4 – 6 February 2009
Sophia Antipolis
Supported by
Katrin Bilstrup, Halmstad University
Katrin Bilstrup is a Ph D student at Halmstad University and Chalmers University of
Technology in Sweden. Currently, her research focus is on medium access control
(MAC) for vehicular ad hoc networks with the aim of enhancing the predictability
and reliability of the MAC algorithms intended for traffic safety applications.
Jacques Boussuge, ASFA
Jacques Boussuge works for ASFA as director of Operation Department and is
responsible for matters dealing with Safety, Operation and ITS.
ASFA is the Association of French toll motorway companies.
He has experience for thirty years in traffic engineering, road equipment and
safety analysis. He is currently involved in European ITS programs . He works in COOPERS
research project, and in the EASYWAY project dealing with ITS deployment on Trans European
Road Network. He is a member of PIARC Operation Committee, ITS permanent Committee of
ASECAP and CEN Committee.
Roberto Brignolo, CRF
He was born in 1954 in Italy and graduated in Electronic Engineering in 1979.
After an experience as researcher in CSELT (TELECOM Italia Research Centre ) and
then as electronic designer in a small consultant company, from 1989 he joined
Magneti Marelli where he covered different management responsibilities in racing
applications (Formula 1 electronics), high volume Automotive systems
development and innovation projects. He joined Centro Ricerche FIAT in 2002 as project
manager. Currently he is manager of the "Systems and Services" Department in the
"Infomobility" Business Line and coordinator of the SAFESPOT integrated project.
Peter Christ, ERTICO
• Peter Christ, born 1 September 1962 in Duisburg, Germany
• Studied 1981 – 1988 at Technical University Berlin, Electrical Engineering
• Started his career in the development department of Telefunken Sendertechnik
GmbH and designed and developed high-power transmitters for DAB and TV.
• In 1994 he started as project manager at the Deutsche Telekom research center
DeTeBerkom GmbH in Berlin.
• He was project manager of the EU project MOTIVATE (Mobile Television und Innovative
Receivers) which "invented" mobile TV.
• He was project manager of MCP (Multimedia Car Platform) to develop a Java based infotainment
and communications platform including 2/3G and broadcast.
• Between 1998 and 2006 he was head of section – International Transfer at T-Systems T-Nova
and program manager for national and EU funded projects (FP4-6).
• Since 2007 he is working for ERTICO ITS Europe. He is deputy project manager of CVIS
(cooperative vehicle – infrastructure systems) and in charge of the nomadic device forum.
• He is senior expert for convergence of fixed, mobile, broadcast services.
• He is senior expert in communications systems for ITS.
e-mail: p.christ@mail.ertico.com
Scott Cadzow, C3L, UK
Scott plies his trade as a standards development expert, primarily for security standards, in a
number of International Standards Development Organisations including ETSI, ITU-T and ISO. In
ETSI Scott is or has been the rapporteur for the TETRA security specifications, the suite of
guidance documents for effective security standards development (covering Common Criteria,
Risk analysis, and security requirements engineering), and has acted as an expert to a number of
Specialist Task Forces in TETRA, TISPAN, HF, MTS, eHEALTH and AT-D. He is chairman of the
ETSI ITS WG5 (Security) and also its counterpart in ISO TC204.16, vice-chairman of ETSI Project
TETRA WG6 (Security) and the TETRA Security and Fraud Prevention Group (SFPG), and also
vice-chairman of the ETSI Lawful Interception group.
Rui Dias Camolino, ASECAP
After graduate in Telecommunications and Electronics in July 1978 at IST –
Instituto Superior Técnico of Lisboa, worked in Telecommunications, Control and
Military Systems in Centrel Group from Mar79 till Feb93 and afterwards just in
Telecommunications at EFACEC Sistemas de Electrónica, S. A. from Feb93 till
During that period it was also President of Section II-A, responsible for the Measurement, Control
and Automation Equipment and Systems Industries of ANIMEE (National Association of Electric
and Electronic Industries) (Feb88/Jan89).
From May97 till12Mar98, acted as partner and manager of ENSIMÉDIA - Engenharia e Sistemas
de Telemática e Multimédia, Lda.
