ETSI Workshop on Machine to Machine (M2M) 26 – 27 October 2011 Sophia Antipolis BIOGRAPHIES MEMBERS OF THE PROGRAMME COMMITTEE and CHAIRPEOPLE Marylin ARNDT, Orange-FranceTelecom, Programme Committee Member, ETSI TC M2M Vice Chair - Chairing session 4 on M2M Experiences Dr Marylin Arndt works presently for the French operator Orange-Francetelecom as Standardisation Manager coordinating M2M and IOT activities. After having initiated successfully the creation of a new technical committee on M2M at ETSI end of 2008, she has chaired this committee for two years, with a continuously growing participation of worldwide industrial actors. She is now occupying the position of Vice chair, in charge of the European mandates. Josef J. Blanz, Qualcomm CDMA Technologies Chairing session 5 on M2M Services Josef Blanz is a principal engineer with Qualcomm CDMA Technologies focusing on M2M communications. Josef coordinates Qualcomm's participation in various M2M related standards and industry organizations, conducts related internal design work and serves as an interface to product management and business development teams. From 1990 through 1993 he worked on implementation of physical layer algorithms for mobile radio systems in integrated circuits at the Centre for Microelectronics at University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. In 1993 he joined the Research Group for RF Communications at University of Kaiserslautern where he investigated receiver antenna algorithms for CDMA mobile radio systems. Josef joined Qualcomm in 1998 focusing initially on smart antenna processing for CDMA base stations. In 1999 Josef started attending 3GPP meetings with responsibility for radio and measurement performance requirements. Later on Josef lead a number of internal R&D projects with main focus on HSPA physical layer enhancements, such as MIMO for HSDPA. In 2009 he started to coordinate Qualcomm's activities in M2M standards and industry organizations with technical focus on M2M service layers. Overall Josef looks back at more than 20 years of experience in communication systems design and more than 12 years of experience in standardization. Josef holds a Master's degree (Dipl-Ing.) and a Ph.D. degree (Dr-Ing.) in electrical engineering, both from Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. David BOSWARTHICK, ETSI, Programme Committee Member, ETSI TC M2M Technical Officer Chairing the closing session David has been extensively involved for over 10 years in the standardization activities of mobile, fixed and convergent networks in both the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). He is currently involved in the M2M standards group which is defining an end to end architecture and requirements for multiple M2M applications including Smart Metering, healthcare and enhanced home living. David holds a Bachelor's Honours Degree in Telecommunications from the University of Plymouth, and a Master's Degree in Networks and Distributed systems from the University of Nice and Sophia Antipolis. Omar ELLOUMI, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, Programme Committee Member, ETSI TC M2M Vice Chair Chair of Session 2 on the ETSI M2M Standard Omar Elloumi is a standardization manager with Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs focusing on M2M and Smart Grid architectures and protocols. Serving as ETSI M2M Vice-Chair, he is the editor of the M2M functional architecture for the service layer. Omar joined Alcatel-Lucent in 1999 and held several positions including research, strategy and system architecture. He holds a Ph. D. degree in computer science and served on the ATM Forum and IPSphere Forum Board of Directors. R.C.FORBES Ph.D., Ericsson, Programme Committee Member Chair of Session 6 on Telco technology enables M2M Educated at Loughborough University of Technology between 1977 and 1984, he joined Plessey Telecommunications where he worked on Software Engineering and Analysis. In 1987 he moved to GEC Telecommunications to work on network development and later joined GPT to work on Network Design for GSM. Since 1990 he has worked on network development in the area of Intelligent Networks and the standardisation thereof. In 1993 he became chairman of ETSI NA7, in 1995 ETSI NA6 was also in 1996 elected to be Rapporteur of Question 5 (Requirements for Intelligent Network Capability Sets); these groups being requirements setting bodies for the standardisation of Intelligent Networks. He later chaired the Architecture Group in ETSI SPAN. Since its creation he has chaired the NGN Protocols in Work TISPAN WG3 (which included the IMS adaptation to fixed network access) and with the Common IMS programme he was elected as 3GPP SA2 IMS Sub Working Group Vice Chairman in 2006. In 2010 he was elected as ETSI TC M2M Protocols WG Chairman. Also has been actively involved in the ITU-T Smart Focus Group. Joachim KOSS, Cinterion Wireless Modules, ETSI TC M2M Vice Chair Programme Committee Member, Chair of Session 5 on M2M Services Joachim Koss is looking back to more than 25 years of experience from different Siemens telecommunications business units, where he held various management positions in HW/SW Engineering, International Project and Process Management, Conformity Testing and Approval, IPR Management and Standardization. Today he is responsible for Standardization Management at Cinterion Wireless Modules GmbH, a leading supplier of GSM based machine-to-machine communication devices and solutions for customers worldwide. In November 2008 Joachim Koss was elected into the Board of ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) and in May 2009 as a Vice-Chairman of the ETSI Technical Committee Machine-to-Machine communications. This TC M2M is the ETSI main centre of expertise in the area of M2M and its main objective is to develop and maintain an 'end to end' M2M global vision, targeting total machines IP connexion, from connectivity to services. Patricia MARTIGNE, R&D Project Manager in M2M (FT/Orange Labs), ETSI TC M2M WG1 Chair Programme Committee Member Patricia Martigne obtained her Engineering diploma in Electronics and Telecommunications from the 'Ecole Polytechnique Féminine', France, in 1994. She has been working in telecommunications companies for more than 15 years, covering a panel of aspects from telecom manufacturer to the operator through the regulator: - in Nortel Networks : as an integration & validation R&D engineer on GSM900/1800/1900MHz base stations (radio testing, EMC and Safety testing, and validation for type approvals of the base stations in the World); she was also responsible for the accreditation of the Nortel radio tests laboratory in France. - in the 'Agence Nationale des Fréquences': working in standardization and regulatory fields (ETSI, ITU-R, CEPT) for various radiocommunication systems such as IMT-2000, DVB-T and digital HF; she also took the European leadership for an agenda item of the World Radiocommunications Conference in 2003. - in France Telecom R&D since Sept.2004: first promoting new technologies such as UWB or cognitive radio through actions to standardization and regulation bodies, with the leadership of the corresponding sub-working-package in the European Project E2R on cognitive radio. She is now working in the M2M (Machine to Machine communications) domain, as an R&D project manager for elaboration of M2M demonstrators and as a Rapporteur in ETSI M2M standardization committee, contributing to the evolution towards the IoT. She has also been nominated in August 2010 the Liaison Rapporteur between ITU-T Smart Grid Focus Group and ETSI M2M. Enrico SCARRONE, Telecom Italia, ETSI TC M2M Chairman Programme Committee Member, Chair of Session 1 on Introducing M2M ENRICO SCARRONE joined in CSELT (now Telecom Italia LAB), the R&D division of the Telecom Italia Group in 1992. He contributed to several main research projects during the 90's and subsequently cocentrateitsactivity on standardization activities (ETSI, ITU-T, ATM Forum, 3GPP (RAN3, CT, SA and RAN), 3G.IP, including chairmanships in 3GPP and ETSI) in the fields of signalling first and then of UMTS and its integration with IP. Participation and promotion of several early studies on integration of IP and mobile cellular networks has permitted to participate from the beginning to the work of 3G.IP, and indirectly to stimulate the work on release 2000 in 3GPP about the all-IP solution and the Multimedia Network principles. At the same time he was involved in in several Telecom Italia projects in technology planning and selection, including network budget forecasts, RFI, RFQ and testing, mainly in the mobile and fixed mobile convergence fields. This has allowed him to keep a strong link between real networks and standardization/research. This includes roll out of GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSDPA, EV-DO, Fixed broadband, FMC, IMS and other technologies in Austria, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Brasil, Peru', Indonesia, , and technical consulting in several other countries including Venezuela, Vietnam, The Netherlands, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. He is currently chairman of