction Percentages of Subjects in the Cheaper Firm 100% 80% 60% Non-tipped Equilibrium Prediction 40% 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 Period 47 15 Percentage of Subjects in the More Expensive Firm Figure 7: Time Series of Market Choice in the Differentiated Firms Setting II 110% 100% 90% Sessions 13 and 15 Sessions 14 and 16 CH Prediction 80% 70% 60% 50% 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 Period Percentages of Subjects in the More Expensive Firm Figure 8: Time Series of Market Choice for the NonTipped and Tipped Games in Differentiated Firms Setting II Actual Numbers in the Non-Tipped Game Actual Numbers in the Tipped Game CH Prediction 100% 80% 60% Non-tipped Equilibrium Prediction 40% 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 Period 48 15 Figure 9: Time Series of Market Choice in the Differentiated Firms Setting III Percentage of Subjects in the Cheaper Firm 1.2 1 0.8 Session 17 Session 18 Session 19 Session 20 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 period Percentage of Subjects in the Cheaper Firm Figure 10: Time Series of Market Choice for the NonTipped and Tipped Games in Differentiated Firms Setting III 0.75 0.7 Actual Numbers in the NonTipped Game 0.65 Actual Numbers in the Tipped Game 0.6 0.55 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Period 49