From Mar98 till present Works with Brisa Auto-Estradas de Portugal, S. A. where has assumed
multiple responsibilities namely (by reverse order):
• Chair of the Steering Committee of CESARE IV Project (17Dec08/…)
• Co-chair of e-Safety Intelligent Infrastructure Working Group (28May08/…)
• ITS Portugal President in representation of Brisa (9Jan08/…)
• Brisa ITS Competence Centre Manager (18May07/…)
• Chair of Portuguese Technical Sub-Committee SC-3 of CT-155 on Road Equipments in
representation of APCAP (Mai07/…)
• Member of Portuguese Technical Committee CT-157 in representation of APCAP (Jan06/…)
• APCAP CP-3 (Permanent Committee 3) Coordinator (Set05/…)
• ASECAP COPER III Chairman (23May04/…)
• Brisa Road Telematics Project Manager (6May03/18May07)
• Brisa Equipment and Toll Manager and Equipment and Systems Manager (1Jul01/6May03)
• Brisatel Marketing Manager (1Jun00/1Jul01)
• Participation on CESARE II launch and closing (Feb00/May00 – Jul01)
• Brisa Marketing and Special Projects Manager (1Jan00/1Jun00)
• CESARE I President of WG Service (Sep98/Jul99)
• Responsible for Brisa Marketing Service (12Mar98/1Jan00)
Wouter Degadt, IBBT
Wouter Degadt holds a master in public management. In his master thesis he
analyzed the strategic applicability and implementation of Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) on the Flemish, Belgian and European level. Both architecture and
policy aspects of governmental information systems are reviewed and subject to
critical prospecting.
Wouter joined SMIT in may 2008. This research group focusses on studies on media, information
and telecommunication. SMIT is academically connected to the Free University of Brussels (VUB)
and works closely together with the Interdisciplinary institute for Broadband Technology (IBBT).
Wouter is currently performing research in the cluster Media, Market and Innovation (MMI).
Wouter performs research on the IBBT project NextGenITS, concentrating on the business model
aspects of the next generation dynamic traffic information, mobile multi-application platforms and
eCall (emergency call).
Ulrich Dietz, Vodafone Group R&D
Ulrich Dietz works as a Senior Technology Manager for Vodafone Group R&D in
Munich, where he is responsible for mobility and safety applications like eCall /
eSafety and for the coordination of Vodafone's activities in the Aktiv CoCar project.
Research interests cover the use of pervasive communications for service
integration and the underlying business and stakeholder models necessary to make
traffic telematics successful. Past projects and research included SIM security and
payment/ticketing solutions.
Emilio Dávila González, European Commission, ICT for Transport
Emilio Dávila graduated as Telecommunication Engineer in the Polytechnic University
of Madrid and holds a Degree in Law from the Spanish Open University. Since 2002
he works in the Unit "ICT for Transport" within Directorate General for Information
Society and Media, as Research Project Officer. Emilio Dávila follows closely the
standardisation activities related to Intelligent Transport Systems. He is also involved in the eCall
initiative and the privacy implications of co-operative systems. Prior to this, he worked within
Directorate General for Research in the programme supporting SMEs participation in the RTD
Community Framework Programme. Before joining the European Commission, Emilio Dávila set
up and directed the liaison office in Brussels of the Spanish Association for New Technologies,
Knut Evensen, Q-Free ASA
Mr. Evensen has been involved in European ITS R&D projects and ITS
standardization efforts since 1988, and is the manager for this field in Q-Free. Knut
Evensen holds several positions in ISO, IEEE, and CEN related to the development
of ITS standards. In ETSI he is the chairman of WG2 - Architecture and Cross-layer
management. He is also the chief architect in the European ITS R&D project CVIS
(Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure Systems).
Andreas Festag, NEC Laboratories Europe
Dr. Festag is senior researcher at NEC Laboratories Europe, Network Laboratories
in Heidelberg, Germany and leads a research team for vehicular communications.
Andreas works for more than 10 years in the area of wireless and mobile
communication. He is active in various R&D projects, in the CAR-2-CAR
Communication Consortium and ETSI TC ITS. He is chairman of ETSI TC ITS Work
Group 3.
Teun Hendricks, TISA
Born in Amersfoort, the Netherlands, in 1962, Teun Hendriks
(Teun.Hendriks@Teatownlake.com) obtained a M.Sc. degree from Delft
University of Technology in 1986, with a specialization in aerospace engineering.