ETSI M2M (from 2011) and 3GPP SA1(from 1996), dealing with service and operational requirements. He is also coordinator for M2M standardization inside the Telecom Italia Technology department. Dr. Jörg SWETINA, NEC Europe, Chair of session 3 on M2M Cooperation He studied Chemistry and Mathematics at the University of Vienna, Austria and continued there to conduct research in Theoretical Chemistry. Changing to Siemens Austria in 1990 he led a development team dealing with GSM call processing and software testing. Since the early days of 3GPP he represented Siemens and later Nokia Siemens Networks in mobile communications standardisation bodies like ETSI SMG, 3GPP and OMA. Beginning 2008 he moved to NEC Europe in Heidelberg, Germany, continuing his standardisation activities. Dr. Swetina is equally at home in Vienna and Heidelberg. He is now vice chair of 3GPP SA1 (3GPP's requirements group) and represents NEC there. He is active in M2M standardisation in ETSI and 3GPP. Milan ZORIC, ETSI Centre for Testing and Interoperability Programme Committee Member Milan Zoric joined European Telecommunications Standards Institute in 1998. As Senior Techical Expert in the Centre for Testing & Interoperability his task is to provide expert support to ETSI Technical Committees in the area of protocol standards development and/or technical leadership and management of test specifications development. A typical example was a 5 year project that was at the heart of the joint work agreed at the time between ETSI and WiMAX Forum. The project developed and validated WiMAX/HiperMAN conformance test specifications. Recently Milan has been contributing to FP7 Projects in the domain of eHealth and lead a joint project with China Accademy of Telecom Research developing an IMS (IP MULTIMEDIA SUBSYSTEM) test tool. Milan received a Dipl.-Ing diploma in Electrical Engineering and M.Sc. in Telecommun¬ications and Information Technology from Univer¬sity of Zagreb, Croatia in 1972 and 1982 respec¬tively. Before joing ETSI Milan worked in telecom industry and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Zagreb, Croatia where he contributed to numerous research and development projects. With his strong expertise in specification techiques and languages he also contributed to related standardization activities in ITU-T and ETSI. SPEAKERS Roberto GAVAZZI, Telecom Italia After completing his Electrical and Computer Science engineering studies at Politecnico in Turin, Roberto worked for three years in the aerospace area where he spent one year in Toulouse in a European Consortium for designing and developing SW for manned shuttles and satellites. Since then, Roberto has spent more than 15 years in Telecom Italia Laboratories in the telecommunication area focusing first on network management. Afterward Roberto was responsible for the 'Service Management' department unit. Since 2001 Roberto Gavazzi is responsible for Programs (projects cluster) of Service Developments for Telecom Italia. In the last period he worked on Convergent IMS based services (Messaging, Telecom Italia VideoPhone and WI FI VoIP IMS based services, Dual Mode VoIP service) with main focus in the services innovation and engineering area in the Telecom Italia Laboratories. He is currently involved in projects regarding M2M, Smart Grid, Smart City and Safecity and he is a member of the Architecture Board for the FI – PPP projects. Marc JADOUL, Alcatel-Lucent Marc Jadoul is Customer Marketing Director in Alcatel-Lucent, acting as EMEA marketing lead for the company's 'Internet of Things' program. Marc has 20 years experience in the ICT sector. Since he joined Alcatel in 1992, he has held positions in research & innovation, product, solution and portfolio management, marketing, communications, strategy, market and business development, and solutions consulting for fixed and mobile service providers worldwide. Holding a Masters Degree in Computer Science from the University of Brussels, he is author or co-author of over 90+ papers, magazine articles and conference presentations, and a frequent speaker and panelist at industry events. Benoît JOUFFREY, Gemalto Benoît Jouffrey is VP m2m and mobile device management at Gemalto and VP m2m value added services at Cinterion, a Gemalto company. In this position he is in charge of all cards and services delivered to the machine-to-machine (m2m) market. Benoît is also chairing the SIMalliance m2m working group aiming at enhancing and promoting the role of the SIM in m2m environment with telecom operators, application developers and handset manufacturers. In 