Liberty University – Institute for Military Resilience

Liberty University – Institute for Military Resilience
Resilience Blog Archive – February 2013
Military Transitions
(Posted: February 20, 2013)
As a military leader, I quickly learned that “things break at the seams,” usually the seams of
transition. Transition from attack to defend. Transition from war to peace. Similarly, the two
primary transitions in any military persons career are also fraught with change, uncertainty, and
risk. These two transitions are #1: from the Battle Front to the Home Front (the entire process
of redeployment from an extended absence, possibly in combat, and the subsequent
reintegration), and #2: from the Military to the Civilian sector.
Transition #1, “Coming Home”, is not easy. Even if combat experiences are not a further
complication, the return from extended deployments requires many readjustments to what may
have become “normal” for the duration of the deployment (infrequent communication with the
home front, realignment of parenting and household duties, loss of contact with others whose
lives are also moving on, etc). Understanding these realities helps military members and their
families better navigate these difficult waters.
If the deployment included traumatic experiences, then other considerations regarding combat
trauma, military sexual trauma, PTSD, and TBI become unwelcome intruders, creating a “new
normal.” As well, for National Guard and Reserve members who are demobilized after
deployment, the assumption of your former employment is often problematic, despite legal
No doubt you can add to this mosaic of factors related to the simple task of “Coming Home.”
We will discuss this further on the coming Webinar. As well, some of you may know that
Liberty University now offers specific courses addressing this topic. On the undergraduate
psychology side: MILT 375 - “Military Career and Community Transitions,” and on the
graduate counseling (human services) side: MILT 625 - “Military Career and Community
Transition #2, “Military to Civilian,” is an equally daunting challenge. Some military personnel
walk through the door to civilian life with great ease, while many encounter a “foreign” culture
with different rules of the road and expectations. The military Services have all worked hard to
put more rigor into their respective transition programs, such as recent Army major upgrades to
TAP (Transition Assistance Program). These programs are sorely needed, particularly in light of
the significant veteran unemployment statistics and a difficult economy. Departing military
members who understand and embrace this transition process have the best opportunity of
finding meaningful employment or achieving educational goals which enhance their
employability. Concurrently, transitioning military members need to maintain “life balance” as
they go through what can be an extended and discouraging process. In essence, they have to be
Each of the transitions introduced above merit further study by military personnel and their
families who are (or will soon) navigating these transitions. As well, those who seek to coach or
give care to the military need to appreciate the challenges associated with these transitions.
Finally, we all need to store up as many “best practices” as possible, for we will surely need
them. We will dive deeper into these issues in coming months.
As a final word, God understands all about the transitions of life. As we cling to Jesus, and walk
in the light of God’s Word, and listen to the voice of His Spirit; we can truly be “more than
conquerors through Him who loved us,” even in the difficult transitions of military life.
Respectfully in Christ,
Bob Dees