He started out his professional career as a member of Research Staff at Philips
Research Laboratories in Eindhoven, continuing in 1988 at Philips Laboratories in
Briarcliff Manor, NY, USA. While at Philips, he performed research in the fields of
robotics and AI. In 1996, he returned to The Netherlands to work on car navigation systems with
emphasis on the integration of traffic information – RDS-TMC. In that context, he spent
considerable time within the TMC forum and with service providers around the world to foster the
interoperability and business success of TMC as a traffic information standard.
Since 2005, he is part-time employed by the Embedded Systems Institute (ESI) in Eindhoven,
The Netherlands, as a research fellow, and runs his own consulty firm: Teatownlake. In the latter
capacity, he is currently serving on the Steering Board of TISA, the Traveller Information Services
Association (www.tisa.org ) a world-wide non-profit organization, maintaining the ISO standards
for traffic information: RDS-TMC and TPEG.
Soeren Hess, ETSI TC ITS Chairman, Daimler AG
Soeren Hess is chairman of the ETSI Technical Committee on Intelligent Transport
Systems (TC ITS). Within ETSI this Technical Committee is responsible for
standards development in the field of ITS and work in close cooperation with the
European R&D projects on ITS and the European industry organisations such as
Soeren’s background is a lifetime of activities in the fields of regulation, spectrum management
and standardisation chairing working groups and committees within the CEPT, ITU and other
organisations. Soeren has worked for the European Radio communications Office as deputy
director and has developed and managed the frequency allocation process for ITS spectrum in the
5.9 GHz band leading to the relevant regulatory decisions by the CEPT and the European
Akio Hosaka, AHSRA
Akio Hosaka is General Manager in the Planning and Research Department of
Advanced Cruise-Assist Highway System Research Association (AHSRA) in
Japan. His responsibilities include the planning, management and promotion of the
AHSRA7s research projects. Akio is an international expert of ISO/TC204/WG14.
He graduated from the Yokohama National University and joined to Nissan Motor
Co., Ltd. in 1970. He researched electronic control technologies and information processing
technologies. Akio managed Nissan's R&D of driver assistance systems in ITS field. He
joined AHSRA in October 1996.
Paul Kompfner , ERTICO
Paul Kompfner is Head of Sector, Efficiency & Environment at ERTICO-ITS Europe,
with over 16 years' experience in co-ordination and management of European
projects. He is currently coordinator of the CVIS (Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure
Systems) integrated project that began in February 2006 within the "IST for
eSafety" priority of the EU Sixth Framework Programme. He is also joint Chair of the eSafety
Forum Working Group on "ICT for Clean & Efficient Mobility" and Coordinator of the ERTICO
Partner Topic Group - Environment.
An astrophysicist by training, he has led ERTICO projects on telematics system evaluation, traffic
and travel information, road applications of satellite navigation, ITS deployment planning for
cities, ITS for public transport, nomadic device integration and driver safety/HMI. Before joining
ERTICO Mr Kompfner was Principal Scientific Officer at the UK Transport Research Laboratory,
where he led a section carrying out studies of accident risk, advanced driver training, company
car use and transport systems operation.
Claude Laurgeau,Ecole des Mines Paris
Professor Claude LAURGEAU is one of the pioneers in Robotics in France. He is the
author of 5 books, co-author of many others, and of more than 150 papers or
communications. For many years he played an active role at a national level,
boosting the research activities in new technologies of information,
communications and robotics and contributing to the equipment of laboratories in
the country. In 1988, he became professor at Ecole des Mines de Paris, which is
one of the most prestigious Grande Ecole in the French system of education. He
founded and developed the Robotics Centre which conducts activities in Intelligent Transportation
Systems, in Virtual Reality, in Medical Imaging and Robotics, in Advanced Control Systems and in
Production Management and Logistics.
