Green Supply Chain Management: A Review and Research Direction Abstract

Green Supply Chain Management: A Review and Research Direction
Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) has appeared as an environmental innovation which
integrates environmental concerns into supply chain management. GSCM has gained popularity
with both academic and practitioners. The purpose of the paper is to briefly review the recent
literatures of the GSCM and also determine the new direction area of this emerging field. A
detailed review is used to sort out the literature and develop the research direction of the study.
The review is focused on development of GSCM in a developed and developing countries
including all those researchers which is relevant to environmental and social sustainability
towards operation management and the supply chain. It shows that lack researches to examine
the adoption and implementation of GSCM practices especially in developing countries such as
Malaysia. Thus, the authors bring forward a proposed research direction on GSCM adoption and
implementation in Malaysia’s manufacturing industries.