JOHNSTON MIDDLE SCHOOL BROADCAST JOURNALISM HANDBOOK 2013-2014 WELCOME TO PARENTS Welcome to Johnston’s Broadcast Journalism Program! You have chosen to become part of an exceptional program in the arts education. The 20132014 school year promises to be an exciting and challenging one with various television productions varying from the daily morning news bulletins, to special weekly news features highlighting our rich and diverse culture at Johnston. In this era of technology and science, many schools are phasing out the arts. We at Johnston Middle School know that the arts play a vital role in every individual’s life and that this is a great opportunity for students to gain valuable familiarity with the world of news production. We are dedicated to enabling our students to work in a team toward our common goal of excellence. Journalism is society’s rendezvous with expression. It asks, explains and ponders. The broadcast journalism program at Johnston emphasizes news gathering, reporting and writing. It includes sections on newsroom practice, newsroom roles, interviewing, story structuring, news values, the functions and power of the media, history, law ethics and feature writing. The world’s most effective form of communication can be summed up in 4 words: ‘Tell me a story’. This handbook is designed to answer your questions about the Broadcast Journalism program at Johnston. Please read it carefully, sign the forms, and return it to Mrs. Arlt. Thank you. Cordially, Vinne Edward- Arlt Broadcast Journalism BROADCAST JOURNALISM 2013-2014 GENERAL POLICY STATEMENT Students enter our magnet program through the audition process in their primary areas of interests. Students will remain in that discipline for their three years at Johnston and will not be permitted to leave their primary area of interest. Should a student wish to change their area of acceptance, he/she must reapply and audition in February for the following year. Students are also expected to remain in their second magnet class throughout their time in our program unless there is sufficient reason (schedule conflict or after conference with teachers, change deemed necessary) presented to necessitate a change. BROADCAST JOURNALISM 2013-2014 BROADCAST JOURNALISM 2013-2014 CLASS DESCRIPTION Beginners: This class typically caters to 6 graders. The class focuses on media development, news gathering and writing and journalistic history, law and ethics. The use of television production technology will also be introduced. Intermediate: This group of students are typically 7th graders who are work in teams researching, planning and filming news features and commercial that will be aired on the morning news bulletins. Advanced: The advanced class comprises of students who have been in the program for two years and are thus equipped with the skills and knowledge to produce a news bulletin. The class is basically run as a newsroom with students working to produce the Johnston morning news bulletin. FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS The broadcast journalism room is equipped with state-of-the art Apple computers that will be primarily used for editing. There are also computers that will be available for research. Cameras and accessories are also available to students for taping. FEES A broadcast journalism fee of $75.00 is required of each student. Monies will be used to purchase cameras and tapes for the camera, computers and for the maintenance of all the production equipment. BROADCAST JOURNALISM 2013-2014 GRADING POLICY Classwork 25% Homework 10% Quizzes 20% Test/Assessments 30% Projects/Products 15% STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES As a member of a broadcast journalism group, you belong to one of the most respected organizations in the school and you are a vital part of a team. Without you, the team is not complete. Everyone’s best effort makes the team powerful and exciting, your loyalty and cooperation will reflect as you: 1. Honor your commitments. Better yet, be ready to give a little extra when it is needed. 2. When you are out of class filming or conducting an interview, please act responsibly. (If you choose to misbehave and not take care of the equipment, you will lose your privilege to use the broadcast equipment for a week. You will also not be allowed to leave the classroom for a week for any interview purposes). 3. Be prepared to give your best in class. Be attentive and ready to perform your given task. Have your supplies in class daily. 4. When away from our school, represent it with your best behavior. 5. Rewards: you will be proud of yourself and your group, and you will experience the sense of achievement, which all successful teams enjoy. REMEMBER: BE SUCCESSFUL PROMPT, BROADCAST JOURNALISM 2013-2014 BE PREPARED, BE RESPONSIBLE, BE ELIGIBILITY A six weeks grade of 69 or below in any class renders a student “ineligible to participate” in any extra curricular activities. The following activities are permissible for students who are otherwise “ineligible”. 1. After school rehearsals. 2. On campus concerts (where no admission is charged). 3. Field trips, which do not interfere with attendance in any class failed. “Ineligible” students are not allowed to participate in the following: 1. Any competition. 2. Concerts for which tickets are sold. 3. “Fun” or non-educational activities. *If a student has raised the grade in question after a period of 3 weeks, then the student will be returned to “eligible” status. BROADCAST JOURNALISM 2013-2014 JOHNSTON MIDDLE SCHOOL MEDIA RELEASE FORM I hereby give my permission to Johnston Middle School to release my child’s name, photograph, interview, or article to local and national news media only when my child is involved in school activities. I agree to participate in this program throughout the school year (20132014 without remuneration only when such name, photograph, interview, or article is used for non-profit, public, newsworthy purposes. I release Johnston Middle School from future claims arising from the use of said interview when same is used for non-profit, public, newsworthy purposes. Name of Child: ____________________________________ (Please print or type) Address: ________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian: ____________________________ Date: _______________________ BROADCAST JOURNALISM 2013-2014 JOHNSTON MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENT AGREEMENT I have read the Broadcast Journalism Department Handbook and agree to abide by all rules and procedures listed therein. _____________________________ Student Signature _____________________________ Telephone BROADCAST JOURNALISM 2013-2014 ________________________ Parent Signature ________________________ Date Returned