In 2004, he obtained, the "Engelberger Awards" which is the highest international distinction in
Soyeon Lee, ETRI
Soyeon Lee received her B.S. degree in Statistics from Ewha Womans University,
Korea, in 1992 and M.S. degree in Computational Statistics from Seoul National
University, Korea, in 1994. She works for ETRI (Electronics and
Telecommunications Research Institute) since 1994 and involved in a number of
research project of ATM switch and router development. She joined to the Research and
Development in Telematics since 2004 and currently she is leading a project of standardization in
vehicle communication interface. Since 2007, Ms. Soyeon Lee has been nominated as Korean
expert to support the standardization activity of ISO TC 204/WG 17 – Nomadic Devices in ITS
Systems.In 2008, Ms. Soyeon Lee conducted task force leader of the newly formed ad-hoc
"Vehicle Gateway Platform" in ITU-T SG16. Senior Researcher
Telematics USN Research Division
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
Address : 138 Gajeongno, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-700, Korea
Tel : +82-42-860-1846
E-mail: sylee@etri.re.kr
Oscar Louro, Teltronic
Born in Soria (Spain), graduated as Electronic Engineer (Saragossa University,
1998). He worked for the Spanish company AMPER SOLUCIONES as a Project
Manager for GSM, UMTS and TETRA based networks provided to TELEFONICA
MOVILES. In 2003, he joined TELTRONIC S.A.U. helping to implement new
procedures for the final validation of new software releases and specialised on product training.
Since 2005, he is Marketing Manager of TELTRONIC, working on development of new products
and services and their delivery to customers; the transportation industry being one of the key
sectors for which new products are currently focused.
Andreas Luebke, Volkswagen Group Research
Dr. Andreas Luebke works for the Volkswagen Group Research in the department
Driver Information Systems. He is active in the area of Car-to-Communication
since 2003. He was VW's project leader of the German project NOW: Network on
Wheels and he is currently responsible for the EU projects COMeSafety and
PreDrive C2X. Furthermore he is speaker of the working group Phy/Mac of the Carto-Car Communication Consortium.
María José Martínez Gil
Maria José Martinez Gil received the Ingeniero de Telecomunicación degree in 2002
from E.T.S. Ingenieros de Telecomunicación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid,
Spain. During the last two years before her graduation she was working as
internship in two companies performing functions in I+D for the Telecom sector
and validation of equipment for Defense. Once obtained her M Sc Thesis she has
been working during four years as PhD Researcher in the Signals, Systems and Communications
Department within the UPM, with an active participation in International and National projects in
the field of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) (for road pricing, safety and mobility). During the
last year she had an international work experience in the UK as a professional consultant in ITS
and these last months she is working in the field of mobile communications for supervision and
quality assurance. Alongside with her PhD studies, her professional interests include: Digital
signal processing, certification and interoperability, type approval of enforcement equipment,
policies for privacy and data protection, security in Information Systems, user requirements and
market expectations: Human factors in relation with the use of ADAS (Advanced Driver
Assistance Systems) and IVIS (In-vehicle Intelligent Systems). Within the context of ITS she has
expertise in ITS architecture, , Electronic Fee Collection (EFC), Video Enforcement Systems
(VES), In-vehicle ITS: Co-operative systems V2V and V2I
Hermann Meyer, ERTICO
Hermann Meyer was appointed Chief Executive Officer of ERTICO in December
2007 and took up his responsibilities at the beginning of February 2008. Prior to
this appointment, he represented the interests of the Volkswagen Group towards
the EU institutions in Brussels as head of the Government Relations Office. He
joined Volkswagen in 1995 serving as manager in the "Sustainability Strategy"
department and as head of department "Technology and Science" in the
Government Relations Offices in Bonn and Berlin. He was seconded in 1996/1997 to the Principal
Policy Department in the German Federal Ministry of Transport and from 2003 to 2006 to the
European Car Manufacturing Association (ACEA) as Director Environmental Policies. Between
2001 and 2003, he was heading the working group "vehicle technologies" of the "Sustainable
Mobility 2030" initiative of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development presenting
the conclusions to the World Economic Forum in Davos 2003. Hermann holds a Ph.D. from
Cambridge University and has lectured environmental economics and resource management at
the Edinburgh University between 1993 and 1995.
Satoshi Oyama, Hitachi Ltd
Mr. Satoshi (Sam) Oyama is Senior Manager, Road Transport Systems Dept., Total
Solutions Div., Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan.
While he was stationed in Hitachi Sales Corp. of America, New Jersey, U.S.A., he
worked for broadcast satellite receivers and CATV equipments. After his returning
to Japan, he has been involving with 5.8GHz DSRC standardization activities for
several years. His current interests are on Vehicle Safety Communications and
WLAN for ITS applications.