2009-2010, based in Overath (Germany) Benoît was heading the Gemalto Digital Life Management software activities and is still member of the supervisory board of O3SIS AG, a Gemalto company. From beginning 2008 until July 2009 he was VP Strategy & Development for the Gemalto Telecom Business Unit coordinating notably the Gemalto telecom strategy and the telecom long range plan. He held before various sales management positions at Gemplus (now Gemalto). From 1993 until 1999 Benoît was previously with Credit Agricole Indosuez (formerly Banque Indosuez). Thomas KESSLER, Deutsche Telekom Thomas Kessler received his diploma degree in communications engineering from the Technical University of Brunswick, Germany, in 1987. He joined the Research Centre of Deutsche Telekom in Darmstadt, Germany, as a Scientific Staff Member. He worked on the research and development of DSL. From 1998 to 2002 he was delegate in the ETSI working group TM6. During his time at T-Systems he was also involved in other network technologies like Ethernet, optical transport, Storage Area Networks, and coaxial networks. Since 2008 he is working in the fixed network standardization group of Deutsche Telekom. His actual topics are DSL, Home Networks, PLC and M2M (focus on Smart Energy). He currently participates in the ETSI Technical Committees M2M, ATTM, PLT, and TISPAN. Ulrich T. KEULING, 7 Layers AG Business Development Ulrich has 25 years working experiences in the telecommunications area. After his diploma in electronics, he was working for Toshiba Electronics in England and Japan to set up a new telecommunication business unit. From 1994 to 2000, he was working in a management position at Deutsche Telecom Mobile to set up the value added services business. In 2000, he was the founder of a joint venture with Vodafone and Cap Gemini in London to establish the mobile data business. Ulrich was CEO of this start up and has managed the company successful until 2007. Since 2007, he is working as an independent management consultant and business angel. His specific working areas over more than 20 years are mobile managed services. He has brought together several companies and set up projects of managed data services and value added services. Today, his focus is in the M2M business and future pan European road toll services. Since 2009, he is working for 7 Layers AG in the field of new business development and interoperability management services. Shashidhar KRISHNAMURTHY, HCL Technologies Shashidhar Krishnamurthy is Global Practice Director, Engineering and R&D Services (ERS), HCL Technologies and has been focusing on Product Engineering in Telecom and Convergence technologies for last 20 years + in HCL. He has designed and developed several products in enterprise network, wireless and consumer electronics space and has held several leadership positions in Delivery, Business Development and Solution Strategy in HCL ERS Group. His current focus is in creating new technology solutions and IPs that will drive the Convergence market for next few years and M2M, IPv6, Mobility and Automation are some of the key areas. Holding an Engineering Degree in Electronics and Communications from the University of Mysore, he is author or co-author of over 20+ papers, magazine articles and conference presentations, and a frequent speaker and panelist at industry events like CES etc." Manfred KUBE, CINTERION, a Gemalto Company Manfred Kube is responsible for the mHealth segment within the business development group at CINTERION, a Gemalto company. His role includes the assessment of market trends, analysis of eco systems and future business models, and support in the development of strategic business directions. Manfred has studied electrical engineering at the Technical University Munich and the University of Melbourne and did an MSc programme at the Institute for IT in Healthcare in Konstanz. He looks back on more than 10 years of experience in the mobile business and M2M arena, consulting mobile network suppliers and mobile phone manufacturers. Manfred is a member of the GSMA embedded mobile working group for mHealth, the Continua Health Alliance mobility task force and the EFMI working group Personal Portable Devices. Current focus areas include cellular based Tele Monitoring, Tele Care, Fitness Monitoring and Wellness, Chronic Care Management and Ambient Assisted Living.