All Things Become New! Bob Dees Director, LU Institute for Military Resilience

All Things Become New!
Bob Dees
Director, LU Institute for Military Resilience
©2015 Resilience Consulting LLC
Scripture tells us, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature;
the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come” (2 Corinthians 5:17,
NASB), and “That which has been is that which will be. And that which has been done is
that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9, NASB).
So which is it? Have all things become new, or is there nothing new under the sun? The
reality is BOTH.
Being “in Christ” is far more than a transition from death to life, from temporal insecurity to
eternal security. Being “in Christ” also represents a daily condition, a state of mind and heart,
an abiding in God’s presence through a daily walk with Jesus. Hence, being “in Christ” includes
being “a new creature,” not just for eternity, but for today and the tomorrows to come.
Peering into 2015, we can be confident that “in Christ” we will experience new, dynamic,
enriching encounters with the living God and the world around us. As mentioned in a previous
blog, the beginning of a New Year is an opportune time to search the scriptures regarding
“new.” From Resilient Warriors (Dees, 2011):
“Have you ever thought much about the power and exhilaration of new? Perhaps for
you it is the new of gifts on Christmas morning, or maybe the smell of a new car, or the
newness and adventure of the first day of a new school year, or a new prosthesis, or
starting a new job, or a new baby. With new comes expectation, freshness, optimism,
and ultimately hope. “
In Jesus Calling for January 1, Sarah Young states “A close walk with God is a life of continual
newness….” May you and I truly experience this continual newness as we are “new creatures in
Christ” for the year to come.
Contrasted with this reality of newness, we also have the statement from Ecclesiastes that
“there is nothing new under the sun.” This reveals the reality of life in a fallen world: we have
the same old sin nature, we see the same spiritual depravity around us, the poor and needy will
always be with us. These contrasting statements present a challenge for Christians who are
both citizens of the world and citizens of heaven. One might reflectively ask, “Which reality is
preeminent… living the status quo in a fallen world, or being a new creature in Christ?” While
the pat answer is obviously new life in Christ, the very real tension is living “in the world,” but
not being “of the world.”
I think the Psalmist in Psalm 2 was perhaps wrestling with the same questions in writing, “Why
are the nations in an uproar and the peoples devising a vain thing?” (v. 1). This certainly
describes our world as we enter A.D. 2015. A quick perusal of current events includes many
instances of “uproar” and “vanity.” For instance, consider ISIS, challenges with NATO and an
emergent Russia’s invasion of Crimea and Ukraine, War on Drugs, Global War on Terror, and
many other international challenges. On the individual front, consider rampant narcissism,
selfishness, blatant immorality, special interest cultures demanding their own rights to the
exclusion of others, an entitlement mentality devoid of work ethic, and many other forms of
vanity. The list is endless -- we have many reasons to wring our hands and fret about the
Yet, Psalm 2:4 provides the right perspective: “He who sits in the heavens laughs, the Lord
scoffs at them.” In verse 2:6, the Psalmist acknowledges God’s response to such turmoil: “But as
for me, I have installed my King upon Zion, my holy mountain.” This king is Jesus, the Son of the
living God and the Savior of the world.
In addition to recognizing the preeminence of Jesus in our fallen world, Psalm 2:11-12 gives us
very specific first steps to deal (physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and relationally)
with the challenges of the world about us:
“Worship the Lord…,”
then “rejoice with trembling…,”
then “Do homage to the Son (Jesus)…,” and
finally, “take refuge in Him.”
Isn’t it awesome that God understands our very personal and specific circumstances? He
knows the tensions we face in a fallen world, and He provides a clear priority and perspective
for each of us. Whether it is the actions of nations or the number of hairs on our head, God
truly is “a shield about me” (Psalm 3:3) as we recognize and live out our “newness in Christ”
each day. We must remember these truths as we “fight the good fight” in our personal lives
and in the national culture wars which will continue to rage about us in the year 2015. God
truly will “supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus!” (Philippians
“Behold, new things have come in Christ.” May each of us have a Blessed New Year in Jesus,
the author of newness. To Him be all the glory, and honor, and praise!
Please tell us what you think about this latest Resilience Blog!
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Respectfully in Christ,
Bob Dees
LU Institute for Military Resilience
------------------------------------------------0---------------------------------------------------------The next Institute for Military Resilience (IMR) Webinar entitled “National Spiritual Renewal in
the New Year” will be presented by MG Bob Dees from the Liberty University Institute for
Military Resilience at 8 PM on Thursday, January 8, 2015. From the webinar promotional
Resilient Nations, the last book in General Bob Dees’ Resilience Trilogy, is the basis for a
new course in the Liberty University Helms School of Government entitled Resilient
Nations (GOVT 376). This webinar will provide an overview of the book and the related
course, asserting that “Spiritual Infrastructure is an Element of National Power” that we
as a nation ignore at our peril. Specifically, the webinar will define and discuss the
components of spiritual infrastructure, assess the history and current status of American
spiritual infrastructure, and provide mandates for action as a citizen (We the People), a
statesman, and a member of the body of Christ. This will be a powerful reminder of our
unique God-given responsibility and opportunity to make a difference in our nation, and
our world, during this New Year of 2015. None of us can do everything, but we all can
do something. If not now, then when? If not us, then who?
See you there!