He is Chair of DSRC International Working Group, DSRC Expert Group, and Vice Chair of Vehicle
Safety Communications Task Group, ITS Info-communications Forum, Japan. He is Leader of
Wireless Communications Joint Expert Groups and Rapporteur of ITS EG, Asia-Pacific
Telecommunity Standardization Program (ASTAP). For ITU-R SG5 WP5A, he has been a delegate
of Japan. In ISO, he has been an expert from Japan for TC204 WG15, and he was Leader of
International Harmonization Project, Radio Communications Sub WG, WG15 in Japan. From
December 2006, he is Chair of International relationship and Architecture Sub Committee, JSafety Committee in ITS Japan. In May 2006, he received the Achievement Award from ITU
Association of Japan. He is a registered Professional Engineer.
Antonio Plaza, AT4 Wireless
Mr. Plaza received his degree in Telecommunications Engineering from University of
Málaga (Spain) in 2006 and works in AT4 wireless since 2005. He is involved in
several European and Spanish Research and Development projects. These projects
cover a wide set of technologies and areas such as ITS, broadband technologies and
security. Focused on ITS area, Mr. Plaza worked in GST-CERTECS FP6 project and
currently is working in SAFESPOT FP6 project and MARTA (Spanish Project) defining test systems
for heterogeneous environment as ITS world defines.
Françoise Petersen, Apica
Françoise Petersen is working as an independent consultant at APICA, an ETSI
member company. She has extensive experience in standardization work, and
has been leading and working as expert in several ETSI Human Factors (HF)
projects. She is working as an expert in the ETSI project "ICT in cars", which is
reporting to both ETSI Technical Committee Human Factors (TC HF) and the ETSI
committee for Intelligent Transport Systems (TC ITS). The aim of this project is to produce an
ETSI Technical Report (ETSI TR) that will identify the key aspects of use of ICT in cars and where
guidelines are needed ( http://portal.etsi.org/STFs/STF_HomePages/STF353/STF353.asp ). She
is also working on personalization of services and devices and is currently leading two projects on
• the ETSI Technical Committee work on "Personalization and User Profile Management
Standardization" which is developing two deliverables, one on "Architectural Framework" and one
on "User Profile Preferences and Information"
(http://portal.etsi.org/stfs/STF_HomePages/STF342/STF342.asp )
• the ETSI Human Factors and eHealth Technical Bodies have created a project, STF352 which
standardizes the personalization of eHealth systems
She has also worked at the Swedish telecom operator TeliaSonera. Prior to that, she gave courses
in Computer Sciences at Lund University in Sweden.
Stephan Schulz, ETSI
Stephan Schulz is a senior technical expert at the Centre for Testing and
Interoperability (CTI) at the European Telecommunications Standards Institute
(ETSI). He received a Ph.D. and M.Sc. in electrical and computer engineering
from the University of Arizona in Tucson U.S.A on model-based codesign for realtime embedded systems.
At ETSI he is one of the local resident experts on TTCN-3 and interoperability
testing. In addition, he is responsible for test specification research, technical
management of ETSI Plugtests, advising ETSI technical bodies, and leading development of test
specifications in ETSI specialist task forces or commercial projects. Technologies he has been
working with include grid computing, IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS), IP TV, HDMI, BCAST,
WiMax, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), and Digital Private Mobile Radio (dPMR).
Before working at ETSI he was working as a senior research engineer at the Nokia Research
Center. There he was leading activities related to TTCN-3 based test case and test system
development for different IMS components including Nokia's first TTCN-3 test system. He was
also involved piloting model-based testing technology for testing Series 60 software.
He has been one of the editors of the TTCN-3 runtime interface standard, co-author of the first
textbook on TTCN-3, and author of numerous other publications in the area of model-based
embedded systems design, text-based protocol testing, as well as TTCN-3 test case and test
system development.
Dieter Seeberger, Daimler AG
Dieter Seeberger received his Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering from the
TH Aachen in 1988 and started his job career with protocol verification in the
research of AEG. He is now working in the research & advanced engineering
division of the Daimler AG. As a member of the department Intelligent Transport
Systems and Services he is involved in several projects on car-to-x
communications for more than 10 years.
