Projekt “Sichere Intelligente Mobilität – Testfeld Deutschland”

Projekt “Sichere Intelligente Mobilität – Testfeld Deutschland”
Project “Safe Intelligent Mobilty – Test Field Germany”
ETSI TC ITS Workshop
4 -6 February 2009 – ETSI, Sophia Antipolis, France
Dr. Christian Weiß, Daimler AG
Group Research and Advanced Engineering
GR/ETI – 050 / G021 Sindelfingen
SIM-TD Sichere Intelligente Mobilität - Testfeld Deutschland
Congestion generates annual
economic cost of 17,4 bn. €
(Estimate EU commission)
Objectives of the European
white book will not be
achieved with
conventional systems alone
Traffic Safety
Accident statistics 2006:
appr. 420.000 injured pers.
appr. 5000 fatalities
in Germany
(Source Statistisches Bundesamt D.)
Leverage the potential of
communications to
improve this situation.
ETSI TC ITS Workshop, 4 - 6 February 2009, ETSI, Sophia Antipolis
SIM-TD Sichere Intelligente Mobilität - Testfeld Deutschland
How Can Communication Help – An Example
SIM-TD Sichere Intelligente Mobilität - Testfeld Deutschland
How Can Communication Help – An Example
Traffic Information Upload
Improved Local Traffic Information
Transmission of information via C2I
communication to traffic
management center (wireline,
WiMAX, radio relay, …)
• First vehicle is not equipped with communication unit. Accident cannot be
avoided/alleviated using communication.
Second vehicle (equipped with communication unit) informs following vehicle about
Local danger warning
C2C communication
is used communication).
warning the following vehicles
Second vehicle transmits accident information to road-side unit (RSU) for relay to
traffic management center.
Traffic Information
Traffic management center refines local information using additional
Fusion of several information
relays refined information to RSU for dissemination in the relevant
sources, provision
in the area
Passing vehicles are warned in time by the RSUs about
destination area (geo-specific
C2I communication
SIM-TD Sichere Intelligente Mobilität - Testfeld Deutschland
What Sort of Communication Is Needed? –
Questions Answered So Far / Done Deals
Results of the various research projects on Car-to-X (C2X) communications:
Short-range communication technology (based on ITS-G5A IEEE 802.11 (European
profile) in 5.875 GHz to 5.905 GHz frequency range) can work well in vehicle
Low network acquisition time (under 100 msecs)
Fast transaction times (on the order of 100 msecs)
Priority mechanisms for safety applications installed
Spectral crowding/interference minimized through dedicated spectrum
Communications range (about 300 m) can support envisioned safety applications
Methods for geo-addressing are available
Existing infrastructure can be effectively interfaced with roadside units
The breadth/applicability of applications based in this technology is better understood
ETSI TC ITS Workshop, 4 - 6 February 2009, ETSI, Sophia Antipolis
SIM-TD Sichere Intelligente Mobilität - Testfeld Deutschland
On the Way to a Communication System for Improving
Road Safety and Efficiency -Cooperation Model
Hazard warning
triggered by
hazard flashers
WLAN based vehicular ad hoc networks
Inter-Vehicle Hazard Warning
Driver information and warning
Cooperative driving
in Germany
Communication based vehicle control
ETSI TC ITS Workshop, 4 - 6 February 2009, ETSI, Sophia Antipolis
*Non-exhaustive list of projects with focus on communications,
many other candidate projects for cooperation in the area of
SIM-TD Sichere Intelligente Mobilität - Testfeld Deutschland
Open Questions / Issues
To test and validate technologies and functions for car-to-infrastructure and
car-to-car communications in a setup that is representative for a realistic
deployment environment.
To evaluate the effectiveness and benefits that can be gained by applications
and services enabled by car-to-infrastructure and car-to-car communications.
To gather sufficient information to support a deployment decision for a
country-wide (if not cross-border-wide in case of Europe) introduction of carto-infrastructure and car-to-car communications technologies.
A large scale field operational trial (FOT) is needed to answer these questions.
SIM-TD provides this FOT and is the next necessary step to prepare for an
informed deployment decision for cooperative systems.
ETSI TC ITS Workshop, 4 - 6 February 2009, ETSI, Sophia Antipolis
SIM-TD Sichere Intelligente Mobilität - Testfeld Deutschland
Topics of SIM-TD
1. Demonstration and evaluation of the effectiveness of
applications in three categories
Mobility / traffic management
Safety / hazard warning
Additional / commercial services
2. Further refinement and validation of technologies/systems
for C2X communication developed in recent years.
3. Prototypical setup of a communication network
Integration of traffic management centers / traffic agencies via
car-to-infrastructure communication (RSUs), networking of
RSUs and servers
Setup of a hybrid system: Cellular radio (e.g., GSM/UMTS) as
baseline, short-range communication technology (based on
ITS-G5A IEEE 802.11) to enable real-time operation.