* Guang LU, InterDigital Guang Lu was elected as the rapporteur of the WG3 of ETSI TC M2M in 2011, where she is responsible for developing the Stage 3 specification for ETSI M2M. Guang joined the R&D department of InterDigital in 2001 as a senior research engineer. Throughout her career she has worked on system architecture and solutions on various technologies including UMTS, IEEE 802.11, LTE, media independent handover (IEEE 802.21), media mobility, and M2M. Guang has contributed to various standard organizations including 3GPP, IEEE, IETF, and ETSI. Prior to joining InterDigital, Guang worked on Broadband Wireless Access solutions at Nortel and Information Systems at Unisys. Guang received her Master's degree in Computer Science with a specialization in telecommunications from the University of Calgary. Helmut LEOPOLD, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Helmut Leopold holds a degree in Computer Science from the Vienna University of Technology and a degree in Electronics and Communications from the Technical College HTL Rankweil (Austria). He started his career as a research engineer in the field of high performance networking at Alcatel ELIN Research Center in 1989. Between 1994 and 1999 he worked at Alcatel Austria, where he was responsible for the Austrian CATV market. From 1999 until 2008 Helmut Leopold worked at Telekom Austria, where he held the position of Managing Director Platform and Technology Management and was responsible for IT, Network and Product Management Wholesale. During his assignment with Telekom Austria, Helmut Leopold played a leading role in the innovation process of the company and was the driving force behind Telekom Austria´s IPTV and NGN transformation programs with a special focus on IT and network management. Since January 2009, Helmut Leopold has joined the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, where he currently holds the position of Department Head. He was chairman of the "Broadband Services Forum (BSF)", Vice President of the Austrian Telecommunication Research Center (FTW). Moreover, he has served on the Boards of many companies providing strategic, technology and business leadership. Helmut Leopold is President of the Austrian Organization for Information and Communication Technology (GIT) and Board Member of the Austrian Electrotechnical Association (ÖVE). Helmut Leopold has always been actively involved in numerous research programs at European level as well as in international standardization processes. Moreover, he has served on the Boards of many companies providing strategic, technology and business leadership. Per LJUNGBERG, Ericsson Per Ljungberg is project manager at Ericsson Corporate Research in Stockholm for new industry solutions. He joined Ericsson in 1990 to work on the GSM system. Since then he has worked with system engineering and systems architecture for mobile systems (GSM/UMTS) in various R&D positions in Stockholm and at Ericsson Eurolab in Aachen, Germany. He is currently working with business development and applied research for m2m applications. He holds a Master's Degree in Computer Science from the University of Linköping, Sweden. Oliver MAIWALD, Dialog Semiconductor B.V, Oliver Maiwald started architecting and developing DECT data applications in 1997. Since 1999 he works for Dialog Semiconductor in the marketing and technical customer support department especially in the strategic fields of digital cordless, home networking and gaming applications. Beginning 2008 Oliver invented the idea of DECT ULE. He is member of ETSI TC DECT, TC DECT ULE and board member of DECT Forum and several other working groups. Oliver Maiwald holds a masters degree in electrical engineering from the University of Hanover in Germany. Yuichi MORIOKA, Sony Europe Limited Yuichi Morioka is a principal researcher of wireless telecommunications at Sony Europe Limited. Since joining Sony Corporation in 2002, he has been extensively involved in various wireless standards including WiFi (IEEE 802.11), WiMedia and ZigBee. He is currently active in 3GPP RAN1/RAN2 standardization, focusing on incorporating LTE technology to the M2M space. He graduated from the Department of Information and Computer Science of Keio University, Japan under the supervision of Professor Masao Nakagawa, a pioneer in CDMA technologies. Toon NORP, TNO Information and Communication Technology Toon Norp is a Business Consultant at TNO Information and Communication Technology. Toon Norp joined TNO (former KPN Research) in 1991, where he has since been working on network aspects of mobile communications. Toon advises European operators on strategy, impact analysis, RFI/RFQ and architecture design related to mobile core network, IMS, and M2M. He has been involved in standardisation of mobile networks architecture aspects