Currently he is active in the European projects PreDrive C2x and COMeSafety.
He is the speaker of the Working Group Standardization of the Car-to-Car Communication
Consortium. Due to his activities in the ITS frequency allocation he joined ETSI ERM TG37 and is
now an active member of the ETSI TC ITS and its working groups.
Gérard Segarra, Renault
Gérard SEGARRA got an Engineer diploma from the CNAM (Conservatoire National
des Arts et Métiers) in 1975 and a Master degree in mathematic from the
University of Paris VI in 1976. After spending 16 years in Philips group (Electronics
and Data Systems) he joined Renault in 1984 to achieve some responsibility in
telecommunication systems. Then, he assumed the responsibility of Information Technology
Research Deputy in the Information Technology Division, as such he has been managing more
than 20 National and European research projects in Computer Integrated Manufacturing,
Multimedia systems and Telematics. He joined in 2007 the Advanced Electronic Division to
prepare the engineering of telematics systems. He is the Renault expert for the "Information
Technology applied to Automobile" domain and has been acting several times as European
Commission expert. Currently representing Renault in C2C-CC Steering Committee and Chairman
of ETSI ITS TC-WG1 (Applications requirements & Services).
Hannes Stratil, EFKON Austria
Department Manager Research Projects, EFKON Austria.
Dr. Stratil obtained a Ph.D. at the Technical University of Vienna and works for
EFKON since 2006. He is author and co-author of numerous publications in the
areas of Intelligent Transport Systems, Geo-routing, and Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks.
Hannes Stratil is the leader of development in COOPERS and part of the management team.
Beside COOPERS, he is also involved in the European Projects CVIS, SISTER, and HAVEit.
Takaaki Sugiura, Mitsubishi Research Institute, INC
Takaaki Sugiura is Senior Researcher at the ITS Research Group of Mitsubishi
Research Institute, INC.
Main fields are vehicle-infrastructure cooperative system, probe vehicle system
and ITS wireless communication
Working for the Smartway project as a technical consultant for Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,
Transport and Tourism, Japanese government
Technical expert of ISO/TC204/WG16 (CALM and probe vehicle system)
Lecture of Saitama university, ‘Society and Technology, ITS' program
Thomas Weber, Federal Network Agency
Thomas Weber is chairman of the ITS WG 4 - Media Related as well as of several
other ETSI task groups dealing with PMR, DMR, UWB in ETSI as well as ETSI
Liaison Officer to the CEPT working group on spectrum engineering. He is
executive officer at the Federal Network Agency in Germany. Contact him at
Walter Weigel, ETSI
Dr. Walter Weigel graduated in 1984 Master of Science in Electrical Engineering,
Technical University Munich and in 1990 Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering on
pattern recognition. He is since 1.9.2006 Director General of ETSI (European
Telecommunications Standards Institute), the world-wide leading ICT standards
organisation. Prior to this, Dr. Weigel had several management responsibilities
at Siemens Germany where he started in 1991.
Christian Weiß, Daimler AG
Dr. Christian Weiß received the Dipl.-Ing. and the Ph.D./Dr.-Ing. degrees in
electrical engineering and information technology in 1995 and 2001, respectively,
both from Munich University of Technology, Munich, Germany.
In 1996, he worked for Siemens Ltd., Seoul, Korea, in Telecommunication
From 1997 until 2002 he has been a Member of the Research and Teaching Staff at the Institute
for Communications Engineering, Munich University of Technology. During this time he worked in
the area of information theory, error correction coding and reliable multimedia communications
over mobile radio channels. After completing his doctoral studies he started his industry career at
DaimlerChryser AG where he initially worked in telematics research and development. In 2005 he
became assistant to the head of corporate research E/E and Information technology. Since
August 2006 he is the manager of the team Vehicle-Centric Communication that covers all
aspects of car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication. He also is the coordinator of the
German field operational test SIM-TD: Sichere Intelligente Mobilität - Testfeld Deutschland (Safe
Intelligent Mobility - Test field Germany).
Dr. Weiβ held a scholarship of the Heinz-Nixdorf Foundation in 1996. His dissertation received the
Texas Intruments Award in 2002 and his paper 'On Dualizing Trellis-Based APP Decoding
Algortihms' was awarded with the ITG Award 2003.