C2I communication
4. Prototype car communication unit (CCU) and roadside
unit (RSU)
5. Assess deployment strategies and models for operation of
C2X communication, economic implications
C2C communication
ETSI TC ITS Workshop, 4 - 6 February 2009, ETSI, Sophia Antipolis
SIM-TD Sichere Intelligente Mobilität - Testfeld Deutschland
SIM-TD: Project Partners
Vehicle manufacturers:
Audi, BMW AG, BMW F+T, Daimler, Ford,
Opel, Volkswagen
Bosch, Continental
Stadt Frankfurt, HLSV
(Verkehrszentrale Hessen)
Deutsche Telekom
Fraunhofer, DFKI, Uni Würzburg, TU München,
HTW, TU Berlin
ETSI TC ITS Workshop, 4 - 6 February 2009, ETSI, Sophia Antipolis
SIM-TD Sichere Intelligente Mobilität - Testfeld Deutschland
Project Facts
September 1, 2008 – August 31, 2012
Budget / Funding: appr. 53 Mio. € / appr. 30 Mio. €
plus infrastructure investment
Supported by
Federal Ministry of Economics and Technolog (BMWi)
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Federal Ministry of Transport, Building & Urban Affairs (BMVBS)
The SIM-TD consortium highly appreciates the support
of the German Federal Ministries for the project!
ETSI TC ITS Workshop, 4 - 6 February 2009, ETSI, Sophia Antipolis
SIM-TD Sichere Intelligente Mobilität - Testfeld Deutschland
SIM-TD Test Region with Corresponding Functions
ETSI TC ITS Workshop, 4 - 6 February 2009, ETSI, Sophia Antipolis
SIM-TD Sichere Intelligente Mobilität - Testfeld Deutschland
SIM-TD: Project Phases
Penetration (#CCUs, #RSUs)
Phase 1
• Requirements
• Specification of
• Prototype implementation
of CCU and RSU
Phase 2
• Equipped research
vehicles and system test
• Production of CCUs and
• Ramping-up of test fleet
and test region
• Start of FOT execution
Start of
ETSI TC ITS Workshop, 4 - 6 February 2009, ETSI, Sophia Antipolis
Phase 3
• Test region equipped
• Several hundred vehicles
and RSUs available
• Large-scale FOT
• Evaluation
End of
SIM-TD Sichere Intelligente Mobilität - Testfeld Deutschland
Status of SIM-TD – Selection of Functions Finalized
Systematic and formalized selection process based on a two-step approach:
Selection of functions using a criteria-based method based on the Analytical
Hierarchy Process (Advantages: robust, transformation of complex decisions into a
series of pairwise comparisons, consistency check)
A direct selection process to capture subjective preferences of the partners.
Result: 21 functions covering the areas
Mobility / traffic management
Safety / hazard warning
Additional / commercial services
Current work/next steps:
Detailed specification of the selected functions / requirements analysis
Validation methods/metrics and corresponding test design
Deduction/verification of SIM-TD system architecture
ETSI TC ITS Workshop, 4 - 6 February 2009, ETSI, Sophia Antipolis
SIM-TD Sichere Intelligente Mobilität - Testfeld Deutschland
List of SIM-TD Functions
Basis Services
Data collection in the
Data collection by the vehicle
Identification of road weather
Identification of traffic situation
Identification of traffic events /
Traffic management
Alternative route management
Optimized urban network usage
based on traffic light control
Local traffic-adaptive traffic light
Traffic information&navigation
Foresighted road / traffic
Road works information system
Advanced route guidance &
Local danger warning
Obstacle warning
Congestion warning
Road weather warning
Emergency vehicle warning
Driving and Safety
Driving Assistance
In-vehicle signage/traffic rule
violation warning
Traffic light phase assistant /
traffic light violation warning
Extended electronic brake light
Intersection & cross-traffic
Driving and Safety
Additional Services
Internet-based services
Location-dependent services
Each function comprises several use cases.
ETSI TC ITS Workshop, 4 - 6 February 2009, ETSI, Sophia Antipolis
SIM-TD Sichere Intelligente Mobilität - Testfeld Deutschland
Summary and Conclusion
SIM-TD is worldwide the first field operational trial that is
large enough to
test and validate technologies and systems for C2X
communication in a real-life environment that exceeds
the demonstrator status,
to examine the entire spectrum of applications with
regard to the effects on traffic safety and efficiency, and
to assess operating models and introduction scenarios.
SIM-TD is the next necessary step to prepare for an
informed deployment decision
ETSI TC ITS Workshop, 4 - 6 February 2009, ETSI, Sophia Antipolis