and requirements for 15 years. In 2008, Toon initiated the work item Network Improvements for Machine Type Communications in 3GPP SA1 and is now rapporteur and the chairman of the M2M Subworking Group in 3GPP SA1. Toon holds a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands. Barbara PAREGLIO, Ericsson, ETSI TC M2M WG2 Barbara Pareglio has been working in several aspects of Telecommunication for more than 13 years. After joining Ericsson in 1998, Barbara has work in several areas of the telecommunication, but primarily in the area of the Intelligent Networks and the supplementary services. She held several positions within Ericsson, from developer, system architecture and overall coordinator of standardization activities in several areas. She holds a degree in Electronic and Telecommunication engineering at the Politecnico in Turin. Gilles PRIVAT, Orange Labs Dr. Gilles Privat received engineering and doctoral degrees in systems theory from TELECOM ParisTech Institute. He has been a research associate with CNRS and a research engineer and head of a research group with CNET, a french public research laboratory in telecommunications. He has been since 2000 a senior scientist and project leader with the 'Human Interface' and 'Technologies' Divisions of France Telecom R&D, currently Orange Labs, where he pioneered the new research theme of 'smart devices' that has from then on branched out into Ambient Intelligence/Smart Spaces and M2M/Internet of Things. He is currently working in applications of M2M technology to energy management and the smart grid. He has authored or co-authored more than 60 technical peer-reviewed publications and holds 12 patents. Luis Jorge ROMERO, ETSI Luis Jorge Romero, Director General of ETSI has over 20 years international experience in the telecommunications sector. His career has successfully run between the technological innovation and the development of new businesses, be it as a freelancer or as part of the top management team in several companies of the Telefónica group. Among his achievements we can highlight his involvement in the start up of Telefonica Romania in 1993 and in Médi Télécom (Morocco) in 1999, his participation in the merger of Telefonica Moviles Mexico and Pegaso Comunicaciones in 2002 or the set up of Telefonica Moviles Spain roaming business from scratch. Besides, Mr. Romero has led several initiatives within different associations in the telecom sector, such as the Spanish Technology Platform for Wireless Communications in Spain, the Ecosystem Working Group in the NGMN Alliance or the Services Review Group in the GSM Association. Asit SOM, Vodafone Global, Machine-to-Machine Asit is an M2M Solution Architect with Vodafone Global Enterprise based in UK and has responsibility for solution sales in the North European market. He is an engineering Graduate with over 10 years of energy utility experience in systems engineering of telemetry and communication systems at Oil and Natural Gas Corporation and at Power Grid Corporation. He completed his Master's degree in Energy Systems from IIT and is also an MBA. Prior to joining Vodafone in 2001, he was responsible for technical sales and project marketing at Cisco Systems, Siemens, Asea Brown Boveri and Philips. Asit is a member of Cigre, IEEE-USA and IET-UK. He has previously authored and published papers for International and National conferences. Larry Taylor, ZigBee Alliance Larry Taylor represents the ZigBee Alliance as Director of Standards Development Europe promoting the adoption of ZigBee specifications. Larry is active in both ETSI M2M and ERM TG28 in work related to Smart Energy, Smart Metering and Smart Grid and is also an active participant in ETSI responses to EC Mandates on Smart Metering and Smart Grid. Larry is a regular contributor to IEEE and other international standards on wireless communications. Larry's career spans the computer and communications industries over more than 30 years and he now leads DTC (UK), a specialist consulting company providing services in wireless communications standards. Larry holds degrees in Physics and Computer Science from the University of London. Fumihiko TOMITA (I3C/TTC and NICT, Japan) Dr. Fumihiko "Tom" Tomita is responsible for the leadership in future inter-industry ICT innovation projects in the Telecommunication Technology Committee (TTC), and also in the research strategy in the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan. He received the B.S. degree in physics and the M.S. and Ph.D. degree in geophysics from the Tohoku University of Japan. After the Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Science of the Tohoku University, he joined the Radio Research Laboratory (RRL), the direct ancestor of NICT. He launched the "Space Weather Program" in Japan in 1988, and, has been supervising much kind of research strategy and program in NICT. He has been a Director of the Kashima Space Research Center, an Executive Director of the Basic Research Department, an Executive Director of the Planning Department of the NICT, and a Secretary General of the ICT Standardization and Intellectual Property Promotion Center (iSIPc) since 2008, and a Director General of the Inter-Industry Innovation Center, TTC since 2011. He has been interested in the next-generation smarter communication world based on ICT. Especially, an on-going revolution around new energy vehicles and smarter energy environment has a potential to be an entrance to the new social infrastructure for the world sustainable human happiness. Bruno Conde TOMÁS, Portugal Telecom Bruno C. Tomás received the BsC in Electrical and Computer Engineering and the MsC (major in Telecommunications and minor in Energy) from the Technical University of Lisbon. Before joining the industry he conducted research in the Image Group of the Telecommunications Institute of Portugal under the supervision of Professor Fernando Pereira, a pioneer in MPEG standardization activities. Since joining Portugal Telecom, he has worked on multi platform TV architectures (IPTV, DTT, RFoGPON, DVB-T, Mobile and OTT), network platforms, services engineering and headends management. He is currently working in the innovation management division and his role includes the strategic analysis of new long term technologies and actively contribute to standardization activities in M2M and IoT arenas. He is involved in the M2M working group which is defining a future proof strategy for both domestic and international market. Musa UNMEHOPA, Alcatel-Lucent MUSA UNMEHOPA is a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff in the Software, Services and Solutions group at Alcatel-Lucent, where he is a senior manager for converged applications and services standards. His career in the communications industry spans 15 years, first at Bell Labs, and now at Alcatel-Lucent. Musa, a member of the Alcatel-Lucent Technical Academy, has held several key leadership positions in various standards organizations and industry consortia, including vice-chairman of 3GPP CT5 and chairman of the OMA Architecture working group. Musa currently serves as the chairman of the Technical Plenary of the Open Mobile Alliance. Musa has co-authored two books: 'The Open Mobile Alliance' on enablers for mobile applications, and 'Parlay/OSA - From Standards to Reality' on application programming interfaces for telecommunications networks. He has published numerous journal and conference papers, holds two patents, and has several patents pending in the area of service mediation and application technology. Musa holds an M.Sc degree in Computer Science from the Technical University of Twente in the Netherlands, and is currently an MBA candidate at the University of Bradford in the UK, and at TiasNimbas Business School, in the Netherlands. Jason WALLS, University of New Hampshire Jason Walls is a senior technologist and technical ‘evangelist' for Broadband technologies for the University of New Hampshire InterOperability laboratory. In his current role he is overseeing the creation of a new department at the University that seeks to unify UNH's academic, technical, and political experience around the topic of Broadband. He has broad experience working directly with industry forums and standards bodies, vendors, and service providers alike. Jason began working in the InterOperability Laboratory as an undergraduate in 2001. While finishing his degree he was primarily responsible for completing the development of the test automation system software used to perform repeatable DSL physical layer interoperability testing. Upon completing an MBA in 2007, he took over the role as manager for the UNH-IOL's Broadband testing programs and was integral in the creation of test events for Broadband Forum TR-069, eventually forming its own testing program for TR-069 testing. Jason works closely with several standard bodies, including the ITU-T and Broadband Forum. He holds the co-chair position of the Broadband Forum BroadbandHome Working Group, the working group responsible for the CWMP protocol, and assists in the direction and development of various test programs across the industry. MBA University of New Hampshire 2007 Email: